Management accounting of foreign exchange transactions. Maintaining management accounting in different currencies Management accounting of foreign exchange transactions

Currency operations

Management accounting of foreign exchange transactions

In the “Trade Management for Ukraine” configuration, it is possible to maintain multi-currency accounting. The number of currencies in which funds are recorded in various bank accounts (at various cash desks), as well as the accounting of mutual settlements with various counterparties, is not limited.

The methodology presented in this section was modeled on the “Trade Management for Ukraine” configuration, edition 2.3, release 2.3.1.

Management and regulated accounting currencies

Management and regulated accounting currencies are constants that must be set before starting to work with the program. Management and regulated accounting currencies are set in the accounting parameters settings on the “Currencies” tab.

The currency of management accounting is the currency in which accounting and planning of all enterprise activities is carried out: the cost of goods; settlements with counterparties and accountable persons; Money; turnover and profit from sales; costs.

The currency of regulated accounting is the currency in relation to which the rates of all other currencies are set; In addition, VAT and retail sales are recorded in the currency of regulated accounting. Therefore, the currency of regulated accounting is almost always the national currency.

The currencies of management and regulated accounting cannot be changed while working with the system, even if you cancel the posting of all documents. This is explained by the fact that in most primary documents the exchange rate is entered. If you change the currency of regulated accounting, you would have to re-enter each document and manually change the exchange rate in it (the exchange rate is set in relation to the currency of regulated accounting. If the currency changes, then the exchange rate changes). Therefore, you should take the choice of currencies for management and regulated accounting extremely seriously; it will no longer be possible to change them.

Exchange rates

For each currency, you must regularly enter its current exchange rate. This course will be used when accounting for the activities of an enterprise. It is especially important to timely and correctly enter the management accounting currency rate if it does not coincide with the regulated accounting currency, i.e. with national currency.

Depending on the accounting purposes, the trading enterprise independently determines at what rate to account for currencies - at the Central Bank rate or at the commercial rate.

Exchange rates are set in the “Currencies” directory. If a trading enterprise operates at the Central Bank rate, then current exchange rates can be automatically downloaded when you first enter the program from the FINaNCE.Ua website: Ukrainian finance, exchange rates, loans, deposits, banks, companies (

In order for currency rates to be loaded automatically when entering the program, you must set the “Download daily” flag in the processing settings “Loading currency rates” and save the setting.

Sometimes organizations need to buy or sell foreign currency. The situation can be many things. For example, you import or export goods, send employees on business trips abroad, repay a loan in foreign currency, etc.

Current legislation obliges organizations to revaluate currency balances into rubles at the established rate. If an exchange rate difference arises in a positive direction for you, it is reflected as other income in accounting and as non-operating income in NU. The amount of the negative difference is taken into account in the same way, only for expenses.

In this article, we will use an example to look at how currency conversion operations are carried out in 1C 8.3 and consider their transactions, namely the purchase and sale of currency.

Before you start working with currency, you need to configure the program.

In the event that a transfer between a foreign currency and ruble account takes more than a day, you will need to use an intermediate account.

From the "Main" section, go to.

In the window that opens, find the item called “Account 57 “Transfers in transit” is used when moving funds” and mark it with a flag. This add-on does not need to be enabled.

It is also recommended to check the installation of another add-in. In the "Administration" menu, select "Functionality". In the settings window that appears, open the “Calculations” tab and check whether the checkbox for “Calculations in foreign currency and monetary units” is checked. We already had it installed by default.

In the “Directories” section, select “Currencies”.

You will see a list of all currencies added to the program with their rates. In this form, click on the “Download exchange rates...” button.

The program will prompt you to select those foreign currencies for which you need to download rates. Select the checkboxes and click on the “Download and Close” button. The default is the current date, but it can be changed.

Now you can proceed directly to our example of selling and buying currency in 1C 8.3.

Sale of currency

Write-off of foreign currency

Let's consider an example when our organization needs to sell $7,000 to Sberbank for rubles. Initially, a payment order is created in 1C and based on it. We will not consider the payment order itself, and will immediately move on to processing the write-off, since it is this order that makes the necessary transactions.

Specify “Other settlements with counterparties” as the type of transaction. The recipient in our case is Sberbank PJSC. We have already concluded an agreement with him with settlements in USD. It is selected in the card of this document. The picture below shows a card of this agreement.

We will also write off accounting account 52 (Currency accounts) and settlement account 57.22 (Sales of foreign currency). In addition, you must indicate your organization and bank account.

Let's review the document and look at its postings. You can see that not only the write-off itself was reflected, but also exchange rate differences.

If the currency has changed its value since the last currency transaction, a posting will be added to 1C for calculating the revaluation of currency balances (if revaluation is configured).

Receipt to the current account

After the bank receives $7,000, it will transfer it to us in ruble equivalent. The program takes into account the document.

The receipt is filled in automatically after unloading from the client bank. However, it is recommended to check the completed details, especially the account and amount.

The movements of this document are shown in the figure below.

Buying currency

In case of purchasing currency in 1C 8.3, you need to perform the same actions as in the previous example.

In this situation, the write-off will look like “Other settlements with the counterparty”. In transactions for the purchase of currency, instead of 57.22 there will be 57.02 (Purchase of foreign currency). Receipts to the account will have the form “Purchase of foreign currency”.

To view the answer, click on the question itself or on “+” (to the left of the question)

How quickly will I receive the product ordered on the website?

  • When paying by credit card or paying through a terminal, new forms will be sent to your email address instantly!
  • When paying via bank account, select the payment method “Issue invoice for payment”. After confirming your order, you will see a page with an invoice for payment. The forms will be sent to you on the day the payment is received in our account.

Is it possible to pay by bank transfer?

Yes. To do this, at the payment stage, select “Issue an invoice for payment.” After confirming the order, a letter with our IP details will be sent to your email address.

After payment, send a scan of the payment slip to (manager@site) and we will send links to the forms or wait until the money arrives in our bank account.

Is it possible to obtain accounting documents?

Yes, sure. We work officially and provide all accounting documents from our individual entrepreneur. We will send the contract and the act of completed work (or the act of transfer of the right to use the product) to your mailing address. For products costing less than 1,500 rubles, documents will be sent upon request. In other cases, we send documents automatically.

Do you work with VAT?

The individual entrepreneur on whose behalf the documents are issued works on a simplified taxation system, without VAT.

Is it safe to enter bank card details?

Yes, sure. After clicking on the “Confirm order” button, you will proceed to payment in the popular Yandex.Cash or Coin system. It is on their website that you enter your bank card details, and our website will only receive notifications from Yandex.Checkout (Coin) that the payment was successful. Payment works similarly in stores such as OZON, M.Video, Detsky Mir, Yulmart, etc.