Freedom definition social studies. Dictionary of social studies

Social studies test Freedom in human activity for 11th grade students with answers. The test consists of 3 parts and is intended to test knowledge on the topic Problems of socio-political and spiritual life. In part 1 - 10 tasks, in part 2 - 4 tasks, in part 3 - 2 tasks.

1. The words “Freedom is a conscious necessity” belong to

1) T. Hobbes
2) G. Hegel
3) J.J. Rousseau
4) J. Locke

2. The philosophical concept according to which everything in the world and in human life is predetermined by fate and fate is called

1) fatalism
2) existentialism
3) materialism
4) idealism

3. One of the currents in philosophical thought, which pays great attention to the concept of “freedom” and defines it as a person’s choice of one of countless possibilities, is called

1) fatalism
2) existentialism
3) materialism
4) idealism

4. The view that people do nothing of their own free will, but depending on the foreknowledge of God, belongs to

1) M. Eden
2) M. L. King
3) M. Luther
4) F. Engels

5. From the time of Socrates to the present day, the philosophical question of whether people have real control over their decisions and actions is the question of freedom.

1) will
2) words
3) conscience
4) religion

6. J. P. Sartre and M. Heidegger, who saw in man a bearer of absolute freedom opposing the outside world, essentially reducing free will to self-will, are representatives

1) atheistic existentialism
2) objective idealism
3) Marxism
4) anarchism

7. A worldview that views every event and every human act as an inevitable realization of primordial predestination, excluding free choice and chance, is called

1) idealism
2) objectivism
3) extremism
4) fatalism

8. The idealistic direction in philosophy, which considers will as the fundamental principle of the world, contrasting it with the objective laws of nature, is called

1) idealism
2) voluntarism
3) rationalism
4) fatalism

9. The statement that the mere consciousness of freedom, without the possibility of its practical embodiment in activity, is only an illusion of real freedom, is characteristic of representatives

1) objective idealism
2) existentialism
3) Marxism
4) subjective idealism

10. Towards constitutional rights in Russia Not applies:

1) freedom of speech
2) freedom of assembly
3) freedom of action
4) freedom of conscience

1. Read the text below, each position of which is indicated by a specific letter.

(A) Over the centuries, the philosophical understanding of freedom has changed. (B) Thus, in the early stages of the development of human thought (for example, in Ancient Greece), freedom was most often considered the possibility of organizing the life of a person and a state on the basis of reason, despite blind fate. (B) According to scientists operating within the framework of the sociological approach, freedom comes down to the possibility of a person changing his place in the system of the social whole. (D) Proponents of the ethical-psychological approach consider freedom as freedom of expression and the ability to suppress or control the will of another person.

Determine which text provisions

1) reflect the facts
2) express opinions

2. Below is a list of terms. All of them, with the exception of one, characterize the concept of “freedom”.
State, will, conscious necessity, independence, responsibility.
Find and indicate a term that refers to another concept.

3. Fill in the missing concept.

__________ is a person’s ability to act in accordance with his interests, goals, to make the intended choice within the framework of specific conditions, responsibility and consciousness.

4. Read the text below, in which a number of words are missing. Select from the list provided the words that need to be inserted in place of the gaps.

In __________ (A) existentialism, a large place is occupied by the formulation and solution of the problem of freedom, which is defined as the choice of __________ (B) one of countless __________ (C). The question of freedom was turned by existentialists into a purely ethical problem and freedom is understood by them in the spirit of extreme __________ (D), as __________ (D) individuals from __________ (E).

The words in the list are given in the nominative case. Each word (phrase) can be used only once. Choose one word after another, mentally filling in each gap. Please note that there are more words in the list than you will need to fill in the blanks.

List of terms:

1) personality
2) philosophy
3) individualism
4) society
5) freedom
6) team
7) opportunities

1. You are instructed to prepare a detailed answer on the topic “Social norms as a limiter of freedom.” Make a plan according to which you will cover this topic. The plan must contain at least three points, of which two or more are detailed in subparagraphs.

2. Choose one of the statements below, reveal its meaning, indicating, if necessary, different aspects of the problem posed by the author (the topic raised). When expressing your thoughts on various aspects of the problem raised (the designated topic), when arguing your point of view, use the knowledge gained from studying the social studies course, relevant concepts, as well as facts of social life and your own life experience.

1) “You can fight for freedom legally only if you already have it” (T. Kotarbinski).
2) “For freedom, all heights are achievable” (M. Gorky).
3) “Freedom is responsibility. That's why everyone is so afraid of her." (J.B. Shaw).

Answers to the social studies test Freedom in human activity
Part 1
Part 2
1. 1222
2. state
3. freedom
4. 217354

Each person has his own concept of a free society: freedom of thought, the right to choose, liberation from stereotypes... A society free from the shackles of government and unnecessary tyranny on the part of the authorities is considered the most desirable in the modern world.


Complete free-thinking, the absence of barriers to challenging anyone's ideas, the low level of influence of various power structures on individuals - all this, according to many years of research, cannot be fully realized in a reasonable society. Most scientists consider a free society to be a utopia, and all because such a dream cannot be realized within certain limits, since in any case the rights of other people will be infringed.

For example, during the consideration of someone's proposal, some people will be unhappy and express their dissatisfaction directly to the author of the idea. Due to the unfoundedness of such a protest, any important bill will not be able to enter into legal force, which is fraught with inhibition of the further development of society.

The term "free society": what do people mean by it?

For many, this concept is associated with liberation in behavior, in choosing a sexual partner (bisexuality, homosexuality), as well as with anarchy and complete lawlessness. Rarely are individuals able to fully understand what a free society truly is. The concept of such social groups is deciphered as follows: the rights of the state are limited, it has the ability to intervene in the life of an individual if necessary to maintain the normal functioning and development of society. That is, power structures representing power can control a person only if there is a possible threat from him to other people.

Signs of a free society

A free-thinking society, where the key figure is the people and their needs, cannot develop without certain factors. The freedom of everyone consists not only in his right to choose, but also in the opportunity to act as he pleases, naturally, within the framework of established principles and morals.

The following are considered signs:

  • Freedom of business activity.
  • A large number of political parties representing the interests of different segments of the population.
  • Democracy, chosen as the main option for government.
  • The daily life of citizens is regulated remotely, using generally accepted democratic laws and

Sociological models of society

The various models of a free society, as well as other social groups, are presented below:

  • Functionalist. Society is a stable and relatively stable, integrated structure. It consists of a society whose activities are aimed at ensuring stability, while taking into account the values ​​of the people.
  • Sociocultural. Combines the doctrine of man from sociology and anthropology. The following aspects are important here: morality, social norms, the role of man in the environment, family, the relationship of people with each other.
  • Conflict. Society is constantly changing, its changes can be both individual and large-scale. Social conflicts are inevitable, since society is based on forcing some individuals to submit to others.


Despite the fact that the very concept of a free society is considered a utopia, there are 2 types of political systems of government used in different states. Examples of a free society:

  • Liberal state.
  • Democratic state.

Civil society can also be called free. And from history, the USSR could be cited as an example. But there is one nuance here. Since the formation of the Land of Soviets, the word “freedom” has appeared in almost every slogan of various parties. However, over time, it became clear that the population of the state could hardly be called a free society. Of course, utopia was present in some aspects, but still the authorities exercised total control over their citizens (KGB, intelligence, “vigilant fellow citizens,” vigilantes).

Democratic state

Democracy is the fundamental way of governing a country in general and members of various social groups in particular. This is a rather complex, multifaceted concept. A society free from excessive attention from justice, and also aimed at realizing the will, desires and interests of the people, is democratic. In modern politics, it is rare to find states that elect an exclusively democratic regime of government.


A society, free and democratic, cannot exist without certain conditions. Its development is directly related to the presence of:

  • Suffrage (and for every member of society).
  • Equality, freedom of speech.
  • State power, completely dependent on the opinion and will of the people.
  • Parties, organizations that meet the preferences and interests of citizens.

Liberal State

In liberalism, the personal freedom of each individual citizen is considered the prerogative. Moreover, democracy, various moral principles and foundations are the means to achieve freedom. In a liberal state, any attempts on the part of the authorities to control the spiritual and economic activities of the population are unacceptable. However, there is one thing in a political regime of this kind: a society free from pressure from law enforcement agencies and other instruments of power is not completely free. The state still controls individuals, as if saying: “You can change and do whatever you want, but the power cannot be changed.” considered an unstable, transitional form of government.


Liberalism is characterized by the following features:

  1. Political instability.
  2. Continuous education of various propaganda
  3. to the judicial, executive, legislative, in order to protect citizens from possible arbitrariness on the part of any structures.
  4. Implementation of programs that do not have power and popularity among the people.
  5. A call for free market relations and recognition of private property.
  6. Acceptance of the rights and freedoms of the people, development of sources of information independent from the authorities.

Personal freedom is one of the highest human values ​​and this concept is considered by various sciences: philosophy, political science, sociology. But there are different views and interpretations of this category. Let's consider these interpretations and learn briefly about freedom and necessity in human activity.

Freedom concept

Freedom is the ability of a person to act as he wishes, to freely realize his interests and needs.

The main signs of freedom:

  • this category is enshrined in the Universal Declaration of Freedom;
  • it is not unlimited, since complete freedom of action of one person can violate the rights of another;
  • limited freedom to respect the rights of others is also intended to facilitate a person's choice.

A person, having complete freedom of action, will not be able to make a choice. For example, the philosopher J. Buridan wrote a story illustrating this statement. In it, a donkey standing between two identical haystacks could not make up his mind and died of hunger.

Concept of necessity

This term can be defined as something that must certainly happen due to certain patterns.

There are many points of view on the question of what necessity is.

TOP 4 articleswho are reading along with this

  • religious theory

Some people believe that freedom does not exist, and human life depends entirely on the will of God. Others still share divine predestination and freedom, which, in their opinion, consists in the fact that a person can choose between good and evil.

  • philosophical theory

Proponents of this theory argue that there are laws in nature that act independently of man and are not subject to his will.


Restriction of freedom is associated with the influence of external and internal responsibility on a person. Let's understand these concepts.

  • external responsibility

There are established and recognized norms in society. If a person does not comply with them, then this causes condemnation. For example, moral standards require a person to treat older people with courtesy. If someone is rude and disrespectful towards elders, this causes a negative reaction from others.

  • internal responsibility

Internal responsibility is understood as a person’s internal awareness of the importance of observing rules and regulations, his readiness not only to accept existing laws, but also those sanctions (punishments) that will be applied to him in case of violations. For example, a person understands that he should always cross the road at a zebra crossing, since this rule was established for his safety.

What have we learned?

Freedom is a person’s ability to realize interests and needs without violating the rights of other people and taking into account his responsibility to society. This is necessity, that is, those laws that act independently of man, but must be observed by him. Freedom and necessity in human activity are recognized by modern states as significant and are enshrined in official documents.

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1. How was the concept of “freedom” connected with the political struggle in Modern and Contemporary times?

In New and Contemporary times, the desire for freedom, liberation from the shackles of despotism manifested itself with particular force. All revolutions wrote the word “freedom” on their banners. Few of the political leaders and revolutionary leaders did not vow to lead the masses under their leadership to true freedom.

2. What can unlimited freedom of choice lead to?

Unlimited freedom of choice will lead to chaos. If many people are given unlimited freedom, they will want a lot and will not know the limit, but on Earth many benefits are themselves limited and one must come to terms with this. In addition, rules and laws will disappear, there will be no punishment for such terrible crimes as theft and murder, etc. And the third scenario is related to the impossibility of absolute freedom. Such freedom would mean unlimited choice for a person, which would put him in an extremely difficult position when making a decision. The common noun expression “Buridan’s donkey” is widely known. The French philosopher J. Buridan (c. 1300 - 1358) is credited with a story about a donkey that was placed between two identical and equidistant armfuls of hay. Not deciding which armful to prefer, the donkey died of hunger. The same could happen to a person.

3. How is freedom interpreted in Christian teaching?

There is no freedom as such in the Christian faith. Christians see God's Providence here. Everything is predetermined for them. “God’s foreknowledge and omnipotence are diametrically opposed to our free will. Everyone will be forced to accept the inevitable consequence: we do nothing of our own free will, but everything happens out of necessity. Thus, we do nothing by free will, but everything depends on the foreknowledge of God,” said religious reformer Martin Luther. This position is defended by supporters of absolute predestination.

4. Show how knowledge of the objective laws of nature influences the conscious activity of people.

It is very important to take into account the objective laws of nature in your decisions so as not to get into a difficult situation. For example, if we know that in a given area there is an active volcano nearby, we will not build our housing here, because... this poses a danger.

5. What is social necessity expressed in?

In its most general form, social necessity means that people live in conditions in which they have unequal access to limited resources of material and spiritual consumption.

The main mechanisms of social necessity are relations of property, power (dominance and subordination), social (that is, socially assigned and hierarchized) division of labor, as well as uncontrolled, spontaneous social differentiation. Social necessity is perceived and experienced by many people (primarily the unemployed, economic migrants, those who find themselves at or below the poverty line) as a manifestation of injustice. Social necessity and the property stratification of society, as a rule, lead to increased social tension, especially during the transition period. This is precisely what is typical for Russia at present.

6. Explain the connection between the concepts of “freedom”, “choice”, “responsibility”.

The connection between these concepts is very significant: freedom implies the presence of options. Freedom of choice implies the individual's responsibility for the choice made.

In general, the term "free society" is used to refer to a society where political and economic ideals actually function. In the theory of a free society, all people have free access to power and the resources they need to realize their potential. A free society is based on three pillars: economic freedom, freedom of speech and freedom of religion.

Economic freedom is based on the functioning of the market free from any government interference. The only thing that is under the control of the state is the protection of property rights. Prices should be set only by participants in economic interactions based on supply and demand. With economic freedom, every manufacturer has the right to produce what he wants, and every buyer has the right to purchase any product from any manufacturer. Thus, in a free society there should be no monopolies, prices cannot be artificially inflated.

Freedom of speech implies the right of every person to voice his point of view and the absence of censorship. Although this right is used in a number of countries, in reality its implementation is very far from ideal. Freedom of religion means complete freedom to choose a religious denomination, as well as the right not to profess any religion at all.

A person should have the right to unlimited freedom in his own life, freedom to pursue his own goals, but only as long as he does not violate the rights of other people. Therefore, the state only needs to ensure the rights of each person, and not infringe on them. Only then is it possible to create a free society.


1. Give arguments supporting the conclusion about the impossibility of absolute, unlimited human freedom in society.

A person's life in society is limited by law. And no matter how much we would like to cross the street in an unspecified place, we will be punished, since this is a violation of traffic rules.

2. Which of the two statements below do you think is more true?

“Our life is a line that we must, at the behest of nature, describe on the surface of the globe, without being able to move away from it for a single moment.”

“The course of things seems inevitable only to those who have betrayed their convictions. History itself can neither force a person nor draw him into a dirty business. Man carries the whole weight of the world on his shoulders: he is responsible for the world and himself.”

3. Explain how you understand the expression: “Freedom is choice.”

Freedom is the absence of any restrictions or restrictions in anything. Accordingly, freedom gives a person the right to choose everything.

4. Describe the various models of a free society. What are your ideas about such a society?

A free society is a society unrestricted by any laws. It would be impossible to exist in such a society; chaos would ensue. Thus, an absolutely free society is an illusion, and any sufficiently educated and thinking person realizes this. It is only possible to strive for freedom, but at the same time it is important to act according to your conscience, without losing human dignity, and be sure to relate your actions to the comfort of others.

5. Sometimes freedom is understood as permissiveness. At the beginning of the 20th century. in Russian villages they sang the following ditty:

There is no God, there is no need for a king.

We'll kill the governor

We won't pay taxes

We won't become soldiers.

What consequences can this interpretation of freedom lead to? Concretize your answer with examples.

This interpretation of freedom leads to permissiveness, which gives rise to theft, murder, lies, etc., which was observed in Russian villages at the beginning of the 20th century. at the next strike against the landowner.

Do some of the topics included in the Unified State Exam codifier in social studies seem vague and philosophical to you, lacking specifics? Write an essay on this topic and you will better form your understanding of it.

Freedom is a conscious need

In my essay preparation course there are more than 50 training essays from 2013-2016 applicants analyzed by an Unified State Examination expert.

We end the essay with our own conclusion based on a paraphrase of the quote. You can give your own attitude to the author’s thoughts at the beginning, in the middle, and at the end of the essay.

I completely agree with the thought of the great philosopher. Indeed, restricting the freedom of an individual within reasonable limits is the protection of society from arbitrariness, impunity, and chaos in social life.

And this is what our view of the philosophical problem of freedom looks like, supported by knowledge of theory and philosophical concepts:

29.1 Philosophy.

“Freedom is a conscious necessity” (G. Hegel)

I see the meaning of the statement of the great German philosopher Hegel in the fact that a person cannot behave as he always considers necessary. His activities are limited by the framework of society, and he cannot go beyond them in his actions. The main idea of ​​the statement is the dependence of human activity on the foundations of society.

What is freedom? This is an opportunity to act independently, independently, relying on your own strength. A slave is not free, he depends on the will of his master.

What's happened necessity? This philosophical category can be understood in different ways. We cannot live (be free) without air (having it is a necessity).

These are our responsibilities, something without which there is no freedom. For example, the Constitution of the Russian Federation contains a list of not only the rights of a citizen, but also his duties. These are natural rights - to life, freedom, property, and political (to elect and be elected, to participate in government, to administer justice), and socio-economic (to work, education, medical care).

At the same time, obtaining basic general education for every citizen of the Russian Federation is a constitutional duty. And the simple need to have the knowledge necessary to live in modern society.

The concept of freedom has been found in many philosophical concepts. For example, in the theory of “social contract”, when creating a state, people consciously give up a part of their freedom in order to avoid mutual extermination. They obey the norms of state law - laws, and then they become in the full sense free - from the arbitrariness of others.

But the anarchists (Bakunin, Kropotkin) believed that the state does not allow a person to be free, so it must be destroyed. People will be able to live freely on the basis of mutual love. In 1874, the populist revolutionaries organized a “going to the people” of educated youth and students. They tried to explain to the peasants that the state, through the enslaving conditions of the peasant reform, had deprived them of their freedom. They agitated the peasants to rebel, not to pay taxes and redemption payments. But, they did not meet with sympathy, the movement failed. But it became one of the forms of struggle for “freedom” in the understanding of the intelligentsia of the 19th century.

What if a person is not limited by anything? What if he behaves completely freely? I think this is permissiveness! We see what a false understanding of freedom has led to today in Ukraine, where the country is falling apart, violence and crime reign in the streets.

Let us recall the character of Dostoevsky’s immortal “Crime and Punishment” - Raskolnikov. He posed the question for himself: “A trembling creature (not free) or do I have the right (free)?”, and answered it by killing a man. Has he become free from his conscience, hard labor, public contempt? No! He still had to eventually submit to the demands of society, repent and come to terms.

I completely agree with the thought of the great philosopher. Indeed, restricting the freedom of an individual within reasonable limits is the protection of society from arbitrariness, impunity, and chaos in social life.

Note that with the help of an essay you can work through not only the philosophical problematic topics of the codifier. But also any topic. Understanding the problem expressed in an essay on the topic is an indicator of a high level of mastery of the material. All that remains is to choose the right quote for training, which we are ready to help you with in the comments, as well as in our group