Experiments on why leaves are green. Research paper on the topic “Why do the leaves turn yellow?”

The child’s need for new impressions underlies the emergence and development of inexhaustible research (search) activity aimed at understanding the world around him. The more varied and intense the search activity, the more new information the child receives, the faster and more fully he develops. All researchers of experimentation in one form or another highlight the main feature of this cognitive activity: the child learns an object in the course of practical activities with it.



Experiment No. 1 “Smart Jackdaw”

Introduce the fact that the water level rises if objects are placed in the water.

A measuring container with water, pebbles, an object in the container.

The children are given a task: to get an object without putting their hand in the water. Children offer an option (for example, put pebbles in a vessel until the water level reaches the edges), and carry it out. They conclude: the pebbles, filling the container, push water out of it.

Experiment No. 2 “Labyrinth”

A cardboard box with a lid and partitions inside in the form of a labyrinth: in one corner there is a potato tuber, in the opposite there is a hole.

We place the tuber in the box, close it, place it in a warm, but not hot place, with the hole facing the light source. Open the box after potato sprouts emerge from the hole. We examine them, noting their direction and color (the sprouts are pale, white, twisted in search of light in one direction). Leaving the box open, we continue to observe the change in color and direction of the sprouts throughout the week. Children explain the result (a lot of light - the plant is good, it is green; little light - the plant is bad).

Experiment No. 3 “What do plants need for nutrition?”

Determine how the plant seeks light.

Indoor plants with hard leaves (ficus, sansevieria), adhesive plaster.

An adult offers the children a letter - a riddle: what will happen if light does not fall on part of the sheet (part of the sheet will be lighter). Children's assumptions are tested by experience: part of the leaf is covered with a plaster, the plant is placed near a light source for a week. After a week, the patch is removed. Children conclude: without light, food cannot be formed in plants.

Experiment No. 4 “What does the plant secrete?”

Establish that the plant produces oxygen. Understand the need for respiration for plants.

A large glass container with an airtight lid, a cutting of a plant in water or a small pot with a plant, a splinter, matches.

The adult invites the children to find out why it is so pleasant to breathe in the forest. Children assume that plants produce oxygen for human respiration. The assumption is proven by experience: a pot with a plant (or cutting) is placed inside a tall transparent container with an airtight lid. Place in a warm, bright place (if the plant provides oxygen, there should be more of it in the jar). After 1–2 days, the adult asks the children how to find out whether oxygen has accumulated in the jar (oxygen is burning). Observe the bright flash of flame from a splinter brought into the container immediately after removing the lid. Draw a conclusion using a model of the dependence of animals and humans on plants (plants are needed by animals and humans for breathing).

Experiment No. 5 “Do all leaves have food?”

Determine the presence of plant nutrition in the leaves.

Boiling water, begonia leaves (the reverse side is painted burgundy), a white container.

An adult suggests finding out whether there is food in leaves that are not colored green (in begonia, the reverse side of the leaf is painted burgundy). Children assume that there is no nutrition in this sheet. The adult invites the children to place the sheet in boiling water, examine it after 5–7 minutes, and sketch the result. The leaf turns green and the water changes color. They conclude that there is food in the leaf.

Experiment No. 6 “With and without water”

Identify the environmental factors necessary for the growth and development of plants (water, light, heat).

Two identical plants (impatiens), water.

An adult suggests finding out why plants cannot live without water (the plant will wither, the leaves will dry out, there is water in the leaves); what will happen if one plant is watered and the other is not (without watering the plant will dry out, turn yellow, the leaves and stem will lose their elasticity, etc.). The results of monitoring the condition of plants depending on watering are sketched over the course of one week. Create a model of plant dependence on water. Children conclude that plants cannot live without water.

Experiment No. 7 “In the light and in the dark”

Determine the environmental factors necessary for the growth and development of plants.

Onion, a box made of durable cardboard, two containers with soil.

An adult suggests finding out by growing onions whether light is needed for plant life. Cover part of the onion with a cap made of thick dark cardboard. Draw the result of the experiment after 7 - 10 days (the onion under the hood has become light). Remove the cap. After 7–10 days, draw the result again (the onion turns green in the light, which means nutrition has formed in it).

Experiment No. 8 “Chasing the Light”

Determine how the plant seeks light.

Two identical plants (impatiens, coleus).

The adult draws the children's attention to the fact that the leaves of the plants are turned in one direction. Place the plant against the window, marking the side of the pot with a symbol. Pay attention to the direction of the leaf surface (in all directions). After three days, they notice that all the leaves are reaching towards the light. Rotate the plant 180 degrees. Mark the direction of the leaves. They continue observing for another three days, noting a change in the direction of the leaves (they again turned towards the light). The results are sketched.

Experiment No. 9 “Who is better?”

Two identical cuttings, a container of water, a pot of soil, plant care items.

An adult offers to determine whether plants can live for a long time without soil (they cannot); Where do they grow best - in water or in soil. Children place geranium cuttings in different containers - with water, soil. Watch them until the first new leaf appears. The results of the experiment are documented in an observation diary and in the form of a model of the plant’s dependence on the soil (in a plant in the soil, the first leaf appears faster, the plant gains strength better; in water the plant is weaker).

Experiment No. 10 “Which is faster?”

Identify favorable conditions for the growth and development of plants, justify the dependence of plants on the soil.

Birch or poplar twigs (in spring), water with and without mineral fertilizers.

The adult invites the children to determine whether the plants need fertilizer and to choose different ways to care for the plants: one is to water with regular water, the other is to water with fertilizers. Children mark containers with different symbols. Observe until the first leaves appear, monitor growth (in fertilized soil the plant is stronger and grows faster). The results are presented in the form of a model of the dependence of plants on the richness of the soil (in rich, fertilized soil, the plant is stronger and grows better).

Experience No. 11 “Where is it better to grow?”

Establish the need for soil for plant life, the influence of soil quality on the growth and development of plants, identify soils that differ in composition.

Tradescantia cuttings, black soil, clay and sand.

An adult chooses soil for planting (chernozem, a mixture of sand and clay). Children plant two identical cuttings of Tradescantia in different soil. Observe the growth of cuttings with the same care for 2 - 3 weeks (the plant does not grow in clay, but the plant does well in chernozem). The cuttings are replanted from a sandy-clayey mixture with chernozem. After two weeks, the result of the experiment is noted (the plants show good growth), formalized in the form of a diary and a model of the plant’s dependence on the soil.

Experiment No. 12 “Why do flowers wither in the fall?”

Establish the dependence of plant growth on the temperature of incoming moisture.

A pot with an adult plant; a curved glass tube inserted into a 3 cm long rubber tube corresponding to the diameter of the plant stem; transparent container.

An adult invites the children to measure the temperature of the water before watering (the water is warm), water the stump remaining from the stem, onto which a rubber tube with a glass tube inserted and secured is first placed. Children watch water flow out of a glass tube. They cool the water with snow, measure the temperature (it has become colder), water it, but no water flows into the tube. They find out why flowers wither in the fall, although there is a lot of water (the roots cannot tolerate cold water).

Experiment No. 13 “Let’s plant a tree”

Determine the properties of sand and clay: flowability, friability.

Containers with sand, clay, sticks.

An adult and children try to plant a tree first in a container with sand, then in a container with dry clay. They find out where the stick sticks easier (into the sand) and why (it is loose, loose). They clarify where the stick holds better and why (it holds better in clay, it is denser).

Experiment No. 14 “Why sand flows well”

Highlight the properties of sand and clay: flowability, friability.

Containers with sand and clay; containers for pouring; magnifying glass, screen, sieve.

An adult invites children to fill cups with sand and clay, examine them and guess them by the sound of the substances being poured. They find out what was poured best (sand) and check it by pouring the substances from glass to glass. Then pour the sand into a large container in a slide and watch what happens (the sand remains in the form of a slide with smooth edges). In the same way, pour out the clay and determine whether the slides are the same (the clay slide is not even). They find out why the slides are different (the sand particles are all the same, the clay particles are all different shapes and sizes). Children use a magnifying glass to examine what sand is made of and what grains of sand look like; what clay particles look like; compare them (the grains of sand are small, translucent, round, do not stick to each other; the clay particles are small, pressed very closely together). Children sift sand and clay through a sieve and find out whether particles of sand and clay pass through it equally well and why. They examine the hourglass and find out whether it is possible to make a clay clock (no, the clay particles do not flow well and stick to each other).

Experiment No. 15 “Like stalks”

Show the process of water passing through the stems.

Cocktail straws, mineral (or boiled) water, water container.

Children look at the tube. They find out whether there is air inside by immersing it in water. It is assumed that the tube can conduct water, since it has holes in it, like in stems. Having immersed one end of the tube in water, try to easily draw air from the other end of the tube; watch the upward movement of water.

Experiment No. 16 “Where is the water”

Determine that sand and clay absorb water differently.

Transparent containers with dry sand, dry clay, measuring cups with water.

An adult invites children to find out the properties of sand and clay by testing them by touch (loose, dry). Children pour the same amount of water into the cups at the same time (pour just enough water so that it completely sinks into the sand). They find out what happened in containers with sand and clay (all the water went into the sand, but stands on the surface of the clay); why (clay particles are closer to each other and do not allow water to pass through); where there are more puddles after rain (on asphalt, on clay soil, since they do not let water in; there are no puddles on the ground and in the sandbox); why paths in the garden are sprinkled with sand (to absorb water).

Experiment No. 17 “Do fish breathe”

Establish the possibility of fish breathing in water, confirm the knowledge that air is everywhere.

Transparent container with water, aquarium, magnifying glass, stick, cocktail tube.

Children watch the fish and determine whether they breathe or not (monitor the movements of the gills, air bubbles in the aquarium). Then exhale air through a tube into the water and observe the appearance of bubbles. Find out if there is air in the water. Using a stick, you move the algae in the aquarium and bubbles appear. Watch how the fish swim to the surface of the water (or to the compressor) and capture air bubbles (breathe). An adult leads children to understand that fish breathing in water is possible.

Experiment No. 18 “Tops - roots”

Find out what comes out of the seed first.

Beans (peas, beans), damp cloth (paper napkins), transparent containers, sketch using plant structure symbols, activity algorithm.

Children choose any of the proposed seeds and create conditions for germination (a warm place). Place a damp paper napkin tightly against the walls in a transparent container. Soaked beans (peas, beans) are placed between the napkin and the walls; The napkin is constantly moistened. Observe the changes occurring every day for 10–12 days: a root will first appear from the bean, then stems will emerge; the roots will grow, the upper shoot will increase.

Experiment No. 19 “Living Piece”

Establish that root vegetables contain a supply of nutrients for the plant.

Flat container, root vegetables: carrots, radishes, beets, activity algorithm.

The children are given a task: to check whether there is a supply of nutrition in root vegetables. Children determine the name of the root vegetable. Then they place the root crop in a warm, bright place, observe the appearance of greenery, and sketch it (the root crop provides food for the leaves that appear). Cut the root crop to half its height, place it in a flat container with water, and place it in a warm, bright place. Children watch the growth of greenery and sketch the results of their observations. Observation continues until the greens begin to wither. Children examine the root vegetable (it has become soft, limp, tasteless, and has little liquid).

Experiment No. 20 “What’s inside?”

Determine why the stem can conduct water to the leaves. Confirm that the structure of the stem is determined by its functions.

A stalk of carrots, parsley, wooden blocks, a magnifying glass, a container of water, any plant, an activity algorithm (Appendix, Fig. 6).

Children examine the plant, admiring the lush greenery. They find out how water from the roots gets to the leaves (it passed through the stems). They clarify what should be in the stems (holes) for this. Assumptions are checked by examining a section of a parsley or carrot stem through a magnifying glass. They squeeze the stem with their fingers and find out that there is water in it. Examine wooden blocks with a magnifying glass. By immersing in water, determine the presence of holes in the bars for the passage of water.

Experiment No. 21 “In different ways”

Determine that different stems conduct water differently.

Wooden blocks of the same size of different types of trees (for example, oak and aspen) unpainted, a flat container with water, a magnifying glass, a large container with water.

Children examine the bars through a magnifying glass and find out whether they will absorb water (the bars have holes; they differ in size). Determine whether the bars will absorb water the same or differently and why (bars with large holes will absorb water faster, there is more air in them, and the water will push it out). This is proven by immersing the bars completely in water and observing the number of air bubbles. Check the conclusions by placing the cross-cut bars in water and observing how the bars get wet.

Experiment No. 22 “Thrifty stems”

Identify how stems (trunks) can accumulate moisture and retain it for a long time.

Sponges, unpainted wooden blocks, a magnifying glass, low containers with water, a deep container with water.

Children examine the plant, clarify how water moves from the soil to the leaves (from roots to stems, then to leaves); where does it then disappear, why does the plant need to be watered (water evaporates from the leaves). The assumption is checked by placing a plastic bag on the piece of paper and securing it. The plant is placed in a warm, bright place. They notice that the inside of the bag is fogged up. A few hours later, after removing the bag, they find water in it. They find out where it came from (evaporated from the leaf), why water is not visible on the remaining leaves (water evaporated into the surrounding air).

Experiment No. 23 “What do you feel?”

Find out what happens to the plant when water evaporates from the leaves.

Sponge moistened with water.

An adult invites the children to jump. Finds out what they feel when jumping (hot); when it’s hot, what happens (sweat appears, then it disappears, evaporates). It suggests imagining that the hand is a leaf from which water evaporates; moisten the sponge in water and rub it along the inner surface of the forearm. Children convey their sensations until the moisture completely disappears (they feel cool). Find out what happens to the leaves when water evaporates from them (they cool); why you can’t be sweaty while walking (sweat evaporates, and you can catch a cold - become hypothermic).

Experiment No. 24 “What has changed?”

Prove that when water evaporates from leaves, they cool.

Thermometers, two pieces of cloth, water.

Children examine the thermometer and note the readings. Wrap the thermometer in a wet cloth and place it in a warm place. They assume what should happen with the readings. After 5–10 minutes, they check and explain why the temperature has dropped (cooling occurs when water evaporates from the tissue).

Experiment No. 25 “Where are the flowers?”

Establish the characteristics of plant pollination with the help of wind, detect pollen on flowers.

Catkins of flowering birch, aspen, flowers of coltsfoot, dandelion; magnifying glass, cotton ball.

Children examine meadow flowers, describe them, highlighting the petals and core in their structure. They find out where the flower may have pollen and find it with a cotton ball. They examine flowering birch catkins through a magnifying glass and find similarities with meadow flowers (there is pollen). An adult invites children to come up with symbols to represent the flowers of birch, willow, and aspen (earrings are also flowers). Clarifies why bees fly to flowers, whether plants need it (bees fly for nectar and pollinate the plant).

Experiment No. 26 “Why do they need wings?”

Fruits – lionfish, berries; fan.

Children look at fruits, berries and lionfish. They find out what helps the winged seeds disperse. Watch the “flight” of lionfish. An adult offers to remove their “wings.” Repeat the experiment using a fan or fan. They determine why maple seeds grow far from their native tree (the wind helps the “wings” carry the seed over long distances).

Experiment No. 27 “Why does a dandelion need parachutes?”

Identify the relationship between the structure of fruits and the method of their distribution.

Dandelion seeds, magnifying glass, fan.

Children find out why there are so many dandelions. They examine a plant with ripe seeds, compare dandelion seeds with others by weight, watch the flight, the fall of seeds without “parachutes,” and draw a conclusion (the seeds are very small, the wind helps the “parachutes” fly far).

Experiment No. 28 “Why does burdock need thorns?”

Identify the relationship between the structure of fruits and the method of their distribution.

Burdock fruits, pieces of fur, fabric, magnifying glass, fruit plates.

Children find out who will help the burdock scatter its seeds. They break the fruits, find the seeds, and examine them through a magnifying glass. Children check whether the wind can help them (the fruits are heavy, there are no wings or “parachutes”, so the wind will not carry them away). They determine whether animals want to eat them (the fruits are hard, prickly, tasteless, the capsule is hard). They call what these fruits have (tenacious spines-hooks). Using pieces of fur and fabric, an adult and children demonstrate how this happens (the fruits cling to the fur and fabric with their spines).

Experiment No. 29 “Where do flowers grow best?”

On the site there are flower seedlings and items to care for them.

An adult suggests planting seedlings of flowers and vegetables in different soil - prepared in the fall (with foliage) and prepared in the spring. Children observe the development of plants in different beds, sketch in an observation diary, and draw a conclusion which soil is richer (the one prepared in the fall). When explaining, a model of interdependence in nature is used.

Experiment No. 30 “What is in the soil?”

Establish the dependence of factors of inanimate nature on living nature (the richness of the soil from the rotting of plants).

A lump of earth, a metal (thin plate) plate, an alcohol lamp, the remains of dry leaves, a magnifying glass, tweezers.

Children are invited to examine forest soil and soil from the kindergarten site. Children use a magnifying glass to determine where the soil is (there is a lot of humus in the forest). They find out in what soil plants grow better and why (there are more plants in the forest, there is more food for them in the soil). An adult and children burn forest soil in a metal plate and pay attention to the smell during combustion. Tries to burn a dry leaf. Children determine what makes the soil rich (there is a lot of rotted leaves in the forest soil). They discuss the composition of the city's soil. They ask how to find out if she is rich. They examine it with a magnifying glass and burn it on a plate. Children come up with symbols for different soils: rich and poor.

Experiment No. 31 “How do leaves become food for plants?”

Establish the dependence of factors of inanimate nature on living nature (the richness of the soil from the rotting of plants).

Soil, fallen leaves, earthworms, container.

An adult (in autumn) draws the children’s attention to fallen leaves. Finds out what is done with fallen leaves in the city (they are burned, taken away), in the forest (they turn into soil). Clarifies why there are many plants in the forest (in the forest the soil is better, richer). An adult and children dig up leaves near trees and shrubs. In the garden, under the beds and in the flower bed, they dig grooves and lay the foliage, sprinkling it with layers of soil. They find out what will happen to the foliage by spring (it will rot and turn into soil). Indoors, in a transparent container, make the same mixture of leaves and soil, and place earthworms there. Children watch what happens in the container. The results obtained are compared. An adult leads children to understand that the richness of the soil depends on rotten plants.

Experiment No. 32 “Where is more?”

Identify the reason for moisture retention.

Pots with plants.

An adult suggests watering the soil in two pots of the same size with an equal amount of water, placing one pot in the sun, the other in the shade. At the end of the walk, the children explain why the soil in one pot is dry and the soil in the other is wet (water evaporated in the sun, but not in the shade). An adult invites the children to solve a problem: it rained over the meadow and forest; where the ground will remain wet longer and why (in the forest the ground will remain wet longer than in the meadow, since there is more shade and less sun).

Experiment No. 33 “What is under our feet?”

Bring children to understand that soil has different composition.

Soil, magnifying glass, alcohol lamp, metal plate, glass, transparent container (glass), spoon or stirring stick.

Children examine the soil and find plant remains in it. An adult heats the soil in a metal plate over an alcohol lamp, holding glass over the soil. Together with the children, he finds out why the glass is fogged up (there is water in the soil). The adult continues to heat the soil and offers to determine by the smell of smoke what is in the soil (nutrients: leaves, insect parts). The soil is then heated until the smoke disappears. They find out what color it is (light), what has disappeared from it (moisture, organic matter). Children pour the soil into a glass of water and mix. After soil particles settle in the water, sediment (sand, clay) is examined. They find out why nothing grows in the forest at the site of the fires (all the nutrients burn out, the soil becomes poor).

Experiment No. 34 “Is water good or bad?”

Highlight their variety of algae plants.

Aquarium, elodea, duckweed, houseplant leaf.

Children examine algae, highlighting their features and varieties (they grow entirely in water, on the surface of the water, in the water column and on land). Children try to change the plant’s habitat: a begonia leaf is lowered into the water, an elodea is raised to the surface, and duckweed is lowered into the water. Observe what happens (elodea dries, begonia rots, duckweed curls its leaf). Explain the characteristics of plants in different growing environments.

Experiment No. 35 “How are bird feathers arranged?”

Establish a connection between the structure and lifestyle of birds in the ecosystem.

Chicken feathers, goose feathers, magnifying glass, zipper, candle, hair, tweezers.

Children examine the bird's flight feather, paying attention to the shaft and the fan attached to it. They find out why it falls slowly, spinning smoothly (the feather is light, since there is emptiness inside the rod). An adult suggests waving the feather, observing what happens to it when the bird flaps its wings (the feather springs elastically, without unraveling the hairs, maintaining its surface). Examine the fan through a strong magnifying glass or microscope (on the furrows of the feather there are protrusions and hooks that can be firmly and easily combined with each other, as if fastening the surface of the feather). They examine the down feather of a bird, find out how it differs from the flight feather (the down feather is soft, the hairs are not interlocked, the shaft is thin, the feather is much smaller in size). Children discuss why birds need such feathers (they serve to retain body heat).

Experiment No. 36 “Helper Water”

Use knowledge about rising water levels to solve a cognitive problem.

A jar with small light objects on the surface, a container with water, cups.

The children are given the task: to take objects out of the jar without touching them with their hands (pour in water until it flows over the edge). The adult offers to do these actions. Children conclude: when water fills a container, it pushes out the objects inside it.

Experiment No. 37 “What properties?”

Compare the properties of water, ice, snow, identify the features of their interaction.

Containers with snow, water, ice.

The adult invites the children to carefully examine the water, ice, snow and tell how they are similar and how they differ; compare which is heavier (water or ice, water or snow, snow or ice); what happens if you combine them (snow and ice melt); compare how the properties of water and ice change when combined (water remains clear, becomes colder, its volume increases as the ice melts), water and snow (water loses transparency, becomes colder, its volume increases, snow changes color), snow and ice (do not interact). Children are discussing how to make ice opaque (crushing it).

Experiment No. 38 “Submarine”

Find that air is lighter than water; identify how air displaces water, how air leaves water.

A curved straw for a cocktail, transparent plastic glasses, a container of water.

Children find out what will happen to a glass if it is lowered into water, whether it can rise from the bottom on its own. They perform the following actions: immerse a glass in water, turn it upside down, place a curved tube under it, and blow air into the floor. At the end of the experiment, conclusions are drawn: the glass is gradually filled with water, air bubbles come out of it; air is lighter than water - when it enters a glass through a tube, it displaces water from under the glass and rises up, pushing the glass out of the water.

Experiment No. 39 “Stubborn Air”

Find that air takes up less space when compressed; Compressed air has the power to move objects.

Syringes, container with water (tinted).

Children examine the syringe, its device (cylinder, piston) and demonstrate actions with it: press the piston up and down without water; tries to squeeze the piston when the hole is closed with a finger; draw water into the piston when it is at the top and bottom. The adult invites the children to explain the results of the experiment and talk about their feelings when performing the actions. At the end of the experiment, children find out that air takes up less space when compressed; compressed air has a force that can move objects.

Experiment No. 40 “Dry out of water”

(napkin in a glass)

Determine what air is taking up space.

A container of water, a glass with a napkin attached to the bottom.

The adult invites the children to explain what it means to “get away with it”, whether this is possible, and to find out whether it is possible to lower the glass into the water and not wet the napkin lying at the bottom. Children make sure that the napkin at the bottom of the glass is dry. Then they turn the glass upside down, carefully immerse it in water without tilting the glass to the very bottom of the container, then lift it out of the water and allow the water to drain without turning the glass over. The adult offers to determine whether the napkin is wet (not wet), and explain what prevented the water from wetting it (air in the glass) and what will happen to the napkin if the glass is tilted (air bubbles will come out, and water will take its place, the napkin will get wet). Children repeat the experience on their own.

Experiment No. 41 “Which is faster?”

Two sheets of writing paper.

An adult suggests thinking that if you simultaneously release two sheets of paper from your hands: one horizontally, the other vertically (shows how they are held in your hands), which one will fall faster. He listens to the answers and offers to check. He demonstrates his experience. Why does the first leaf fall slowly, what delays it (air presses on it from below). Why does the second sheet fall faster (it falls edge-on, and therefore there is less air under it). Children conclude: there is air around us and it presses on all objects (this is atmospheric pressure).

Experiment No. 42 “Why doesn’t it pour out?”

Detect atmospheric pressure.

Glasses of water, postcards.

An adult invites the children to turn the glass over without spilling water from it. Children make assumptions and try things out. Then the adult fills the glass to the brim with water, covers it with a postcard and, holding it lightly with his fingers, turns the glass upside down. They remove their hand - the card does not fall, the water does not pour out (unless the paper is completely horizontal and pressed to the edges). Why doesn’t water pour out of a glass when there is a sheet of paper underneath it (air presses on the sheet of paper, it presses the sheet to the edges of the glass and prevents the water from pouring out, i.e. the reason is air pressure).

Experiment No. 43 “Homemade thermometer”

Demonstrate how air expands when heated and pushes water out of the container.

A glass tube or refill (transparent) from a ballpoint pen, a 50-100 ml bottle, a little tinted water.

Children look at the “thermometer”: how it works, its structure (bottle, tube and stopper); With the help of an adult, make a model of a thermometer. Make a hole in the cork with an awl and insert it into the bottle. Then they take a drop of colored water into a tube and stick the tube into the cork so that the drop of water does not jump out. The bottle heats up in your hands, a drop of water rises up.

Experiment No. 44 “Up!”

Find out that the soil contains substances necessary for the life of living organisms (air, water, organic residues). Earthworms, soil, pebbles, glasses (Appendix, Fig. 8).

Children fill one glass with pebbles, place worms in another and cover it with earth. Find out what will happen in the first glass if you pour water on pebbles (bubbles are released, water displaces air from the soil), what will happen in the second glass if you pour water on soil with worms (worms crawl to the surface, they cannot live in large amounts of water, there is not enough air to breathe). Children create algorithms for two experiments.

Experiment No. 45 “Street Shadows”

Understand how a shadow is formed, its dependence on the light source and the object, and their relative position.

An adult invites the children to guess a riddle about the shadow. They consider the formation of shadows on the street: during the day - from the sun, in the evening - from lanterns and in the morning - from various objects; indoors - from objects of varying degrees of transparency. The adult discusses with the children: when a shadow appears (when there is a light source), what a shadow is, why it is formed (it is a dark spot; a shadow is formed when light rays cannot pass through an object; there are fewer light rays behind this object, therefore it is darker). When examining shadows, children find out:

There can be several shadows from one object (for example, from oneself) if there are several light sources nearby (light rays go from each source, as if “on their own path”, meet an obstacle, cannot pass further, and a shadow appears on this path );

The higher the light source, the shorter the shadow (for example, the sun during the day and a lantern in the evening);

As you move away from the light source, the shadow lengthens and the outline becomes less clear;

The outline of the object and the shadow are similar;

The more transparent the object, the lighter the shadow.

Experiment No. 46 “Two traffic jams”

Find out how gravity works.

A container of water, two stoppers of the same size.

Children lower the corks into a container of water at a distance of 5 mm from each other. They check what happened (the traffic jams are attracted to one another). Push one of the corks to the wall of the container (from a short distance the cork is attracted to it). They conclude: objects can be attracted to each other.

Experiment No. 47 “Making a sundial”

Demonstrate the movement of the Earth around the Sun through the movement of the shadow.

A rod (stick) with a pointed end.

An adult conducts a game-activity on the street. Discusses with the children what parts of the day there are, how they differ (lighter is darker, illumination by the Sun), why this happens (the Earth revolves around the Sun, and sometimes more or less sunlight falls on a given surface of the Earth), how to more accurately determine time (by the clock), what kinds of watches there are (mechanical, sand, etc.). Children are told that time was previously determined by the Sun and sundial. An adult suggests making a sundial according to the algorithm: draw an even circle on a piece of paper, fasten a peg exactly in the center, and throughout the day make marks on the circle and put numbers in accordance with the time. Children learn to use a sundial.

Experiment No. 48 “Salt Crystal”

Prepare a supersaturated salt solution. Dip a thin wire with a loop at the end into it. Leave it in the solution for several days and you will see how the wire becomes overgrown with salt crystals.

Experiment No. 49 “Fire-resistant thread”

For the experiment you will need a saturated saline solution. Saturate a long thread with it. Once dry, immerse it in the solution again. Do this 6-7 times. Stretch the thread, securing the ends. Then set it on fire. The light will “run” from one end to the other, while the thread will remain completely intact.

Experience No. 50 “The Obvious - the Incredible”

Take two candles of different sizes. Place both in one glass - the upper end of one of them should be 3 - 4 cm below the edge of the glass, and the other above. Evenly distribute 1 tbsp along the bottom of the glass. soda Light the candles and pour 1 tbsp into a glass. acetic acid. The released carbon dioxide will extinguish the flame of the lower candle, while the flame of the upper one will remain unchanged.


From early spring to late autumn, our eyes are pleased with green vegetation in the form of grasses, bushes and trees.

After all, the flora of the Earth has about half a million different species, it occupies a huge part of our planet - forests alone cover up to 40% the surface of its land; Plants play a significant role in the life of the Earth.

We love to be in the forest: we wander through the forest, breathe fresh air, watch nature, collect bouquets from leaves.

One day, while walking, we wondered why the leaves were green, not blue, not white, but green.

And with the onset of autumn, the leaves of the trees become different in color: yellow, red, orange. Who is this wizard who paints the leaves of trees?

And the teacher and I decided to reveal this secret and conduct research.

Hypothesis: What affects the color of leaves in summer and autumn?

The relevance of research: in autumn the leaves began to change color. From green they began to turn into yellow, brown, orange colors. Which wizard helps paint the leaves?

Purpose of the study: collect information about the processes occurring in leaves under the influence of sunlight; about the importance of the process of photosynthesis in leaves.

Research objectives:

Get acquainted with the processes occurring in a leaf under the influence of sunlight;

Determine the significance of the process of photosynthesis;

Develop research skills: conduct experiments, analyze results, draw conclusions;

Study the literature on this topic.

Operating mode: extracurricular activities.

Research base:

    books and reference books;


Research methods:

    collection and analysis of information from the literature;


    observation and timing;


    analysis and comparison of activity products;

    result of work, conclusion.

Object of work:

    plant leaves.

Subject of study:

    change in leaf color.

Equipment and materials:

    presentation, popular science literature, reference books, photographs, place for conducting experiments;

    plant leaves.

Carrying out the experiment according to plan:

    Determining the location of the experiment and choosing a plant.

    Observations during the experiment.

    Comparative analysis of the results obtained. Conclusion.

    Research activities and their results

A leaf is a part of a plant shoot, its outer lateral organ, through which photosynthesis occurs.

In a green leaf, as the wonderful Russian scientist Klimenty Arkadyevich Timiryazev said, the very essence of plant life is that a plant is, first of all, a leaf. If there were no green leaves on the earth, there would be no life!

This is what we now need to find out. And what we learn has a direct relationship to the sun’s rays to the color of leaves and grass.

2.1.Air and plant

We are breathing. Air is a mixture of different gases. Oxygen is necessary for both people and animals.

Without oxygen, we would not live even three minutes. We inhale oxygen and exhale carbon dioxide, and the gas is harmful to us, but there is always very little hundredths of it in the air, and therefore we do not notice it. Firewood is burning in the furnaces; In order for them to burn, they need oxygen, and during combustion carbon dioxide is also released. Oxygen consumption is enormous: how many people on the globe, how many animals require it every second! There won't be enough supplies!

Meanwhile, the composition of the air does not change; there remains enough oxygen for breathing and always only its share of carbon dioxide.
But who replenishes the air with oxygen, who cleans it of excess carbon dioxide?

Green leaf! It absorbs carbon dioxide into its cells and releases oxygen into the air, which is what it needs. And for what?

2.2.Sun and plant

The sun is the main source of life. A ray of sun falls on a leaf. Leaf cells contain a green substance called chlorophyll.

The green leaf is the great factory of life. The raw material for it is carbon dioxide - a component of air and water - it is always present in the plant, and energy is provided by light.

A ray of sunlight falls on a green leaf - and the “factory” begins to convert water and carbon dioxide into starch and sugar. There is no light - and the work in the chlorophyll grains freezes.

The green color of grass and leaves is the color of chlorophyll. This substance plays a major role in photosynthesis. The process of photosynthesis is multi-stage.

It is triggered when a particle of light (photon) hits a chlorophyll molecule. But photosynthesis can continue to proceed even in the dark - the process will still not stop. True, every second, not one photon falls on a chlorophyll molecule, but a lot.

Scientists distinguish two phases in the process of photosynthesis. The light phase occurs only in the light. Longer, dark, does not need light.

Chlorophyll absorbs red, blue and violet rays, but hardly absorbs green rays, which is why we see the leaf as green.

2.3. Leaves in autumn

If it's autumn, everyone knows
in the sky leaves walking,
Leaves have different colors:
yellow and red.

A. Pilatov

With the arrival of autumn, the leaves change their green color to yellow or red. This is due to the fact that the cells of a healthy leaf contain both green and yellow pigments. With the onset of cold weather, the green pigment (chlorophyll) is completely destroyed and yellow (xanthophyll) becomes the priority, and in a number of plants the formation of red pigment (carotene) also occurs.

In addition, along with the loss of the green pigment, chlorophyll, the leaf is no longer a “laboratory” for the production of organic substances necessary for plant nutrition. Starch, proteins, sugar, which were previously accumulated, are removed to storage areas, and mineral substances that are completely unnecessary for the tree are transferred to the leaves, which the tree gets rid of during leaf fall.

And red rays penetrate poorly into the depths of the sea, so in the tissues of red and brown algae, along with chlorophyll, there are other substances that absorb light. But, with the exception of some bacteria, chlorophyll is present in the cells of all living beings capable of photosythesis.

People have been observing nature for a long time, noticing everything that happens around them. And among the people there appeared signs associated with changes in the color of leaves.

Although the leaf has turned yellow, it falls off weakly - frosts will not come soon.

If in the fall the birch leaves begin to turn yellow from the top, then the next spring will be early, and if from below, then it will be late.

Yellow leaves will appear on the trees untimely - by early autumn.

2.4.The significance of foliage

Nowhere else in the whole world with all its diversity, nowhere - only here, in the green leaf, in the green part of the plant, the most important nutrients are produced.

If a green leaf suddenly disappears, everything on our planet Earth will die out!

We humans get protein, starch, sugar both from the plants themselves and from the animals that we eat and which, in turn, feed on the plants.

A cow nibbles grass in summer and chews hay in winter. We drink cow's milk, eat cottage cheese, sour cream, butter. Milk is the main food for babies because it contains all the substances that are necessary for their health, for their development and growth.
We eat cow's meat and it also contains essential nutrients. Chickens eat grain, and grain is also a plant, and chicken meat and eggs are built from essential nutrients.

And our main breadwinner is the green leaf.



A piece of foil

Diluted alcohol

Glass with thin walls

A piece of foil is attached to a living, untorn leaf of any plant; it can be cut out in the shape of a star or a circle. To prevent the foil from falling, you can attach it with a strip of tape.

After a week, you can see the result: a “photo” on a green piece of paper. In the place where the foil was and where, accordingly, no light entered, the sheet will turn yellow.

Conclusion : Plants use sunlight to “cook” their food. Leaves contain a special green substance called chlorophyll. It captures solar energy. When autumn comes, there is little light, and without it the leaves cannot “cook” their food, they turn yellow and the leaves fall off because they cannot feed themselves.

Experience No. 2.


Place the green leaf in a glass with thin walls and fill it with diluted alcohol. Then we boiled water in a bowl and carefully lowered this glass into it - it would be something like a water bath. After some time, they took out the leaf with tweezers. Before us is an amazing transformation - the leaf has become discolored, and the alcohol has become emerald green.

And if you carry out this experiment with an edible plant (lettuce, for example, or spinach), the result will be a natural food coloring - it can be used to tint a cream or sauce. The process can be speeded up by first crushing the leaves and shaking the glass from time to time.

Conclusion: chlorophyll dissolved in alcohol. This means that the leaves contain green color and particles of chlorophyll.


Summing up the results of the research work, we can conclude that the goal we set was achieved. We have studied, why leaves are green, and compared the evidence-based and scientifically proven findings with research findings on the topic. We learned that leaves change color in the fall due to changing conditions outside, because... the air temperature drops in autumn and the amount of sunlight decreases, so pigments of a different color (carotene, xanthophyll). The leaves turn red, yellow, brown.

In addition, we have collected photographic material that can be used in environmental lessons when introducing the natural world.

An ocean of plants surrounds us, and they are all green. The grass is green, the leaves of trees and flowers are green. Even the words “plants” and “greens” essentially mean the same thing. “It’s very green here,” people say when they see a lot of trees, bushes, green grass. “The house is surrounded by greenery,” “green valley” - in other words, there are a lot of plants here and they are all green.


“Big school encyclopedia. T.1. Natural Sciences". Author-compiler S. Ismailova. Moscow, “Russian Encyclopedic Partnership”, 2004.

I.N. Ponomareva, O.A. Kornilova, V.S. Kuchmenko “Biology: Plants. Bacteria. Mushrooms. Lichens." Textbook for 6th grade of secondary school. Moscow, Ventana-Graf Publishing House, 2003.

Vinogradova N. F. The world around us: grades 3-4: Textbook for students of educational institutions: at 2 o’clock - M:. Ventana-Graf, 2009.

Encyclopedic Dictionary of a Young Naturalist / Comp. M. E. Aspiz. – M.: Pedagogy, 1996.

Kozlova T.I. Explanatory dictionary for schoolchildren / Ed. N.P. Kabanova. – 4th ed. – M.: Iris-press, 2005.

Experiments in biology

Why are experiments needed?

Experience is one of the complex and time-consuming teaching methods that allows one to identify the essence of a particular phenomenon and establish cause-and-effect relationships. The use of this method in practice allows the teacher to simultaneously solve several problems.

Firstly, experimental activities in classes in creative associations of children allow the teacher to use the rich possibilities of experimentation for the training, development and education of students. It is the most important means for deepening and expanding knowledge, promotes the development of logical thinking, and the development of useful skills. The role of experiment in the formation and development of biological concepts and cognitive abilities of children is known. Even Klimenty Arkadyevich Timiryazev noted: “People who have learned to observe and experiment acquire the ability to pose questions themselves and receive factual answers to them, finding themselves at a higher mental and moral level in comparison with those who have not undergone such a school.”

When setting up and using the results of the experiment, students:

  • gain new knowledge and skills;
  • become convinced of the natural nature of biological phenomena and their material conditionality;
  • check the accuracy of theoretical knowledge in practice;
  • learn to analyze, compare what is observed, and draw conclusions from experience.

In addition, there is no other more effective method of cultivating curiosity, a scientific style of thinking in students, and a creative attitude to business than involving them in conducting experiments. Experimental work is also an effective means of labor, aesthetic and environmental education of students, a way of becoming acquainted with the laws of nature. Experience fosters a creative, constructive attitude towards nature, initiative, precision and accuracy in work.

Of course, not all educational and educational tasks are fully achieved as a result of experimental work, but much can be achieved, especially in educational terms.

Secondly, experimental work is a means of activating the cognitive and creative activity of students in the classroom. Children become active participants in the educational process.

Thirdly, experimental work contributes to the emergence and maintenance of students’ research interest, and allows them to gradually include children in research activities in the future.

But experimental work is only beneficial when it is carried out methodically correctly, and children see the results of their work.

These methodological recommendations are addressed to teachers working with children of primary and secondary school age. A distinctive feature of these methodological recommendations is their practice-oriented nature. The collection contains recommendations for organizing experimental activities in various departments: crop production, biology, ecology and nature conservation.

The expected results from using the presented recommendations will be:

  • the interest of teachers in organizing experimental activities in classes in children's creative associations with an environmental and biological orientation;
  • creating conditions for the development of cognitive activity and interest in research activities among students in classes in children's creative associations of environmental and biological orientation.

Requirements for conducting experiments

The following requirements apply to biological experiments:

  • availability;
  • visibility;
  • educational value.

Students must be introduced to the purpose of the experiment, equipped with knowledge of the technique of conducting it, the ability to observe an object or process, record results, and formulate conclusions. It should also be taken into account that many experiments are lengthy, do not fit into one lesson, and require the help of a teacher in performing them, understanding the results, and formulating conclusions.

The experiment must be organized in such a way that the results are completely clear and no subjective interpretations can arise.

In the first lessons, when students do not have the necessary knowledge and skills to carry out experiments, the experiments are set up in advance by the teacher. The cognitive activity of students is of a reproductive-search nature and is aimed at identifying the essence of experience and formulating conclusions by answering questions. As students master the technique of laying out experience, the share of search increases and the degree of their independence increases.

Preliminary work is of great importance for students’ understanding of experience: determining the purpose and technique of establishing the experience, asking questions that help identify the essence of the experience and formulate a conclusion. It is important that students see the initial data and final results of the experiment. Demonstration experiments, which are used to illustrate the teacher’s story, play a major role in teaching. Demonstration of experience is most effective when combined with conversation, which allows you to comprehend the results of the experience.

Experiments in which students take an active part have especially great cognitive and educational significance. In the process of studying a particular question, the need arises to obtain an answer to the problem with the help of experience, and on this basis, students themselves formulate its goal, determine the bookmarking technique, and put forward a hypothesis about what the result will be. In this case, the experiment is exploratory in nature. When performing these studies, students will independently learn to obtain knowledge, observe experiments, record results, and draw conclusions based on the data received.

The results of the experiments are recorded in an observation diary. Entries in the diary can be formatted as a table:

Also in the observation diary, students make drawings that reflect the essence of the experience.

Experiences for classes in the plant growing department

Useful tips for a young naturalist when conducting experiments with plants

  1. When starting experiments with plants, remember that working with them requires attention and accuracy from you.
  2. Before the experiment, prepare everything you need for it: seeds, plants, materials, equipment. There should be nothing unnecessary on the table.
  3. Work slowly: haste and haste in work usually lead to poor results.
  4. When growing plants, take good care of them - weed them on time, loosen the soil, and fertilize them. If you take poor care, don't expect a good result.
  5. In experiments, it is always necessary to have experimental and control plants, which should be grown under the same conditions.
  6. Experiments will be more valuable if you record their results in an observation diary.
  7. In addition to notes, make drawings of experiments in your observation diary.
  8. Draw and record your conclusion.

Experiments for classes on the topic “Leaf”

Target: identify the plant’s need for air, breathing; understand how the respiration process occurs in plants.
Equipment: indoor plant, cocktail straws, Vaseline, magnifying glass.
Progress of the experiment: The teacher asks whether plants breathe, how to prove that they breathe. Students determine, based on knowledge about the breathing process in humans, that when breathing, air must flow into and out of the plant. Inhale and exhale through the tube. Then the hole in the tube is covered with Vaseline. Children try to breathe through a tube and conclude that Vaseline does not allow air to pass through. It is hypothesized that plants have very small holes in their leaves through which they breathe. To check this, smear one or both sides of the leaf with Vaseline and observe the leaves every day for a week. After a week, they conclude: the leaves “breathe” on their underside, because those leaves that were smeared with Vaseline on the underside died.

How do plants breathe?

Target: determine that all parts of the plant are involved in respiration.
Equipment: a transparent container with water, a leaf on a long petiole or stem, a cocktail tube, a magnifying glass
Progress of the experiment: The teacher suggests finding out whether air passes through the leaves into the plant. Suggestions are made on how to detect air: children examine a cut of a stem through a magnifying glass (there are holes), immerse the stem in water (observe the release of bubbles from the stem). A teacher and children conduct the “Through a Leaf” experiment in the following sequence:
  1. pour water into the bottle, leaving it 2-3 cm empty;
  2. insert the leaf into the bottle so that the tip of the stem is immersed in water; tightly cover the hole of the bottle with plasticine, like a cork;
  3. Here they make a hole for the straw and insert it so that the tip does not reach the water, secure the straw with plasticine;
  4. Standing in front of a mirror, they suck the air out of the bottle.
Air bubbles begin to emerge from the end of the stem immersed in water. Children conclude that air passes through the leaf into the stem, since the release of air bubbles into the water is visible.
Target: establish that a plant releases oxygen during photosynthesis.
Equipment: a large glass container with an airtight lid, a cutting of a plant in water or a small pot with a plant, a splinter, matches.
Progress of the experiment: The teacher invites the children to find out why it is so easy to breathe in the forest. Students assume that plants produce oxygen necessary for human respiration. The assumption is proven by experience: a pot with a plant (or cutting) is placed inside a tall transparent container with an airtight lid. Place in a warm, bright place (if the plant provides oxygen, there should be more of it in the jar). After 1-2 days, the teacher asks the children how to find out whether oxygen has accumulated in the jar (oxygen is burning). Observe the bright flash of flame from a splinter brought into the container immediately after removing the lid. Draw a conclusion using a model of the dependence of animals and humans on plants (plants are needed by animals and humans for breathing).

Does photosynthesis occur in all leaves?

Target: prove that photosynthesis occurs in all leaves.
Equipment: boiling water, begonia leaf (the reverse side is painted burgundy), white container.
Progress of the experiment: The teacher suggests finding out whether photosynthesis occurs in leaves that are not colored green (in begonia, the reverse side of the leaf is painted burgundy). Students assume that photosynthesis does not occur in this leaf. The teacher invites the children to place the sheet in boiling water, examine it after 5-7 minutes, and sketch the result. The leaf turns green and the water changes color. They conclude that photosynthesis occurs in the leaf.


Target: establish the presence of phototropism in plants
Equipment: a cardboard box with a lid and partitions inside in the form of a labyrinth: in one corner there is a potato tuber, in the opposite there is a hole.
Progress of the experiment: Place a tuber in a box, close it, place it in a warm, but not hot place, with the hole facing the light source. Open the box after potato sprouts emerge from the hole. Examine, noting their direction and color (the sprouts are pale, white, twisted in search of light in one direction). Leaving the box open, they continue to observe the change in color and direction of the sprouts for a week (the sprouts are now stretching in different directions, they have turned green). Students explain the result.
Target: Determine how the plant moves towards the light source.
Equipment: two identical plants (impatiens, coleus).
Progress of the experiment: The teacher draws the children’s attention to the fact that the leaves of the plants are turned in one direction. Place the plant against the window, marking the side of the pot with a symbol. Pay attention to the direction of the leaf surface (in all directions). After three days, they notice that all the leaves are reaching towards the light. Rotate the plant 180 degrees. Mark the direction of the leaves. They continue observing for another three days, noting a change in the direction of the leaves (they again turned towards the light). The results are sketched.

Does photosynthesis occur in the dark?

Target: prove that photosynthesis in plants occurs only in light.
Equipment: indoor plants with hard leaves (ficus, sansevieria), adhesive plaster.
Progress of the experiment: The teacher offers the children a riddle letter: what will happen if light does not fall on part of the sheet (part of the sheet will be lighter). Children's assumptions are tested by experience: part of the leaf is covered with a plaster, the plant is placed near a light source for a week. After a week, the patch is removed. Children conclude: without light, photosynthesis does not occur in plants.
Target: determine that the plant can provide its own nutrition.
Equipment: a pot with a plant inside a glass jar with a wide neck, an airtight lid.
Progress of the experiment: Inside a large transparent container, children place a cutting of a plant in water or a small pot of a plant. The soil is watered. The container is hermetically sealed with a lid and placed in a warm, bright place. The plant is monitored for a month. They find out why it did not die (the plant continues to grow: drops of water periodically appear on the walls of the jar, then disappear. (The plant feeds itself).

Evaporation of moisture from plant leaves

Target: Check where the water disappears from the leaves.
Equipment: plant, plastic bag, thread.
Progress of the experiment: Students examine the plant, clarify how water moves from the soil to the leaves (from roots to stems, then to leaves); where does it then disappear, why does the plant need to be watered (water evaporates from the leaves). The assumption is checked by placing a plastic bag on the piece of paper and securing it. The plant is placed in a warm, bright place. They notice that the inside of the bag is “fogged up.” A few hours later, after removing the bag, they find water in it. They find out where it came from (evaporated from the surface of the leaf), why water is not visible on the remaining leaves (water evaporated into the surrounding air).
Target: establish the dependence of the amount of evaporated water on the size of the leaves.
Progress of the experiment: Cut cuttings for further planting and place them in flasks. Pour the same amount of water. After one or two days, children check the water level in each flask. Find out why it is not the same (a plant with large leaves absorbs and evaporates more water).
Target: establish the relationship between the structure of the leaf surface (density, pubescence) and their need for water.
Equipment: ficus, sansevieria, dieffenbachia, violet, balsam, plastic bags, magnifying glass.
Progress of the experiment: The teacher suggests finding out why ficus, violet and some other plants do not require much water. Conduct an experiment: put plastic bags on the leaves of different plants, secure them tightly, observe the appearance of moisture in them, compare the amount of moisture evaporating from the leaves of different plants (Dieffenbachia and ficus, violet and balsam).
Complication: each child chooses a plant for himself, conducts an experiment, discusses the results (there is no need to water the violet often: the pubescent leaves do not give up, retain moisture; dense ficus leaves also evaporate less moisture than leaves of the same size, but not dense).

What do you feel?

Target: find out what happens to the plant when water evaporates from the leaves.
Equipment: sponge dampened with water.
Progress of the experiment: The teacher invites the children to jump. Finds out how they feel when jumping (hot); when it’s hot, what happens (sweat appears, then it disappears, evaporates). It suggests imagining that the hand is a leaf from which water evaporates; moisten the sponge in water and rub it along the inner surface of the forearm. Children convey their sensations until the moisture completely disappears (they feel cool). Find out what happens to the leaves when water evaporates from them (they cool).

What changed?

Target: prove that when water evaporates from leaves, they cool.
Equipment: thermometers, two pieces of cloth, water.
Progress of the experiment: Children examine the thermometer and note the readings. Wrap the thermometer in a wet cloth and place it in a warm place. They assume what should happen with the readings. After 5-10 minutes they check and explain why the temperature has dropped (cooling occurs when water evaporates from the tissue).
Target: identify the dependence of the amount of evaporated liquid on the size of the leaves.
Equipment: three plants: one - with large leaves, the second - with ordinary leaves, the third - a cactus; cellophane bags, threads.
Progress of the experiment: The teacher suggests finding out why plants with large leaves need to be watered more often than those with small leaves. Children choose three plants with leaves of different sizes and conduct an experiment using an unfinished model of the relationship between the size of the leaves and the amount of water released (there is no image of the symbol - a lot, little water). Children perform the following actions: put the bags on the leaves, secure them, observe changes during the day; compare the amount of liquid evaporated. They draw a conclusion (the larger the leaves, the more moisture they evaporate and the more often they need to be watered).

Experiments for classes on the topic “Root”

Target: identify the reason for the plant’s need for loosening; prove that the plant breathes with all its organs.
Equipment: a container with water, compacted and loose soil, two transparent containers with bean sprouts, a spray bottle, vegetable oil, two identical plants in pots.
Progress of the experiment: Students find out why one plant grows better than another. They examine and determine that in one pot the soil is dense, in the other it is loose. Why is dense soil worse? This is proven by immersing identical lumps in water (water flows worse, there is little air, since less air bubbles are released from the dense earth). They check whether the roots need air: to do this, three identical bean sprouts are placed in transparent containers with water. Air is pumped into one container using a spray bottle, the second is left unchanged, and in the third, a thin layer of vegetable oil is poured onto the surface of the water, which prevents the passage of air to the roots. They observe the changes in the seedlings (they grow well in the first container, worse in the second, in the third - the plant dies), draw conclusions about the need for air for the roots, and sketch the result. Plants need loose soil to grow so that the roots have access to air.
Target: find out where the root growth is directed during seed germination.
Equipment: glass, filter paper, pea seeds.
Progress of the experiment: Take a glass, a strip of filter paper and roll it into a cylinder. Insert the cylinder into the glass so that it is adjacent to the walls of the glass. Using a needle, place several swollen peas between the wall of the glass and the paper cylinder at the same height. Then pour some water into the bottom of the glass and place in a warm place. At the next lesson, observe the appearance of roots. The teacher asks questions. Where do the root tips go? Why is this happening?

What part of the spine perceives the force of gravity?

Target: find out the patterns of root growth.
Equipment: block, needles, scissors, glass jar, pea seeds

Progress of the experiment: Attach several sprouted peas to a block. Cut off the root tips of two seedlings with scissors and cover the saucer with a glass jar. The next day, students will notice that only those roots that have tips left have bent and began to grow downward. The roots with the tips removed did not bend. The teacher asks questions. How do you explain this phenomenon? What does this mean for plants?

Burying root

Target: prove that roots always grow downwards.
Equipment: flower pot, sand or sawdust, sunflower seeds.
Progress of the experiment: Place several sunflower seeds soaked for 24 hours in a flower pot on damp sand or sawdust. Cover them with a piece of gauze or filter paper. Students observe the appearance of roots and their growth. They draw conclusions.

Why does the root change its direction?

Target: show that the root can change the direction of growth.
Equipment: tin can, gauze, pea seeds
Progress of the experiment: In a small sieve or low tin can with the bottom removed and covered with gauze, put a dozen swollen peas, cover them with a layer of two to three centimeters of wet sawdust or earth and place them over a bowl of water. As soon as the roots penetrate through the holes in the gauze, place the sieve at an angle to the wall. After a few hours, students will see that the tips of the roots have bent towards the gauze. On the second or third day, all the roots will grow, pressing against the gauze. The teacher asks questions to the students. How do you explain this? (The root tip is very sensitive to moisture, therefore, once in dry air, it bends towards the gauze, where the wet sawdust is located).

What are roots for?

Target: prove that the roots of the plant absorb water; clarify the function of plant roots; establish the relationship between the structure and function of roots.
Equipment: a cutting of geranium or balsam with roots, a container with water, closed with a lid with a slot for the cutting.
Progress of the experiment: Students examine cuttings of balsam or geranium with roots, find out why the plant needs roots (roots anchor the plant in the ground), and whether they absorb water. Conduct an experiment: place the plant in a transparent container, mark the water level, tightly close the container with a lid with a slot for the cutting. They determine what happened to the water a few days later (the water became scarce). The children’s assumption is checked after 7-8 days (there is less water) and the process of water absorption by the roots is explained. The children sketch the result.

How to see the movement of water through the roots?

Target: prove that plant roots absorb water, clarify the function of plant roots, establish the relationship between the structure and function of roots.
Equipment: balsam cuttings with roots, water with food coloring.
Progress of the experiment: Students examine cuttings of geranium or balsam with roots, clarify the functions of the roots (they strengthen the plant in the soil, take moisture from it). What else can roots take from the ground? Children's assumptions are discussed. Consider dry food coloring - “food”, add it to water, stir. Find out what should happen if the roots can take up more than just water (the roots should turn a different color). After a few days, the children sketch the results of the experiment in an observation diary. They clarify what will happen to the plant if there are substances harmful to it in the ground (the plant will die, taking away harmful substances along with the water).

Pump plant

Target: prove that the root of the plant absorbs water and the stem conducts it; explain the experience using the knowledge gained.
Equipment: a curved glass tube inserted into a 3 cm long rubber tube; adult plant, transparent container, tripod for securing the tube.
Progress of the experiment: Children are asked to use an adult balsam plant for cuttings and place them in water. Place the end of the rubber tube onto the stump remaining from the stem. The tube is secured and the free end is lowered into a transparent container. Water the soil, observing what is happening (after some time, water appears in the glass tube and begins to flow into the container). Find out why (water from the soil reaches the stem through the roots and goes further). Children explain using knowledge about the functions of stem roots. The result is sketched.

Living piece

Target: establish that root vegetables contain a supply of nutrients for the plant.
Equipment: flat container, root vegetables: carrots, radishes, beets, activity algorithm
Progress of the experiment: Students are given the task: to check whether root vegetables have a supply of nutrients. Children determine the name of the root vegetable. Then they place the root crop in a warm, bright place, observe the appearance of greenery, and sketch it (the root crop provides food for the leaves that appear). Cut the root crop to half its height, place it in a flat container with water, and place it in a warm, bright place. Children watch the growth of greenery and sketch the result of their observation. Observation continues until the greens begin to wither. Children examine the root vegetable (it has become soft, limp, tasteless, and has little liquid).

Where do the roots go?

Target: establish a connection between modifications of plant parts and the functions they perform and environmental factors.
Equipment: two plants in pots with tray
Progress of the experiment: The teacher suggests watering two plants differently: cyperus - in a tray, geranium - under the root. After some time, the children notice that cyperus roots have appeared in the tray. Then they examine the geranium and find out why the roots of the geranium did not appear in the tray (the roots did not appear because they are attracted by water; the geranium has moisture in the pot, not in the tray).

Unusual roots

Target: identify the relationship between high air humidity and the appearance of aerial roots in plants.
Equipment: Scindapsus, a transparent container with a tight lid with water at the bottom, a wire rack.
Progress of the experiment: The teacher invites the children to find out why there are plants with aerial roots in the jungle. Children examine the scindapsus plant, find buds - future aerial roots, place the cutting on a wire rack in a container with water, and close it tightly with a lid. Observe for a month the appearance of “fog”, and then drops on the lid inside the container (like in the jungle). They examine the emerging aerial roots and compare them with other plants.

Experiments for classes on the topic “Stem”

In what direction does the stem grow?

Target: find out the characteristics of stem growth.
Equipment: bar, needles, glass jar, pea seeds
Progress of the experiment: Attach 2-3 pea sprouts with a stem and the first two leaves to a wooden block. After a few hours, the children will see that the stem has bent upward. They conclude that the stem, like the root, has directional growth.

Movement of growing plant organs

Target: find out the dependence of plant growth on light.
Equipment: 2 flower pots, grains of oats, rye, wheat, 2 cardboard boxes.
Progress of the experiment: Sow two dozen grains each in two small flower pots filled with wet sawdust. Cover one pot with a cardboard box, cover the other pot with the same box with a round hole on one of the walls. Next lesson, remove the boxes from the pots. Children will notice that the oat seedlings that were covered with a cardboard box with a hole will be tilted towards the hole; in another pot the seedlings will not bend. The teacher asks students to draw a conclusion.

Is it possible to grow a plant with two stems from one seed?

Target: introduce students to the artificial production of a two-stem plant.
Equipment: flower pot, pea seeds.
Progress of the experiment: Take a few peas and sow them in a box of soil or in a small flower pot. When the seedlings appear, use a sharp razor or scissors to cut off their stems at the very surface of the soil. After a few days, two new stems will appear, from which two pea stems will develop. New shoots appear from the axils of the cotyledons. This can be checked by carefully removing the seedlings from the soil. The artificial production of two-stemmed plants also has practical significance. For example, when growing shag, the top of the stems of the seedling is often cut off, as a result of which two stems appear, on which there are significantly more leaves than on one. In the same way, you can get double-headed cabbage, which will give a greater yield than single-headed cabbage.

How does the stem grow?

Target: observing the growth of the stem.
Equipment: brush, ink, pea or bean sprout
Progress of the experiment: Stem growth can be achieved using marks. Using a brush or needle, apply marks on the stem of sprouted peas or beans at equal distances from each other. Students must track after what time and on what part of the stem the marks move apart. Write down and sketch all the changes that occur.

Through which part of the stem does water move from the roots to the leaves?

Target: prove that water in the stem moves through the wood.
Equipment: stem section, red ink.
Progress of the experiment: Take a piece of stem 10 cm long. Dip one end of it in red ink, and suck a little through the other. Then wipe the piece with paper and cut it lengthwise with a sharp knife. On the cut, students will see that the wood of the stem has become colored. This experiment can be carried out differently. Place a sprig of a fuchsia or tradescantia indoor plant in a jar of water, lightly tint the water with red ink or ordinary blue. In a few days, children will see that the veins of the leaves will turn pink or blue. Then cut a piece of the twig lengthwise and see which part of it is colored. The teacher asks questions. What conclusion will you draw from this experience?

Up to the leaves

Target: prove that the stem conducts water to the leaves.
Equipment: balsam cuttings, water with dye; birch or aspen bars (unpainted), a flat container with water, an experimental algorithm.
Progress of the experiment: Students examine a balsam stalk with roots, paying attention to the structure (root, stem, leaves) and discussing how water gets from the roots to the leaves. The teacher suggests using colored water to check whether water passes through the stem. Children create an experiment algorithm with or without an expected result. A hypothesis of future changes is expressed (if colored water flows through the plant, it should change color). After 1-2 weeks, the result of the experiment is compared with the expected one, a conclusion is made about the function of the stems (water is carried out to the leaves). Children examine unpainted wooden blocks through a magnifying glass and determine that they have holes. They find out that the bars are part of the tree trunk. The teacher suggests finding out whether water passes through them to the leaves, and lowers the cross-sections of the blocks into the water. Finds out with the children what should happen to the bar if the trunks can conduct water (the bars should become wet). Children watch the bars getting wet and the level of water rising up the bars.

Like on the stems

Target: show the process of water passing through the stems.
Equipment: cocktail tubes, mineral (or boiled) water, water container.
Progress of the experiment: Children look at the tube. They find out whether there is air inside by immersing it in water. It is believed that the tube can conduct water, since it has holes in it, like in the stems. Having immersed one end of the tube in water, try to easily draw air from the other end of the tube; watch the upward movement of water.

Thrifty stems

Target: identify how stems (trunks) can accumulate moisture and retain it for a long time.
Equipment: sponges, unpainted wooden blocks, magnifying glass, low containers with water, deep container with water
Progress of the experiment: Students examine blocks of different types of wood through a magnifying glass and talk about their different degrees of absorption (in some plants, the stem can absorb water just like a sponge). The same amount of water is poured into different containers. Place the bars into the first, sponges into the second, and leave for five minutes. They argue about how much more water will be absorbed (into a sponge - there is more space for water). Observe the release of bubbles. Check the bars and sponges in the container. They find out why there is no water in the second container (it was all absorbed into the sponge). They lift the sponge and water drips from it. They explain where the water will last longer (in a sponge, since it contains more water). Assumptions are checked before the block dries (1-2 hours).

Experiments for classes on the topic “Seeds”

Do seeds absorb a lot of water?

Target: find out how much moisture the germinating seeds absorb.
Equipment: Measuring cylinder or beaker, pea seeds, gauze
Progress of the experiment: Pour 200 ml of water into a 250 ml measuring cylinder, then put the pea seeds in a gauze bag, tie with a thread so that the end remains 15-20 cm long, and carefully lower the bag into the cylinder with water. To prevent water from evaporating from the cylinder, it is necessary to tie it on top with oiled paper.. The next day, you need to remove the paper and remove the bag of swollen peas from the cylinder by the end of the thread. Allow water to drain from the bag into the cylinder. The teacher asks the students questions. How much water is left in the cylinder? How much water did the seeds absorb?

Is the pressure of the swelling seeds high?

Equipment: cloth bag, flask, pea seeds.
Progress of the experiment: Pour pea seeds into a small bag, tie it tightly and place it in a glass or jar of water. The next day it will be discovered that the bag could not withstand the pressure of the seeds - it burst. The teacher asks the students why this happened. Also, swelling seeds can be placed in a glass flask. In a few days the power of the seeds will tear it apart. These experiments indicate that the power of swelling seeds is great.

How heavy can swelling seeds lift?

Target: find out the power of swelling seeds.
Equipment: tin can, weight, peas.
Progress of the experiment: Pour one third of the pea seeds into a tall canning jar with holes in the bottom; put it in a saucepan with water so that the seeds are in the water. Place a tin circle on the seeds and place a weight or any other weight on top. Observe how heavy the swelling pea seeds can be. Students record the results in an observation diary.

Do germinating seeds breathe?

Target: prove that germinating seeds emit carbon dioxide.
Equipment: glass jar or bottle, pea seeds, splinter, matches.
Progress of the experiment: Pour the pea seeds into a tall, narrow-necked bottle and close the cap tightly. In the next lesson, listen to the children's guesses about what gas the seeds could release and how to prove it. Open the bottle and prove the presence of carbon dioxide in it using a burning splinter (the splinter will go out because carbon dioxide suppresses combustion).

Does the respiration of seeds produce heat?

Target: prove that seeds produce heat when they respire.
Equipment: half-liter bottle with stopper, pea seeds, thermometer.
Progress of the experiment: Take a half-liter bottle, fill it with slightly “bent” rye, wheat or pea seeds and plug it with a stopper, insert a chemical thermometer through the hole of the stopper to measure the water temperature. Then wrap the bottle tightly with newsprint and place it in a small box to avoid heat loss. After some time, students will observe an increase in the temperature inside the bottle by several degrees. The teacher asks students to explain the reason for the increase in seed temperature. Record the results of the experiment in an observation diary.


Target: find out which organ emerges from the seed first.
Equipment: beans (peas, beans), damp cloth (paper napkins), transparent containers, sketch using plant structure symbols, activity algorithm.
Progress of the experiment: Children choose any of the proposed seeds, create conditions for germination (warm place). Place a damp paper napkin tightly against the walls in a transparent container. Soaked beans (peas, beans) are placed between the napkin and the walls; The napkin is constantly moistened. Observe the changes occurring every day for 10-12 days: first the root will appear from the bean, then the stems; the roots will grow, the upper shoot will increase.

Experiments for classes on the topic “Plant Reproduction”

Such different flowers

Target: establish the characteristics of plant pollination with the help of wind, detect pollen on flowers.
Equipment: catkins of flowering birch, aspen, coltsfoot flowers, dandelion; magnifying glass, cotton ball.
Progress of the experiment: Students look at flowers and describe them. They find out where the flower may have pollen and find it with a cotton ball. They examine flowering birch catkins through a magnifying glass and find similarities with meadow flowers (there is pollen). The teacher invites the children to come up with symbols to represent the flowers of birch, willow, and aspen (earrings are also flowers). Clarifies why bees fly to flowers, whether plants need it (bees fly for nectar and pollinate the plant).

How do bees transport pollen?

Target: identify how the pollination process occurs in plants.
Equipment: cotton balls, dye powder of two colors, flower models, insect collection, magnifying glass
Progress of the experiment: Children examine the structure of the limbs and bodies of insects through a magnifying glass (shaggy, covered with hairs). They pretend that cotton balls are insects. Imitating the movement of insects, they touch the flowers with balls. After touching, “pollen” remains on them. Determine how insects can help plants in pollination (pollen sticks to the limbs and bodies of insects).

Pollination by wind

Target: establish the features of the process of plant pollination with the help of wind.
Equipment: two linen bags with flour, a paper fan or fan, birch catkins.
Progress of the experiment: Students find out what kind of flowers birch and willow have, why insects do not fly to them (they are very small, not attractive to insects; when they bloom, there are few insects). They perform an experiment: they shake bags filled with flour - “pollen”. They find out what it takes for pollen to get from one plant to another (the plants must grow close or someone must transfer the pollen to them). Use a fan or fan for “pollination”. Children create symbols for wind-pollinated flowers.

Why do fruits have wings?

Equipment: winged fruits, berries; fan or fan.
Progress of the experiment: Children look at fruits, berries and lionfish. They find out what helps the winged seeds disperse. Watch the “flight” of lionfish. The teacher suggests removing their “wings.” Repeat the experiment using a fan or fan. They determine why maple seeds grow far from their native tree (the wind helps the “wings” transport the seeds over long distances).

Why does a dandelion need parachutes?

Target: identify the relationship between the structure of fruits and the method of their distribution.
Equipment: dandelion seeds, magnifying glass, fan or fan.
Progress of the experiment: Children find out why there are so many dandelions. They examine a plant with ripe seeds, compare dandelion seeds with others by weight, watch the flight, the fall of seeds without “parachutes,” and draw a conclusion (the seeds are very small, the wind helps the “parachutes” fly far).

Why does burdock need hooks?

Target: identify the relationship between the structure of fruits and the method of their distribution.
Equipment: burdock fruits, pieces of fur, fabric, magnifying glass, fruit plates.
Progress of the experiment: Children find out who will help the burdock scatter its seeds. They break the fruits, find the seeds, and examine them through a magnifying glass. Children check whether the wind can help them (the fruits are heavy, there are no wings or “parachutes”, so the wind will not carry them away). They determine whether animals want to eat them (the fruits are hard, prickly, tasteless, the capsule is hard). They call what these fruits have (tenacious spines-hooks). Using pieces of fur and fabric, the teacher, together with the children, demonstrates how this happens (the fruits cling to the fur and fabric with their spines).

Experiments for classes on the topic “Plants and Environment”

With and without water

Target: highlight the environmental factors necessary for the growth and development of plants (water, light, heat).
Equipment: two identical plants (balsam), water.
Progress of the experiment: The teacher suggests finding out why plants cannot live without water (the plant will wither, the leaves will dry out, there is water in the leaves); what will happen if one plant is watered and the other is not (without watering the plant will dry out, turn yellow, the leaves and stem will lose their elasticity, etc.). The results of monitoring the condition of plants depending on watering are sketched over a period of one week. Create a model of plant dependence on water. Children conclude that plants cannot live without water.

In the light and in the dark

Target: identify environmental factors necessary for plant growth and development.
Equipment: onion, strong cardboard box, two containers with soil.
Progress of the experiment: The teacher suggests finding out by growing onions whether light is needed for plant life. Cover part of the onion with a cap made of thick dark cardboard. Draw the result of the experiment after 7-10 days (the onion under the hood has become light). Remove the cap. After 7-10 days, draw the result again (the onion turns green in the light, which means photosynthesis (nutrition) is occurring in it).

In the warm and in the cold

Target: highlight favorable conditions for plant growth and development.
Equipment: winter or spring tree branches, coltsfoot rhizome along with part of the soil, flowers from a flower bed with part of the soil (autumn); model of plant dependence on heat.
Progress of the experiment: The teacher asks why there are no leaves on the branches outside (it’s cold outside, the trees are “sleeping”). Offers to bring branches into the room. Students observe changes in buds (buds increase in size, burst), the appearance of leaves, their growth, compare them with branches on the street (branches without leaves), sketch, build a model of how plants depend on heat (plants need heat to live and grow). The teacher suggests finding out how to see the first spring flowers as quickly as possible (bring them indoors to make them warm). Children dig up the rhizome of the coltsfoot with part of the soil, transfer it indoors, observe the time of appearance of flowers indoors and outdoors (flowers appear indoors after 4-5 days, outdoors after one to two weeks). The observation results are presented in the form of a model of the dependence of plants on heat (cold - plants grow slowly, warm - plants grow quickly). The teacher suggests determining how to extend summer for flowers (bring flowering plants from the flowerbed indoors, digging up the roots of the plants with a large lump of earth so as not to damage them). Students observe the change in flowers indoors and in the flowerbed (in the flowerbed the flowers withered, froze, died; indoors they continue to bloom). The results of observations are presented in the form of a model of the dependence of plants on heat.

Who is better?

Equipment: two identical cuttings, a container of water, a pot of soil, plant care items.
Progress of the experiment: The teacher suggests determining whether plants can live for a long time without soil (they cannot); Where do they grow best - in water or in soil. Children place geranium cuttings in different containers - with water, soil. Observe them until the first new leaf appears; The results of the experiment are documented in an observation diary and in the form of a model of the plant’s dependence on the soil (for a plant in the soil, the first leaf appears faster, the plant gains strength better; in water the plant is weaker)

How faster?

Target: highlight favorable conditions for the growth and development of plants, justify the dependence of plants on the soil.
Equipment: birch or poplar branches (in spring), water with and without mineral fertilizers.
Progress of the experiment: The teacher invites students to determine whether the plants need fertilizer and to choose different ways to care for the plants: one is to water with regular water, the other is to water with fertilizers. Children mark containers with different symbols. Observe until the first leaves appear, monitor growth (in fertilized soil the plant is stronger and grows faster). The results are presented in the form of a model of the dependence of plants on the richness of the soil (in rich, fertilized soil, the plant is stronger and grows better).

Where is the best place to grow?

Equipment: tradescantia cuttings, black soil, clay with sand
Progress of the experiment: The teacher selects soil for planting (chernozem, a mixture of sand and clay). Children plant two identical cuttings of Tradescantia in different soil. Observe the growth of cuttings with the same care for 2-3 weeks (the plant does not grow in clay, but the plant does well in chernozem). Transplant the cuttings from the sand-clay mixture into black soil. After two weeks, the result of the experiment is noted (the plants show good growth), documented in a diary and a model of the dependence of plant growth on the composition of the soil.

Green figures

Target: establish the need for soil for plant life, the influence of soil quality on the growth and development of plants, identify soils that differ in composition.
Equipment: watercress seeds, wet paper napkins, soil, activity algorithm
Progress of the experiment: The teacher offers a riddle letter using an unfinished experiment algorithm with unknown seeds and suggests finding out what will grow. The experiment is carried out according to the algorithm: several paper napkins placed on top of each other are soaked in water; put them in cookie cutters; pour seeds there, spreading them over the entire surface; wipes are moisturized every day. Some of the seeds are placed in a pot of soil and sprinkled with soil. Observe the growth of watercress. The plants are compared and the answer is drawn up in the form of a model of the plant’s dependence on environmental factors: light, water, heat + soil. They conclude: plants are stronger in soil and live longer.

Why do flowers wither in the fall?

Target: establish the dependence of plant growth on temperature and amount of moisture.
Equipment: pot with an adult plant; a curved glass tube inserted into a 3 cm long rubber tube corresponding to the diameter of the plant stem; transparent container.
Progress of the experiment: The teacher invites students to measure the temperature of the water before watering (the water is warm), water the stump remaining from the stem, onto which they first put a rubber tube with a glass tube inserted and secured into it. Children watch water flow out of a glass tube. They cool the water with snow, measure the temperature (it has become colder), water it, but no water flows into the tube. They find out why flowers wither in the fall, although there is a lot of water (the roots do not absorb cold water).

What then?

Target: systematize knowledge about the development cycles of all plants.
Equipment: seeds of herbs, vegetables, flowers, plant care items.
Progress of the experiment: The teacher offers a riddle letter with seeds, finds out what the seeds turn into. Plants are grown during the summer, recording all changes as they develop. After collecting the fruits, they compare their sketches and draw up a general diagram for all plants using symbols, reflecting the main stages of plant development: seed-sprout - adult plant - flower - fruit.

What's in the soil?

Target: establish the dependence of factors of inanimate nature on living nature (soil fertility on plant rotting).
Equipment: a lump of earth, a metal (thin plate) plate, an alcohol lamp, the remains of dry leaves, a magnifying glass, tweezers.
Progress of the experiment: Children are invited to consider the forest soil and the soil from the site. Children use a magnifying glass to determine where the soil is (there is a lot of humus in the forest). They find out in what soil plants grow better and why (there are more plants in the forest, there is more food for them in the soil). The teacher and the children burn forest soil in a metal plate and pay attention to the smell during combustion. Tries to burn a dry leaf. Children determine what makes the soil rich (there is a lot of rotted leaves in the forest soil). They discuss the composition of the city's soil. They ask how to find out if she is rich. They examine it with a magnifying glass and burn it on a plate. Children come up with symbols for different soils: rich and poor.

What's under our feet?

Target: bring children to understand that soil has different composition.
Equipment: soil, magnifying glass, alcohol lamp, metal plate, glass, transparent container (glass), spoon or stirring stick.
Progress of the experiment: Children examine the soil and find plant remains in it. The teacher heats the soil in a metal plate over an alcohol lamp, holding glass over the soil. Together with the children, he finds out why the glass is fogged up (there is water in the soil). The teacher continues to heat the soil and offers to determine by the smell of smoke what is in the soil (nutrients: leaves, insect parts). The soil is then heated until the smoke disappears. They find out what color it is (light), what has disappeared from it (moisture, organic matter). Children pour the soil into a glass of water and mix. After soil particles settle in the water, sediment (sand, clay) is examined. They find out why nothing grows in the forest at the site of the fires (all the nutrients burn out, the soil becomes poor).

Where is it longer?

Target: find out the reason for the retention of moisture in the soil.
Equipment: pots with plants.
Progress of the experiment: The teacher suggests watering the soil in two pots of the same size with an equal amount of water, placing one pot in the sun, the other in the shade. Children explain why the soil in one pot is dry and the soil in the other is wet (water evaporated in the sun, but not in the shade). The teacher invites the children to solve a problem: it rained over the meadow and forest; where the ground will remain wet longer and why (in the forest the ground will remain wet longer than in the meadow, since there is more shade and less sun.

Is there enough light?

Target: identify the reason why there are few plants in the water.
Equipment: flashlight, transparent container with water.
Progress of the experiment: The teacher draws the children’s attention to indoor plants located near the window. Finds out where plants grow better - near the window or away from it, why (those plants that are closer to the window get more light). Children examine plants in an aquarium (pond), determine whether plants will grow at great depths of water bodies (no, light does not pass through water well). To prove it, shine a flashlight through the water and check where the plants are better (closer to the surface of the water).

Where will plants get water faster?

Target: identify the ability of different soils to pass water.
Equipment: funnels, glass rods, a transparent container, water, cotton wool, soil from the forest and from the path.
Progress of the experiment: Children examine the soils: determine which is forest and which is urban. They review the algorithm of the experiment, discuss the sequence of work: put cotton wool at the bottom of the funnel, then the soil to be tested, and place the funnel on the container. Measure out the same amount of water for both soils. Slowly pour water into the center of the funnel using a glass rod until water appears in the container. Compare the amount of liquid. Water passes through forest soil faster and is better absorbed.
Conclusion: plants will get drunk faster in the forest than in the city.

Is water good or bad?

Target: select algae from the variety of plants.
Equipment: aquarium, elodea, duckweed, houseplant leaf.
Progress of the experiment: Students examine algae, highlighting their features and varieties (they grow entirely in water, on the surface of the water, in the water column and on land). Children try to change the plant’s habitat: a begonia leaf is lowered into the water, an elodea is raised to the surface, and duckweed is lowered into the water. Observe what happens (elodea dries, begonia rots, duckweed curls its leaf). Explain the characteristics of plants in different growing environments.
Target: Find plants that can grow in the desert, savanna.
Equipment: Plants: ficus, sansevieria, violet, dieffenbachia, magnifying glass, plastic bags.
Progress of the experiment: The teacher invites the children to prove that there are plants that can live in the desert or savannah. Children independently choose plants that, in their opinion, should evaporate little water, have long roots, and accumulate moisture. Then they perform an experiment: they put a plastic bag on the leaf, observe the appearance of moisture inside it, and compare the behavior of the plants. They prove that the leaves of these plants evaporate little moisture.
Target: Establish the dependence of the amount of evaporated moisture on the size of the leaves.
Equipment: glass flasks, cuttings of Dieffenbachia and Coleus.
Progress of the experiment: The teacher invites the children to find out which plants can live in the jungle, forest zone, or savannah. Children assume that plants with large leaves that take up a lot of water can live in the jungle; in the forest - ordinary plants; in the savanna - plants that accumulate moisture. Children, according to the algorithm, perform an experiment: pour the same amount of water into flasks, place plants there, note the water level; After one or two days, a change in the water level is noted. Children conclude: plants with large leaves absorb more water and evaporate more moisture - they can grow in the jungle, where there is a lot of water in the soil, high humidity and hot.

What are the roots of tundra plants?

Target: understand the relationship between the structure of roots and the characteristics of the soil in the tundra.
Equipment: sprouted beans, damp cloth, thermometer, cotton wool in a tall transparent container.
Progress of the experiment: Children name the features of the soil in the tundra (permafrost). The teacher suggests finding out what the roots should be like so that plants can live in frozen conditions. Children conduct an experiment: place sprouted beans on a thick layer of damp cotton wool, cover with a damp cloth, place on a cold windowsill, and observe the growth of the roots and their direction for a week. They conclude: in the tundra, roots grow to the sides, parallel to the surface of the earth.

Experiments for classes in the biology department

Do fish breathe?

Target: establish the possibility of fish breathing in water, confirm the knowledge that air is everywhere.
Equipment: transparent container with water, aquarium, magnifying glass, stick, cocktail tube.
Progress of the experiment: Children watch the fish and determine whether they breathe or not (monitor the movement of the gills, air bubbles in the aquarium). Then exhale air through a tube into the water and observe the appearance of bubbles. Find out if there is air in the water. The algae in the aquarium is moved with a stick, bubbles appear. Watch how the fish swim to the surface of the water (or to the compressor) and capture air bubbles (breathe). The teacher leads the children to understand that fish breathing in water is possible.

Who has what beaks?

Target: establish a relationship between the nature of nutrition and some features of the appearance of animals.
Equipment: a dense lump of earth or clay, dummies of beaks made of different materials, a container with water, small light pebbles, tree bark, grains, crumbs.
Progress of the experiment: Children-“birds” choose what they want to eat, select the beak of the right size, shape, strength (from paper, cardboard, wood, metal, plastic), “get” their food with the help of the beak. They tell why they chose just such a beak (for example, a stork needs a long one to get food out of the water; a strong, hooked one is needed by birds of prey to tear and split prey; thin and short - by insectivorous birds).

How is it easier to swim?

Equipment: models of paws of waterfowl and ordinary birds, a container with water, mechanical floating toys (penguin, duck), a wire paw.
Progress of the experiment: The teacher suggests finding out what the limbs of those who swim should be like. To do this, children choose leg designs that are suitable for waterfowl; prove their choice by imitating rowing with their paws. They examine mechanical floating toys and pay attention to the structure of the rotating parts. For some toys, instead of paddles, contoured legs made of wire (without membranes) are inserted, both types of toys are launched, and it is determined who will swim faster and why (webbed legs scoop up more water - it is easier and faster to swim).

Why do they say “water is off a duck’s back”?

Target: establish a connection between the structure and lifestyle of birds in an ecosystem.
Equipment: chicken and goose feathers, containers of water, fat, pipette, vegetable oil, “loose” paper, brush.
Progress of the experiment: Students examine goose and downy chicken feathers, moisten them with water, find out why water does not linger on goose feathers. Apply vegetable oil to the paper, moisten the sheet with water, see what happens (the water rolls off, the paper remains dry). They find out that waterfowl have a special fatty gland, with the fat of which geese and ducks lubricate their feathers with the help of their beaks.

How are bird feathers arranged?

Target: establish a connection between the structure and lifestyle of birds in an ecosystem.
Equipment: chicken feathers, goose feathers, magnifying glass, zipper, candle, hair, tweezers.
Progress of the experiment: Children examine the bird’s flight feather, paying attention to the rod and the fan attached to it. They find out why it falls slowly, smoothly circling (the feather is light, since there is emptiness inside the rod). The teacher suggests waving the feather, observing what happens to it when the bird flaps its wings (the feather springs elastically, without unraveling the hairs, maintaining its surface). Examine the fan through a strong magnifying glass or microscope (on the grooves of the feather there are protrusions and hooks that can be firmly and easily combined with each other, as if fastening the surface of the feather). They examine the down feather of a bird, find out how it differs from the flight feather (the down feather is soft, the hairs are not interlocked, the shaft is thin, the feather is much smaller in size). Children discuss why birds need such feathers (they serve to retain body heat). A bird's hair and feather are set on fire over a burning candle. The same smell is formed. Children conclude that human hair and bird feathers have the same composition.

Why do waterfowl have such beaks?

Target: determine the relationship between the structure and lifestyle of birds in an ecosystem.
Equipment: Grain, duck beak model, water container, bread crumbs, bird illustrations.
Progress of the experiment: The teacher covers the images of their limbs in the illustrations of birds. Children choose waterfowl from all the birds and explain their choice (they should have beaks that will help them get food in the water; the stork, crane, heron have long beaks; geese, ducks, swans have flat, wide beaks). Children find out why birds have different beaks (a stork, a crane, a heron need to get frogs from the bottom; geese, swans, ducks need to catch food by filtering water). Each child chooses a beak design. The teacher suggests using the selected beak to collect food from the ground and from the water. The result is explained.

Who eats algae?

Target: identify interdependencies in the wildlife of the “pond” ecosystem.
Equipment: two transparent containers with water, algae, shellfish (without fish) and fish, magnifying glass.
Progress of the experiment: Students examine algae in an aquarium, find individual parts, pieces of algae. Find out who eats them. The teacher separates the inhabitants of the aquarium: he places fish and algae in the first jar, and algae and shellfish in the second. Over the course of a month, children observe changes. In the second jar, the algae was damaged and shellfish eggs appeared on them.

Who cleans the aquarium?

Target: identify relationships in the wildlife of the “pond” ecosystem.
Equipment: an aquarium with “old” water, shellfish, a magnifying glass, a piece of white cloth.
Progress of the experiment: Children examine the walls of an aquarium with “old” water, find out who is leaving marks (stripes) on the walls of the aquarium. For this purpose, they pass a white cloth along the inside of the aquarium and observe the behavior of the mollusks (they move only where plaque remains). Children explain whether shellfish interfere with the fish (no, they clear mud from the water).

Wet breath

Equipment: mirror.
Progress of the experiment: Children find out which path the air takes when inhaling and exhaling (when inhaling, air enters the lungs through the respiratory tract, and when exhaling, it comes out). Children exhale onto the mirror surface and note that the mirror is fogged up and moisture has appeared on it. The teacher asks the children to answer where the moisture comes from (moisture is removed from the body along with exhaled air), what will happen if animals living in the desert lose moisture when breathing (they will die), what animals survive in the desert (camels). The teacher talks about the structure of the camel's respiratory organs, which help conserve moisture (the camel's nasal passages are long and winding, moisture settles in them during exhalation).

Why are animals in the desert lighter in color than in the forest?

Target: understand and explain the dependence of the appearance of an animal on factors of inanimate nature (natural and climatic zones).
Equipment: fabric of light and dark tones, mittens made of black and light drape, a model of the relationship between living and inanimate nature.
Progress of the experiment: Children find out the temperature characteristics in the desert compared to the forest zone, comparing their position relative to the equator. The teacher suggests that in sunny but cold weather, children wear mittens of the same density (preferably drape): on one hand - from a light fabric, on the other - from a dark one; expose your hands to the sun, after 3-5 minutes compare the sensations (your hand is warmer in a dark mitten). The teacher asks the children what colors a person’s clothes should be in the cold and hot seasons, and the skin of animals should be. Based on the actions performed, children draw a conclusion: in hot weather it is better to wear light-colored clothes (they repel the sun's rays); in cool weather, it is warmer in the dark (it attracts the sun's rays).

Growing babies

Target: identify that products contain tiny living organisms.
Equipment: containers with a lid, milk.
Progress of the experiment: Children assume that tiny organisms are found in many foods. In warm weather they grow and spoil food. According to the beginning of the experiment algorithm, children choose places (cold and warm) in which they place milk in closed containers. Observe for 2-3 days; sketch (in warm conditions these organisms develop quickly). Children tell what people use to store food (refrigerators, cellars) and why (cold prevents organisms from reproducing and food does not spoil).

Moldy bread

Target: establish that the growth of the smallest living organisms (fungi) requires certain conditions.
Equipment: plastic bag, slices of bread, pipette, magnifying glass.
Progress of the experiment: Children know that bread can spoil - tiny organisms (molds) begin to grow on it. They draw up an algorithm for the experiment, place the bread in different conditions: a) in a warm, dark place, in a plastic bag; b) in a cold place; c) in a warm, dry place, without a plastic bag. Observations are carried out over several days, the results are examined through a magnifying glass, and sketches are made (in humid, warm conditions - the first option - mold appears; in dry or cold conditions, mold does not form). Children tell how people have learned to preserve bread products at home (they store them in the refrigerator, dry bread into crackers).


Target: identify the features of the lifestyle of the simplest marine organisms (anemones).
Equipment: stone, suction cup for attaching a soap dish to tiles, illustrations of mollusks, sea anemones.
Progress of the experiment: Children look at illustrations of living marine organisms and find out what kind of life they lead, how they move (they cannot move themselves, they move with the flow of water). Children find out why some marine organisms can remain on rocks. The teacher demonstrates the action of a suction cup. Children try to attach a dry suction cup (does not attach), then moisten it (attaches). Children conclude that the bodies of sea animals are wet, which allows them to attach well to objects using suction cups.

Do worms have respiratory organs?

Target: show that a living organism adapts to environmental conditions
Equipment: earthworms, paper napkins, cotton ball, odorous liquid (ammonia), magnifying glass.
Progress of the experiment: Children examine the worm through a magnifying glass, find out the features of its structure (flexible jointed body, shell, processes with which it moves); determine whether he has a sense of smell. To do this, moisten cotton wool with an odorous liquid, bring it to different parts of the body and conclude: the worm feels the smell with its whole body.

Why did armored fish disappear?

Target: identify the reason for the emergence of new species of fish.
Equipment: model of armored fish, sharks made of flexible material, large container with water, aquarium, fish, symbol.
Progress of the experiment: Children examine fish in an aquarium (movement of the body, tail, fins), and then a model of an armored fish. The adult invites the children to think about why the shelled fish disappeared (the shell did not allow the fish to breathe freely: like a hand in a cast). The teacher invites the children to come up with a symbol for an armored fish and draw it.

Why didn't the first birds fly?

Target: identify structural features of birds that help them stay in the air.
Equipment: models of wings, weights of different weights, bird feathers, magnifying glass, paper, cardboard, thin paper.
Progress of the experiment: Children look at illustrations of the first birds (very large bodies and small wings). Select materials for the experiment: paper, weights (“torsos”). Wings are made from cardboard, thin paper, wings with weights; they check how different “wings” plan and draw a conclusion: with small wings it was difficult for large birds to fly

Why were dinosaurs so big?

Target: to clarify the mechanism of adaptation to the life of cold-blooded animals.
Equipment: small and large containers with hot water.
Progress of the experiment: Children examine a living frog, find out its way of life (the offspring hatch in water, find food on land, cannot live far from a reservoir - the skin must be moist); touch, finding out body temperature. The teacher says that scientists suggest that dinosaurs were as cold as frogs. During this period, the temperature on the planet was not constant. The teacher asks the children what frogs do in winter (hibernate) and how they escape the cold (burrow into the mud). The teacher invites the children to find out why dinosaurs were big. To do this, you need to imagine that the containers are dinosaurs that have heated up from high temperatures. Together with the children, the teacher pours hot water into containers, touches them, and pours out the water. After some time, the children again check the temperature of the containers by touch and conclude that the large jar is hotter - it needs more time to cool. The teacher finds out from the children which size dinosaurs were easier to deal with the cold (large dinosaurs retained their temperature for a long time, so they did not freeze during cold periods when the sun did not heat them).

Experiences for classes in the Department of Ecology and Nature Conservation

When is summer in the Arctic?

Target: to identify the features of the manifestation of seasons in the Arctic.
Equipment: globe, model “Sun - Earth”, thermometer, measuring ruler, candle.
Progress of the experiment: The teacher introduces children to the annual movement of the Earth: it goes through one revolution around the Sun (this acquaintance is best done in the winter in the evening). Children remember how day on Earth gives way to night (the change of day and night occurs due to the rotation of the Earth around its axis). Find the Arctic on the globe, mark it on the model with a white outline, and light a candle in a darkened room that imitates the Sun. Children, under the guidance of a teacher, demonstrate the action of the model: they put the Earth in the “summer at the South Pole” position, note that the degree of illumination of the pole depends on the distance of the Earth from the Sun. They determine what time of year it is in the Arctic (winter) and in the Antarctic (summer). Slowly rotating the Earth around the Sun, note the change in the illumination of its parts as it moves away from the candle, which imitates the Sun.

Why doesn't the sun set in the Arctic in summer?

Target: to identify the features of the summer season in the Arctic.
Equipment: "Sun - Earth" layout.
Progress of the experiment: Children, under the guidance of a teacher, demonstrate on the model “Sun - Earth” the annual rotation of the Earth around the Sun, paying attention to the fact that part of the annual rotation of the Earth is turned towards the Sun so that the North Pole is constantly illuminated. They find out where on the planet there will be a long night at this time (the South Pole will remain unlit).

Where is the hottest summer?

Target: determine where the hottest summer is on the planet.
Equipment: "Sun - Earth" layout.
Progress of the experiment: Children, under the guidance of a teacher, demonstrate on a model the annual rotation of the Earth around the Sun, determine the hottest place on the planet at different moments of rotation, and put symbols. They prove that the hottest place is near the equator.

Like in the jungle

Target: identify the causes of high humidity in the jungle.
Equipment: Layout “Earth - Sun”, map of climatic zones, globe, baking tray, sponge, pipette, transparent container, device for monitoring changes in humidity.
Progress of the experiment: Children discuss the temperature patterns of the jungle using a model of the Earth's annual rotation around the Sun. They are trying to find out the cause of frequent rains by looking at the globe and a map of climatic zones (abundance of seas and oceans). They set up an experiment to saturate the air with moisture: drop water from a pipette onto a sponge (the water remains in the sponge); put the sponge in water, turning it several times in the water; lift the sponge and watch the water drain. With the help of the completed actions, children find out why it can rain in the jungle without clouds (the air, like a sponge, is saturated with moisture and can no longer hold it). Children check the appearance of rain without clouds: pour water into a transparent container, close it with a lid, place it in a hot place, observe for one or two days the appearance of “fog”, the spreading of drops over the lid (water evaporates, moisture accumulates in the air when it becomes too much a lot, it rains).

Forest - protector and healer

Target: identify the protective role of forests in the forest-steppe climatic zone.
Equipment: layout “Sun - Earth”, map of natural climatic zones, indoor plants, fan or fan, small pieces of paper, two small trays and one large, water containers, soil, leaves, twigs, grass, watering can, tray with soil.
Progress of the experiment: Children find out the features of the forest-steppe zone, using a map of natural climatic zones and a globe: large open spaces, warm climate, proximity to deserts. The teacher tells the children about the winds that occur in open spaces and uses a fan to imitate the wind; offers to calm the wind. Children make assumptions (they need to fill the space with plants, objects, create a barrier out of them) and test them: they put a barrier of indoor plants in the path of the wind, place pieces of paper in front of and behind the forest. Children demonstrate the process of soil erosion during rains: they water a tray with soil (the tray is tilted) from a watering can from a height of 10-15 cm and observe the formation of “ravines”. The teacher invites children to help nature preserve the surface and prevent water from washing away the soil. Children perform the following actions: pour soil onto a pallet, scatter leaves, grass, and branches on top of the soil; pour water onto the soil from a height of 15 cm. Check whether the soil under the greenery has eroded, and conclude: the plant cover holds the soil.

Why is it always damp in the tundra?

Progress of the experiment: Children find out the temperature characteristics of the tundra, using a model of the annual rotation of the Earth around the Sun (when the Earth rotates around the Sun, for some time the rays of the Sun do not fall on the tundra at all, the temperature is low). The teacher clarifies with the children what happens to water when it hits the surface of the earth (usually some goes into the soil, some evaporates). Proposes to determine whether the absorption of water by the soil depends on the characteristics of the soil layer (for example, whether water will pass easily into the frozen layer of tundra soil). Children perform the following actions: they bring a transparent container with frozen soil into the room, give it the opportunity to thaw a little, pour water, it remains on the surface (permafrost does not allow water to pass through).

Where is faster?

Target: explain some features of the natural and climatic zones of the Earth.
Equipment: containers with water, model of the tundra soil layer, thermometer, model “Sun - Earth”.
Progress of the experiment: The teacher invites the children to find out how long it will take for water to evaporate from the surface of the soil in the tundra. For this purpose, long-term observation is organized. According to the activity algorithm, children perform the following actions: pour the same amount of water into two containers; note its level; containers are placed in places of different temperatures (warm and cold); after a day, changes are noted (in a warm place there is less water, in a cold place the amount has remained almost unchanged). The teacher proposes to solve the problem: it rained over the tundra and over our city, where the puddles will last longer and why (in the tundra, since in a cold climate the evaporation of water will occur more slowly than in the middle zone, where it is warmer, the soil thaws and there is somewhere for water to go ).

Why is there dew in the desert?

Target: explain some features of the natural and climatic zones of the Earth.
Equipment: Container with water, lid with snow (ice), alcohol lamp, sand, clay, glass.
Progress of the experiment: Children find out the temperature characteristics of the desert, using a model of the annual rotation of the Earth around the Sun (the rays of the Sun are closer to this part of the Earth’s surface - the desert; the surface heats up to 70 degrees; the air temperature in the shade is more than 40 degrees; the night is cool). The teacher invites the children to answer where the dew comes from. Children conduct an experiment: they heat the soil, hold glass cooled by snow over it, observe the appearance of moisture on the glass - dew falls (there is water in the soil, the soil heats up during the day, cools at night, and dew falls in the morning).

Why is there little water in the desert?

Target: explain some features of the natural and climatic zones of the Earth.
Equipment: model “Sun - Earth”, two funnels, transparent containers, measuring containers, sand, clay.
Progress of the experiment: The teacher invites the children to answer what kind of soil exists in the desert (sandy and clayey). Children look at the landscapes of sandy and clayey desert soils. They find out what happens to moisture in the desert (it quickly goes down through the sand; on clay soils, before it has time to penetrate inside, it evaporates). They prove it by experience, choosing the appropriate algorithm of action: fill the funnels with sand and wet clay, compact it, pour water, and place it in a warm place. They draw a conclusion.

How did seas and oceans appear?

Target: explain the changes occurring in nature, using previously acquired knowledge about condensation.
Equipment: container with hot water or heated plasticine, covered with a lid, snow or ice.
Progress of the experiment: Children say that planet Earth was once a hot body, with cold space around it. They discuss what should happen to it when it cools, comparing it with the process of cooling a hot object (when the object cools, warm air from the cooling object rises and, falling on a cold surface, turns into liquid - condenses). Children observe the cooling and condensation of hot air upon contact with a cold surface. They are discussing what will happen if a very large body, an entire planet, cools down (as the Earth cools, a long-term rainy season begins on the planet).

Live lumps

Target: determine how the first living cells were formed.
Equipment: container with water, pipette, vegetable oil.
Progress of the experiment: The teacher discusses with the children whether all living organisms that live now could have appeared on Earth at once. The children explain that neither a plant nor an animal can appear out of nothing at once; they suggest what the first living organisms could have been like, observing single oil spots in the water. Children rotate, shake the container, and look at what happens to the specks (they combine). They conclude: perhaps this is how living cells unite.

How did the islands and continents appear?

Target: explain the changes taking place on the planet using acquired knowledge.
Equipment: a container with soil, pebbles, filled with water.
Progress of the experiment: The teacher invites the children to find out how islands and continents (land) could appear on a planet completely flooded with water. Children find out this through experience. Create a model: carefully pour water into a container filled with soil and pebbles, heat it with the help of a teacher, observe that the water evaporates (with the warming of the climate on Earth, water in the seas began to evaporate, rivers dried up, and dry land appeared). Children sketch their observations.

Goals and objectives of the lesson:

1. Reveal the essence of the evaporation process, its role in the life of a plant.

2. Develop logical thinking through the development of independent work skills, the ability to draw conclusions from the analysis of experiment results and present the results of their activities.

3. Nurture the communicative qualities of the individual through the inclusion of students in group work. To form a caring attitude towards green plants, based on knowledge about their role in human life and all living organisms on Earth..

The predominant teaching methods: partially search (related to the formulation and explanation of experiments), problem-based method (when solving problem tasks).

During the classes

The music of Vivaldi "Spring" is playing. Teacher's introduction:

Guys, in this music by Vivaldi you hear the awakening of nature. Listen to how the plants awaken from sleep, how they stretch their tender leaves towards the sun.

The connection between green plants and the sun is inextricable. And a tall tree and a small blade of grass - all pull up their leaves, like the palms of hands, towards the rays of the hot sun.

Catching the rays of the sun, the thin and delicate leaf plate is subjected to strong heating. A leaf plucked from a tree dries very quickly in the sun, but the leaves on the tree are fresh and juicy. Leaf cells are always filled with water coming from the root through vessels.

Place the leaf on your cheek and you will feel it cool.

Students express their assumptions, on the basis of which the teacher leads to the idea that: The process of evaporation is underway.

Teacher: Our task for today’s lesson is:

1. Get acquainted with this most interesting phenomenon in plant life.
2. To consolidate previously acquired knowledge on the structure of a plant and other related processes: such as photosynthesis and respiration.
3. You will have to work in a group, so learn to communicate, help each other, and make decisions together.

To get acquainted with the evaporation process, we will go on a journey with you. It will go to our stations. Since we will have to trace the path of water in the plant, the reward for correct answers and tasks will be symbolic droplets.

Before every road trip you need to warm up. Our warm-up today will be based on the following terms:




One person per team: work on writing biological terms.

(Cards with missing letters: FOT-SINT --, A-T-TROPHY,


Fill out a diagram comparing the processes of photosynthesis and respiration. Or 2 people per team perform the test

Write down the numbers of the questions and write opposite them the letters of the correct answers for the process

1Option Option 2.
  1. Where (in the cells of what tissue) does this process occur?
  2. Under what conditions?
  3. What substances are the starting materials in this process?
  4. What are the end products of this process?
  5. What happens to energy in this process?

Suggested answers:

A. In any living cells.

B. In the cells of photosynthetic tissue.

B. Carbon dioxide and water.

D. Organic substances and oxygen.

D. In the light.

E. Constantly as long as the cell is alive.

G. Glucose turns into starch and oxygen is released.

Z. Energy is stored.

I. Energy is released.

Our first station "RESEARCH"

We will try to prove that the process of evaporation occurs in the plant, we will find out which organs are involved in this. In each group there are guys who conducted home experiments, and they will tell us about them now. Let me remind you of the plan for describing the experience: What did you do? What did you observe? What conclusion did you come to?

  1. Experience No. 1. 2 days before the lesson, cut off a well-leafed branch of any indoor plant with a sharp knife and place it in a bottle or flask filled almost to the brim with water at room temperature. It is important that the lower end of the branch is quite deeply immersed in water and that the branch has a stable position. Mark the water level with a thread or other mark. Pour a layer of oil onto the surface of the water to protect it from evaporation. Weigh the device with the plant and record the data. Re-weigh before class. And also note the changes that have occurred.
  2. Experiment No. 2. For the experiment, take a plant with low-lying leaves and first water it with warm water. Place the leaf or branch in a flask or glass jar (200 ml). After 2 hours, droplets of water will appear on the walls of the jar, which then flow onto the bottom wall.
  3. Experiment No. 3. Take two branches of a houseplant of approximately the same size. But first remove all the leaves from one of the branches. Place the branches in test tubes and pour oil on top.

After a day, you will see that the water level in the test tube with the leafy branch has dropped significantly more than with the leafless branch.

Experiment No. 4. The importance of the skin in protecting against evaporation.

Take two apples, one slightly larger than the other; All the skin covering it is cut off from the large one, the other is left with the skin intact. First, the whole apple is weighed and its mass is recorded.

Then a peeled apple is placed in place of the weights and, gradually cutting off the excess pulp, it is balanced with the whole one. After 24 hours, the apples are re-weighed and how much water they have lost is calculated.

Each group tries to explain the results of the experiment.

Through experiments we have proven that water evaporation occurs. But how did water get into the leaves?

Next is ours station "ANATOMICAL" We will trace the path of a drop of water from the root to the leaf.

Teams fill out the diagram and then defend it.

Water absorption occurs __________________________
Organ, zone, name of cells and their structure
Water with ___________ substances moves from the root to the leaf
Tissue, name of cells, features of their structure
Along the _____________ _____________________________ root zone,
By ________________________________________________ stem
Name of cells, which layer
By _______________________________________________ sheet
Which cells, which part of the leaf

In the topic “Leaf” you already learned that water evaporates from leaves through stomata. And today we will find out how this happens.

Next station "THEORETICAL"

Teacher's story about the process of evaporation (and students must complete exercise No. 126, page 51 of the workbook).

Evaporation value:

Leaves evaporate large quantities of water. So a birch tree evaporates 6 buckets per day. Forests of different tree species evaporate different amounts of water from 1 hectare during the summer: spruce-2240t, birch-1200t, pine-470t.

  1. This helps cool the leaves on a hot sunny day and prevent them from overheating. (I show an experiment with a dry and damp surface.)
  2. We know that root pressure contributes to the flow of water into the stem and leaves, but evaporation also helps this process (ensures the movement of water with minerals along the stem)
  3. The evaporation of water by forests has a great influence on the climate. Clouds are more likely to form over the forest. Moisture accumulates in the forest. This makes it cool on hot days.

But plants grow in areas with different climates. What adaptations did they develop? This will help us find out station "ECOLOGICAL" Each group was given the task of figuring out such devices. Approximate content of student presentations:


In aquatic plants such as elodea, pondweed, and water buttercups, the leaf blades are usually thin, often dissected. They absorb and excrete water through the entire surface of the body. Therefore, they do not have stomata.


Due to high air humidity (for example, in plants growing under the canopy of a tropical forest), the evaporation of water by leaves is difficult. To improve water metabolism, special water stomata develop on the leaves, secreting droplet-liquid water. The secretion of droplet-liquid water is called GUTTATION. At high humidity, it can also be observed in plants of other ecological groups.

3 SUCCULENTS are plants of dry habitats that are able to accumulate moisture in different organs. For example, in the stem (this is what cacti do) or in the leaves (aloe and agave). The surface layer of the leaves and stems of these plants has a thick skin, often covered with a thick waxy coating or dense pubescence. The stomata, which are submerged in these plants, open into a gap where water vapor is retained. They close during the day.

4. SCLEROPHYTES - plants also of arid habitats. But on the contrary, these are dry-looking plants, capable (thanks to deep-rooted roots) of absorbing moisture from the deep layers of the soil. Their leaves are small, often in the form of needles or rolled into a tube. The leaves, rolled into a tube, have a moist chamber inside. Evaporation occurs through stomata embedded in grooves inside this chamber, which reduces moisture loss.

The teacher summarizes: ADAPTATIONS TO EVAPORATION.

If you examine the lower surface of the leaf under a microscope, you can see small stomatal openings on it. There are an incredible number of stomata on each leaf. For example, for 1 sq. cm leaf, wheat has 1500 stomata, sunflower has 10 times more, beans have 20 times more. There are more than a million of them on one linden leaf, and several million on a cabbage leaf.

The stomata are negligible and make up only one percent of the leaf area. But they can evaporate the same amount of water as if it were evaporating from an open surface.

Active evaporation occurs at a time when the leaf is working at maximum load, and the plant is well supplied with water. Then, through each stomata, such a number of water molecules can come out in one second that a number with 15 zeros is needed to count it.

Adaptations to increase evaporation (typical when there is high humidity, when it is warm and there is no wind.):

Water may bead up along the edges of the leaf,
-there are convex cells of the leaf skin, which, like magnifying glasses, collect scant light.
-it happens that the leaves and stem are covered with outgrowths that increase the evaporating surface.
-increase in the number of stomata on leaves.

Devices to reduce overheating, hypothermia and evaporation:

Leaf fall.
- turn the leaf edge towards the light (in eucalyptus).
- pubescence on the underside of the leaf blade (mullein, bindweed, wormwood.)
-the ability of some steppe plants to roll a leaf into a tube.
-waxy coating on the leaves.

Last station " Gaming"

Measure “What? Where? When?"

Solving problem situations:


1. In most plants, oyster cells are located on the underside of the leaf. What do you think: where are the stomata of the water lily and egg capsule?

2. Anechka loves her indoor plants very much and to make them look better, she smeared the ficus leaves on both sides with Vaseline. But after a while the leaves turned yellow and the ficus died. Why?

3. It is impossible to hide under some tropical trees (for example, eucalyptus) on a sunny day, as they do not provide shade. What protective device have they developed to protect themselves from overheating?

4. Deciduous trees in our forests shed their leaves for the winter. Make a guess: What could have happened to plants if they had not developed such an adaptation during evolution?

As a reinforcement - Game “Find the mistake”

  1. Birds flocked south, it became colder, and the first frosts were approaching. To avoid dying from lack of moisture, All trees and bushes shed their leaves.
    (Lingonberry, heather and cranberry shrubs remain evergreen. The small leaves of these plants weakly evaporate water and are stored under the snow.)
  2. Good for conifers. Their tree does not have to part with its leaves and needles. As they appeared, they grow until old age. (They live for several years and fall off, but unevenly)
  3. Lyudmila Sergeevna learned that birch leaves can be used as a medicine for inflammatory processes.
    It was already autumn and L.S. prepared fallen leaves. “What a disaster. After all, they contain the same substances as green ones,” the woman reasoned.
    (Together with fallen leaves, harmful metabolic products are removed)
  4. “Where did the green color go in plants?” - the titmouse asked the wise owl. Did he go into the ground to paint everything again next year? Where did the green color actually go?

Summing up the lesson:

  • Best team:
  • Most active student:

Group leaders read out the scores.

Homework: paragraph 36, exercise No. 127, Experience on page 161 of the textbook.


  1. Program for secondary schools, gymnasiums, lyceums. Biology 5-11 grades - second edition, stereotype. - M.: Bustard, 2000. Option 3. Authors: V.V. Pasechnik, V.M. Pakulova, V.V. Latyushin et al. 6th grade Bacteria. Mushrooms. Plants. “Bustard”, 2000. – pp. 124 – 130.
  2. V. V. Pasechnik. Biology (bacteria, fungi, plants) textbook for 6th grade. M.: “Bustard”, 2000.
  3. V. V. Pasechnik, T. A. Snisarenko Biology (bacteria, fungi, plants) workbook for the textbook by V. V. Pasechnik “Biology” 6th grade.

Summary of a comprehensive lesson on native nature and art activities in the senior group, topic: “Exploring leaves in the “Pochemuchek Laboratory”


Summarize knowledge about autumn changes in nature.
Investigate the structure of the leaf, experimentally draw a conclusion about the presence of green matter in the leaves.
During the experiment, show children the dependence of the flight of a falling leaf on its size and shape.
To consolidate knowledge about familiar trees, the shape of their leaves, the meaning of leaves for a tree.
Improve your sculpting skills.
Vocabulary: petiole, edge.
Improve the ability to navigate in space.
Develop attention, coherent speech, general and fine motor skills.
Cultivate curiosity.

Preliminary work:

While walking, watch the leaves fall from the trees.
Collect leaves of different shapes and colors.
Games “Run to the tree that I will name”, “Whose branch are the children from”.


Magnifiers; pieces of white fabric folded in half; wooden cubes.
Colored pencils, plasticine, modeling equipment.
Leaves are green and other colors.
The leaves are real large and small, of different shapes.
Leaves of different trees cut out of colored paper.
Boxes with drawings attached to them depicting trees familiar to children.
Sheets of paper with the tasks “Find the shadow” and “Flight of the leaf.”
Sheets of green paper.

Progress of the lesson:

Hello guys, today we have a lesson in the Pochemuchek Laboratory. We will conduct an experiment and experiment in order to get answers to the questions. In addition, many interesting tasks and games await you. But first, listen to a story about children just like you, only from a different kindergarten.

In one kindergarten, the children went for a walk in the morning. Suddenly a cool breeze blew in and the sun hid behind the clouds. The children shivered and asked:
- What's happened
- Nothing special! Summer just ended! - the teacher said smiling. - It's autumn outside.
- And it’s true! - one boy said upset. - Autumn is a very sad time of year. It rains almost every day and strong winds blow...
“No, children,” the teacher objected, “every season is wonderful in its own way!”

What do you guys think? Explain why you think so. (If the children find it difficult, the teacher uses leading questions: “Why is it so nice to walk in the park in the fall? What does the autumn forest give you? Is it bad when adults bring ripe bunches of grapes, watermelons and other goodies from a store or market? Which one of you is having a day? born in the fall? And although some birds fly away from us to warmer climes, other birds come to us for the winter. What kind of birds are these?)

Autumn is a very beautiful time of year, because the trees change their green outfits to multi-colored ones. Leaves not only decorate the tree, but thanks to leaves the tree breathes. Let's look at how a sheet is constructed. And in order to take a better look, we will use a magnifying device - a magnifying glass.

Studying the structure of a leaf using a magnifying glass

Let's first consider the petiole - this is the part that connects the leaf to the branch.
Now look at the top surface of the sheet. You see the veins - thin tubes. Which go from the petiole throughout the leaf. It absorbs sunlight and is therefore always darker than the underside of the leaf. See for yourself if you turn the piece of paper over and look at its bottom surface.
The edge of the sheet is called the "edge". Examine the edge of the sheet.
The tip of the leaf can be sharp or rounded. Look at it and tell me what it is like on your leaf.

Dynamic pause “We are autumn leaves”

We are autumn leaves
We sat on the branches
(Smoothly swing your arms above your head)

The wind blew and they flew,
We were flying, we were flying
(Arms to the sides, swinging smooth movements, running)

And they sat down quietly on the ground.
(Squat down slowly)

The wind came again
And he picked up all the leaves.
(Stand up, arms to the sides)

Spun and flew
(Running with smooth swinging movements)

And they sat down on the ground again,
(Sit down)

Why do the leaves turn yellow in the fall? The fact is that the leaves are green due to the green substance. Now let’s conduct an experiment and see this substance.

Experiment “Why is the leaf green?”

Take a piece of paper and place it inside a piece of white fabric folded in half. Now use a wooden cube to firmly tap the leaf through the fabric. What did you discover during the experiment? Green spots appeared on the fabric. This is the green substance from the leaf and colors it green. (For this experiment, it is better to take succulent leaves of indoor plants).
When autumn comes and it gets colder and there is less sunshine. This green substance gradually decreases until it disappears completely. Then the leaf turns yellow or... what color are tree leaves in autumn? Orange, red, brown.

But let's get back to our story.

Everything you told about autumn was explained to the children by their teacher. And the children agreed with her that autumn really isn’t that bad. Meanwhile, a strong gust of wind scattered dust and fallen leaves into the air in the yard.
- Here you go! - said the stubborn boy. - I told you so.
And when the wind calmed down, he exclaimed:
- Look, almost all the leaves have fallen off this tree.

Experiment "How the Leaves Fall"

On your walks, have you noticed that leaves fall from trees in different ways? Let's conduct an experiment in order to find out which leaves fall quickly and which slowly, and which leaf is the most beautiful to spin.
To do this, take a sheet of paper in your hand and stand up. Raise your hand with the leaf up and release the leaf from your fingers. While the leaf is flying, carefully watch its flight and remember: did it fall quickly or slowly, fly straight down or spin?

What conclusions can be drawn from this experiment? Large leaves fall more slowly and hardly spin. Small leaves fall faster and swirl more.

Didactic graphic exercise “Flight of a leaf”

Take your pencils and trace the dotted lines representing the path of the leaves from the tree to the ground. You can color the leaves themselves with colored pencils.

Oh oh oh! - the boy sighed. - And how will the poor trees without leaves, completely naked, escape the cold? Maybe we can help them somehow?
And the children came up with the idea of ​​attaching the leaves to the tree with glue or sticky tape. But first they had to determine which leaf fell from which tree.

Can you identify which tree a leaf comes from? Let's check it now.

Dynamic pause “Which tree is the leaf from”

Fallen leaves are scattered on the carpet. The boxes feature trees that are familiar to you. Run to the carpet, collect the leaves and put them in the box that shows exactly the tree from which this leaf fell. (The teacher specifies how many different pieces of paper each child can take so that there is enough for everyone)

Look how many fallen leaves there are,” one girl noted. - How long will it take us to attach all the leaves?
“Don’t waste your time,” the teacher advised the children. - After all, glued leaves will not help the trees warm up. Moreover, trees are not at all afraid of the cold. But you can help them. Want to know how?
- Of course we want! - the children were happy.
- Take a rake and collect dry leaves in a pile around the tree trunk. Over the winter, the foliage will rot and become fertilizer for the tree. In the spring, before the tree begins to bloom, fertilizer will come in handy.
The children did just that. And then they wished the trees a good winter.

Why don't we help our trees? Moreover, we have a rake. Let's do this during a walk, but now we still have many interesting tasks.

Didactic exercise “Wind and leaf”

In front of you are green sheets of paper depicting earth with grass. Take the yellow piece of paper and hold it above the green piece of paper. Now listen carefully and do:

Slowly lower the piece of paper into the very center of the green sheet of paper.
The breeze blew and the leaf flew to the left.
The breeze blew again and moved the leaf to the right.
The wind swirled the leaf in a circle.
The wind moved the leaf to the upper right corner.
And now the leaf has flown to the lower left corner.
The leaf again moved to the center.
Blow off the leaf with a strong exhalation without puffing out your cheeks.

Didactic exercise “Find the shadow of a leaf”

Here are painted colored leaves and their shadows. Your task: find the shadow of each leaf and connect the leaf and its shadow with a line.

Finger gymnastics “Autumn”

Autumn, autumn,
(Three palms touching each other)

(We clench our fists one by one)

Autumn, autumn,
(Three palms touching each other)

(Palms on cheeks)

The yellow leaves are spinning
(Smooth movement of palms)

They lie down quietly on the ground.
(We stroke our knees with our palms)

The sun no longer warms us,
(We clench and unclench our fists one by one)

The wind is blowing stronger and stronger
(Synchronously tilt our arms in different directions)

The birds flew to the south,
(“Bird” of two crossed hands)

The rain is knocking on our window.
(Drum your fingers on one or the other palm)

We put on hats and jackets
(Imitate according to the text)

And we put on our shoes
(Stomp our feet)

We know the months:
(Palms on knees)

September, and October, and November.
(Fist, rib, palm)

Bas-relief sculpture “Autumn tree”

To sculpt a tree, we need to take a piece of brown plasticine. Divide this piece in half. Using straight movements, roll out one half into a thick sausage. This will be the tree trunk. But the top of the tree is always thinner than the entire trunk, so place your finger on one edge of the sausage and lightly roll it out, also with straight movements.

Now let's attach the resulting trunk to a sheet of cardboard. Please note that the leaf is blue on top and green underneath. Can you guess why? Sky above, grass below. Place the tree trunk so that it does not hang in the sky. And it grew from the ground with grass. Apply with light pressure with your fingers so that the plasticine sticks to the cardboard.
Tear off pieces from the remaining brown plasticine, roll them into thinner sausages and attach them to a tree trunk.

The tree is ready, let's move on to the leaves. You still have pieces of plasticine. What color are they? Green, yellow, orange. Pinch off small pieces from them and attach them to the branches of the tree by pressing. (As the children work, the teacher makes sure that the leaves do not stick to the trunk, encourages manifestations of creativity such as leaves falling to the ground or flying).