Sberbank where to file a complaint. How to write and where to leave a complaint against Sberbank of Russia

Incorrect behavior of Sberbank, violation of the work schedule or refusal to fulfill one’s duties is a good reason to complain to authorized organizations about this banking institution. Of course, Sberbank OJSC has established itself as a very high-quality bank, operating under the significant patronage of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation.

However, the huge number of organization points throughout the country makes it simply impossible to thoroughly study all the people hired, so it happens that one or another employee of the organization from time to time exceeds his authority. In such a situation, you can remain indifferent, but the best thing is to restore justice. This is not difficult to do; it is enough to send a corresponding complaint to the authorized government agencies. We will talk about this event in more detail in the article below.

Sberbank is one of the most reliable banks

As mentioned earlier, Sberbank is a very good and conscientiously operating organization. Moreover, this bank is the largest financial network in the Russian Federation and works closely with the main financial institution of our country - the Central Bank (it owns about 52% of all shares of Sberbank).

Such a high-quality organization of the bank’s work allowed it to open a considerable number of branches throughout Russia and gain the trust of a huge number of citizens. According to statistics, every second resident of the Russian Federation in one way or another cooperates or has collaborated with Sberbank.

Despite such authority in its specialization, even such a large bank sometimes fails in the process of work. Of course, such a phenomenon is not at all strange, because Sberbank employees are, first of all, people who are prone to nervous breakdowns and similar things that can disrupt normal work.

In some situations, you can give bank employees some relief, but what to do if they have completely “lost their shores” and are working in an openly boorish manner? There is only one way out in such a situation - to complain about the organization to the authorities.

Of course, if, for example, you were served 15 minutes longer, then this is unnecessary. But in case of more serious violations in work, filing a complaint should not be ignored. The most significant and common reasons why clients complain about Sberbank are presented in the following list:

  1. inappropriate behavior of employees (boorish behavior, refusal to do their jobs, etc.);
  2. poor quality of service (excessively long execution of simple operations, failure to provide necessary papers, etc.);
  3. making significant errors when calculating or issuing;
  4. incorrect calculation of rates or penalties on loan obligations.

The above list of reasons for filing a complaint is not final.

You can complain about Sberbank in any situation where the client’s rights are clearly violated or bank employees exceed their authority.

A sample complaint can be downloaded here:

Who considers complaints against banking organizations

The complaint must be made clearly and competently

During the process of filing a complaint, it is important to determine where it is best to send this paper. It is worth noting that a considerable number of authorized organizations and individuals are involved in considering complaints against Sberbank. The easiest way to complain is to write a complaint in the book of “complaints and suggestions” of the department whose employees perform their duties poorly, or notify authorized persons about this online through the appropriate support service.

This practice is always possible, but is suitable for use only in case of minor disruptions in the bank’s operations. In more serious situations, it is advisable to take a more serious approach to filing a complaint. The latter includes contacting one of the organizations below:

  1. Central Bank of the Russian Federation. The Central Bank deals with issues of all levels of complexity that are associated with violation of the rights of bank clients or abuse of powers of their employees.
  2. UFSNRB (Office of the Federal Service for Supervision of Banks). This government agency specializes more narrowly in resolving controversial “banking” issues between banks and their clients than the Central Bank of the Russian Federation. Therefore, you can contact this organization if you have a problem of any complexity and are guaranteed to receive help.
  3. or court. Contacting such authorized organizations is advisable in case of gross mistakes by Sberbank employees, due to which the client has suffered significant damage. It is the prosecutor's office or judicial bodies of various levels that are able to organize an investigation and defend the violated rights of a citizen.
  4. . This government agency is responsible for resolving issues related to the improper operation of Sberbank. Most often, clients turn to Rospotrebnadzor with problems of incorrect calculation of interest on loans, refusal to provide loans, and the like.
  5. FAS (Federal Antimonopoly Service). It is advisable to apply here only in a situation where Sberbank employees are openly trying to “swindle” the client into services that he does not need, using abuse of authority and various advertising gimmicks.

There are several ways to contact this or that organization:

  • by personally visiting a branch of a government agency;
  • through the official website of the organization;
  • by sending a registered letter to the address of the head office of the authorized organization.

Regardless of where you specifically apply, it is important to understand that only those complaints that are drawn up correctly, have arguments in favor of the position of the injured client and are formalized legally correctly (contain generally mandatory points, do not contain profanity, etc.) are considered.

How to properly file a complaint

Comments can be left on the Bank's website

Having recorded a violation in the work of Sberbank and decided where to complain, you need to start drawing up a complaint. There is no legally established form of such paper in Russia. Despite this, when drawing up a complaint, it is important to take into account the basic legal norms and rules of such a procedure.

An A4 size sheet must be used as the complaint form. The information on it is presented in legible handwriting or printed text. The main points of the complaint are:

  • data of the applicant, that is, the sender of the complaint (except if the paper is sent anonymously);
  • an indication of whether you are an individual (an ordinary citizen or individual entrepreneur) or an organization/corporate client;
  • the general essence of the complaint (which branch of the bank the complaint was filed against, what it is related to, etc.);
  • reason for treatment with the most competent and concise explanation of the essence of the problem;
  • applicant's contact details;
  • signature and date of the complaint.

If there are documents or other evidence confirming your case, they must also be attached to the complaint. Do not forget that the information in the submitted paper should be presented in as much detail as possible, but at the same time concisely and competently. It is unacceptable to use profanity or insult bank employees in any way.

In general, the answer to the question of where to complain about Sberbank lies on the surface and is determined depending on the individual characteristics of each case. In situations with a non-critical violation, it is quite possible to limit yourself to a letter to the book of “complaints and suggestions”, but if the case is of a more serious nature, then you will have to write to the authorized organizations. The material presented above will help you do everything correctly and with maximum efficiency. We hope the article was useful to you and provided answers to your questions. Good luck in defending your rights!

Expert lawyer's opinion:

The author has presented material on how and to whom you can complain about Sberbank. A sample recommended for use is also provided. However, it should be noted that this sample complaint was drawn up for a different reason. It is intended for appealing a decision on a tax violation, which is submitted to a higher tax authority.

The article lists five bodies to which it is recommended to complain about the work of Sberbank. But there is also a universal authority - this is the court. Ultimately, if appeals to previous authorities turned out to be ineffective, then in court you have the opportunity to directly take part in proving your rightness and the illegality of the bank’s actions. Take advantage of this opportunity.

The video will show you how to make a complaint correctly:

Our organization occupies a worthy place among companies trading rolled metal in the city of Rostov-on-Don and in the Rostov region. LLC "MetalKomplektYug" was created on February 14, 2014, INN 6102060264 KPP 610201001 OGRN 1146181000327, from the moment of its creation to this day it has been actively working in the rolled metal market. Geographically, it is located next to the large Atlant construction market on areas owned by the Altus LLC trading base at the address: 346715, Rostov region, Aksai district, Yantarny village, st. Small Green Ring, building No. 3. Our address is not a mass registration address, despite the fact that several organizations are registered at this address, because Altus LLC has extensive retail space and leases it to other organizations. The director of our organization is Sergey Vladimirovich Logvinov, he is also the sole founder of MetalKomplektYug LLC. He cannot be called a nominee director, because he carries out his labor activity in our organization and does not work for any other company, either on staff or under contract agreements. The staff of our organization consists of 10 people, who are regularly paid wages twice a month, income taxes and contributions to extra-budgetary funds are calculated, and current debts to the budget are repaid on time. This situation regarding employees has persisted throughout the four years of our organization’s operation. MetalKomplektYug LLC carries out wholesale trade in rolled metal products, which is confirmed by OKVED. Our suppliers are Russian metallurgical manufacturing plants and their regional dealers. The organization provides rolled metal to large and medium-sized construction and manufacturing enterprises, strictly fulfilling contractual obligations. Manufacturers and dealers sell their products to customers in large quantities, of each item, we purchase large volumes of each item, complete for our customers the assortment they need in small quantities according to their requests, thereby ensuring their uninterrupted work in construction and production. The economic meaning of our activity lies in the fact that we assemble rolled metal products for each client, taking into account all the features of their work. From the moment the company was founded to the present, MetalKomplektYug LLC has not been subject to lawsuits or proceedings from partners and budgetary organizations. Cash settlements with all business partners are made through non-cash bank transfers; cash is not used in settlements. The specificity of the work of wholesale trade enterprises is that they do not have a large material base and ensure the profitability of their work due to cash turnover. Our company is no exception to the rule. We do not have our own fixed assets, but rent them; A significant amount of inventory is stored in warehouse areas, which ensures stability and speed of response to requests from our customers. MetalKomplektYug LLC was a supplier in 10 government contracts for a total amount of 6,015,667.47 rubles, 9 of which were concluded with Shakhtymezhraigaz Service LLC and 1 with Shakhtymezhraigaz JSC. Inventory, cash in the organization's current account and current accounts receivable from customers are balanced by the corresponding amount of accounts payable and equity. Accounts payable consists of borrowed funds, current debt to suppliers and current debt to the budget. Borrowed funds were formed from a short-term loan provided by Sberbank for a period of 1 year; and a long-term loan provided by the founder of the company S.V. Logvinov, which amounts to 85% of all loans. The founder assumes all risks of non-repayment of borrowed funds in full, which ensures the financial independence of our organization from external sources of financing. As part of the loan provision, the Sberbank security service carried out measures to control the financial and economic activities of our organization and did not identify any circumstances indicating our unreliability; based on the results of the audit, we were granted a loan. As part of the fulfillment of the requirements of the Federal Law of 08/07/2001. No. 115-FZ “On combating the legalization (laundering) of proceeds from crime and the financing of terrorism” (hereinafter referred to as Federal Law No. 115-FZ) according to email No. 721 dated October 26, 2017. We prepared and provided a huge amount of documents to the bank. For the period from 07/03/2017 until October 24, 2017 105 transactions were concluded with the suppliers included in the sample, and 95 transactions were concluded with the corresponding clients; Moreover, each transaction contains at least seven documents. 624 documents on working with suppliers and clients were sent to your address. And this is just a sampling. This amount of work was completed within the time frame specified by the bank. We work quickly, accurately and reliably. The next letter from the bank, concerning the topic covered by Federal Law No. 115-FZ, contained a list of clients classified as dubious. Our organization responded immediately, decision No. 9 of November 15, 2017. stopped working with these companies. This decision can be easily verified by cash flows from this date to the present day. To date, our organization does not have any documentary evidence that would confirm our involvement in terrorist activities or money laundering. But despite all the above measures, we are not excluded from the list of unreliable organizations. But that is not all. The bank has stopped operations on commercial transactions on our current account. This disrupts trade turnover and causes losses to our organization. Our business reputation, which also has its monetary equivalent, suffers. We intend to appeal to the Prosecutor's Office of the Rostov Region and the Central Bank of Russia for the protection of our violated rights and legitimate interests in accordance with Article 13 and Article 15 of Federal Law No. 115-FZ.

Among Russian banks, Sberbank is the largest. It represents a huge network of branches and regional offices that covers the entire Russian Federation. In the process of working with clients, situations may sometimes arise that require investigation. What should a client do if he encounters such a problem? If Sberbank is wrong, a complaint is a chance to restore justice, reaching even such a large bank. But it is necessary to objectively understand the intricacies of drawing up and filing a claim.

Reasons for complaints

In a huge, well-oiled banking mechanism, glitches can sometimes occur.

For example, we can talk about the following situations:
  1. If you had to deal with incorrect treatment from bank employees, then you have a choice. You can pretend that nothing happened, or you can appeal their behavior. But at the same time, this is grounds for filing a complaint about the service. If a client complains about the rudeness of the staff, the bank is obliged to respond to this.
  2. The mechanisms of banking services are not always clear to the client. The attentive attitude of employees and advice on how to act correctly in a certain specific situation can help here. Sometimes it will help if a bank employee simply provides moral support to a nervous client. Unfortunately, it is not uncommon for a client to be treated rudely, avoid answering difficult questions, and provide poor quality banking services. If not in this case, these shortcomings may develop further.
  3. Sometimes problems that arise lead to incorrect calculations and accrual of funds. The client has every right to protect his money and restore justice.
  4. In some cases, when repaying a loan, the borrower complains about the bank’s mistakes, which lead to an unlawful tightening of the conditions for repaying the loan.
  5. A serious violation may be the disclosure of personal data about a client. After all, everyone knows that banks store information about the client’s passport data, financial condition, and address. Disclosure is not only unethical, but also against the law. If Sberbank allowed this, then the complaint will be completely legal.
  6. Unfortunately, in our time there is a practice of imposing additional payments or unfavorable conditions on bank clients. This is also illegal.

There are other types of possible violations. Let's say a customer has encountered one or more similar problems and wants to submit a written complaint. Where to start and what to do next?

Overview of options

Despite the apparent complexity of the situation, there are many opportunities to correct it.

These methods can be roughly divided into two groups:
  • relatively softer methods;
  • more serious options.

The following lists the available options in order of increasing complexity. It will be completely legal to choose from this list where to complain about Sberbank of Russia, but it should be understood that the more significant the chosen method, the more time and effort will need to be spent on bringing the matter to a result.

It is most rational to start with the simplest method of appeal and, if unsuccessful, move on to the next one until a positive result appears.

Where to begin

A sample complaint to Sberbank for any application option discussed later in the article provides for a clear formulation of the problem and a statement of all the facts that confirm the applicant’s point of view.

The simplest action is to simply reprimand the relevant employees and ask them to correct the mistake they made. This is not a complaint, but sometimes it can help correct the situation.

The first option may be to call the hotline. You may not need to write a complaint to Sberbank. Just call the number - 8-800-555-555-0. In this case, you can simply count on a polite answer. The operator will explain the current situation and give this or that advice. And only in rare cases can a complaint to Sberbank be transferred to the responsible person. However, the chances of this happening are almost zero. The request is not recorded, it is not given a unique number, and there is no way to track what the bank is doing to correct the situation. This is not difficult to do, but in most cases you should not count on correcting the situation.

Visit site

The next option is also not difficult. But its effectiveness is still somewhat greater. Nowadays, almost any bank has its own website on the Internet, which represents it. Sberbank also has such a website, and complaints can be submitted through it. We'll tell you how to write a claim to Sberbank. If you go to this page, there is a transition to a special page for feedback.

In order to figure out how to write a complaint against Sberbank, you need to remember how to draw up the document correctly.
  1. The length of the appeal cannot exceed five thousand characters. Therefore, you should write about the essence of the matter, using clear language and citing relevant facts.
  2. The statement must indicate the general topic to which the complaint relates.
  3. Since the bank operates throughout the Russian Federation, it is necessary to select the region where everything happened, and also indicate the name of a specific Sberbank branch.

After sending the message, it will be assigned a number with which the applicant will be able to track the progress of the application.

If the client indicates the email address he has, an official response will be sent to him.

From your personal account

Russian clients of the bank have a personal account on the website. It is needed so that you can perform certain banking operations with additional convenience. How to complain about Sberbank in this way? If problems arise, you can submit a complaint through your personal account. At the bottom of the page there is a subtle link “Letter to the bank”. After going through it, you can submit an electronic application to Sberbank.

Written submission of a claim

Employees must be provided with a complaint to Sberbank, a sample and the forms themselves in order to fill it out and send a complaint. It is generally accepted that it makes sense to fill out an application directly in the boss’s office. Although a special form is provided here, the application is also written in free form. Having seen the seriousness of the client’s intentions, in most cases the manager will be able to solve the problem on his own. It is best to address the document to a higher-level manager. This could be a division director or a regional director. You must ensure that the document receives a registration number, and also obtain a copy of the complaint with this number and the signature of a bank employee.

Submitted documents are reviewed within 25 days.

Internet complaints

They do not have an official status, but to a certain extent they create the bank’s reputation. Therefore, you can tell your story via the Internet on one of those thematic sites where the quality of services of various Russian banks is discussed. In addition, it is important to know that among them there are those that have official support from Sberbank of the Russian Federation. Speaking out there is the same as contacting Sberbank itself via the Internet. On these pages you can not only learn about the experiences of other people, but also see examples of cases where someone was able to successfully win a dispute with a bank.

Using thematic sites, it is also possible to file a complaint against Sberbank.

Next level

Subsequent methods of fighting for your rights can be considered quite serious actions. The previous sections talked about claims that the bank itself tries to eliminate after learning about them. But what to do if complaints against Sberbank did not yield any results? You can contact the Central Bank, the prosecutor's office and other addresses.

Contacting the Central Bank

This organization controls the work of all banks in the Russian Federation. An appeal to the Central Bank is, in fact, an appeal to a regulatory authority. He has great power over the banking system, including revoking the relevant license. The Central Bank has its own website where you can write a complaint to Sberbank.

Antimonopoly Service

In some (not all cases) a complaint against Sberbank can be sent here. For example, her competence includes situations where advertising was deceiving, and the client entered into an unfavorable agreement with Sberbank on the basis of false information contained therein.

Prosecutor's office

In some cases, a complaint is filed with the prosecutor's office. If the law was violated in relation to the applicant, this may help. It is believed that it is necessary to write a statement of complaint about the work of the bank to a higher prosecutor's office (region, territory or region). There they will not only consider the complaint against Sberbank of Russia, but will also provide some legal support.

Contacting the police

This is appropriate in cases where the client’s personal data was provided by the bank to third parties. Such treatment can also occur when the bank sends information about financial transactions to those who are not authorized for this, and also do not have the corresponding rights by law. Complaints filed against Sberbank of Russia submitted to the police will be investigated with the utmost care.


In some cases this organization can help. In particular, you can file a complaint:

  • if Sberbank refuses to repay the loan early, to which in this case there may be serious claims;
  • if interest on the loan was accrued with errors;
  • for assistance from Rospotrebnadzor in resolving problems with collection services;
  • if the loan payment is late for good reasons, this organization may help convince the bank to restructure the payments.


If no other means have helped, but you still have the determination to fight for the restoration of justice, then all that remains is to go to court. It is recommended to apply at your place of residence, and not at the location of the bank branch. This procedure is long, troublesome and can be expensive. In this case, all available documents confirming the complaint will be of significant benefit.

Even in cases where Sberbank is not willing to cooperate, the court often makes a decision in favor of the applicant.