What peoples live in the Caucasus. Population of Russia

The Caucasus is the southern border separating Europe and Asia. About thirty different nationalities live here.

Almost all of its part, the North Caucasus, is part of Russia, and the southern part is divided between such republics as Armenia, Georgia and Azerbaijan.

The peoples of the North Caucasus live in the most complex region of our country in many respects, which includes many territorial entities formed according to the national type. This densely populated and multi-ethnic region with its different traditions, languages, and beliefs is considered to be Russia in miniature.

Due to its unique geopolitical and geocultural position, the relatively small North Caucasus has long been considered a contact zone and at the same time a barrier separating the civilizations of the Mediterranean, Eastern Europe and This is what determines many of the processes occurring in this region.

For the most part, the peoples of the North Caucasus are identical in appearance: as a rule, they are dark-eyed, light-skinned and dark-haired, they have sharp facial features and narrow lips. Highlanders are usually taller than lowlanders.

They are distinguished by multi-ethnicity, religious syncretism, and unique ethnic codes, in which certain features predominate due to their ancient occupations, such as terrace farming, alpine cattle breeding, and equestrianism.

According to their linguistic classification, the peoples of the North Caucasus belong to three groups: the Adyghe-Abkhazian group (this language is spoken by the Adyghes, Abkhazians, Circassians and Kabardians), the Vainakh group - Chechens, Ingush, and the Kartvelian group, native to the Svans, Adjars and Mingrelians.

The history of the North Caucasus is largely intertwined with Russia, which has always had big plans for this region. Since the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries, he began to establish intensive contacts with local peoples, especially with the Circassians and Kabardians, helping them in the fight against

The peoples of the North Caucasus, suffering from the aggression of Turkey and the Shah's Iran, have always seen the Russians as real allies who will help them remain independent. The eighteenth century marked a new stage in these relations. After the successful outcome, Peter I took many areas under his sovereignty, as a result of which his relations with Turkey sharply worsened.

The problems of the North Caucasus have always been at the forefront of Russia's foreign policy objectives. This was explained by the importance of this region in the struggle for access to the Black Sea, which was strategically important for the Russians. That is why, in order to consolidate its position, the tsarist government generously gifted the mountain princes who came over to its side with fertile lands.

The discontent of Ottoman Turkey led to the Russo-Turkish War, in which Russia managed to conquer large territories.

However, the final factor for the final entry of this entire region into Russia was the Caucasian War.

And today, in the North Caucasus region, the borders of which were determined in the nineteenth century, there are seven autonomous republics of the Russian Federation: Karachay-Cherkessia, Adygea, Kabardino-Balkaria, Alania, Ingushetia, Dagestan and the Chechen Republic.

The area where they are located is less than one percent of the entire territory of our country.

About a hundred nationalities and nationalities live in Russia, and almost half of them are the peoples of the North Caucasus. Moreover, according to demographic statistics, their numbers are constantly increasing, and today this figure exceeds sixteen million people.

Hello, dear readers. In this article, we will understand what was the reason that the peoples of the North Caucasus today represent a scattering of completely different and, at the same time, such similar peoples (officially over 50) that are scattered throughout the territory of the modern Caucasus.

Also, I will answer the questions of many readers who were interested in what the Caucasian peoples can teach, for example, the same Russians. Although, the word “teach” here seems very indecent, even blasphemous.

After all, the peoples of the Caucasus have always been in the shadow of the Russian people. But, believe me, there are many positive aspects in the character, culture and traditions of the Caucasians that Russians do not have, and which can be learned from.

The idea for writing this article was given to me by a regular reader of the Dinara blog, for which I express my deep gratitude to her. I don’t see the point of talking in more detail here about all the Caucasian peoples; it would take a very long time. But in the future I will definitely write large and interesting articles about each individual nation. It will be much better and more useful. Here I will give general information about the peoples of the North Caucasus, find out the reasons for cultural and ethnographic unity and, most importantly, talk about what you can learn from the Caucasians. The article is very interesting and, believe me, you just need to read it to the end. You will make many discoveries for yourself.

So, first, you and I need to clearly imagine who the Caucasians even are? What are they? Are these brave guys really that “scary”? Well, it’s time to dispel the myth that “Russian girls like Caucasian guys more than Russian ones.” Oops, I probably hit a nerve here. Well, look further for answers to all this...

Peoples of the North Caucasus: brief background information

Remember, in the article I told you an anecdotal myth:

“God somehow decided to resettle people all over the Earth. He gathered all the peoples of the world into one bag and went to scatter them. Everything went according to plan, but when he reached the Caucasus mountains, he tripped over Elbrus and dropped the bag from his hands. At that moment, all the peoples who still live beautifully fell out of the bag.”

Looks like it's funny to read. But guys, for today territory of the Caucasus(North Caucasus and Transcaucasia) are home to over 100 (!) peoples and nationalities. Yes, you will say that a little higher I gave a figure to a friend - 50. But, think for yourself: more than 30 indigenous peoples live in Dagestan alone. And these are only the indigenous ones!!! Therefore, I believe that official statistics are disingenuous. At one time, the Arabs gave the Caucasus a very laconic, but fully reflective, name - “Mountain of Languages”. And, indeed, if you were in the Caucasus, then in the same place (and at the same time) you could hear a dozen languages ​​at once. For example, I find it “more enjoyable” to travel by public transport to. It feels like a few more trips like this and you can become a polyglot. As they say, thanks to the Russian language!!!

By the way, I will soon write a long article about how to properly travel around the Caucasus, what you must visit, and how to behave with the local population. A reader named Alexander asked me about this. Become a regular blog reader to receive all new articles to your e-mail ().

I decided to understand the classification of Caucasian peoples. I admit, it’s not just the devil here, but the little devil himself can break a leg. But, to make it clearer to you, I will try to explain everything in simple “human” language. The classification of the peoples of the Caucasus is most easily understood and presented on the basis of linguistic identity. This type of identity is also called linguistic. Well, I keep trying to get by without complex words and concepts, but it doesn’t work. I think you'll forgive me. I would like to note that today most historians and ethnographers share the same opinion. Or rather, I adhere to their opinion.

Peoples of the Caucasus: linguistic classification

In total, there are three large language groups, each of which consists of subgroups and branches.

1. Caucasian (Paleo-Caucasian) language group- the most numerous and ancient. In turn, the paleocaucasian group consists of three branches:

  • Adyghe-Abkhazian (the second name is western). But this branch is also divided into the Adyghe subgroup and the Abkhaz-Abaza subgroup. The self-name of the Adyghe peoples is Adyghe. These include: Circassians, Circassians and Kabardians. It is logical that the second subgroup consists of Abazas and Abkhazians.
  • Vainakho-Dagestan(eastern) branch, which is also divided into two subgroups: Vainakh and Dagestan. We talked about the Vanaikhs in the article and learned that this is a collective image, in fact, of the Chechens and Ingush. In addition to them, this also includes the Batsbis - residents of Georgia who speak the Vainakh dialect. By the way, during the population census in Georgia they were considered Georgians.The Dagestan group of peoples includes many peoples of Dagestan: Avars, Dargins, Lezgins, Aguls, Tabasarans. Here it is only necessary to note that some peoples remained in Azerbaijan after the collapse of the Soviet Union. These are Lezgins, Tsakhurs, Avars.
  • Kartvelian (southern) branch. This includes all Georgians. But we can’t say so unequivocally here either. After all, more than a dozen linguistic (ethnic) groups live on the territory of modern Georgia today. The most numerous: Adjars, Mingrelians and Svans. In fact, these peoples were very assimilated, but retained their language.

For clarity, I decided to schematically show you the classification of the Caucasian peoples. And this is what we got in the Paleo-Caucasian language group:

2. Indo-European language group. A very large group that is divided into four branches:

  • Armenian group– in fact, the Armenians themselves (about 5 million live in Armenia, and about 8 million outside the country). I draw your attention to the fact that the main driving force of Armenia is located abroad: Russia, the USA, European countries. The simplest example of the Armenian lobby is France's recent recognition of the Armenian genocide. I have my own opinion on this matter, but I will not voice it, since I have no desire to incite ethnic hatred.
  • The Iranian group is the descendants of the ancient Iranians. The most numerous people in this group are the Ossetians living in Russia and Georgia. But, surprisingly, the Ossetian people are divided into two parts (we are not talking about a geographical division into South and North Ossetia) - Orthodox Ossetians and Sunni Ossetians. This group also includes the Talysh (live in Azerbaijan), Tats (mainly in Dagestan and Azerbaijan), Kurds, Yezidis and Mountain Jews.

Regarding the so-called Mountain Jews, I want to say the following: I have friends of this nationality. By the way, the famous singer Jasmine (real name is Sara Yakovlevna Manakhimova) is a prominent representative of Mountain Jews. So, these Jews are not much different from the classical representatives of this nation. I think you understand what I'm talking about. Moreover, my two-week trip to Israel allows me to compare them (read the article).

  • Slavic group– these are Russians and Ukrainians. Russians (including Kuban and Terek Cossacks) live in all regions of the North Caucasus. In the Krasnodar and Stavropol territories they make up about 85-90% of the population. Although, to be honest, I would not classify the Krasnodar Territory as part of the North Caucasus. I wrote more about this in the article.

It remains to add that I will write an interesting article about the situation of the Russian people in the North Caucasus region. There has been so much yelling and screaming about this in recent years, but the reality is completely different. In order not to miss this article, subscribe to blog updates. Now let's look at the last branch of the Indo-European group.

  • Greek group- Pontic Greeks. They have practically lost their Pontic language; now they speak either Russian or modern Greek. Currently they live in Georgia, Russia and Armenia. But, it should be noted that they are actively leaving Georgia. For example, in Perm there is a Pontic Greek nightclub called “Parnassus”. I admit, at one time I stood guard there with my friends. By the way, they come from Turkey, or rather from Asia Minor (Pontus region). That’s probably why they’re so POWING...just kidding!

It remains for us to consider the last group of peoples, but before we do this, let's look at the graphic gradation of Indo-European peoples of the North Caucasus:

3. Altai language group (“Altai family”), which consists of two branches. In fact, it consists of many branches, but only two are represented in the North Caucasus. Although, some argue that there is generally only one branch in the Caucasus. Let's figure it out:

  • Turkic branch (Turkic-speaking group). The brightest and most numerous representatives of this group are the Azerbaijanis (also the largest Muslim people in the Caucasus, they profess Shiite Islam). The total number of Azerbaijanis in the world is approximately 60 million: more than 9 million live in the republic itself, about 30 million in Iran, and approximately 3.5 million in Russia. By the way, those who trade in the markets are most often Talysh (citizens of Azerbaijan, but not Azerbaijanis). Now I’ll answer a question that I’ve been asked by blog readers probably 500 times. Guys, I am an Azerbaijani by nationality, living in Dagestan. To be even more precise, in, until 1846, part of Azerbaijan (Kuban Khanate). Although, for 7 years now I have only been returning to my hometown from time to time, but that’s another story.

The Turkic-speaking peoples of the North Caucasus also include: Balkars (live in Kabardino-Balkaria), Karachais (Karachay-Cherkessia), Kumyks (mainly live in Dagestan, but some live in North Ossetia). There are also Turkmens, who are called “trukhmens” and Meskhetian Turks in Georgia.

  • Turko-Mongol branch. I want to say right away that not everyone recognizes it, but I believe that it has a place. For example, it cannot be unequivocally stated that the Nogais belong to the Turkic-speaking peoples. For this purpose, a separate group was identified, which, in addition to the Nogais, also included some Kalmyks who profess Islam. As you probably already understood, the Turkic-speaking peoples, in addition to the similarity of language, have a single faith.

This is a brief description of the North Caucasian peoples. Yes, you got it right. I tried to explain very briefly. He said that the little devil himself would “break his leg.” Thank God, I am safe and, for greater clarity, I want to present a diagram of the Altai linguistic group of the peoples of the Caucasus. I also wanted to present a general diagram, but it would take too much space:

Friends, perhaps I missed some people. If you noticed this, I would be very grateful for additions in the comments to this article. Yes, I hope that I did not offend anyone with the information presented. Moreover, there is an opinion that everything Caucasian peoples have common roots. Let's look at this...

Do the Caucasian peoples have common roots?

Guys, do you know what is unique about the Caucasus? Remember what words I started the article with? If my memory serves me correctly, it said the following: “The North Caucasus is a territory of historical, national, religious, cultural and other contrasts.” Yes, yes and yes again! Look how many nations, how many interweavings, how many cultures and traditions there are. Believe me, even such related peoples differ not only in culture, but even in dialectics. However, Abkhazians, Ossetians, Georgians who preach Christianity, and Avars, Azerbaijanis, Lezgins, Kabardians (followers of Islam) call themselves Caucasians! And this is the uniqueness peoples of the North Caucasus.

Over the centuries, the common historical fate of the Caucasians was forged, which led to the formation of a pan-Caucasian ethnographic unity. And today we increasingly hear thoughts about the common origin of the Caucasian peoples, but Leonty Mroveli (11th century) was the first to write about this. He is the author of a work on the history of Georgia from mythical times. So, Mroveli compiled a “family tree of the peoples of the Caucasus” and put forward the theory that all Caucasian peoples have one common ancestor - Targamos. And all current nations are his descendants.

I will not evaluate the views of this respected person, but I agree that the unity of peoples is manifested in everything: in behavior (you can read more about this in the article), in the art of dance (one is worth it), in traditions. For example, kunachestvo, deepest respect for elders, and many other customs and traditions exist in the culture of all Caucasian peoples. The character traits of the “average Caucasian,” not to mention external identity, are also approximately the same. After all, remember how they usually say: “Hot Caucasian guy!” I have never heard anyone say: “Hot Ossetian (Azerbaijani, Avar) guy.”

By the way, this is precisely the reason why there is such a (I admit, even pleasant) myth about Caucasians that they are hot in EVERYTHING! They themselves don’t always think so. Or am I wrong? So, just the day before yesterday, a reader named Irina sent me the following question:

Hello Ali! You've probably heard of this expression: “Russian girls like Caucasian guys the most!” What do you think about this? If you agree with this, then state the reason. Thanks for the answer.

Dear Irina, I’m answering your question. I won’t refute this expression (nor say I’m not a girl... a sense of humor is a good thing), but it seems to me that there is a reason for this. Remember, in the 90s, all sorts of Brazilian, Mexican and other southern “soap operas” (series), as well as Indian films, were shown in the country. The main actors in these series are always so dark (or tanned), athletic brunettes. No, don’t think that I binge-watched the series. So, Caucasians, most often, fit this description. Notice that I wrote that most often. That’s the whole mystery of why Russian girls like Caucasian guys. Although, in fairness, it must be said that guys do not always live up to girls’ expectations.

What do you think about this? What remains for us to consider is what we can learn from the Caucasians.

Peoples of the Caucasus: what can we learn from them (us)?

Today people have different attitudes towards representatives of the Caucasian republics. In some cases, the Caucasians themselves are to blame, in others, the media did a good job, but the essence is the same - you cannot take away from the people what is historically inherent to them. For some reason, the traditions there are still strong and that makes me happy. Especially when I see what is happening in the rest of Russia. No, I don’t rejoice when others feel bad. I am upset that others do not want to adopt our experience. Before we talk to you in detail, watch a short fragment of the program “To the Barrier” by Vladimir Solovyov (I already showed it in one of the previous articles, be sure to watch it):

Is it worth saying anything further? Here lies the answer to the question of skeptics regarding whether. I agree that there are marginalized people among Caucasians, but this is only 1-3%! The rest are normal people! And there is a lot to learn from them. No, I'm not saying that there is nothing to learn from the Russians. For 7 years I have been tirelessly learning from the great Russian culture, I find it interesting. But why aren’t Russians interested in finding out? But it is very traditional, which means it has been preserved almost in its original form. Mass culture has not yet had time to absorb the culture of the peoples of the Caucasus. I don’t understand why shout when millions of RUSSIAN children and old people are left to the mercy of fate. When war veterans cannot get the apartments that we are OBLIGED to provide them with. When there are people ready to put shoes on these old people.

Did you know that special windows have already appeared in Moscow and St. Petersburg where you can bring babies abandoned by their parents. Our professor (by the way, a doctor of psychological sciences) says that stem cells are obtained from such children. Once again I want to emphasize that all these processes also take place in the North Caucasus, but the traditions there are so strong that all this does not have such a strong impact on the life of society.

There was an incident in my life that I remembered for the rest of my life. In 2008, I arrived in Saratov, I had to wait the night so that I could go to Perm in the morning. So, at the station I met a granny who was holding her ears and crying! I approached and asked what happened to her. She said that the moment she fell asleep, someone ran up to her and tore the earrings off her ears. It just shocked me!!! In the Caucasus, all this also exists, but not on such a scale. Another example: when I lived in Dagestan, I knew my neighbors and my neighbors’ neighbors by name, we communicated and helped each other. In Perm, I rented an apartment for 2 years, but I was never able to meet my neighbors on the landing.

Therefore, let's learn from each other! We Caucasians must “pull up” our culture (first of all, the culture of behavior), the level, but we also have a lot to learn from. I am confident that today the peoples of the North Caucasus, for the most part, want to live in peace and have good neighborly relations with the Russian people.

1. Features of ethnic history.

2. Economy and material culture.

3. Features of spiritual culture.

1. The Caucasus is a unique historical and ethnographic region characterized by a complex ethnic composition of the population. Along with large nations numbering millions of people, such as Azerbaijanis, Georgians and Armenians, in the Caucasus, especially in Dagestan, there live peoples whose number does not exceed several thousand.

According to anthropological data, the indigenous population of the Caucasus belongs to the large Caucasian race, to its southern Mediterranean branch. There are three small Caucasian races in the Caucasus: Caucasian-Balkan, Western Asian and Indo-Pamir. The Caucasian-Balkan race includes the Caucasian anthropological type, which is common among the population of the central foothills of the Main Caucasian Range (Eastern Kabardins and Circassians, Mountain Georgians, Balkars, Karachais, Ingush, Chechens, Ossetians), as well as Western and Central Dagestan. This anthropological type developed as a result of the conservation of the anthropological characteristics of the ancient local Caucasian population.

The Caucasian-Balkan race also includes the Pontic type, the carriers of which are the Abkhaz-Adyghe peoples and Western Georgians. This type was also formed in ancient times in the process of gracilization of the massive protomorphic Caucasian type in conditions of high mountain isolation.

The Central Asian race is represented by the Armenoid type, the origin of which is associated with the territory of Turkey and Iran and neighboring regions of Armenia. Armenians and eastern Georgians belong to this type. The Indo-Pamir race includes the Caspian anthropological type, which arose within Afghanistan and Northern India. The Azerbaijanis belong to the Caspian type, and as an admixture to the Caucasian type, this type can be traced among the Kumyks and the peoples of Southern Dagestan (Lezgins and Dargins-Kaitags). Of all the peoples of the Caucasus, only the Nogais, along with Caucasoid ones, also have Mongoloid characteristics.

A significant part of the indigenous population of the Caucasus speaks the languages ​​of the Caucasian language family, which numbers about 40 languages, divided into three groups: Abkhaz-Adyghe, Kartvelian and Nakh-Dagestan.

The languages ​​of the Abkhaz-Adyghe group include Abkhazian, Abaza, Adyghe, Kabardino-Circassian and Ubykh. Abkhazians (Apsua) live in Abkhazia, partly in Adjara, as well as in Turkey and Syria. Close to the Abkhazians in language and origin are the Abazins (Abaza), who live in Karachay-Cherkessia and other regions of the Stavropol Territory. Some of them live in Turkey. Adygeis, Kabardians and Circassians call themselves Adyghe. Adygeans inhabit Adygea and other regions of the Krasnodar Territory. In addition, they live in Turkey, Syria, Jordan and other countries in the Middle East and Balkans. Kabardians and Circassians live in Kabardino-Balkaria and Karachay-Cherkessia. They are found in the countries of the Middle East. In the past, the Ubykhs lived along the Black Sea coast, north of Khosta. Currently, a small number of them live in Syria and Turkey.

The Kartvelian languages ​​include the Georgian language and three languages ​​of Western Georgians - Mingrelian, Laz (or Chan) and Svan. The Nakh-Dagestan group of languages ​​includes Nakh and Dagestan. The closely related Chechen and Ingush languages ​​belong to the Nakh languages. Chechens (Nakhcho) live in Chechnya, Ingush (Galga) in Ingushetia, some Chechens also live in Georgia (Kists) and Dagestan (Akkins).

The Dagestan group consists of: a) Avar-Andocese languages; b) Lak-Dargin languages; c) Lezgin languages. Of all the listed languages, only Georgian had its own ancient writing, based on the Aramaic script. The peoples of the Caucasus also speak languages ​​of the Indo-European, Altaic and Afroasiatic language families. The Indo-European family is represented by the Iranian group, as well as the Armenian and Greek languages. Iranian-speaking people are Ossetians, Tats, Talysh and Kurds. The Armenian language stands apart in the Indo-European family. Some Caucasian Greeks (Romans) speak Modern Greek.

After the annexation of the Caucasus to Russia, Russians and other peoples from European Russia began to settle there. The Altai family of languages ​​in the Caucasus is represented by its Turkic group. The Turkic-speaking people are Azerbaijanis, Turkmen (Trukmen), Kumyks, Nogais, Karachais, Balkars and Urum Greeks.

Assyrians speak a language of the Semitic group of the Afroasiatic language family. They live mainly in Armenia and other places in Transcaucasia.

The Caucasus has been developed by man since ancient times. Archaeological cultures of the Lower and Middle Paleolithic were discovered there. Based on materials from linguistics and anthropology, we can conclude that the descendants of the ancient “autochthonous” population of the Caucasus are peoples who speak languages ​​of the Caucasian language family. In the course of their further ethnic development, they entered into ethnocultural contacts with other ethnic groups and, depending on specific historical conditions, mixed with them, incorporating them into their ethnic environment, or were themselves subjected to assimilation.

In the 1st millennium BC. and in the first centuries AD. The steppe spaces north of the Caucasus ridge were occupied by successive Iranian-speaking nomadic tribes: Cimmerians, Scythians, Sarmatians and Alans. In the middle of the 4th century. Turkic-speaking nomads - the Huns - invaded the North Caucasus. At the end of the 4th century. here a large confederation of Turkic tribes was formed at the head.

In the VI-VII centuries. Some of the nomads switched to semi-settled life and sedentary life in the plains and foothills, engaging in agriculture and pastoralism. During this period, processes of ethnopolitical consolidation took place among the Caucasian-speaking population: among the eastern and western Circassians.

In the middle of the 6th century. Avars migrated to the Cis-Caucasian steppes from across the Volga. At the beginning of the 7th century. in Western Ciscaucasia a new confederation of Turkic tribes arose, known as “Great Bulgaria”, or“Onoguria”, which united under its rule all the nomads of the North Caucasian steppe. In the middle of the 7th century. this confederation was defeated by the Khazars. The Khazar Khaganate dominated the population of the North Caucasus steppe. During this period, nomads began settling on the land not only in the foothills, but also in the steppe regions.

From the middle of the X to the beginning of the XIII century. in the foothills and mountainous regions of the North Caucasus there was a rise in productive forces, primitive communal relations continued to collapse, and the process of class formation took place within the framework of stable political associations that took the path of feudalization. During this period, the Alanian kingdom especially stood out. In 1238-1239. Alania was subjected to the Mongol-Tatar invasion and was included in the Golden Horde.

The Adyghe peoples in the past lived in a compact mass in the area of ​​the lower reaches of the river. Kuban, its tributaries Belaya and Laba, as well as on the Taman Peninsula and along the Black Sea coast.. Kabardians who moved at the beginning of the 19th century. in the upper reaches of the Kuban, they were called Circassians. The Adyghe tribes that remained in the old places made up the Adyghe people. The Chechens and Ingush were formed from tribes related in origin, language and culture, representing the ancient population of the northeastern spurs of the Main Caucasus Range.

The Caucasian-speaking peoples of Dagestan are also descendants of the ancient population of this region.

The formation of the peoples of Transcaucasia took place under different historical conditions. Georgians are descendants of the oldest autochthonous population. The ethnogenetic processes that took place in ancient times on the territory of Georgia led to the formation of East Georgian and West Georgian ethnolinguistic communities. Western Georgians (Svans, Mingrelians, Laz, or Chans) occupied larger areas in the past.

With the development of capitalism, the consolidation of Georgians into a nation took place. After the October Revolution, in the process of further development of the Georgian nation, local ethnographic features gradually weakened.

The ethnogenesis of the Abkhazians took place from ancient times on the territory of modern Abkhazia and adjacent areas. At the end of the 1st millennium BC. Two tribal unions formed here: the Abazgs and the Apsils. From the name of the latter comes the self-name of the Abkhazians - Apsua.

In the 1st millennium BC, within the Urartian state, the process of formation of the ancient Armenian ethnos took place. The Armenians also included Hurrians, Chalds, Cimmerians, Scythians and other ethical components. After the fall of Urartu, the Armenians entered the historical arena.

Due to the prevailing historical situation, due to the conquests of the Arabs. Seljuks, then Mongols, Iran, Turkey, many Armenians left their homeland and moved to other countries. Before the First World War, a significant part of Armenians lived in Ottoman Turkey (more than 2 million). After acts of genocide inspired by the Ottoman government in 1915-1916. Armenians, including those expelled, began to move to the countries of Western Europe and America.

The ethnogenesis of the Azerbaijani people is closely connected with the ethnic processes that took place in Eastern Transcaucasia during the Middle Ages.

In the 4th century. BC. An Albanian union of tribes arose in the north of Azerbaijan, and then at the beginning of our era the state of Albania was created, the borders of which in the south reached the river. Araks, in the north it included Southern Dagestan.

By the IV-V centuries. refers to the beginning of the penetration of various groups of Turks into Azerbaijan (Huns, Bulgarians, etc.).

During the feudal era, the Azerbaijani nation took shape. In Soviet times, along with the consolidation of the Azerbaijani nation, there was a partial merger with the Azerbaijanis of ethnic groups speaking both Iranian and Caucasian languages.

2. Since ancient times, the main occupations of the peoples of the Caucasus have been agriculture and cattle breeding. Development of these sectors of the economy, especially agriculture. was directly dependent on the level of location of natural zones G ory region. The lower zone was occupied by arable land, which rose to one and a half thousand meters above sea level. Above them were hayfields and spring pastures, and even higher were mountain pastures.

The beginning of agriculture in the Caucasus dates back to the 3rd millennium BC. Previously, it spread to Transcaucasia, and then to the North Caucasus. Farming in the highlands was especially labor-intensive. The lack of arable land led to the creation of artificial terraces descending in steps along the mountain slopes. On some terraces, soil had to be brought in baskets from the valleys. Terrace farming is characterized by a high level of artificial irrigation.

Centuries of experience in farming made it possible to develop special varieties of cereals for each natural zone - wheat, rye, barley, oats, frost-resistant in mountainous areas and drought-resistant in the plains. An ancient local crop is millet. Since the 18th century Corn began to spread in the Caucasus.

Crops were harvested everywhere with sickles. The grain was threshed using threshing discs with stone liners on the underside. This method of threshing dates back to the Bronze Age. Viticulture, which has been known since the millennium BC, has deep roots in the Caucasus. Many different grape varieties are bred here. Along with viticulture, gardening also developed early.

Cattle breeding appeared in the Caucasus along with agriculture. In the 2nd millennium it became widespread in connection with the development of mountain pastures. During this period, a unique type of transhumance cattle breeding developed in the Caucasus, which exists to this day. In summer, cattle were grazed in the mountains, in winter they were herded to the plains. They raised large and small livestock, especially sheep. On the plains, cattle were kept in stalls in winter. Sheep were always kept on winter pastures. As a rule, peasants did not breed horses; the horse was used for riding. Oxen served as draft power.

Crafts developed in the Caucasus. Carpet weaving, jewelry making, and the manufacture of weapons, pottery and metal utensils, and cloaks were especially widespread.

When characterizing the culture of the peoples of the Caucasus, one should distinguish between the North Caucasus, including Dagestan, and Transcaucasia. Within these large regions, peculiarities in the culture of large nations or entire groups of small ethnic groups are observed. In the pre-revolutionary period, the bulk of the population of the Caucasus were rural residents.

The types of settlements and dwellings that existed in the Caucasus were closely connected with natural conditions, with the vertical zoning characteristic of the Caucasus. This dependence can be traced to some extent even today. Most of the villages in the mountains were distinguished by significant crowded buildings: the buildings were closely adjacent to each other. For example, in many mountain villages of Dagestan, the roof of the underlying house served as a yard for the one above it. On On the plain, villages were located more freely.

For a long time, all the peoples of the Caucasus maintained a custom according to which relatives settled together, forming a separate quarter.

The dwellings of the peoples of the Caucasus were characterized by great diversity. In the mountainous regions of the North Caucasus, Dagestan and Northern Georgia, the typical dwelling was a one- or two-story stone building with a flat roof. IN these battle towers were built in areas. In some places there were fortified houses. The houses of the inhabitants of the lowland regions of the North Caucasus and Dagestan were significantly different from the mountain dwellings. The walls of the buildings were erected from adobe or wattle. Turluchnye (wattle) structures with a gable or hipped roof were typical for the Adyghe peoples and Abkhazians, as well as for the inhabitants of some regions of lowland Dagestan.

The dwellings of the peoples of Transcaucasia had their own characteristics. In some regions of Armenia, South-Eastern Georgia and Western Azerbaijan, there were peculiar buildings made of stone, sometimes somewhat recessed into the ground. The roof was a wooden stepped ceiling, which was covered with earth from the outside. This type of dwelling (darbazi - among Georgians, karadam - among Azerbaijanis, galatun - among Armenians) is one of the oldest in Transcaucasia and in its origin is associated with the underground dwelling of the ancient settled population of Western Asia. In other places in Eastern Georgia, dwellings were built of stone with a flat or gable roof, single- or two-story. In the humid subtropical regions of Western Georgia and Abkhazia, houses were built of wood, on pillars, with gable or hipped roofs. The floor of such a house was raised high above the ground, which protected the home from dampness.

Currently, in the Caucasus, the urban population predominates over the rural population. Villages with few households disappeared and large, comfortable rural settlements of several hundred households arose. The layout of villages has changed. On the plain, instead of crowded ones, villages with a street layout appeared, with personal plots near houses. Many high-mountain villages have descended lower, closer to the road or river.

The home has undergone major changes. In most areas of the Caucasus, two-story houses with large windows, galleries, wooden floors and ceilings are widespread. In addition to traditional building materials (local stone, wood, adobe bricks, tiles), new ones are used.

There was great diversity in the clothing of the peoples of the Caucasus in the pre-revolutionary period. It reflected ethnic characteristics, class affiliation and cultural ties between peoples. All Adyghe peoples, Ossetians, Karachais, Balkars and Abkhazians had a lot in common in the costume. Everyday clothing for men included a beshmet, trousers, rawhide boots with leggings, a sheepskin hat, and a felt hat in summer. A mandatory accessory of a man's costume was a narrow leather belt with silver or cohesive decorations, on which a weapon (dagger) was worn. In damp weather, they wore a bashlyk and a burka. In winter they wore a sheepskin coat. Shepherds used to wear a coat made of felt with a hood.

Women's clothing consisted of a tunic-like shirt, long pants, a swinging dress at the waist with an open chest, hats and bedspreads. The dress was tightly belted with a belt. The men's costume of the peoples of Dagestan was in many ways reminiscent of the clothing of the Circassians

The traditional clothing of the peoples of Transcaucasia was significantly different from the clothing of the inhabitants of the North Caucasus and Dagestan. There were many parallels with the clothing of the peoples of Western Asia. The men's costume of the entire Transcaucasus was generally characterized by shirts, wide or narrow trousers, boots, and short, swinging outerwear. Women's clothing among different peoples of Transcaucasia had its own figurative features. The Georgian women's costume resembled the clothing of women of the North Caucasus.

Armenian women dressed in bright shirts (yellow in Western Armenia, red in Eastern Armenia) and equally bright pants. Over the shirt they put on an open-lined garment with shorter sleeves than the shirt. They wore small hard caps on their heads, which were tied with several scarves. It was customary to cover the lower part of the face with a scarf.

Azerbaijani women, in addition to shirts and pants, also wore short sweaters and wide skirts. Under the influence of Islam, they, especially in cities, covered their faces with veils. It was typical for women of all peoples of the Caucasus to wear a variety of jewelry, made mainly of silver by local craftsmen. The festive attire of Dagestani women was especially distinguished by the abundance of decorations.

After the revolution, traditional clothing, both men's and women's, began to be replaced by urban costume; this process was especially intense in the post-war years.

Currently, the male Adyghe costume is preserved as clothing for participants in artistic ensembles. Traditional elements of clothing can be seen on older women in many areas of the Caucasus.

The traditional food of the peoples of the Caucasus is very diverse in composition and taste. In the past, these peoples observed moderation and unpretentiousness in food. The basis of everyday food was bread (made from wheat, barley, oatmeal, rye flour), both unleavened dough and sour dough (lavash).

Significant differences were observed in the diet of residents of mountainous and lowland areas. In the mountains, where cattle breeding was significantly developed, in addition to bread, dairy products, especially sheep's milk cheese, were a big part of the diet. We didn't eat meat often. The lack of vegetables and fruits was compensated by wild herbs and forest fruits. On the plain, flour dishes, cheese, vegetables, fruits, wild herbs predominated, and meat was eaten occasionally. For example, among the Abkhazians and Circassians, thick millet porridge (paste) replaced bread. Among the Georgians, there was a widespread dish made from beans; among the Dagestanis, pieces of dough in the form of dumplings were cooked in broth with garlic.

There was a rich selection of traditional dishes during holidays, weddings and funerals. Meat dishes predominated. In the process of urbanization, urban dishes penetrated into the national cuisine, but traditional food is still widespread.

According to religion, the entire population of the Caucasus was divided into Christians and Muslims. Christianity began to penetrate the Caucasus in the first centuries of the new era. In the 4th century. it established itself among Armenians and Georgians. The Armenians had their own church, called “Armenian-Gregorian” after its founder, Archbishop Gregory the Illuminator. At first, the Armenian Church adhered to the Eastern Orthodox Byzantine orientation, but from the beginning of the 6th century. became independent, accepting the Monophysite teaching, which recognized only one “divine” nature of Christ. From Armenia, Christianity began to penetrate into Southern Dagestan and Northern Azerbaijan - into Albania (VI century). During this period, Zoroastrianism was widespread in Southern Azerbaijan, in which fire-worshipping cults occupied a large place.

From Georgia and Byzantium, Christianity came to the Abkhazians and Adyghe tribes, to the Chechens, Ingush, Ossetians and other peoples. The emergence of Islam in the Caucasus is associated with the conquests of the Arabs (UP-US centuries). But Islam did not take deep roots under the Arabs. It began to truly establish itself only after the Mongol-Tatar invasion. This primarily applies to the peoples of Azerbaijan and Dagestan. Islam began to spread in Abkhazia from the 15th century. after the Turkish conquest.

Among the peoples of the North Caucasus (Adyghe, Circassians, Kabardians, Karachais and Balkars), Islam was implanted by the Turkish sultans and Crimean khans. From Dagestan, Islam came to the Chechens and Ingush. The influence of Islam has especially strengthened in Dagestan. Chechnya and Ingushetia during the liberation movement of the highlanders under the leadership of Shamil. The majority of Muslims in the Caucasus are Sunni; Shiites are represented in Azerbaijan. However, neither Christianity nor Islam supplanted ancient local beliefs (cults of trees, natural phenomena, fire, etc.), many of which became part of Christian and Muslim rituals.

The oral poetry of the peoples of the Caucasus is rich and varied. The oral poetry of the Caucasian peoples is characterized by a variety of subjects and genres. Epic tales occupy a significant place in poetic creativity. In the North Caucasus, among the Ossetians, Kabardians, Circassians, Adygeis, Karachais, Balkars, and also Abkhazians, there is the Nart epic, tales of the Nart heroic heroes.

The Georgians know the epic about the hero Amirani, who fought with the ancient gods and was chained to a rock for this; the romantic epic “Eteriani”, which tells the story of the tragic love of Prince Abesalom and the shepherdess Eteri. Among the Armenians, the medieval epic “The Heroes of Sasun”, or “David of Sasun”, is widespread, glorifying the heroic struggle of the Armenian people against their enslavers.

  • For the wrath of the Lord is against all nations, and his wrath is against all their armies: he has given them over to the slaughter, he has given them over to the slaughter.

  • I'll tell you right away. This post is a purely personal subjective feeling that does not claim to be the absolute truth in the last instance (there is no such goal) and is based solely on my own experience. The goal is an attempt to “grope” the national mentality. The author understands everything and adheres to the point of view that each person is individual and any discrimination on any basis is evil. The “quality” of a person depends on himself, and gender, nationality, religion and origin do not affect this “quality” in any way.

    Commitment to belonging to a nationality is developed. They do not like Karachais. Due to relative national poverty, they are cunning and sometimes greedy. They don’t finish talking, they “probe” for a long time, they don’t trust outsiders. They tend to create fog and work opaquely. Nevertheless, they themselves understand Russians much better than they do, because they are located very close. I didn’t communicate often enough and for a long time, I could be seriously wrong.

    The kind of person who sells sand in the desert. Natural businessmen. They think big, ambitiously, and sometimes it seems insanely unrealistic. But no, when you get closer, you understand the thoughtfulness of the plans. They honor and flatter those who are higher and stronger than them (but in their hearts they hate), they despise and humiliate those lower. If you make a concession once, consider it broken. They believe that everything can be bought, so they try to buy everything and everyone. Fanatically religious. Community clanism (belonging to a tukhun) is very strong. Laws don't work, traditions and customs do. Age plays a big role in the degree of respect. External attributes (show-off) are extremely developed. There may be poverty and a catastrophic lack of space in the house, but there will be a jeep at the gate (a modern interpretation of the idea that every horseman should have a good horse) and a satellite dish in front of the house). Women are mostly powerless. The word plays a big role. The business is shady, built on personal relationships and agreements. Guests of the Dagestanis can rest assured - security will be ensured, they will never let you splurge, you will leave with a bunch of gifts, no matter how much you resist. Honor and appreciate what is being done for you. If you are not a guest or unaccompanied, staying on the territory of the republic is extremely dangerous. Trust in people who know traditions and culture increases greatly. The use of the name Rasul Gamzatov will play a very strong role on you.

    Calm, reasonable, clean. They are slow in everyday life. Arrogant. Respect and authority are the highest values. A woman is respected, but she is completely subordinate to a man. They do not tolerate being subordinated by women and those inferior by their standards. Along with the Circassians, they are the calmest and most non-aggressive nation in the Caucasus today. There are a lot of educated and adequate people.

    External attributes and status are extremely important. Clan plays a primary role. Warriors from the brain and bones. There is a generation that knows nothing but to hold a weapon in their hands and kill. Intolerant of enemies and people of other faiths. Complete submission to people of higher rank, complete disregard for those below. Women are completely powerless. The guest will be provided with everything possible (even better than Dagestan), but as soon as you leave the threshold (you will lose your official status as a guest) you can expect any troubles, even from the recent owner. Very dangerous for non-locals. Crazy money is circulating on the territory of the republic. Crazy salaries, construction projects, projects. A complete dictatorship of the president, without whom not a single more or less worthwhile thing can be done.

    The most tolerant of religion and nationality. They are business oriented and defend their monetary interests very strictly. They respect elders and traditions very much. They are calm, know how to listen and speak, and convince. Tricky. The older generation is trying to impute their business to the younger ones, the continuity of everything. Lobbying and business cronyism are thriving.

    P.S. I plan to continue the series.

    - many peoples who spoke different languages. However, such systematization did not develop immediately. Despite the same way of life, each of the local peoples has its own unique origin.

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    Scientists identify a group autochthonous peoples, (translated from Greek - local, indigenous, aborigine), which have lived in this area since their inception. In the northern and central Caucasus these are represented by three peoples

    • Kabardians, 386 thousand people, live in the Kabardino-Balkarian Republic, in the Stavropol and Krasnodar territories, North Ossetia. The language belongs to the Abkhaz-Adyghe group of the Iberian-Caucasian language. Believers are Sunni Muslims;
    • Adyghe people, 123,000, of which 96 thousand live in the Republic of Adygea, Sunni Muslims
    • Circassians, 51,000 people, more than 40 thousand live in the Karachay-Cherkess Republic.

    The descendants of the Adygs live in a number of states: Turkey, Jordan, Syria, Saudi Arabia.

    The Abkhaz-Adyghe language group includes the people Abazins(self-name abase), 33,000 people, 27 thousand live in the Karachay-Cherkess Republic and the Republic of Adygea (eastern part), Sunnis. The descendants of the Abazas, like the Adygs, live in Turkey and the countries of the Middle East, and linguistically their descendants are the Abkhazians (self-name absolute).

    Another large group of indigenous peoples that occupies the North Caucasus are representatives Nakh group of languages:

    • Chechens(self-name - Nokhchiy), 800,000 people, live in the Republic of Ingushetia, Chechnya, Dagestan (Akkin Chechens, 58,000 people), Sunni Muslims. Diasporas of Chechen descendants live in the Middle East;
    • Ingush(self-name - galgai), 215,000 people, most of them live in the Republic of Ingushetia, the Chechen Republic and North Ossetia, Sunni Muslims;
    • kistina(self-name - cysts), in the mountainous regions of the Republic of Chechnya, they speak Nakh dialects.

    Chechens and Ingush have a common name Vainakhs.

    Looks the most difficult Dagestan branch of Iberian-Caucasian languages, it is divided into four groups:

    1. Avaro-Ando-Tsez group, which includes 14 languages. The most significant thing is the language spoken Avars(self-name - maarulal), 544,000 people, central and mountainous regions of Dagestan, there are Avars settlements in the Stavropol Territory and northern Azerbaijan, Sunni Muslims.
      The other 13 peoples belonging to this group are much smaller numerically and have significant differences from the Avar language (for example, Andes– 25 thousand, Tindinians or tyndales– 10 thousand people).
    2. Dargin language group. The main people - Dagrinians(self-name - dargan), 354 thousand people, with more than 280 thousand living in the mountainous regions of Dagestan. Large diasporas of Dargins live in the Stavropol Territory and Kalmykia. Muslims are Sunnis.
    3. Lak language group. Main people - laks (lacks, kazikumukh), 106 thousand people, in mountainous Dagestan - 92,000, Muslims - Sunnis.
    4. Lezgin language group– south of Dagestan with the city of Derbent, people Lezgins(self-name - Lezgiar), 257,000, over 200,000 live in Dagestan itself. A large diaspora exists in Azerbaijan. In religious terms: Dagestan Lezgins are Sunni Muslims, and Azerbaijani Lezgins are Shiite Muslims.
      • Tabasarans (Tabasaran), 94,000 people, 80,000 of them live in Dagestan, the rest in Azerbaijan, Sunni Muslims;
      • Rutulians (my abdyr), 20,000 people, of which 15,000 live in Dagestan, Sunni Muslims;
      • tsakhurs (yykhby), 20,000, most live in Azerbaijan, Sunni Muslims;
      • aguly (agul), 18,000 people, 14,000 in Dagestan, Sunni Muslims.
        The Lezgin group includes 5 more languages, which are spoken by a small number of peoples.

    Peoples who later settled in the North Caucasus region

    Unlike autochthonous peoples, the ancestors Ossetian came to the North Caucasus later and for a long time they were known under the name Alan from the 1st century AD. According to their language, Ossetians belong to Iranian language group and their closest relatives are Iranians (Persians) and Tajiks. Ossetians live on the territory of North Ossetia, numbering 340,000 people. In the Ossetian language itself, there are three major dialects, according to which self-names are derived:

    • Iranians (iron)– Orthodox;
    • Digorians (Digoron)– Sunni Muslims;
    • Kudarians (kudaron)– South Ossetia, Orthodox.

    A special group consists of peoples whose formation and appearance in the North Caucasus is associated with the late Middle Ages (15-17 centuries). Linguistically, they are classified as Turks:

    1. Karachais (Karachayls), 150,000 people, of which 129 thousand live in the Karachay-Cherkess Republic. There are Karachai diasporas in the Stavropol Territory, Central Asia, Turkey, and Syria. The language belongs to the Kipchak group of Turkic languages ​​(Cumans). Sunni Muslims;
    2. Balkars (Taulu), mountaineers, 80,000 people, of which 70,000 live in the Kabardino-Balkarian Republic. Large diasporas in Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan. Muslims are Sunni;
    3. Kumyks (Kumuk), 278,000 people, mainly live in Northern Dagestan, Chechnya, Ingushetia, North Ossetia. Muslims are Sunni;
    4. Nogais (Nogailar), 75,000, are divided into three groups according to territory and dialect:
      • Kuban Nogais (aka Nagais), living in the Karachay-Cherkess Republic;
      • Achikulak Nogais living in the Neftekumsky district of the Stavropol Territory;
      • Kara Nagais (Nogai steppe), Sunni Muslims.
    5. Turkmen (trukhmen), 13.5 thousand people, live in the Turkmen region of the Stavropol Territory, but the language belongs to Oghuz group of Turkic languages, Sunni Muslims.

    Separately, we should highlight those that appeared in the North Caucasus in the mid-17th century. Kalmyks (Khalmg), 146,000 people, the language belongs to the Mongolian language group (Mongols and Buryats are related in language). Religiously, they are Buddhists. Those Kalmyks who were in the Cossack class of the Don Army professed Orthodoxy were called Buzaavs. Most of them are nomadic Kalmyks. Turguts.

    created from personal student recordings of lectures and seminars