Glycine for newborns: how to give dosage. Glycine for infants: instructions for use, reviews, Komarovsky’s opinion

Glycine is one of the most well-known drugs, which is widely used in neurology to treat many diseases. They increase the neuropsychic capabilities of the body, improve the condition of the body, improve sleep, improve mood, and increase performance. Widely used by adults. But few people know that glycine also provides invaluable benefits for newborns.

The drug is distinguished by its versatility and wide spectrum of action. Its properties are due to the fact that it is an amino acid that is capable of being integrated into metabolic processes. This provides adaptation opportunities and has a positive effect on neurological processes and functional capabilities of the body, reduces irritability and depression. It is possible to restore the daily routine, normalize vascular tone, stabilize and balance the processes of inhibition and excitation.

Can glycine be given to newborns?

Glycine has long been used in pediatric practice and is prescribed to newborns from the first days of life. It normalizes the nervous system and mental processes. Used for delayed neuropsychological development. Prescribed to children who have suffered birth trauma or exposure to teratogenic factors. You can normalize mental processes, sleep, and stabilize the nervous system. Prescribed to children with increased excitability of the nervous system, in case of disruption of normal development.

Treatment is usually designed for a long period of time, so you should not count on quick results. Only one effect can be observed quickly - the child falls asleep easily and calmly, without anxiety and awakenings. Over time, you can notice an increase in attention, memory, and ability to perceive while reducing hyperactivity and excitability. The action can be described as a hypnotic, but it should not be confused with this group of drugs. It also cannot be classified as a sedative.

It has virtually no contraindications, with the exception of individual intolerance. It is also not recommended to take it together with antidepressants, since their action mutually reduces activity. There are also virtually no side effects. The exception is allergic reactions and skin irritation.

ATX code

N06BX Other psychostimulants and nootropic drugs

Active ingredients

Pharmacological group

Nootropics (neurometabolic stimulants)

pharmachologic effect

Antihypoxic and antioxidant drugs

Neuroprotective drugs

Neurometabolic drugs

Indications for the use of glycine for a newborn

The drug should not be taken for prophylaxis. Despite the fact that it is natural and relatively safe, not all children can take it. It is prescribed only when indicated. Can be taken from birth. Usually prescribed by a neurologist in the first months of life. The indications are quite different from each other, but in general they are all related to the activity of the nervous system. Residues of the drug are easily excreted in the urine without causing harm to internal organs.

The drug must be given to children who have suffered birth trauma. Congenital encephalopathy and other functional pathologies are a direct indication for prescribing the drug.

Glycine for newborns with hypertension

Glycine is a proven remedy that has proven itself as an effective drug for the treatment of muscle hypertonicity. This problem quite often worries children of the newborn period. The newborn retains an instinct in which he bends his arms and legs under himself for a long time, placing himself in the fetal position. This is explained by excessive tone of the flexor muscles, which were constantly working in the prenatal period. As well as inactivity of extensor muscles that were not previously involved.

Normally, this condition gradually goes away after a month. If the muscles have not returned to normal within a month, help is required. In this case, glycine is often prescribed, which normalizes the functioning of the nervous system, relaxes the muscles and brings them to a normal state. Often prescribed in combination with physiotherapeutic procedures, especially massage and active-passive gymnastics. Usually this is enough to normalize the condition.

It is also necessary to prescribe glycine to children with tremor of the head, limbs and chin, which is observed both in a state of relaxation and rest, and in a state of nervous excitement, fear, and discomfort. In such a situation, glycine is used for 3-4 months. Promotes relaxation, falling asleep, and relieving excessive excitability. Hypertonicity must be treated as soon as it is diagnosed, because it can subsequently lead to complications, such as delayed mental and physical development, speech disorders, and coordination of movements.

Release form

Glycine is produced in the form of tablets, which are round in appearance and white in color. The package contains 25 and 50 tablets. Designed for absorption under the tongue.

The active ingredient glycine, which is an amino acid, is included in several drugs with different names. The Biotika company produces a drug under the same name glycine in packs of 50 tablets. The Evalar company produces "Glycine forte Evalar", which is additionally enriched with B vitamins, which promote better absorption of glycine and are also necessary for the normal functioning of the nervous system and brain. The package contains 20 lozenges. The Pharm company offers consumers the drug “Glycine Forte”. The package contains 50 tablets.


Glycine is a non-essential amino acid that is synthesized by the human body and performs important functions in the body, in particular, it takes part in the synthesis of proteins, which are the main structural components of the body, and affects brain receptors. Helps normalize metabolic processes in the cell, delivers oxygen and removes toxins and carbon dioxide from the body. Stabilizes the basic processes in the central nervous system.

It is a neurotransmitter that transmits nerve impulses and accelerates their processing. It can have both inhibitory and stimulating effects on receptors and neurons. Takes part in the detoxification of toxins and accelerates wound healing. It is part of almost all tissues, especially nervous tissue, the brain and spinal cord.

With insufficient synthesis of glycine in the body, metabolic processes are disrupted. Hormonal disruptions develop, metabolic processes slow down, protective functions and brain function deteriorate. This entails nervousness, irritability, anxiety, increased fatigue, and performance sharply decreases.

Changes gradually occur in other organs and systems, in particular, the state of the immune system is disrupted, hemoglobin levels drop, and protective functions deteriorate. Mental processes, in particular, attention, memory, thinking, are significantly reduced, and reaction speed slows down. The first effects of taking glycine are felt almost immediately after administration. A person’s mood noticeably improves, metabolic processes and sleep are normalized. A person sleeps better at night: he falls asleep easier, sleep becomes deeper, more balanced, and he wakes up easier. During the day there is enough energy for vigorous activity.

Otherwise, the effect of glycine is cumulative. In order to feel long-term effects, such as a sustained increase in performance, improvement and stabilization of nervous activity, mental processes, it is necessary to take the drug for a long time. It is necessary to strictly follow the treatment regimen. Failure to comply will result in no effect.

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Glycine is synthesized by the body and is a natural molecule for it, which is not perceived by the body as foreign. It is characteristic of both adults and children. The principle of its action is to introduce it into the metabolic processes of the body. Then it normalizes metabolic processes, first at the cellular, then at the tissue levels.

Only after this the impact is carried out at the organ level. This leads to normalization of the nervous system, eliminates neurological problems and psychological disorders. Helps achieve a balance between the processes of inhibition and excitation in the cerebral cortex.

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The drug is not used for prophylaxis; it can be used only if indicated. Contraindicated in case of individual intolerance to its components, a pronounced allergic reaction, skin irritation, redness of the mucous membrane during administration. Otherwise, the drug has no contraindications.

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Side effects of glycine for a newborn

Since the drug is a natural compound for the body, it has almost no side effects. But sometimes individual negative reactions are observed. For example, a child becomes too passive and inhibited, or, conversely, overexcited, capricious, and restless. Sometimes increased irritability, moodiness, nervousness may occur - all these are signs of individual intolerance. You need to tell your doctor as soon as possible. Allergy and intolerance are possible.

Glycine is considered the least dangerous nootropic drug. This was confirmed by the results of a global study completed about 10 years ago. Scientists have found that Glycine does not affect the central nervous system as dramatically as drugs of similar action. Today, doctors can prescribe Glycine even for infants to normalize the functioning of the central nervous system and brain.

What is glycine?

Glycine is the simplest protein-forming amino acid that is involved in the body's metabolic processes. In medical practice, this substance is used as a nootropic agent. The drugs are based on the active component of the same name, which activates brain cells and has neurometabolic, neuroprotective and antioxidant effects.

Glycine is a neurotransmitter that is responsible for regulating the secretion of fluids that excite the nervous system. The amino acid is replaceable, i.e. produced in the human body by the liver. If the rate or volume of synthesis of this substance is not enough, the deficiency is compensated by certain foods or medications.

Glycine is a long-acting drug. This means that the effect of taking it is cumulative, i.e. You need to take the drug in courses.

Why do children need glycine?

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Many children are prescribed Glycine immediately after birth or wait 1-2 months, monitoring the child’s condition during this period. Indications for taking the drug in the first year of life:

Most often, Glycine is prescribed to children of preschool age (from 12 months to 7 years). Indications for use of the product:

  • sleep disorders;
  • restlessness and crying of the baby;
  • retardation in intellectual development;
  • restrictions in the development of the cognitive sphere;
  • instability of the psycho-emotional background.

The medicine has a 100% natural composition. Its components are quickly eliminated naturally.

Glycine is non-addictive and safe to take, subject to age-appropriate dosage.

How does the drug work?

The amino acid is natural to the human body. The drug is usually prescribed as a sedative or brain stimulant. Regardless of the patient's age, Glycine:

  • normalizes the processes of inhibition and excitation;
  • activates mental activity;
  • restores sleep quality;
  • reduces irritability, relieves apathetic and depressive states;
  • minimizes the manifestations of VSD.

The best effect is obtained by sucking Glycine tablets. Otherwise, the liver will not completely process the drug, and its effect will be weak. It is under the tongue that there are capillaries that ensure rapid delivery of the active component to the brain.

As a result of sublingual administration, the substance enters the gastrointestinal tract and is absorbed into the blood. Together with the bloodstream, Glycine is distributed throughout the body. The decomposition process takes place in the liver. Here the substance is converted into carbon dioxide and ordinary water. The product is completely eliminated and does not accumulate in internal organs and systems.

Is it possible to give glycine to infants?

The drug does not cause any harm to children of any age. The use of Glycine as part of therapeutic and maintenance therapy is possible from the first days of life.

The drug should be given to children under 3 years of age after consultation with a pediatric neurologist or pediatrician. In order for the medication to give a positive result, it is necessary to select an individual treatment regimen.

The therapeutic effect of Glycine appears a certain time after the start of administration. Irregular one-time use of the drug has no effect on the child’s body, as a result of which the only possible result is improved sleep.

Instructions for use and dosage

In the pharmacy the substance is presented in the form of sweetish lozenges of the same name. Glycine is given to children in dosages appropriate to age:

According to the instructions, the medicine should be given to the baby 2-3 times a day. The duration of the course of treatment is calculated by the doctor individually. In the first days of treatment, parents should carefully monitor their children's reactions.

It is impossible to force a baby to absorb Glycine. There are several effective ways to give medicine to a newborn:

  1. the tablet is ground to a powder, a wet pacifier is dipped into the resulting mixture;
  2. the ground substance is mixed with a couple of spoons of water and given to the child to drink through a bottle;
  3. crushed Glycine is diluted in water and the solution is dropped into the newborn’s mouth with a pipette.

The dosage and frequency of taking Glycine by adolescents depends on the purpose of the drug. Doctors recommend following the following regimen:

Women during breastfeeding can take Glycine after prior consultation with their doctor. The baby will receive this substance through mother's milk, but in a much lower concentration.

Drug analogues and prices

GroupNameRelease formActive substanceAuxiliary componentsIndications for useprice, rub.
Synonyms with identical compositionGlycine Forte, EvalarDietary supplement in tablets 300 mg, 20 or 60 pcs.GlycineVitamins B1, B6 and B12Complex treatment of central nervous system lesions during periods of stress, exacerbation of neuroses and VSD, after traumatic brain injury, stroke, encephalopathy. Often prescribed to adolescents with deviant behaviorFrom 104
Glycine-VISCapsules 400 mg, 36 pcs.From 124
Glycine, MHPPTablets 100 mg, 50 pcs.From 33
Glycine BIO, PharmaplantTablets 100 mg, 50 pcs.PovidoneFrom 43
Glycine Forte, CanonTablets 250 mg, 30 or 50 pcs.NoneFrom 41
Analogs with similar effectsAntifrontCapsules 30 pcs. or 30 ml dropper bottleExtracts of ginger root, licorice, turmeric, lemon balm leaves and green teaMigraines, joint pain, meteorological reactions and autonomic disordersFrom 366
ArmadinTablets 125 mg, 30 pcs. orPovidoneBroad spectrum neurological disorders. Not used in pediatricsFrom 1363
Glutamic acidTablets 250 mg, 10 or 60 pcs.Glutamic ACIDOrganic brain damage, congenital developmental disorders, myopathiesFrom 47
InstenonTablets 30 or 50 pcs., solutions for injections 5 ampoules eachHexobendine, Etamivan, EtophyllineNoneVascular pathologies and functional disorders of the brainFrom 216
MexidolTablets 125 mg, 30 pcs. or solution for injection, 5 or 10 ampoulesEthylmethylhydroxypyridine succinateDyscirculatory disorders of brain function, withdrawal syndromeFrom 41
Neurotropin5% solution for injection, 10 ampoulesFrom 1054
TryptophanCapsules 200 mg, 15 or 60 pcs.L-tryptophanDepressive and anxiety statesFrom 292
CebrilisinSolution for injection, 5 or 10 ampoulesCerebrolysinNeurological and depressive disorders, psychiatric pathologies, decirculatory lesionsFrom 624
Elfunat5% solution for injection, 10 ampoulesEthylmethylhydroxypyridine succinateInjuries and ischemic lesions of the brain, withdrawal syndromeFrom 700

Glycine and its analogues can be replaced with natural sedatives during breastfeeding and in infancy. For example, herbal preparations based on lemon balm and valerian are well suited for normalizing sleep and reducing psycho-emotional stress.

Overdose and possible side effects

The only contraindication to taking the drug is individual intolerance to the protein-forming amino acid. The side effect in this case is an allergic reaction in the form of rashes on the body or hives. At the beginning of the course, it is necessary to monitor the following changes in the child’s condition and behavior:

  • increased excitability;
  • reduction in sleep duration;
  • lethargy and apathy;
  • refusal of food;
  • the appearance of atypical spots and rashes on the skin and mucous membranes.

Any of these signs indicates an excess dosage of Glycine. Parents should stop using the drug and show the baby to a doctor.

What foods contain glycine?

Amino acid deficiency in the body can be compensated by adjusting the child’s daily diet. The highest content of the substance was found in the following products:

GroupNameAmount of substance per 100 g of product, %
Chicken liver1,07
Veal and pork tongue1,05
Red lentils1,03
Sesame seeds1,39
Sunflower seeds1,13

In other products, the amino acid is present in smaller amounts. The amount of amino acid also depends on how the food is processed. The lowest concentration is observed in fresh fruits.

What does Komarovsky think about glycine?

Dr. Komarovsky claims that the nootropic effect of the drug has not been proven. According to the pediatrician, taking the medicine benefits the child's parents and doctors rather than the baby himself. The former are calm because they have taken at least minimal measures to improve the condition of the child, the latter prescribe Glycine to newborns, thereby temporarily relieving themselves of responsibility.

The drug does not harm healthy children, but does not treat truly sick children. At the same time, Komarovsky does not dispute the positive effect of this drug when taken by adult patients for the treatment of mental disorders and alcoholism. The pediatrician strongly does not recommend the use of Glycine for newborns from 1 month to a year, pregnant and lactating women, especially “just in case.”

For children in their first year of life, when pathological changes in development are detected or as a preventive measure, a pediatric neurologist can prescribe special medications that normalize the functioning of the nervous system. This group of drugs also includes glycine for infants.
Most of the adult population is aware of the drug - small tablets are used for increased nervous excitability, during periods of intense mental activity, and they are also used in the complex and long-term treatment of alcoholism. So how can glycine help children, and can it be given independently, that is, without a doctor’s prescription? The instructions, which parents should definitely study, can help you understand this issue.

Pharmacological action of glycine and its composition

Any instructions for a medicinal product contain information about the composition, action, conditions of use and contraindications. The main active ingredient of the drug is glycine. The composition also includes substances that facilitate the absorption of the medicine by the body.
Glycine is the simplest amino acid, is integrated into metabolic processes and is used in medicine as a nootropic - a medicine that improves the functioning of brain cells. The main actions of the drug include:

  1. neurometabolic
  2. neuroprotective
  3. antioxidant

The general mechanism of action is aimed at regulating metabolism and normalizing inhibition processes in the central nervous system. An amino acid in the body interacts with the substances found in it and, as a result, becomes a building material involved in the production of enzymes, hormones, and proteins necessary for organs and systems.
Natural glycine also enters the body through food, but if a person’s diet is poor or there are problems with digestion, then there is a shortage of the substance. This is expressed by various disturbances in a person’s mental activity and negatively affects the functioning of the brain.
The instructions contain data that the drug reduces psycho-emotional stress and increases mental activity. Therefore, after consulting a doctor, you can give the medicine in the following conditions:

  1. with increased psycho-emotional stress, high level of aggressiveness, with a tendency to conflict
  2. to improve social adaptation
  3. to improve mood
  4. to normalize sleep processes, to facilitate the transition to sleep
  5. to reduce the severity of brain disorders, with various brain injuries
  6. to reduce the toxic effect of alcohol on brain cells

The above indications refer to the use of this amino acid for the treatment of adult patients. The components quickly penetrate almost all tissues and cells, where they break down to the level of water and carbon dioxide. This means only one thing - medicinal components do not accumulate in the body and are completely released from it.
Glycine for newborns has its own group of prescriptions, which must be taken into account before giving medicine to children.

Why is glycine necessary for children of the first year of life?

Glycine should not be used just because its effect is positively assessed by a neighbor or work colleague. This is especially true for newborn children. Self-treatment of children under one year of age is strictly prohibited. Thus, parents in most cases only cause harm. Glycine for infants can be given only on the recommendation of a pediatric neurologist or, in extreme cases, a pediatrician. The instructions strictly define the group of indications that they belong to.

  1. Identification of birth trauma
  2. It is indicated for a one-month-old baby from birth if his brain activity is negatively affected by intrauterine hypoxia
  3. Congenital encephalopathy of a child is considered a direct indication for the complex use of the drug.
  4. Glycine is recommended to be given for increased muscle hypertonicity. After birth, hypertonicity is considered normal, but by a certain period it should subside. If this does not happen, then the baby requires medicinal help and the drug glycine can also be used as part of complex therapy
  5. The amino acid helps to cope with tremor of the arms, legs, and chin in a child, if these phenomena do not go away in the first three months of life
  6. The drug can be used in the treatment of children under one year of age when the baby has severe sleep disturbances - the child has difficulty falling asleep, often wakes up at night, and is restless.

Glycine belongs to the group of natural drugs and is easily excreted from the body. But, despite this fact, it should be given to a child under one year old, and especially to a newborn, only after examination by a neurologist.

In order for the drug to have a positive effect on restoring the health of the baby, a specific treatment regimen must be selected for each little patient. Parents should know that the medicinal effect of glycine does not begin to appear immediately, but after a certain period of time of taking it. Giving the drug from time to time will not have any effect on the child’s body. The only thing that happens is an improvement in the quality of sleep.

Watch a short video that contains advice from a neurologist for your baby’s poor sleep.

The instructions indicate that the medicine is recommended to be used in the treatment of children older than one year and younger schoolchildren in cases of memory and concentration problems. The doctor will select the dosage based on the baby’s age. Positive reviews confirm the fact of the therapeutic effect of the drug on the body. With the correct dose selection, the general course of administration normalizes troubling neurological disorders.

How to properly give glycine to a small child?

In order not to harm your child, always consider the specifics of using each of the prescribed medications. Instructions and detailed consultation with a doctor will help. Depending on his age and the identified pathology, the child is given a certain dosage and duration of medication.
The medicine is available in the form of small tablets with a sweetish taste. Adult patients use these lozenges. Place under your tongue and wait for it to dissolve.
Naturally, it will not be possible to give this remedy to a child under one year old, so doctors offer several ways to use glycine in pediatric practice.

  1. A newborn baby can be treated with an aqueous solution of glycine. Grind a single dose into a fine powder, dilute with a small volume of boiled water, give to the child from a spoon or pipette
  2. You can give crushed powder using a pacifier - dip the pacifier in the powder and give it to the baby - the child sucks the sweet medicine without problems. The pacifier must be moist, otherwise the dry powder will enter the windpipe, and this will cause a coughing attack in the baby.
  3. If the newborn baby is bottle-fed, add the dissolved dose to the formula or water
  4. There is another possibility for delivering glycine to the child’s body – through mother’s milk. Since glycine penetrates into all tissues of the body, it also ends up in a woman’s milk. Therefore, when treating a woman, the child will receive part of the medicine

If you want to provide a way to take glycine through breastfeeding, then be sure to consult with your doctor - with this use of the drug, the dosage will be completely different, and the mother will have to comply with certain conditions for taking the medication.

Glycine tablets for a newborn are prescribed for at least a month. Only after this period can the therapeutic effect of the medicine be assessed.
Infants are usually prescribed half a tablet of glycine; the dose must be taken up to three times a day. Children over one year of age are prescribed the drug one tablet 2-3 times a day. A specific dose is selected based on the identified violations.
If glycine is recommended for use for sleep disorders, then give approximately 20 minutes before the child falls asleep.

Contraindications and adverse reactions

The instructions for use indicate that there are no obvious contraindications to the use of glycine. The amino acid is easily absorbed by the body and quickly eliminated from it without accumulating. Thanks to this, glycine is practically free of side reactions.
Take into account individual intolerance, which occurs in very rare cases. Allergies will appear or anxiety will increase. If such signs are detected, the drug is discontinued and another one is chosen together with the neurologist.
Glycine is considered safe from the first days of a child’s life. The medicine is often prescribed to pregnant women during breastfeeding. Keep in mind that glycine acts differently when taking antidepressants. Combined treatment with two groups of medications is selected specifically.
A certain amount of the amino acid is also included in Cerebrolysin; this drug is also often used in the treatment of pathologies in newborns.
Glycine for newborns is a drug that does not have a negative effect on the body. The product helps solve many neurological problems. Only parents should not prescribe it themselves. Forced influence on a child’s healthy nervous system will not lead to anything good.
In the first weeks and months of life, all the child’s systems are not yet functioning properly. It will take some time for their work to return to normal. And therefore, you should not panic without reason if you see that your baby’s behavior differs from the expected development.
Reviews that can be read on the relevant forums for young parents will help you understand the effectiveness of this drug and the characteristics of its impact.

Treatment of pathological processes or conditions in newborns with the help of medications often raises numerous questions among young parents. One of the drugs that is often prescribed to the youngest patients is glycine and products containing it. What is it, and why is this medicine often prescribed to infants?

Why is Glycine prescribed to newborns: instructions for use

Glycine is defined as aminoacetic acid, which is part of proteins and protein compounds. This is a nonessential amino acid, that is, one that is synthesized in the human body from other similar elements. Glycine is found in foods of plant and animal origin, such as beef, oatmeal, nuts, sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds, etc.

Entering the body with food, this amino acid enters the digestive system and then takes part in the synthesis of proteins. If the body receives glycine in tablet form, it immediately enters the blood and moves to the brain, where under its influence chemical processes occur that reduce the effect of excitation.

It is used in medicine as a nootropic agent, that is, one that can stimulate mental activity, improve memory, and increase the brain’s resistance to heavy loads or harmful influences. This amino acid is the active ingredient of many pharmaceuticals. Manufacturers of such products declare that glycine preparations have a calming effect, have a mild antidepressant and tranquilizer effect (relieve anxiety), neutralize feelings of fear and emotional stress, improve memory and stimulate brain activity, increasing its performance.

Due to these properties, glycine is often prescribed for:

  • overcoming psycho-emotional stress, neutralizing aggressiveness and conflict, facilitating social adaptation;
  • combating sleep disorders and facilitating the process of falling asleep;
  • mood improvement;
  • reducing the manifestations of vegetative-vascular disorders;
  • activating mental activity, improving memory;
  • reducing the severity of cerebral disorders in certain types of strokes and brain injuries.

Pediatricians and pediatric neurologists often prescribe glycine preparations even to the youngest children. For what purpose are they doing this?

This drug is prescribed to newborns (children in the first month of life) only for serious indications, even though it is of natural origin. Glycine is usually prescribed if:

  • the child was exposed to hypoxia during pregnancy or childbirth;
  • during birth the nervous system or its parts were damaged;
  • the child has severe encephalopathy;
  • increased muscle tone.

For children in the first year of life, this remedy is prescribed to normalize sleep, for hyperactivity or nervous system disorders.

Timely use of this remedy helps to correct the functioning of the nervous system, prevent pathologies and delays in the mental development of children. But it should not be given to a child without permission or on the recommendation of friends. Only a doctor can determine whether a child needs treatment, if so, how to carry it out and what medications to use.

How to give Glycine to newborns: dosage

Glycine preparations are usually produced in tablet form. The tablet is kept under the tongue until completely dissolved. This method of taking medications is not suitable for newborns, so you can choose one of two recommended methods. It will be better for infants who feed only on mother's milk if they receive the medicine this way, that is, glycine is recommended to be taken by the mother, and the baby will receive it while feeding with breast milk. If the baby is on mixed or artificial feeding, then the tablet can be crushed and dissolved in water. And then feed it to the child from a spoon. You can dip a pacifier in the powder (crushed tablet) and give it to your child. Or the mother can carefully apply the resulting powder with her finger to the inside of the child’s cheek.

The dose and duration of treatment for a particular baby is determined by the attending physician. Typically, newborns are prescribed Glycine to take one quarter or half a tablet twice a day. If sleep disorders are treated with this drug, then the evening dose should take place 15-20 minutes before the child is put to bed. The course of treatment is from one to two weeks. In difficult cases, the duration of treatment may be increased.

If this medicine is taken by a nursing mother, it is usually prescribed three tablets per day. You should drink one in the morning and afternoon, and the last one shortly before the last evening feeding.

Is Glycine harmful for newborns: side effects

As already mentioned, Glycine is a drug of natural origin, it does not accumulate in the body and is not addictive. The only side effect of taking this drug that is known today is an allergic reaction. It is extremely rare. It can be expressed by a small rash or redness on the skin, accompanied by itching. If a child develops such symptoms during treatment, it is better to stop taking the drug and consult a pediatrician about further therapy.

Glycine is a sedative drug that is indicated for use by children of any age, even newborns. How much it improves the child’s well-being, whether it has side effects and how to take it correctly, the instructions for using the drug will help you understand.

What is glycine and why do children need it?

Glycine is a non-essential amino acid that is independently produced by the liver in the human body and is also found in proteins and biologically active compounds. It has an inhibitory effect on neurons, stimulates metabolism in brain tissue, and has an antidepressant, antioxidant, antitoxic, and sedative effect. As a result, it is easier to fall asleep, improve memory and learning, and reduce motor hyperactivity.

Indications for taking Glycine

Doctors recommend glycine for children to reduce nervous tension and stimulate mental activity. The use of the drug for children is quite justified. After all, nervous system disorders in adults often develop as a result of childhood mental trauma. They could arise in early childhood, infancy, during childbirth or during the mother's pregnancy. Treating such pathologies in childhood is much simpler and more effective. In some cases, neurologists prescribe Glycine even to infants. Indications for taking this drug may vary, but they are always related to the state of the nervous system.

Prescription for children after one yearPrescription for children under one year old
Eliminate feelings of anxiety and fear.Birth trauma, hypoxia during childbirth or pregnancy.
Improving memory, associative processes and mood.Congenital encephalopathy.
Reducing the impact of stress factors.Hypertonicity of the limbs.
Increased mental performance.Tremor (shaking) of the chin, arms, legs, head.
Normalization of sleep.High excitability, anxiety.
Elimination of deviant behavior.Lack of sleep, trouble falling asleep.

Overdose and side effects

An overdose of glycine can cause lethargy, lethargy, increased drowsiness, absent-mindedness, and weakness. In addition, blood pressure may decrease and heart rate may increase. Therefore, in order not to harm the child, parents must always look at the composition and amount of the active substance.

As mentioned above, Glycine affects metabolic processes in nerve cells and does not belong to the group of strong sedatives, and everyone’s nervous system is individual. Therefore, in some cases, the opposite effect can be observed - increased excitability, and sometimes provoking signs of neurosis.

If your child experiences discomfort, becomes more moody, has difficulty falling asleep, or constantly wakes up, you should definitely tell your doctor about these changes. He will assess the current situation and determine whether the drug is suitable for your baby. It is likely that you will need to change the dosage, discontinue the medicine or prescribe its analogue.

Instructions for use of Glycine for children in tablets

To begin with, it is important to note that Glycine for children should only be prescribed by a doctor - a pediatrician or neurologist. Self-administration of this drug may cause serious mental problems. Based on the general condition of the child, medical history, course of maternal pregnancy, nature of labor, the specialist will prescribe the correct dosage and individual treatment period.

In most cases, the dosage of the drug for children is as follows:

  • children under 3 years old - 50 mg of glycine;
  • Children over 3 years old are recommended to take 100 mg of glycine.

The frequency and duration of glycine intake during the day depends on the indications for taking the drug.

  1. For stress, mental tension, memory impairment, inability to concentrate, delayed mental development, decreased mental activity, children over 3 years old are recommended to take 2-3 times a day, course use for 14-30 days.
  2. For various pathologies of the nervous system, which can occur with hyperactivity, excessive agitation and sleep problems, children under 3 years of age are recommended to give glycine 50 mg 2-3 times a day, duration of administration is 7-10 days. Then the dosage is reduced to 50 mg of glycine 1 time/day, course use for 7-10 days. Children from 3 years old - 100 mg of glycine 2-3 times a day, for 7-14 days. For appropriate indications, Glycine intake can be extended up to 1 month.
  3. For insomnia and other sleep problems The drug is taken 20 minutes before going to bed in doses depending on the age of the child.

Predicting the time of appearance of the desired effect is quite problematic, since the effect of the drug also depends on the individual specifics of the child’s body.

How to take glycine for children

Children after one year take glycine sublingually (the tablet is placed under the tongue) or buccally (the tablet is placed in the mouth, behind the cheek or upper lip).

From birth to 1 year of age, the child will not yet be able to slowly dissolve the tablet, so it needs to be crushed into powder, dip a pacifier in it and give it to the baby, or dilute the powder in 1 teaspoon of water. Immediately after taking Glycine, it is not advisable to give the child additional water so that the drug has time to be absorbed in the oral cavity.

While taking Glycine, parents need to monitor the child’s reaction to the drug, evaluate even the smallest changes in the baby’s behavior and immediately report this to the doctor.

What is the difference between drugs with glycine

On the domestic pharmaceutical market, glycine is represented by several trade names of drugs. The most popular of them are:

  • Glycine (OZONE) 200 mg;
  • Glycine (Biotics) 100 mg;
  • Glycine Bio (Pharmaplant) 100 mg.

Special mention should be made of the dietary supplement Glycine Forte (Evalar), which in addition to glycine and excipients contains vitamins (B1, B6, B12). This drug is not recommended for children.

Since the dosage of glycine for children is no more than 100 mg at a time, the most suitable for a child would be 100 mg glycine tablets, which are conveniently divided into two parts for children under one year of age.

Important! Tablets containing more than 100 mg of glycine are intended for adults and are not recommended for children under 14 years of age. For children under 1 year of age, it is best to buy medications that include 100 mg of glycine.