E341 – Calcium phosphates. Phosphates in food - harm and benefit Additive e 341

Today we hear more and more often about phosphates. About those same phosphates that are widely used in the agricultural industry as fertilizers, as well as in the chemical industry for the production of washing powders. You will be surprised, but today phosphates, or, in scientific terms, salts of phosphoric acids, are widely used by the food industry, as a result of which more than 80% of the food products that come to our table contain these compounds, the dangers and benefits of which scientists around the world argue for over 50 years!

Why are such questionable compounds used in food production, how do they affect our body, and how can we reduce the amount of phosphates in our food? We will answer all these questions in this article.

What are phosphates

As we have already said, phosphates are salts of phosphoric acids. That is, this is the basis of phosphorus - one of the key macroelements, without which human life is simply impossible. Macroelements are chemical elements whose required daily intake is more than 200 mg, respectively, microelements are less than 200 mg.

The key role of this substance is given to metabolic processes, maintaining the function of the nervous system and energy production. A sufficient amount of phosphorus allows for the timely restoration and renewal of muscle and bone tissue, as well as kidney and liver cells. In addition, under the influence of phosphoric acid salts, hormonal compounds and enzymes, nucleic acids and B vitamins important for the stomach are formed. Finally, a sufficient amount of phosphorus in the body is extremely important for good heredity, which means that if you want to have healthy offspring, in your diet Products containing phosphates must be present.

By the way, nature took care of providing our body with phosphoric acid salts. To do this, you need to regularly consume various types of meat, fish and poultry, grains and legumes (especially peas and lentils), as well as all kinds of greens. At the same time, according to scientists, the body receives the most phosphorus from grains and legumes (leaving 90% of the initial phosphorus content), as well as animal products (70%), but plant foods rich in fiber leave the body very little phosphorus (40 %).

Phosphates in the agricultural industry

Scientists involved in developments in the field of national economy first thought about the benefits that can be extracted from phosphates. Considering that phosphorus, along with potassium and nitrogen, plays a fundamental role in the development of living organisms, there was no doubt that it is capable of ensuring the vital functions of not only the human body, but also plants. This has been confirmed in practice. It turned out that under the influence of fertilizers, which began to be produced on the basis of phosphates, plants bear fruit much better and they form healthy seeds.

Today, it is simply impossible to imagine growing crops without the use of phosphates. The lack of phosphorus salts affects the condition of plants and their yield. And in a general sense, a lack of phosphates leads to the extinction of fields, forests and rural areas. Without this macronutrient, the soil becomes useless turf!

Phosphates in the chemical industry

The chemical industry has also paid attention to phosphates. These substances have become one of the key components of washing powders, liquid soaps and shampoos, all thanks to their ability to soften water and thereby prolong the life of household appliances. Moreover, phosphates have found their use in toothpastes, since this component significantly increases the quality of teeth cleaning and whitening.

True, with the use of phosphates in the production of washing powders and other household chemicals, disagreements began between scientists regarding the effect of these substances on the human body. In the 60s of the last century, scientists of the USSR and their Western colleagues carried out large-scale research, and the research results coincided exactly. As a result, in the West they either limited the use of phosphates in household chemical products or completely banned the use of these substances (such as in powders). But in the USSR these alarming facts were hidden both from society and from specialists.

It is noteworthy that, according to Western researchers, the reason for the harmful effects of cleaning products on human health lies precisely in the presence of phosphates, which cause dermatological diseases, change the percentage of hemoglobin in the blood, reduce bone density, and also disrupt the function of the liver and kidneys ( including the formation of stones in the kidneys and gall bladder), the work of the gastrointestinal tract and skeletal muscles!

Phosphates in the food industry

Finally, specialists involved in developments in the food industry paid attention to phosphates. And here this macroelement has become widespread, and all thanks to its unique properties.

Today, phosphates are used in the manufacture of almost any product. Judge for yourself:

  • in bread production – used as thickeners and stabilizers;
  • in sugar production – used for clarification;
  • in butter and margarine – increase the shelf life of products;
  • in processed cheese – provide a soft consistency;
  • in freezing vegetables – they retain the bright color of the vegetable after defrosting;
  • in canning vegetables and fruits – they preserve the density and appearance of the product;
  • in carbonated and low-alcohol drinks – used as acidifiers;
  • in condensed milk – prevent crystallization;
  • in sausages and frankfurters – ensure uniformity of structure, prevent loss of moisture and drying out;
  • in meat and fish products - they retain the necessary moisture, consistency and volume (meat with phosphates, after defrosting, gives 200 g more weight per kilogram due to moisture retention).

Why are phosphates harmful to humans?

As we have already figured out, without phosphates, human life on our planet is impossible. This is certainly true, but there is one “but”! Modern industry uses phosphoric acid salts literally everywhere, which ultimately leads to an excess of these minerals in the human body. An analysis of the diet of modern man has shown that today each of us receives a dose of phosphates that exceeds the permissible norm by 7–10 times!

Such excess phosphate content inevitably leads to a shift in the balance of phosphorus and calcium in the body, which ideally should be in a 1:1 ratio. To restore the ratio, the body begins to take the missing calcium from nearby sources, in particular from bones and teeth. All this causes weakening of bone tissue and the development of serious diseases (rickets in children, osteoporosis in adults). It is because of the excess amount of phosphates that a person’s bones become brittle and he is increasingly susceptible to fractures. This is confirmed by scientific research, which shows that more than 60% of adolescents under the age of 14 have low bone density.

Over time, the problem also affects the nervous system. This is especially true for adolescents who, due to an excess of these substances, develop impulsivity, motor restlessness, hyperactivity, aggressiveness and impaired concentration. Another symptom of calcium and phosphorus imbalance is sleep disturbance, in particular problems falling asleep in adolescents. Parents tend to consider such changes in the child’s psyche as the onset of “adolescence,” while it is enough to change the diet for the teenager to become the same as before!

Recent studies have shown that the more phosphates in the blood, the higher the risk of heart attack and the increase in mortality from heart disease. Under the influence of excess phosphorus, calcification develops - the deposition of dense calcium plaques on the walls of blood vessels. Experiments on animals have shown that an excess of these substances in food negatively affects the development of the fetus and leads to pathology of the lungs and liver.

Excess phosphorus is eliminated from the body by the kidneys, and with the development of kidney disease, this process of accumulation of excess phosphorus in the body accelerates.

Causes of excess phosphorus in the body

As we have already found out, an excess of phosphates in the body causes many problems with the functioning of the kidneys and liver, the condition of the skeletal system, disruption of the gastrointestinal tract, nervous system, etc. The reasons for excess phosphorus include:

  • excess consumption of protein foods;
  • consumption of large quantities of canned food, carbonated sweet drinks, lemonades;
  • disturbance of phosphorus metabolism;
  • prolonged contact with organophosphorus compounds.

How to deal with excess phosphates in the body

The dietary traditions of people living in the post-Soviet space are such that we eat more meat than dairy products, which means that more phosphorus enters our body, but there is always a shortage of calcium. But manufacturers do not solve, but only aggravate the problem. For example, a 100 g piece of beef contains approximately 200 mg of phosphorus, but in fact, a 100 g serving of meat treated with phosphates immediately contains 100 mg of phosphates! And this only increases the balance of phosphorus and calcium. What will happen if you wash down such a meat steak with a bottle of Coca-Cola, which gives the body 40–50% of the daily requirement of phosphorus per day?

But if you look at it, there is currently no GOST that would regulate the amount of phosphates in food products. This means that manufacturers will continue to “stuff” food with these substances, guided solely by increasing profits!

The main way to reduce the amount of phosphoric acid salts entering the body is to refuse or at least reduce the consumption of foods rich in these substances. In this regard, always look at the composition of the product, and if it turns out that it contains more than 0.25 mg of phosphorus, do not doubt that phosphates were added to it from the outside.

Foods rich in magnesium will help reduce the amount of excess phosphorus compounds. Rich in this element: dark chocolate, bran, cocoa, buckwheat, oatmeal, dried fruits (prunes, dates and raisins), soy and beans, etc.

Foods rich in heme iron can also help. These products include lean red meat - veal, tongue, veal liver. But you can’t eat them with rye bread, as it contains substances that interfere with the absorption of iron.

To neutralize the negative effect on calcium balance in the body, it is useful to consume more dairy and fermented milk products.

The harm from overeating protein foods can be reduced by eating enough vegetables and following a drinking regime (at least 2 liters of clean water per day).

By the way, there is one more clue. All phosphates have special codes, which can be used to calculate which designation a particular phosphate has. With this knowledge, it will be much easier for you to recognize the presence of phosphoric acid salts in food.

1. Additive E339 (sodium phosphate)– used as a stabilizer, acidity regulator, antioxidant and leavening agent. It can be found in bread and all kinds of sweets, meats, cheeses, milk powder and instant foods.

2. Additive E340 (potassium phosphate)– used as a humectant, emulsifier, acidity regulator and color fixative. Due to its properties, the additive is widely used in the production of sausages, sausages and ham, as well as in the processing of chicken legs. In addition, it is used to make chips, instant coffee and confectionery, as well as to make toothpastes.

3. Additive E341 (calcium orthophosphate)– used as a leavening agent, stabilizer, paint fixative and acidity regulator. The additive can be found in sports drinks and energy drinks, canned vegetables and fruits, processed cheese, powdered milk and cream.

4. Additive E342 (ammonium phosphate)– is an acidity regulator, due to which it is used in the production of yeast.

5. Additive E343 (magnesium phosphate)– considered an excellent thickener, consistency stabilizer and binding agent. Most often, the additive is used for the production of cream and milk powder.

6. Additive E450 (pyrophosphates)– has proven itself as a means of increasing muscle mass. Thanks to this feature, the additive is widely used in the production of meat products and processed cheeses.

7. Additive E451 (triphosphates)– most often used as a fat emulsifier, due to which it can be found in pasta and dry cereals, pasteurized milk, baked goods and cakes, as well as in minced fish and when processing fresh fish.

8. Additive E452 (polyphosphates of calcium, potassium and sodium)– substances used as stabilizers and inhibitors of chemical reactions. They are involved in the production of chips, packaged coffee, sausages, sausages, legs and ham.

As you can see, the list of products that are rich in phosphoric acid salts is simply huge. If you regularly consume these foods, you will inevitably experience nervous disorders and weakening of bone tissue. To avoid this, try to eliminate unhealthy foods from your diet, and in addition to this, drink more milk and dairy products.

Good health to you!

Tribasic phosphoric acid forms three types of salts with calcium. These are calcium hydrogen phosphate CaHPO4, calcium dihydrogen phosphate Ca(H2PO4)2 and orthophosphate or calcium phosphate, the formula of which is: Ca3(PO4)2. This salt is an inorganic substance, under standard conditions it is in a solid state, and turns into a liquid (melts) at a temperature of more than 1200 C. The density is 2.81 g/cm³, the molar mass is 310.2 g/mol. Calcium phosphate is poorly soluble in water: at 20 C its mass fraction does not exceed 0.0025%. Unlike most other compounds, its solubility level decreases with increasing temperature. Thus, in heating systems this salt is capable of forming deposits.

Calcium phosphate is a white crystalline substance that is part of (belongs to the class of phosphates containing up to 56% CaO and approximately 41% P2O5), phosphorite (a fibrous or dense aggregate of apatite containing over 18% P2O5) and hydroxyapatites (the main component of human and animal bone tissue). The origin of some deposits from animal excrement or corpses has been proven. Other deposits (for example, in ancient seas) were formed as a result of the vital activity of “phosphorobacteria”. But in some places the deposits of this mineral are of purely mineral origin. All of them are widespread in nature and used in the national economy.

Apatite serves as a raw material for the production of phosphorus, phosphorus fertilizers and phosphoric acid, and is also used in non-ferrous and ferrous metallurgy, in the production of glass and ceramics. Natural minerals, phosphorites are rocks of various origins, but most often sedimentary; they are used for further enrichment and in the production of phosphate fertilizers. Reserves of phosphorites and apatites are of great importance for agriculture, as they are used not only to obtain fertilizers, but also as a source of calcium for feeding birds or livestock: feed calcium phosphate is produced according to GOST 23999-80.

A mineral of inorganic origin, apatite, is used in more than twenty production processes. It is used in the production of abrasives, glass and ceramics, as well as for the production of phosphoric acid and free phosphorus. The process proceeds according to the scheme: 3SiO2 + Ca3(PO4)2 + 5C → 3CaSiO3 + 5CO + 2P. This substance is also in demand in the food industry: it is produced in the form of food additives E341 in accordance with GOST R 53945-2010, which, along with 1- and 2-substituted salts of orthophosphoric acid, includes calcium phosphate. The production of this product requires strict requirements for the raw materials. In the production of food additives, phosphoric acid grade A is used according to GOST 10678-76, calcium hydroxide according to GOST 9262-77 and chemically precipitated chalk according to GOST 8253-79.

The mineral containing calcium phosphate plays an important role in the human body. Hydroxylapatite can be represented by the formula 3Ca3(PO4)3.Ca(OH)2. It is the main component and building material of human bones. This mineral is part of tooth enamel in the form of fluorapatite. The daily requirement for phosphorus is high and ranges from 800 to 1500 mg. The liver is responsible for the metabolism of phosphorus compounds in the human body, and this process is regulated by hormones and vitamin D. Various diseases of bones and teeth develop with a lack of phosphorus in the body. Calcium phosphate comes from food, strengthens teeth and bones, and in combination with other minerals supports the functioning of the cardiovascular system, prevents colon cancer, regulates nerve function, participates in the construction of collagen, and helps lower cholesterol. Phosphates are excreted in feces, and about 4 g of phosphoric acid salts are excreted in urine daily.

The main sources of calcium phosphate for humans are cow's milk and dairy products, cereals, fortified juices, cheese, goat's milk, salmon, sardines and anchovies. Although poorly soluble in water, calcium phosphate is found in high concentrations in milk because it exists in the form of micelles - particles consisting of a very small insoluble core that is surrounded by solvent molecules and adsorbed ions. It is part of milk casein, more precisely, calcium caseinate, which belongs to phosphoproteins, as it contains a phosphate group. However, experts recommend avoiding excess calcium phosphate, especially in the form of fortified foods and supplements, if a person has one of the following diseases: parathyroid glands, kidney stones, or during ongoing treatment that includes tetracycline antibiotics.

The substance, which appears in the classification table of food additives under the marking code number E 341, is a preservative that has antioxidant properties and is used as a leavening agent in food production.

Another name for this substance is calcium phosphates. The many qualities that E 341 possesses have made the additive very popular in many industries. It has found its use as an emulsifier, leavening agent, and also a sealant.

The product is used as a stabilizer, acidity regulator and color fixative.

Origin: 2-synthetic;

Danger: extremely low level, almost zero;

Synonymous names: calcium phosphate, E341, calcium phosphate, E-341, Calcium phosphates, monocalcium phosphate, monosubstituted calcium orthophosphate.

general information

E341 is classified as an inorganic substance. The chemical formula is represented by the following symbols - Ca 3 (PO 4) 2. An antioxidant is obtained as a result of synthesis. The starting materials for the production of E341 are minerals. They can be apatites, phosphorites, and hydroxylapatites.

The process of obtaining the final product involves hydrothermal roasting of the original natural material followed by the addition of hemihydrate phosphoric acid. The substance obtained as a result of certain chemical processes is a fairly amorphous powder, usually white in color. It dissolves quite actively in acids, which cannot be said about water.

E341 has several subtypes. This is E341(i), and also E341(ii) and E341(iii). They require different chemical formulas. E341(i), which is a monosubstituted phosphate, is Ca (H 2 PO 4) 2. Disubstituted orthophosphate has a different formula - CaHPO 4. Ca 3 O 8 P 2 is the chemical formula of trisubstituted calcium orthophosphate. All categories of E341 have found application in various sectors of human activity.

Effect on the body


Numerous studies and tests that have been carried out on the E341 have been going on for about 50 years. There is currently no solid evidence base to classify the additive as harmful to the body.

But the opinion about the dangers of E341 still exists. Some researchers prove the negative impact of the product on the gastrointestinal tract and the appearance of excess cholesterol in the body.


Calcium orthophosphate is considered one of the main elements for the normal functioning of the body. It takes part in a number of important physiological processes. Such an important component as calcium assumes its existence in the body in the category of calcium phosphates. Human bones are made up of 70% of them. Tooth enamel also consists mostly of this component. Calcium orthophosphate is the element that is most resistant to the influence of extracellular fluids.


The product marked E341 is used in many sectors of the food industry. Most often, additives are used in bakery production, as well as in the production of powdered milk, breakfasts, dry herbs, also dry herbal teas, cream (dry), and confectionery. It is added to processed cheeses as an emulsifying salt, and to condensed milk as an anti-crystallizer.

The composition of canned vegetables and fruits also includes E341. The additive is also used in the alcoholic beverage industry and in the production of other drinks (non-alcoholic), in particular for athletes. It is added to meat and fish products.

Calcium orthophosphates are especially common in the preparation of animal feed. Manufacturers of various types of fertilizers cannot do without E341 either. There is an additive in tooth powders and also in toothpaste. Calcium phosphate is actively used in the ceramics, abrasive and glass industries.


As an additive, E-341 is permitted by law for use in various industries, including the food industry, in many countries. Russia and Ukraine are no exception.

Calcium phosphate (food additive E341) is an inorganic substance, a salt of calcium and orthophosphoric acid. Of all hydroxyapatites (calcium phosphate compounds), calcium orthophosphate is the most resistant to extracellular body fluids and plays an important role in a number of physiological processes.

Calcium phosphates are found in cow's milk. In the human body, calcium exists mainly in the form of calcium phosphates. Seventy percent of human bones are composed of calcium phosphates. Tooth enamel also mostly consists of hydroxyapatites.

There are several subtypes of calcium orthophosphates used in the food industry:

  • E341(i) - monosubstituted calcium orthophosphate with the chemical formula: Ca 2;
  • E341(ii) - disubstituted calcium orthophosphate with the chemical formula: CaHPO 4;
  • E341(iii) - trisubstituted calcium orthophosphate, having the molecular formula: Ca 3 O 8 P 2.

Calcium orthophosphate is obtained from minerals and chemically - by reacting orthophosphoric acid with calcium oxide or milk of lime and hydrolysis of calcium hydrogen orthophosphate. The result of the chemical reaction is a white amorphous powder, slightly soluble in water, but soluble in acids. Unlike many chemicals, the solubility of phosphates decreases with increasing temperature.

Since the 70s of the last century, various studies have been carried out around the world studying the biological behavior of orthophosphates. The negative effects of the E341 supplement on the body have not yet been scientifically proven, but there are rumors on the Internet that the E341 supplement causes gastrointestinal diseases and indigestion.

Food additive E341 is used in the food industry as a stabilizer, acidity regulator, leavening agent, and color fixative. In addition, calcium orthophosphates are used as an emulsifying salt in the production of processed cheeses. In milk powder and cream, the food additive E341 is used as a separating agent and anti-caking agent. Calcium orthophosphates are also used as an anti-crystallizer for condensed milk and a thickener for plant tissues in the production of canned fruit and vegetables.

Most often, the E341 additive is used in the food industry in the production of baked goods, special drinks (for example, for athletes), concentrated milk with a high solids content, powdered milk, condensed milk, ice cream, minced fish and meat, liquor, dry and herbal teas , semi-finished products, breakfast cereals, instant foods, confectionery, baking powder, processed cheeses, dietary supplements, canned fruits and vegetables.

Other uses of calcium orthophosphates:

  • production of fertilizers and mineral feeds for livestock;
  • one of the components of toothpastes and powders;
  • used in the production of ceramics, glass, soft abrasives.

Date of introduction 01/01/81

This standard applies to feed calcium phosphate (monocalcium phosphate, dicalcium phosphate (precipitate), tricalcium phosphate produced from mineral raw materials and intended for feeding farm animals. The standard does not apply to dicalcium phosphate (precipitate) produced from extraction phosphoric acid or gelatin production waste. This standard establishes requirements for feed monocalcium phosphate and tricalcium phosphate produced for the needs of the national economy; for feed dicalcium phosphate (precipitate) produced for the needs of the national economy and export. (Changed edition, Amendment No. 4).


1.1. Calcium phosphate must be manufactured in accordance with the requirements of this standard according to technological regulations approved in the prescribed manner. 1.2. Depending on the type of raw material, composition and purpose, calcium phosphate is produced in three grades: monocalcium phosphate; dicalcium phosphate (precipitate); tricalcium phosphate. 1.3. In terms of physical and chemical indicators, calcium phosphate must meet the requirements and standards specified in table. 1.

Table 1

Indicator name

Monocalcium phosphate

Dicalcium phosphate (precipitate)

Tricalcium phosphate

Top grade

1. Mass fraction of phosphorus soluble in 0.4% hydrochloric acid solution, %: in terms of P 2 O 5 in terms of P, not less 2. Mass fraction of calcium, %, not less no more 3. Hydrogen ion activity indicator, units. pH, not less

Not standardized

4. Mass fraction of water, %, no more 5. Mass fraction of fluorine, %, no more 6. Mass fraction of arsenic, %, no more 7. Mass fraction of lead, %, no more 8. Content of metallomagnetic impurity particles size, mg/kg, up to 2 mm inclusive, no more more than 2 mm


9. Size: Residue on a sieve with holes with a diameter of 5 mm, %

Not normalized

residue on a sieve with holes 3 mm in diameter, %, no more

Not standardized

residue on a sieve with holes with a diameter of 2 mm, %, no more

Not standardized

residue on a sieve with holes with a diameter of 1 mm, %, no more

Not standardized

10. Mass fraction of ash insoluble in hydrochloric acid, %, no more
Notes: 1. The allowed mass fraction of lead is no more than 0.003% for monocalcium phosphate and 1st grade tricalcium phosphate produced from Karatau phosphorites. 2. It is allowed to exceed the upper limit P 2 O 5 for all brands of product. 3. For monocalcium phosphate intended for the feed industry, the residue on a sieve with holes with a diameter of 3 mm should not exceed 10%. 4. Additional requirements for the quality of a product intended for export must comply with the requirements of the agreement (contract) of the supplier with a foreign economic organization or foreign buyer. (Amended edition, Amendment No. 1, 2, 4, 5). 1.4. Codes for the classifier of industrial and agricultural products (OKP) of calcium phosphate by brand and grade are indicated in table. 2.

table 2


2.1. Calcium phosphate is non-toxic, fire and explosion proof. According to GOST 12.1.007 it belongs to the 3rd hazard class. The maximum permissible concentration of feed calcium phosphate dust in the air of the working area is 6 mg/m 3. Monitoring the content of harmful substances in the air of the working area and the requirements for methods and means of measuring them are in accordance with GOST 12.1.005. General safety requirements are in accordance with GOST 12.1. 007.(Changed edition, Amendment No. 2, 5).2.2. Inhalation of calcium phosphate dust can have a general irritating effect on the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract. Industrial premises where air pollution with calcium phosphate dust is observed must be equipped with supply and exhaust ventilation; workplaces associated with the most intense dust emission must be equipped with protective umbrellas with exhaust ventilation. 2.3. Those working with calcium phosphates are provided with personal protective equipment in accordance with GOST 12.4.103 and industry standards. Respirators of the “Lepestok” and “UK-2” type are used to protect the respiratory system. 2.4. The production of calcium phosphates is waste-free. Calcium phosphates do not form toxic compounds when preparing fertilizers, in the air and in wastewater.2.2-2.4. (Changed edition, Amendment No. 5).2.5. Calcium phosphates must be stored and transported separately from fertilizers and pesticides. (Introduced additionally, Amendment No. 5).


3.1. Calcium phosphate is taken in batches. A batch is considered to be a quantity of a product weighing no more than 140 tons, uniform in its quality indicators and accompanied by one quality document. The quality document must contain: the name of the manufacturer; name of the product, brand and grade; batch number and date of manufacture ;designation of this standard; results of analyzes or confirmation of product compliance with the requirements of this standard; net weight; number of a railway car or car; technical control stamp. (Amended edition, Amendment No. 2, 5). 3.2. To control the quality of the packaged product, 2% of bags or two containers from each batch are selected. To control the quality of a product in motion, at least 0.2 kg is taken from every 4 - 5 tons of product. (Changed edition, Amendment No. 1). 3.3. The manufacturer determines the mass fraction of lead in calcium phosphate, as well as the mass fraction of water in dicalcium phosphate and tricalcium phosphate at least once a month. The manufacturer determines the mass fraction of calcium in calcium phosphate, as well as ash insoluble in hydrochloric acid, at least once a month. quarter. If unsatisfactory results of periodic tests are received, the tests are transferred to acceptance tests until satisfactory results are obtained in two batches. (Changed edition, Amendment No. 5). 3.4. If unsatisfactory analysis results are obtained for at least one of the indicators, samples taken from twice the number of product units of the same batch are re-analyzed. The results of the re-analysis apply to the entire batch. (Changed version, Amendment No. 2).


4.1. Sampling 4.1.1. Sampling of product from bags and in motion is carried out in accordance with GOST 24596.1, section. Point samples of the product from the container are taken with a slit-like probe sampler or a narrow scoop from 5 points of the loading hole.4.2. Preparation of average sample 4.2.1. The preparation of an average product sample is carried out in accordance with GOST 24596.1, section. 2. The weight of the average sample should not be less than 0.5 kg for monocalcium phosphate and less than 1.5 kg for dicalcium phosphate and tricalcium phosphate.4.3. Sample preparation for analysis 4.3.1. The preparation of a product sample for analysis is carried out in accordance with GOST 24596.1, section. 3. To determine the size of monocalcium phosphate, a sample of at least 0.3 kg is taken from the average sample using the quartering method or on a mechanical divider; to determine the size of dicalcium phosphate and tricalcium phosphate and the content of particles of metallomagnetic impurities in them, a sample weighing not less than 0.3 kg is taken from the average sample using the quartering method or using a mechanical divider. less than 1.0 kg.4.1-4.3.1. (Changed edition, Amendment No. 1). 4.4. The mass fraction of phosphorus soluble in a 0.4% solution of hydrochloric acid is determined according to GOST 24596.2, section. 3. For tricalcium phosphate, the sample for analysis is additionally ground until it passes through a sieve with a mesh size of the cell side in the light of 0.14 mm according to GOST 6613. (Changed edition, Amendment No. 1, 2). 4.5. The mass fraction of calcium is determined according to GOST 24596.4, section. 2, without preliminary separation of phosphates. (Changed edition, Amendment No. 1, 5). 4.6. Determination of the activity indicator of hydrogen ions is carried out according to GOST 24596.5 from a sample of monocalcium phosphate or dicalcium phosphate weighing 1.2 g, which is placed in a volumetric flask with a capacity of 500 cm 3. (Modified edition, Amendment No. 2, 5). 4.7. The mass fraction of water is determined according to GOST 24596.6, section. 2. In this case, drying of the product sample in an oven is carried out at a temperature of 100 - 105 ° C for 3 hours (Changed edition, Amendment No. 1). 4.8. The mass fraction of fluorine is determined according to GOST 24596.7, section. 4. In this case, the decomposition of the sample is carried out according to section. 3 with a solution of hydrochloric acid with boiling. (Changed edition, Amendment No. 1, 2, 5). 4.9. Determination of the mass fraction of arsenic (Changed edition, Amendment No. 2). 4.9.1. The mass fraction of arsenic is determined according to GOST 24596.8, section. 2 or 3. The product is considered to comply with the requirements of this standard if the color of the paper from the analyzed solution prepared from a sample of the analyzed product weighing: 0.1 g for monocalcium phosphate and dicalcium phosphate, 1.0 g for premium tricalcium phosphate and 0.3 g for first grade tricalcium phosphate varieties, will not be more intense than the color of the paper from a reference solution prepared simultaneously under the same conditions and containing in the same volume the same amounts of reagents and solution B - 5; 2; 3 cm 3 . When determined using a comparison scale, monocalcium phosphate and dicalcium phosphate are considered to comply with the requirements of this standard if the color of the paper from the analyzed solution prepared from a sample of the analyzed product weighing 0.1 g is not more intense than the color of the sample of the comparison scale containing 5 cm 3 of solution B. (Changed edition , Amendment No. 2, 5). 4.10. The mass fraction of lead is determined according to GOST 24596.9, section. 5. In this case, lead extraction is carried out according to section. 2 in the presence of 0.1 g of edible gelatin (GOST 11293), adding it along with the sediment into the glass in which the precipitation was carried out. When analyzed by the comparison method for a product containing no more than 0.002% lead, the reference solution contains 2 cm 3 of solution B, which corresponds to 0.10 mg of lead; for a product containing no more than 0.003% lead - 3 cm 3 of solution B, which corresponds to 0.15 mg of lead. When processing the analysis results obtained by the comparison method, the product is considered to comply with the requirements of this standard if the height of the wave (peak) of the polarogram of the analyzed solution will not be greater than the difference between the heights of the waves (peaks) of the polarograms of the reference and analyzed solutions. (Changed edition, Amendment No. 1, 2). 4.11. Determination of the content of metallomagnetic impurity particles 4.11.1. Equipment and materialsMillimeter paper in accordance with GOST 334. Tissue paper in accordance with GOST 3479 or tracing paper in accordance with GOST 892. Magnifying glass with a magnification of 5-10 x in accordance with GOST 25706. Permanent horseshoe magnet type UNDK- Analysis: 500 g of the analyzed product is weighed (the weighing result is recorded to the first decimal place) and distributed in an even layer on clean, dry glass or a dry, flat surface of other non-magnetic material with an area of ​​at least 3000 cm 2. Then the poles of the magnet, wrapped in tracing paper or tissue paper, are slowly passed along and across the spilled product, immersing the legs of the magnet into the thickness of the product and lightly touching the glass so that the entire mass of the product is captured by the poles of the magnet. Particles adhering to the legs of the magnet are removed, placed in a porcelain crucible and crushed with a glass rod, and then, pouring them onto a sheet of white paper, they are again attracted by the magnet in the manner described above. Removing the metallomagnetic impurity from the sample is repeated three times. Before each extraction, the analyzed product is mixed and distributed as described above. The extracted metallomagnetic impurity is placed on a watch glass and weighed (the weighing result is recorded to the fourth decimal place). Then the largest metallomagnetic particles are transferred to graph paper with a wooden tip so that they are located along one of the sides of the square. Using a magnifying glass, determine the maximum particle size. The product is considered to comply with the requirements of this standard if the content of particles of metallomagnetic impurities with a maximum size of up to 2 mm inclusive does not exceed 100 mg/kg of product and there are no particles larger than 2 mm. (Amended edition, Amendment No. 5).4.12. Determination of size4.12.1. EquipmentDevice for sieving type RKF-2U with vibration amplitude of the vibration stand from 1.5 to 2.5 mm and vibration frequency from 13 to 17 Hz. Sieves with round holes made of sieve cloths according to the normative and technical documentation of type 1 No. 10, 20, 30, 50. General purpose laboratory scales according to GOST 24104, 4th accuracy class with the highest weighing limit of 500 g. 4.12.2. Carrying out analysis: 200 g of the analyzed product, selected by quartering from the sample prepared according to clause 4.3.1, is weighed (the weighing result is recorded to the first decimal place), placed on the upper sieve of the device and sieved for 5 minutes (for monocalcium phosphate - for 1 minute ). After sifting, the residue is taken from each sieve and weighed (the weighing result is recorded to the first decimal place). Losses during sieving should not exceed 1%.4.12.3. Processing of results Mass fraction of residue on the sieve ( X 5) as a percentage is calculated using the formula:

Where T- mass of a sample of the analyzed product, g; t 1- mass of residue on a sieve or pallet, g. The result of the analysis is taken as the arithmetic mean of two parallel determinations, the permissible differences between which should not exceed 1% with a confidence level R= 0, (Changed edition, Amendment No. 5). 4.13. Determination of the mass fraction of ash insoluble in hydrochloric acid The method consists of treating a sample of hydrochloric acid by heating and calcining the residue in a muffle furnace. 4.13.1. Equipment, materials and reagents Laboratory scales of the 2nd accuracy class with the highest weighing limit of 200 g according to GOST 24104. Laboratory drying cabinet SNOL- with a temperature control error of ±2°C. Water bath. Crucible according to GOST 9147. Muffle furnace, providing a heating temperature of 800 - 900 ° C. Tongs for muffle crucibles. Desiccator according to GOST 25336. Watch glass. Glass according to GOST 25336 with a capacity of 250 cm 3. Glass rod. De-ashed filter “white tape”. Measuring flask version 2 according to GOST 1770, 2nd class of accuracy with a capacity of 1 dm 3. Litmus or universal indicator paper. Distilled water according to GOST 6709. Gelatin according to GOST 11293. Hydrochloric acid according to GOST 3118, concentration solution c (HC1) = 3 mol/dm 3 ; prepare as follows: 255 cm 3 of hydrochloric acid with a density of 1.18 - 1.19 g/cm 3 is measured out with a cylinder, carefully poured into a volumetric flask with water and the volume of the solution is adjusted with water to 1 dm 3 .4.13.2. Analysis 5 g of sample (for tricalcium phosphate 1st grade - 2.5 g) is weighed (the weighing result is recorded to the fourth decimal place), transferred to a glass, moistened with 10 cm 3 of distilled water and 70 cm 3 of hydrochloric acid solution is added (for tricalcium phosphate 1 0.1 g of gelatin is added), mixed, covered with a watch glass and heated in a water bath for 30 minutes, stirring from time to time with a glass rod. The hot solution is filtered through an ash-free “white tape” filter and the precipitate on the filter is washed several times with hot water until neutral. The filter with the sediment is transferred to a pre-calcined and weighed crucible, dried in an oven at a temperature of (160 ± 2) ° C for 30 - 60 minutes, then calcined in a muffle furnace at a temperature of (800 ± 20) ° C for 1 hour, cool in a desiccator to room temperature (20 ± 5) ° C and weigh. 4.13.3. Processing of results Mass fraction of ash insoluble in hydrochloric acid ( X) as a percentage is calculated using the formula:

Where t 1- mass of the crucible, g; t 2- mass of the crucible with sample, g; t 3- mass of the crucible with ash, g. The result of the analysis is taken as the arithmetic mean of the results of two parallel determinations, the permissible discrepancy between them with a confidence probability R - 0.95 should not exceed 0.3% when the ash mass fraction is no more than 10%, and 0.4% when the ash mass fraction is no more than 25%. 4.14. It is allowed to use similar equipment with technical and metrological characteristics not lower than those specified in the standard.4.15. The numerical values ​​of the analysis result of each indicator are recorded with the degree of accuracy with which the norm is specified in the table of technical requirements. 4.13-4.15. (Introduced additionally, Amendment No. 5).


5.1. Calcium phosphate is packaged in plastic bags according to GOST 17811 grades: M 6-0.220, M 7-0.220, M 8-0.220, M 9-0.220, M 10-0.220, M 12-0.220, M 13-0.220 or in other plastic bags according to regulatory and technical documentation, ensuring the safety of the product. Feed calcium phosphate is also packaged in four- or five-layer paper bags in accordance with GOST 2226; monocalcium phosphate - in paper bags of the brands PM BMP, VMP; dicalcium phosphate - in BM brand paper bags; tricalcium phosphate - in paper bags of the NM, BM brands. Packaging, labeling and transportation of feed calcium phosphate to the Far North and hard-to-reach areas - according to GOST 15846. When packaging monocalcium phosphate, it is allowed to put polyethylene bags made according to GOST 17811 into flax-jute bags. kenaf fabrics in accordance with GOST 30090. Net weight of bags is no more than 50 kg for five-layer bags and 40 kg for four-layer bags with permissible deviations of ±2%. The weight of each bag with the product of one batch must be the same. Paper bags with an open neck must be sewn up by machine, polyethylene bags with an open neck must be sealed. Packaging of calcium phosphate in soft specialized disposable containers for bulk products of standard sizes MKR-1.0 M is allowed (from April to October) and MKR-1.0 C with a plastic bag liner (monocalcium phosphate is packaged in the specified containers as agreed with the consumer). The temperature of the product when packed in plastic bags and containers should not be higher than 55 ° C; the temperature of monocalcium phosphate when packed in paper bags should not be higher than 50°C, dicalcium phosphate and tricalcium phosphate - no higher than 65°C. The temperature of tricalcium phosphate during transportation in bulk should not be higher than 65°C. (Changed edition, Amendment No. 1, 5). 5.2. Transport marking - in accordance with GOST 14192 with the application of the handling sign “Keep away from moisture”. Marking characterizing the transport danger of monocalcium phosphate - in accordance with GOST 19433 (class 8, subclass 8.1, drawing 8, classification code 8113). UN serial number 1759. Transport marking must contain the following data characterizing the product: name of the manufacturer and its trademark; name of the product, brand and grade; batch number and date of manufacture (month and year); net weight; phosphorus and calcium content by this standard; guaranteed shelf life of the product; designation of this standard; instructions for the use of calcium phosphate for farm animals. Plastic bags are marked with paint that cannot be washed off with water. It is allowed to apply the batch number and the date of manufacture (month, year) to a plastic bag with hot stamping. On paper bags, labels are glued or the markings are printed. When packaging the product in containers, the label with the markings is placed in its pocket, glued using polyethylene tape with an adhesive layer or Marking data is applied directly to the container. (Changed edition, Amendment No. 2, 5). 5.3. Calcium phosphate is transported by rail, road, sea and river transport in accordance with the cargo transportation rules in force for the specified types of transport. The product packed in bags is transported by rail in covered wagons by carload, by road - in cars and tractor trolleys covered with tarpaulin. , film or other materials that completely cover the body, by sea and river transport in closed deck ships and ship holds. Specialized soft containers are transported in gondola cars in accordance with the technical conditions for loading and securing cargo without transshipment by wagon load with loading and unloading on the access roads of shippers ( consignees).By agreement with the consumer, it is allowed to transport tricalcium phosphate intended for the feed industry in bulk by road transport, cleared of previously transported goods, without foreign reserves and not infested with cereal pests. By agreement with the enterprises of the Ministry of Grain Products of the Ukrainian SSR, it is allowed to transport feed tricalcium phosphate of the highest grade in bulk in their own specialized self-unloading wagons such as a covered hopper car for mineral fertilizers, and for the enterprises of the Ministry of Grain Products of the Moldavian SSR - in cement wagons owned by the consumer (manufacturer). Bagged feed calcium phosphate is packaged according to regulatory and technical documentation. Means for fastening bags into bags - in accordance with GOST 21650, the overall parameters and weight of the package must comply with GOST 24597. It is allowed to transport the packaged product in unpackaged form, as agreed with the consumer, with loading and unloading on the access roads of the consignor (consignee). Packaging, labeling and transportation of the product, intended for export, must comply with the requirements of the agreement (contract) of the supplier with a foreign economic organization or foreign buyer. (Changed edition, Amendment No. 2, 3, 4, 5).5.4. Calcium phosphate is stored packaged in closed warehouses. It is not allowed to store calcium phosphate together with fertilizers and pesticides.


6.1. The manufacturer guarantees that calcium phosphate meets the requirements of this standard subject to the conditions of transportation and storage.6.2. The guaranteed shelf life of monocalcium phosphate is six months, dicalcium phosphate and tricalcium phosphate are one year from the date of manufacture. The guaranteed shelf life of calcium phosphate packaged in containers is six months. (Changed edition, Amendment No. 1). APPENDICES 1-3. (Excluded, Amendment No. 1).


1. DEVELOPED AND INTRODUCED by the Ministry for the Production of Mineral Fertilizers of the USSRDEVELOPERS.I. Pirogov, I.M. Kuvshinnikov, V.A. Feirabent, V.N. Galina, P.M. Zaitsev, G.B. Ivanova, M.M. Vinnik, N.A. Tverdova2. APPROVED AND ENTERED INTO EFFECT by Resolution of the USSR State Committee for Standards dated February 19, 1980 No. 8013. REPLACED GOST 10516-75 and GOST 18660-734. REFERENCE REGULATIVE AND TECHNICAL DOCUMENTS

Number of paragraph, subparagraph

Number of paragraph, subparagraph

GOST 12.1.005-88 2.1 GOST 19433-88 5.2 GOST 12.1.007-76 2.1 GOST 21650-76 5.3 GOST 12.4.103-83 2.3 GOST 24104-88 4.11.1; 4.13.1 GOST 334-73 4.11.1 GOST 24596.1-81 4.1.1; 4.2.1; 4.3.1 GOST 892-89 4.11.1 GOST 24596.2-81 4.4 GOST 1770-74 4.13.1 GOST 24596.4-81 4.5 GOST 2226-88 5.1 GOST 24596.5-81 4.6 GOST 3118-77 4.13.1 GOST 24596.6-81 4.7 GOST 3479-85 4.11.1 GOST 24596.7-81 4.8 GOST 6613-86 4.4 GOST 24596.8-81 4.9.1 GOST 6709-72 4.13.1 GOST 24596.9-81 4.10 GOST 9147-80 4.13.1 GOST 24597-81 5.3 GOST 11293-89 4.10; 4.13.1 GOST 25336-82 4.13.1 GOST 14192-96 5.2 GOST 25706-83 4.11.1 GOST 15846-79 5.1 GOST 30090-93 5.1 GOST 17811-78 5.1
5. The validity period was lifted according to Protocol No. 5-94 of the Interstate Council for Standardization, Metrology and Certification (IUS 11-12-94)6. REISSUE with Amendments No. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, approved in March 1983, September 1984, June 1986, April 1988, December 1989 (IUS 7-83, 1-85, 9-86, 7-88, 3-90)