Being afraid of falling down the stairs in a dream. Wooden staircase according to the dream book

Dream Interpretation: Dream Interpretation of Denise Lynn (brief)


  • Pay attention to where the stairs lead. Steps up mean success. Steps down - loss of self-confidence and self-esteem.

Dream Interpretation: Dream Interpretation of Denise Lynn (detailed)

To see a ladder in a dream

Dream Interpretation: Mayan Dream Interpretation

To see a ladder in a dream

  • Good value
    If you dreamed that you were walking down the stairs, you will soon receive a salary increase. To make the increase larger, place a pyramid of coffee beans in the darkest corner of the apartment.
  • Bad value
    If you dreamed that you were walking up the stairs, then soon you will have to work overtime. To prevent this from ruining your plans, try to avoid stairs.

Dream Interpretation: Noble Dream Book by N. Grishina

Why do you dream about the Staircase?

  • Seeing a staircase and walking up it is a danger / confusion of mind.
  • Walking down the stairs is bad luck.
  • Walking endlessly up and down the stairs is a temporary clouding of consciousness.
  • The staircase is a dream symbol of the spinal cord.
  • To climb up an endless staircase and experience fear of the height and its end - to feel the awakening of intuition and unusually clear consciousness in yourself, to experience fear of it; the feeling that arises before the discovery of the secret and pleasant sides of life.
  • A staircase, a shaft leading from the depths, to run along it towards air and light, escaping from someone - the desire to get away from oneself, to become a different person. Getting lost in the stairs means confusion of the mind, inability to find the truth. Going down endless stairs means delving into yourself and your past / trying to find some answer to the dark bottom of the soul.
  • Climbing a spiral staircase to a tower or lighthouse means a dangerous climb up the social ladder / fear of responsibility and obligations assumed / a feeling that you are overestimating yourself and your strengths.
  • Descending the spiral staircase is an “excursion” or a fall to the bottom of life, degradation, fear of responsibility.
  • Staircases and spiral staircases in women's dreams are often a symbolic image of anxiety or illness associated with sexual activity.
  • Seeing a stepladder is a sign of near success.
  • Getting off it is a failure.
  • They take her away - miss a happy opportunity.
  • Seeing a staircase near an open window is a warning about the machinations of enemies, theft.
  • If you break a portable ladder, you shouldn’t take on the business you’re thinking about.
  • Climbing on it with your wife is a pleasant company.

Dream Interpretation: Dream Interpretation of Shereminskaya

Dream Interpretation Stairs

  • Staircases and elevators represent our progress through life. This is our both external and internal development, success or failure in real life. It matters a lot whether your stairs lead up or down, whether you go up or down. If you rise and fall, most likely these are your uncertain plans and the search for your place in life.
  • It is considered a significant dream if you were able to climb high up the stairs and enter the room (preferably, it should be bright and clean). In this case, specific luck awaits you; if you finally go down, this is most likely a loss of your positions, a change for the worse. The rungs of the ladder are your opportunities; if the step is broken, you have enemies and ill-wishers.
  • Dreams with elevators often indicate that you are seeking to resort to the help of other people to solve your problems, perhaps even where you are able to cope with the problems yourself. It is possible that you are either not putting enough effort into achieving your goal or have not clearly thought through your plans. An elevator, if it goes up, is also an unexpected increase, and if it goes down, it is a sudden collapse of plans. Getting stuck in an elevator means an uncertain situation in reality. Elevator is about caution; if he drives slowly - an unexpected turn in the course of affairs; very quickly - obstacles or slowness in business; you manage yourself - financial success, financial affairs.

Dream Interpretation: New Family Dream Interpretation

To see a ladder in a dream

  • A staircase seen in a dream means upward movement: your energy and abilities will help you take a prominent position in business circles.
  • If you were lifting a ladder in a dream, prosperity and boundless happiness lie ahead.
  • If you fell down the stairs - get ready for your efforts to be in vain.
  • A broken staircase means complete failure in all matters.

Dream Interpretation: Gypsy Dream Interpretation

Dream Interpretation Stairs

  • Such a dream means that you are striving for great things. If you dream that you are walking up the stairs, it means that you will accomplish them. If you climb the stairs to get home through a window, you will not hesitate to do something illegal to achieve your goal! If you fall down the stairs, you will have friction with the law.

Dream Interpretation: Dream Interpretation of Shuvalova

Dream Interpretation Stairs

  • When a person moves up the stairs, he does not perform free movements, but obeys the mechanical, pre-imposed rhythm of the steps. Therefore, this image suggests that a person performs a function inherent in a machine rather than a person. This image is generally negative because it denotes a situation that a person does not control and which does not depend on him. Which itself leads him to places where he may not want to go at all. This image may be associated with the need for achievement, overcoming difficulties, and the need for additional resources to achieve one’s goal.

Dream book: Ancient French dream book

Why do you dream about the Staircase?

  • If in a dream you are climbing the stairs, the dream foreshadows failure, loss of spirit, and frustration in business. If you go down the stairs, it is likely that you will soon find the key to your success. If you fall down the stairs, this is a bad sign. If you dreamed of a ladder or stepladder, someone’s ingratitude will upset you and will be the cause of many of your failures. If you dreamed that you were climbing the steps to the gallows, this is a sign that many of your plans will collapse, and your actions can lead to disastrous consequences.

Dream Interpretation: Ancient English Dream Book (Zadkiel's Dream Book)

Why do you dream about the Staircase?

  • Brennius Salustius says: “There is a deep meaning in this dream. If you are young and dream that you have climbed the stairs to the very top, brilliant prospects will open up before you and you will achieve everything you want. You will kiss the bride you want at your wedding. covet for a long time, or your long-awaited betrothed.
  • business person, this dream is also favorable for you. fair winds of luck will lead your ship to the harbor of prosperity. this dream is a symbol of wealth, honor and worldly glory. And you, who cultivate the land, do you see in a dream that you have climbed to the very top of the ladder? Your garden will produce a bountiful harvest and you will become rich. Scientist, student - everything, up, up the ladder, and you will reach the fulfillment of the highest limit of your desires! And you, poor widow - if you see this dream - know that the extinct coals will flare up again, your sadness will turn into joy.
  • But if in a dream, having reached the top of the stairs, you look down and your head is spinning, this means that in reality you will not be able to bear the high position, you will become proud, become arrogant and fall back down into the abyss of darkness. Or if the ladder collapses in your sleep while you are climbing up it, know that your hopes will be dashed."

Dream Interpretation: Eastern Women's Dream Book

Dream Interpretation Stairs

  • Climbing the stairs - to good luck and happiness, going down - to troubles in business and personal life, falling from the stairs - to become an object of envy and unkind thoughts. A shaky ladder calls for caution in relations with colleagues. A wide, beautiful staircase promises wealth and fame. If you dreamed that you were sitting on the steps of a staircase, it means that you are on the path to prosperity. However, don't expect quick results.
  • Seeing other people going down the stairs means unpleasant changes.

Dream Interpretation: Dream Interpretation Veles

Dream Interpretation Stairs

  • Climbing up the stairs is success in career matters; going down the stairs is some failure in career matters.

Dream Interpretation: Miller's Dream Interpretation

To see a ladder in a dream

  • Seeing a ladder in a dream means upward movement for you; Your energy and abilities will help you achieve a prominent position in business circles.
  • Climbing a ladder means prosperity and boundless happiness.
  • Falling down the stairs is a harbinger of despair and unsuccessful efforts for a merchant, and crop failure for a peasant.
  • Seeing a broken staircase means complete failure in all matters.
  • A lowered ladder portends disappointment in business and unfulfilled desires.
  • Escape from captivity or prison using a ladder is a sign that success awaits you, although there will be many risky actions.
  • Feeling dizzy when climbing the stairs means that you perceive new honors restlessly; You will enjoy being capricious and bossy once you take up a new, higher position.

Dream Interpretation: Tsvetkov's Dream Interpretation

Dream Interpretation Stairs

  • in a building, climbing stairs - ascent in life through luck, success;
  • to go down - failure;
  • steps - opportunities;
  • broken steps - enemies, ill-wishers;
  • stone staircase - unwanted dependence;
  • wooden - danger of mistakes;
  • rope - need for personal;
  • steep - quick relief.

Dream Interpretation: Freud's Dream Interpretation

To see a ladder in a dream

  • A fairly transparent symbol that represents your life. If you see yourself in a dream running up the stairs, then you should be more careful and attentive towards loved ones. Currently, you are too popular with the opposite sex, and this is due to various reasons - your career and social growth, increased self-confidence. But be that as it may, you should not forget those with whom you shared the difficulties of your life.
  • If a woman in a dream sees a man at the top of the stairs, and a man sees a woman, then this indicates that the dreamer has long known the person with whom he wants to have a closer relationship, but does not dare to carry out what he wants. Apparently, some social restrictions interfere with this; you shouldn’t take them into account - happiness is much more expensive than conventions.
  • If you dream that you are quickly going down the stairs, then such a dream speaks of the habit of making too high demands on a partner or someone who claims to take his place, and about possible difficulties in relationships with the opposite sex.
  • Falling down the stairs - you will experience strong disappointment in a person in whom you were one hundred percent confident. If you have a wonderful sexual relationship from which you feel complete satisfaction, then you should not give it up.

Dream Interpretation: Modern Dream Interpretation

Dream Interpretation Stairs

  • Climbing the stairs - to good luck and happiness, going down - to troubles in business and personal life, falling from the stairs - to become an object of envy and unkind thoughts. Seeing other people going down the stairs means that far from the best changes in life are coming. If in a dream you see a wide, beautiful staircase, then you are destined for wealth and fame. If you dreamed that you were sitting on the steps of a staircase, then this means that you are on the path to prosperity. However, don't expect quick results.

Dream Interpretation: Dream Interpretation of Martyn Zadeki

To see a ladder in a dream

  • A standing staircase is a hidden deception; walking on it is a bad sign.

Dream Interpretation: Esoteric Dream Interpretation

To see a ladder in a dream

  • Life path.
  • Leading upward - to prosperity, implementation of plans and achievement of goals.
  • Down - to a worsening situation, dismissal. If you go deep down, then there is a danger of reaching the state of a “homeless person”, of sinking.
  • Broken is an obstacle on the way. If you pass, the obstacles will be overcome. This dream should mobilize your strength.
  • Round is a difficult path.
  • Flat - everything will work out easily, but you need to take advantage of opportunities and not miss a good moment.

Dream Interpretation: Italian Dream Book by Meneghetti

Dream Interpretation Stairs

  • It represents that which divides a surface or various spatial volumes into separate segments, which in themselves are natural, therefore symbolizing the division into segments that is typical of rationality or, in other words, the dialectic of the “gear”, meaning the enslavement of the subject by an alien computer. To go up or down stairs means to be more or less subject to the machine. In any case, the image of a ladder speaks of a monitor-controlled deviation situation, so this image is always negative.

Dream Interpretation: Loff's Dream Interpretation

Dream Interpretation Stairs

  • The staircase provides access to the heights of life or to the hard-to-reach values ​​of this world. We often dream about falling down the stairs.
  • In any case, a central component of ladder interpretation is the acquisition of special, albeit precarious, access to necessary values. Such access is often accompanied by loss of access or luck.
  • If you find yourself in a situation where you cannot do without a ladder, then you may be short on funds. We acutely feel how dependent we are on gravity and how limited we are in our ability to rise high. If dreams do not provide the opportunity to FLY, then a ladder is the only way out.

Dream Interpretation: Hasse's Dream Interpretation

Dream Interpretation Stairs

  • Climbing along it - your pride will be satisfied; to go down - you are paid with ingratitude; standing under the window - beware of thieves; carry - you will help others; fall down the stairs - passion makes you careless; stairway to heaven - everything goes according to your intentions. Spiral staircase - with difficulty, in a roundabout way, you will reach your goal.

Dream Interpretation: Dream Interpretation of Azar

To see a ladder in a dream

  • spiral staircase - you will hardly achieve your goal. Climbing the stairs - your vanity will be satisfied

Dream Interpretation: Dream Interpretation of Health

Why do you dream about the Staircase?

  • Climbing up the stairs - to improve your life and business situation, social status; For patients - to improve their condition. Going down the stairs means a worsening situation and loss of position in the listed positions.

The dream book site - the largest dream book on the Runet, contains 75 of the best dream books: Denise Lynn's dream book (brief), Longo's dream book, Miller's dream book, Hasse's dream book, modern dream book, Mayan dream book, Wanderer's dream book, Chinese dream book of Zhou Gong, noble dream book by N. Grishina , Italian dream book by Meneghetti, ancient Persian dream book by Taflisi, dream book of happy omens, dream interpreter (1829), Italian psychoanalytic dream book by A. Roberti, lunar dream book, Azar’s dream book, dream book of lovers, Freud’s dream book, Martyn Zadeki’s dream book, Old Russian dream book, dream book of love, Slavic dream book, Shuvalova's dream book, Health's dream book, and others.

Stairs and steps that appear in dreams symbolize career growth, development in any direction, steps that need to be taken to achieve a goal. What does it mean to go up or down stairs in a dream? How is vision interpreted? Dream books help to understand these issues.

Climbing stairs: interpretation

Dream books are similar in one thing - a staircase is a symbol of the path of life, the rise and fall of a person, both in terms of relationships and in the financial sphere. A detailed forecast can be made only taking into account the dreamer’s gender, his feelings in the dream, as well as the details of the dream.

Climbing stairs in a dream in most cases means a person’s desire for something, working on himself and his own capabilities. Conversely, falling or going down the stairs foreshadows negative situations that may arise in the near future.

Dream Interpretation from "A" to "Z"

Dreaming of climbing up the steps of a spiraling staircase signifies a difficult, exhausting task. The dreamer will have to make an effort to achieve what he wants. However, his work will end in success, which he will enjoy for a long time. Running away from someone constantly stuttering and falling means insurmountable obstacles. A person should abandon his plans, since the fulfillment of his desires can cause him irreparable harm.

What does it mean to climb stairs in a dream and experience shortness of breath and heaviness? If the dreamer felt discomfort while getting up, then he will have to work on himself for a long time. It will be difficult for him to give up habits that destroy his life, but attempts to change himself for the better will be crowned with success.

Climbing up the stairs in a dream with a company of loved ones means help from relatives. Now, more than ever, the sleeper needs support, and only relatives can provide it. If in dreams they are dissatisfied with something, argue or quarrel with the sleeping person, this means that only thanks to sound criticism will he be able to fulfill his dream.

Seeing yourself going down the stairs portends a loss of patience in some matter. The person will give up and stop moving towards the intended goal. A feeling of dizziness and weakness in a dream when looking down from the top step means a manifestation in reality of a weak character, an inability to stand up for oneself.

Family dream book

Seeing in a dream how you are climbing a staircase leading to the sky - to the successful implementation of plans. Going down the steps into a dungeon with no end in sight means that in order to become more successful, a person needs to take serious risks. Soon you will have to make a choice: stay in a stable position, so to speak, in your comfort zone, or risk everything you have and become happier.

In a dream, climbing a ladder and then falling from it because one of the steps has broken means frustration and disappointment in one’s own actions. The dreamer will not be satisfied with the work done and will plunge into depression. Also, falling in a dream warns that you should not succumb to temptations and commit rash actions - this can harm relationships with your loved one, relatives, and business partners.

Dreams are often abstract rather than clear and simple. Falling, descending, rising, running - all this can be seen in a dream. Climbing up the stairs with measured steps means calm and rapid progress of affairs; obstacles on the way to the goal will be easily overcome. A dream in which a person escapes persecution by running up the stairs predicts a successful way out of a difficult financial situation.

Climbing a steep staircase with crooked and wobbly steps in a dream is a warning of danger. The risk will not be justified; the sleeper will suffer losses in a seemingly successful business.

Women's dream book

What does it mean to climb stairs in a dream and then fall? Falling from the top step upside down is a symbol of the fact that the sleeping woman will soon be turned by a passionate feeling, an irresistible attraction, the result of which will be gossip and gossip. There is no need to mindlessly get involved in a relationship with a man - this can lead to loss of trust and respect from friends and relatives.

Climbing stairs with a man in a dream means help that your lover will provide. You can rely on him, he will support his woman in any situation. If a lady has a dream about how she goes upstairs to see an acquaintance, then in reality there is some kind of connection or attraction between them. Soon their mutual sympathy will develop into a strong relationship.

A quick descent from the stairs indicates that the sleeper is overly demanding in choosing a life partner. You should lower the “bar” a little and endlessly go up and down the stairs in a dream - to the emergence of a painful dilemma, uncertainty in vital issues.

A dream in which the dreamer stumbled while climbing the stairs warns of enemies and envious people lurking under the guise of friends. They will stop at nothing; their plans can cause serious harm to the plans of the sleeper.

Modern dream book

A modern interpretation will help you understand what the dream means. Climbing the stairs, feeling the desire to quickly reach the highest step, means the following: the dreamer’s capabilities will allow him to occupy a higher position. The authorities will appreciate the intelligence and erudition of the sleeper. Descent from the stairs, during which a person feels relief, foreshadows the revelation of secrets that are inaccessible to others.

If you dreamed of walking on a wobbly staircase, then in reality you will be able to defend your rights in a quarrel with colleagues, and also show resistance to temptations. Sitting down to rest on the steps while ascending means an imminent vacation, which the dreamer has been waiting for so long.

Watching someone come down the stairs promises success at work. One of the dreamer's colleagues (companions) will fail, which will force the authorities to pay attention to the dreamer.

Climbing up a wooden tree means solving complex problems. A person will find a simple way that does not require special expenses. Climbing a spiral staircase in a dream suggests that the future life of the sleeper depends entirely on his actions. How he carries out the task entrusted to him will greatly influence his destiny. Walking along the stone steps portends success, but only if a person uses an original approach to accomplishing any task.

Dream Interpretation of Veles

If, during the ascent, the steps under the sleeping person unexpectedly broke off and he fell, then in reality misfortunes and health problems await him. Slipping on the steps means tricks on the part of competitors. The dreamer should beware of risky ventures.

Climbing stairs in a dream, lined with a path or carpet, means good luck in reality. Fate will be favorable to the sleeper. Watching the crowd go up the stairs and back down is a sign of the long-awaited finding of peace and stability in life. Such a dream may indicate a person’s desire to start a family.

Freud's Dream Book

The desire to overcome steps as quickly as possible in a dream speaks of a desire to attract the attention of a loved one. The sleeper is ready to make every effort to achieve reciprocity from the object of passion, but his attempts will be in vain until he learns to accept his partner for who he is and becomes more sensitive.

Seeing yourself from the side running up the steps means that close people need the attention of the sleeping person. He should not forget about those who supported and protected him on the way to achieving his goal, otherwise he risks being left alone with his problems.

Falling down the stairs promises a waste of energy, rash actions that can lead to conflict with relatives. Also, the fall has a different interpretation: the sleeper will be disappointed in one of his friends.

Trying to climb a broken ladder means hopelessness, a hopeless situation, suffering and loneliness.

Gypsy dream book

Climbing through a window is a sign of a love adventure that may end in marriage. However, the dreamer should be careful and not let the new lover (beloved) get too close.

Climbing stairs made of gold foreshadows meeting good-natured and pious people. They will help the sleeper realize his plans. If in a dream a person walks along copper or iron steps, then in reality he will have fun. Climbing the silver ladder is a sign of betrayal by a loved one, which the sleeper will learn about in the near future.

Wanderer's Dream Book

Falling head over heels from the stairs in a dream foreshadows a conflict situation for a person. There is a high danger to his health here. You should beware of unplanned meetings and trips.

Climbing the steps of a spiral staircase indicates that the dreamer will not be able to achieve success soon. He will have to work hard to achieve his plans. In financial matters, too, not everything is smooth: the dream warns that the business the sleeper has taken on will not soon pay for itself.

Miller's Dream Book

Dreams in which a person tries to get out of a dark mine, basement, or room into the light using a ladder speak of an unwillingness to be oneself, a lack of acceptance of one’s own “I.” The sleeper wants to change for the better.

If a person in a dream goes down the stairs and does not see the end of it, then to get answers he should turn to his past. The experience he acquired a long time ago will help in solving today's problems.

Breaking steps in a dream means your opponents will lose. They will be powerless before the favor of fate towards the sleeper. A person can safely begin to implement plans.

A dream in which a person climbs a ladder predicts an imminent long business trip. But don’t worry: the trip will end happily and will bring a positive attitude and significant benefits.

Loff's Dream Book

Climbing the moving steps of the stairs means great success, inexplicable luck. Influential people will help the sleeper: they will provide assistance and material support. Going down an escalator in a dream warns that a person may soon lose everything due to his own recklessness. There is no need to neglect the advice of experienced people - only they will help you save yourself from unexpected losses.

Finding yourself in a place where you need to climb a ladder, but there is none anywhere, means you are in dire need. Soon a person will need a round sum of money. Another interpretation says that the sleeper will find himself in a hole of debt, from which he can only get out thanks to someone close to him.

A broken ladder, along which the sleeper endlessly climbs and, breaking down, falls, and then repeats everything in a circle, dreams of an impending dangerous illness. You should be more careful about your own health.

Pocket dream book by T. Lagutina

Staircase - If you dreamed about a staircase, then your business qualities will allow you to take a prominent position in society.

Why dream of seeing a wide grand staircase - then wealth and glory await you.

Broken stairs - you will have total bad luck. Climbing stairs in a dream is good luck.

If you see yourself going down the stairs, then you will face a collapse of hopes and failure in business.

Seeing someone going down the stairs means joy will come after troubles.

To see that you have fallen down the stairs means failure awaits you. Sitting on a step of the stairs in a dream means that you are slowly but surely moving towards the pinnacle of prosperity.

See also: why do you dream about an escalator, why do you dream about steps, why do you dream about going up.

Dream Interpretation by A. Vasilyev

Why do you dream about stairs?

Staircase - I dreamed about a staircase - it is a symbol of sexual relations. Especially if it is an entrance stairwell.

Climbing, Climbing up the stairs in a dream - good luck awaits you. Going down the stairs in a dream means a cooling of relations with a partner, illicit pleasures leading to a serious illness.

Dream Interpretation of V. Melnikov

Stairs - Seeing someone going up the stairs - this portends you success in achieving your intended goal.

Going down the stairs - Going down the stairs in a dream - you will lose patience at the last moment and thereby ruin the whole thing.

To feel dizzy and weak in a dream, climbing the fire escape of a house to the height of the top floor - this portends you that you will take the trust and honor shown to you quite calmly and for granted.

Why dream of seeing a rope ladder thrown from a window - this predicts a wonderful outcome for you in an undertaking undertaken at random.

Climbing up the stairs in a dream - you will satisfy your vanity in work and pride in love.

Running away down the stairs from someone else's bedroom in a dream is a shame.

Big dream book

Why do you dream about the Staircase - dream analysis:

Staircase - Dreaming of a staircase - this means upward movement, your energy and abilities will help you achieve a prominent position in business circles.

If in a dream you climbed a ladder, then prosperity and boundless happiness await you.

If you see that you have fallen down the stairs, then get ready for the fact that your efforts will be in vain. You may experience severe disappointment in a person in whom you were completely confident.

If you dreamed of a broken staircase, this means complete failure in all matters.

Everyday dream book

Seeing a Staircase in a dream:

A person's dream about stairs is usually interpreted as moving up or down in some areas of your life, depending on whether you are going up or down the stairs in the dream.

Why do you dream of climbing a ladder - So, to see a ladder in a dream that you are climbing means that in real life you are striving for development, do not miss the chance to gain new knowledge, skills, and make new acquaintances. The wider the staircase, the faster you will get to your intended goal.

But the height of the stairs usually indicates how many difficulties you will have to overcome to get to the top. Going down the stairs - If you dreamed of a staircase from which you are going down, be prepared for love failures.

But if you fall down the stairs in a dream, then get ready for the fact that you will soon become objects of envy, rumors and gossip. If you had a dream in which you watch people scurrying up and down the stairs, then in real life pleasures will be replaced by troubles.

To see that you are sitting on the steps of the stairs, then such a dream means that you need rest, a respite from the hustle and bustle of work or family, otherwise you may make a mistake that will lead to losses.

Dream Interpretation of D. Mendeleev

If you dream of a Staircase, what is it for:

Staircase - To see that you see a staircase, then such a dream means moving upward for you. Your energy and abilities will help you achieve a prominent position in business circles. To see that you are climbing the stairs means prosperity and boundless happiness.

If you feel dizzy during the ascent, this means that you will not accept new honors calmly, you will like to be capricious and command as soon as you take a new, higher position. Why dream of going down the stairs - If you are going down the stairs, then such a dream foreshadows disappointment in business and unfulfilled desires. A dream in which you fall down the stairs is a harbinger of despair and unsuccessful efforts to achieve something outstanding. A broken ladder means complete failure in all matters. To see that you are escaping from prison or imprisonment using a ladder, then such a dream is a sign that success awaits you, although there will be many risky actions that threaten the failure of your endeavor.

Dream Interpretation of Catherine the Great

Why do you dream about the Staircase according to the dream book:

A staircase in a dream is a symbol of the road ahead, success in business, including moving up the career ladder, as well as honors and achieving goals.

Steps in a dream symbolize your capabilities. If you dream of broken steps, then the dream foreshadows enemies and ill-wishers. Wooden steps symbolize monetary gain.

Stone steps in a dream foreshadow difficult times, fear, obstacles and difficulties. Iron steps seen in a dream mean that glory awaits you ahead. Seeing a very wide and comfortable staircase in front of you in a dream foretells elevation and the acquisition of respect. If the staircase in front of you is very steep and unreliable, then on your life path you will encounter obstacles and inconveniences of various kinds.

Why dream of climbing stairs - Stairs in a building in a dream mean climbing in life with the help of luck and success.

Climbing up the stairs in a dream is a favorable sign, the dream foretells you good luck and happiness, and your experiences will be replaced by self-confidence and in your rightness. Climbing the stairs very quickly and easily means gaining fame.

A spiral staircase in a dream means that you will have to put in a lot of effort to achieve something that is easy for others or comes naturally to you. Sometimes such a dream indicates that you need to take on the matter from the other end. A rope ladder in a dream indicates that you will cope well with a risky task.

Running up the steps to escape pursuit means a successful way out of a dangerous situation. Carrying a ladder in a dream is a sign that you will not leave a friend in trouble. If in a dream you tripped over the steps and fell head over heels, then life is preparing very unpleasant surprises for you, be careful. For business people, such a dream foreshadows a sudden loss of their position in society, losses or ruin. To other people, this dream suggests that once you stumble (make a mistake), you may not regain the affection of your loved ones.

Sliding down a railing in a dream means that your life is carefree and easy, but if you want to achieve something in life, then you will have to work very hard. A dream in which you climb the stairs without touching the steps, as if floating, foreshadows that you will definitely be lucky in your professional activities, maybe even more than you expected, and you will also create a strong family and find long-awaited happiness. Building a porch in front of your house in a dream predicts your participation or invitation to take part in some new business.

Dreaming of a Staircase? See the following interpreter.

Lewis's Dream Book

Why do you dream about the Staircase, for what reason:

Ladder - The ladder can symbolize helping the individual rise to new levels of awareness of his inner world, career, social status (“climbing the social ladder”) and material prosperity (“steps of success”), as well as greater understanding of the external situation.

Dream book for girls

Why do you dream about the Staircase according to the dream book:

Stairs - Climbing stairs in a dream means that in real life you are currently striving for the best with all your might. You are convinced that you need to start preparing for the future now, so you diligently learn foreign languages, master the computer and read literature, forgetting about friends and entertainment. Wouldn't you like to relax a little and live for today without looking into the future?

Jung's Dream Book

Why do you dream about the Staircase according to the dream book:

Since in real life these objects connect different levels of buildings, in a dream they can symbolize the inter-level connection of the internal mental state. That is why it is important to remember whether you fell or rose in a dream. Stairs indicate that you are so constrained by some problem that you are practically unable to act independently and autonomously. If you dream of a staircase, it means that you carry out the ascent and descent yourself, step by step and without rushing anywhere.

Simply put, making individual efforts. For example, in a conversation with another person, accidentally blurting out too much, we become aware of the situation and try to consciously influence it, return the previous relaxed atmosphere. Sometimes going up and down stairs can mean the ebb and flow of emotional (non-sexual) arousal.

In a dream, you can see the most unusual events, you can even become direct participants in them.

Why do you dream about stairs? How to interpret such a dream?

Why do you dream about stairs - basic interpretation

A staircase in a dream foreshadows your progress in life, but whether it will be positive or not will be shown by the full interpretation of the dream. To do this, you need to take into account all its details:

Where does the staircase lead in your dream;

Whether you climb it or just watch;

How long did it take you to climb the stairs?

What is it made of;

Do you climb it yourself;

What emotions and experiences accompany your dream.

If you dream of a staircase that reaches into the sky, enormous opportunities that you have been waiting for will open up before you. You should not put off scenarios for later, do not put off important negotiations and important meetings after such a dream.

If you dream that the stairs on your way are leaky, sagging, and full of holes, unexpected complications and difficulties await you. Try to live through them with dignity. The Dream Interpretation does not advise waiting them out. Because this will not solve all your problems, you will only make them worse. Try not to get upset or panic when you have a dream in which a bridge simply breaks off in front of you.

Perhaps you shouldn't move in the chosen direction? Perhaps you shouldn't take on too much and decide? Better deal with personal issues. If shortly before sleep you planned a large-scale event, such a dream will indicate the need to reconsider your attitude towards it. Perhaps it is worth conducting it differently, or approaching it more responsibly.

If you see a completely different dream, in which the staircase rebuilds itself, it means that you will get a wonderful chance to change everything for the better. You will get the opportunity to establish meetings and communication with the right people. You will get the opportunity to meet the person you have been needing for a long time.

A staircase that smoothly goes up to the clouds means that you dream a lot, but do not realize your dreams. You can get so caught up in your dreams that you completely forget the purpose of everything you do. Perhaps the reason for this was your past failures and past problems. Perhaps you just don’t want to open your eyes and look realistically at everything that is happening in your life. The reality in which you live may seem very difficult to you. But the dream book advises paying special attention to it.

Why do you dream of a staircase that goes down somewhere? If you are not afraid to go down it, this means that nothing out of the ordinary will happen in your life. You do not feel fear about the events that happen in your life. You gratefully accept all the clues of fate, all its possibilities.

The dream book advises not to change this perception of life and follow the internal prompts that your soul dictates. A dream in which you go down to the basement along a series of stairs means that you will be immersed in a stream of memories and will spend a long time moving stories from your past life, past relationships, past communication from shelf to shelf.

It may seem to you that this is a very entertaining activity and you enjoy it, but in fact, while you are going through the past, the present does not develop and the future stands still. As a result, you miss important moments in life.

A dream in which you go down a steep staircase to the basement and light your way with a lantern suggests that you may have a very joyful and cheerful period ahead. It is enough to trust fate and yourself, follow the call of your heart and not listen to other people's instructions and other people's discontent. The dream book says that you have enough strength and ingenuity to build your life correctly, based on the experience of the past.

Why do you dream of a staircase if you climb it to the observation tower? You need to look at your life from the outside. You are too confident in your own rightness and cut off, do not allow the possibility that someone else could be right. Stop acting like this. Stop expecting things from others and you will see your life change. Don't be afraid to change with her.

A dream in which you see a child going down the stairs and falling from it suggests that you will begin to rush to resolve some situation and, like the child from your dream, you will simply miss everything and fly down. You can embarrass yourself in front of your colleagues, in front of your loved one, only because of haste and rash actions.

A dream in which you have been trying for a long time to find a way out of a maze of stairs means that it is your own fault that you are confused in this life. It is difficult for you to make decisions, it is difficult to defend your point of view. Try to find logic in all the events that happen in your life and then you will find a way out of a difficult situation. You will come out into the world and your endeavors will be supported by those around you.

A dream in which you will look for a long time for opportunities to make a ladder yourself and ultimately make it - suggests that it’s time for you to improve your relationship on your own. It’s time for you to talk with your loved ones, explain your own feelings and emotions to them. The dream also suggests that you need to be kinder to your loved ones, and you are ready for this.

If you dream of a golden staircase, you should not immediately rejoice and expect huge profits; most likely, you will simply find yourself in a situation where many will envy you, but, in fact, this envy will not have an objective reason.

A dream in which you have an iron ladder with a huge number of nails suggests that you should strengthen your own position on a fundamental issue, then you will begin to truly enjoy life.

Why do you dream about stairs according to Freud's dream book?

Freud's dream book says that one dreams of a staircase as a symbol of new opportunities in one's personal life. If you see a ladder that connects the edges of a cliff, and you are balancing on it, try to maintain balance in your relationships and in reality. Do not allow unnecessary emotions, do not allow rash actions.

The dream book in which you fall down the stairs suggests that you will soon be plunged into problems in your relationship, you will be despondent and disappointed. You will not be able to trust your feelings and will be depressed. But, if you climb a ladder to the top of a huge tree in a dream, such a dream means that success and love await you.

After such a dream, you can even create a strong and strong union with the person who is so dear to you. Try not to disappoint him and realize all your dreams in the near future. A dream in which the steps of the stairs break and you fall through speaks of troubles in everyday life that will affect your future life. Try to minimize this influence so as not to lose your partner’s trust and openness in the relationship.

A pregnant woman dreams of a staircase as a symbol of future changes. She should not be afraid, even if the dream seems gloomy. Changes will lead to positive events in life, she may not even doubt it.

Why do you dream about a staircase according to the Esoteric Dream Book?

The Esoteric Dream Book says that you dream of a staircase as a symbol of opening opportunities and you should not talk yourself out of them, even if the dream does not seem so joyful. In any case, you will be given a chance.

If you see in a dream how one of your loved ones falls off the stairs and flies down, you should take care of his health and mood in the near future. Try to be around him more often.

Why do you dream about stairs according to other dream books?

In Grishina's dream book it is said that one dreams of a staircase as a symbol of new emotions and sensations. But, it is worth remembering the emotions during sleep. Have you been paralyzed by fear? Have you been looking for support? Was the ladder shaking under your feet? If all this was in your dream, it’s time to strengthen your positions in reality.

Don't let anyone control you, don't let anyone upset you for no reason. Climb up the career ladder without regard to other people's envy and gossip. If you listen to the advice of the dream book, you will achieve success very quickly. Whatever the dream, you create your own reality, do not deny yourself the opportunity to enjoy life. Be honest with yourself and others. This will bring you happiness.

According to the interpretations of the dream book, a staircase in a dream predicts not only ups and downs, but also many other events. However, in order to understand why this image is being dreamed about, you should clarify the details of the dream: what the ladder was like, where it led, what it looked like and other nuances.

What does the Enigma dream book warn about?

The simplest and most common explanation of what a ladder means in a dream is success and failure, depending on where the steps led: up or down. However, not everything is so simple, says the Enigma dream book and offers a number of other interpretations.

Rising up, especially quickly, is a symbol of successful career advancement. But crawling along it, climbing with difficulty, is a sign that you have taken up the wrong business.

To dream of walking down a slippery staircase is a signal that you have embarked on a path that will lead to dubious success. Although, if in a dream you managed to quickly run up an ice slide, the ledges of which were smooth and slippery, then this means that you will be able to cope with a task that many cannot do.

Standing on the steps according to Miller's dream book

Miller's dream book attaches great importance not so much to walking up the stairs, but to the very fact of being on it. So, for example, if you dreamed that you were standing on a portable stepladder, then try to remember what it was like in the dream.

Was the stepladder shabby and wobbly? This means that your current position is very unstable. But Gustav Miller personifies the new stable staircase with the dreamer’s confidence in his own abilities and in the future.

Jumping from a high ladder in a dream without getting hurt is a sign that you will easily get out of the ridiculous situation you find yourself in.

Where did the stairs lead in the dream?

The very presence of a ladder in a dream does not provide an accurate explanation of why it is dreamed of. To understand what to expect from fate, you need to clarify a couple of points. And one of them is the so-called “ladder orientation”. Remember where the steps led in your dream, what they looked like and what sensations they caused you, dream books advise.

There is no need to be afraid of dreams in which you fall or descend; they are not always a prediction of trouble. Remember all the nuances, clarify what they mean in your dreams, adapt the interpretation to your reality, and then draw conclusions.

Take to the skies

Don’t be alarmed if you see a staircase going beyond the clouds in a dream, Medea’s dream book advises. Projections leading into the sky symbolize success and popularity.

If your profession is related to fulfilling orders, then the dream means a large amount of work. You will not end up with customers, your services will be in demand and will bring you a good income.

And according to the Gypsy Dream Book, rising to the clouds is a symbol of victory. You will be able to rise above problems and competitors.

Climbing to the floor

Did you dream about going up to the floor? A very good signal, dream books assure. If, upon entering the entrance, you climbed a flight of stairs with wide steps, then, when faced with a choice, you will make the right decision.

A narrow driveway indicates that you are “narrow-minded.” Look at the problem from the other side. And those who had to climb up a fire escape in a dream should think about the “backup option.”

See the descent

The interpretation of a plot in which you see a descent down can tell you what to pay attention to in your behavior, or what character traits should be “corrected.” The main thing is to remember where you went down in your dream. So, head to:

  • basement – ​​know how to use time and money rationally;
  • bunker - you are too distrustful;
  • metro – love spontaneity;
  • labyrinth - you are a master of intrigue and “multi-move”;
  • sewer - you shouldn’t accumulate resentment in your soul.

Interesting interpretations of the plot in which you sweep the steps are offered by Vanga’s dream book. If you see in a dream how you are sweeping a beautiful but dirty staircase, then this means that you need to cleanse your soul and consciousness from negative thoughts and feelings.

Washing bouts with soap in a dream is a sign of dissatisfaction. Not everything suits you in the position you occupy. A woman is usually not satisfied with her personal life. A man is a job. Think about it.

Cleaning the staircase from dirt and painting it is a sign of an unexpected decision. Don’t be afraid to be spontaneous, sometimes this is the only way to find the right solution, Vanga’s dream book suggests.

Why do you dream of sitting on ledges?

Probably everyone has at least once had to sit on the stairs in a dream. No? Well, if you have to, after studying the interpretations of the Islamic dream book, you will know why this is a dream.

So, climbing into the attic and sitting on the last step, watching the surroundings from above is a symbol of the desire to command and dominate. If, moreover, the ladder was golden, then there is a risk of being blinded by permissiveness and going beyond the boundaries of reason.

But sitting on the step of an escalator and going up is a sign of easy achievement of your plans. Don't miss the chance to seize the moment, the dream book recommends.

White, red and other colors

Oddly enough, in explaining why a staircase is dreamed of, its color can play a significant role. So, for example, red can warn of danger, and black can promise separation or trouble. Remember what color your ladder was?

  • red – take control of your emotions;
  • white - you are too predictable;
  • yellow – set goals – there is a chance to achieve them;
  • blue - don’t be afraid to ask for help and help yourself;
  • brown - a new source of income will “open”;
  • green – pay attention to health;
  • black - do not neglect safety measures;
  • multi-colored - remember, carelessness is not always appropriate.

What is the staircase made of: what does the material mean?

It's no secret that there are a great variety of different lifts, ladders, and stepladders in the world. Each of these devices for lowering and ascent is made of some material: stone, metal, wood, etc. To get the correct interpretation of what a staircase is in a dream, find out what it was made of, the oracles advise.

Also, try to remember what emotions it caused you to be on or near the stairs - this detail will lift the veil of shyness and tell you about your hidden talents.

See metal

Most interpreters identify a metal ladder in a dream with the strength of the dreamer’s spirit, with his determination and desire for victory. However, is this so, it is worth finding out in more detail, the Muslim Dream Book recommends.

So, walking on stair slabs that echo your steps with the clang of metal is a symbol of perseverance bordering on stubbornness. Did you dream that you had a staircase made of metal plates in your front door? Most likely, you should learn to be more restrained and more compliant.

I dreamed about a stone

Seeing a stone staircase is a sign of calm and steadfastness. You are not afraid of any surprises or challenges - you are ready for anything, says Pastor Loff’s dream book.

Running down the marble stairs is a signal of readiness to give in. However, do not confuse “give in” with “surrender.” Sometimes a step to the side is needed to get around an obstacle.

Have you ever climbed a steep concrete staircase that differs from others in the absence of railings? Get ready to fight.

See wooden

In order not to be mistaken with the interpretation of what a wooden ladder means in a dream, remember what it was like, interpreters recommend. For example, see:

  • old, rotten - you are sensitive to criticism;
  • made from logs - you stand confidently on your feet;
  • beautiful, with carved balusters - you know your worth;
  • very narrow - you infringe on yourself too much in everything;
  • too wide - it’s worth learning modesty;
  • long, endless - the desired result is still far away.

What does the rope promise?

Climbing a rope ladder in night vision is a sign of a desire to be happy in your personal life, and not in your professional life. Did you see a rope ladder being thrown out of your window? Don't worry, problems will solve themselves.

If you dreamed that you were making a ladder out of a rope, then this means that you are ready to connect your life with the person who is now present in it. Were they going to sell or throw away the rope ladder? You are not happy with your “other half”.

Walk on glass

Why do you dream of a plot where you climb a large glass staircase, which collapses after you, Tsvetkov’s dream book will explain. If the glass fell down with a loud ringing sound, then this is a sign that your miscalculation or mistake will have resonance and publicity.

And the Women's Dream Book associates movement along glass gatherings with the illusory nature of events. It seems to you that everything is going according to plan, but in reality, everything is not so smooth. Think about how you can improve the situation.

Freud's fear of stairs

Freud's dream book equates dreams in which a sleeping person experiences a fear of heights with the dreamer's real fears.

So, for example, to see in a dream how a staircase breaks or breaks under you is a symbol of panic fear of parting with a loved one. You are afraid that you do not live up to the status of the chosen one, so you are trying to jump “over your head.”

The fear that someone might push you down the stairs is a sign of fear that a rival or rival will appear and “move” you, says Freud’s dream book.