Secrets of the most ancient teachings. Bon religion


People are trained using special methods of Power Breathing and Program Coding individually for each person according to the following systems: 12-13-14 Constellations. With the development in each person of his Physical, Mental and Psycho-Physical Capabilities.

People who have completed a course of study and training using the methods of the Bon-Po center are so strong and resilient that even common sense refuses to believe in it. This training method differs from Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Vietnamese, Thai and other well-known combat systems. Using a special “Shock-Force Breathing” a person is able to withstand a blow of several tens of tons to the stomach, chest, back, hold on the shoulders, stomach, “ Bortsovsky Bridge" from 5 to 10 tons. Lift overhead with one hand (shung press) from several hundred kilograms to one ton. Run a cross-country race of 100-200 km. Conduct hand-to-hand combat for 2-3 days or more continuously, capable of physically dealing with several dozen trained people. Capable of tearing off a person’s limbs, tearing out internal organs and literally tearing a person apart; they can not sleep or eat for several days without losing Strength-Energy-Power-Endurance.

There is also a special “closed energy-strength tendon-joint system” for the rapid development of strength and energy. Class time is 1.5 hours a day. This system is also used to maintain physical fitness and further develop strength. The system can be divided into 2 parts: 45 min. in the morning and 45 min. In the evening.

*** These people are capable of destroying enemy special forces, kidnapping senior officers of military formations, destroying enemy personnel with their bare hands, as well as destroying the command staff of divisions, corps, armies and military districts, carrying out sabotage and undermining military, civilian and industrial facilities of Strategic Significance. Create Panic and Riots, as well as seize power in cities and in individual regions, both in your own state and in a separate state.


"Kung Fu", "Gong Fu", "Un-Fu", "Wu-Shu", "Wu-Shu", "Kuo-Shu" - IS THE "FIRST STAGE"“MARTIAL ART” literally means “The Highest Art of Fighting”, or “The Art of One Strike”. This is the most ancient type of Martial Arts, which gave birth to almost all types of Martial Arts of the Far East and Central Asia.

DIVISIONED: EXTERNAL-“Wai-Jia”-incl. All styles of animals, insects, people are included; only physical strength is used here.

INTERNAL-“NeiChia” incl. Into oneself “Tai Chi” (Tai Tzu) - Fist of the highest limit, “Pa Kua” - Circular style, “Hsin-I” (Xing Xi) - Linear style, “Kung Fu” Elements, “Kung- Fu" Chi, "Lightning Chi", "Knot Chi". The breath of “Special Accumulation Systems” is used here.

EXTERNAL/INTERNAL - in this DIRECTION, breathing is used simultaneously with the use of physical force.

CLASSIC - Movements of the Animal World, Insect World, Human World.

NON-CLASSICAL - Plant World - the stand of all plants, this is the most complex, unpredictable, incomprehensible, inexplicable for the uninitiated. When the stances come one after another and the blows come from no one knows where and how to resist a master who owns Non-Classical “Kung Fu” is simply impossible. This technique is absolutely incomprehensible to the uninitiated. A master who masters this technique is truly a “formidable force”, since this technique is far superior to the classic “Kung Fu”. The specifics of training for this type of martial art are much different from classical types of wrestling.

« SECOND STAGE » MARTIAL ART - is the fight" IG-SO ", it is superior in STRENGTH and ENERGY to the fight of Kung Fu.

« THIRD AND HIGHEST LEVEL » COMBAT ARTS-is the struggle " AND" And also its Varieties: “I-YA”, “IYA-VO”, “IYA-VO-N”, “IYA-VO-R”, “IYA-VO-A”, “IYA-VO-P”, “IYA-VO-YA” ", "YA-VO-DOR".



1. Solid, 2. Intermittent, 3. Closed, 4. Pulse, 5. Opening, 6. Neutral, 7. Two*Stroke, 8. Three*Stroke, 9. Four*Stroke, 10. Five*Stroke, 11. Six*Stroke, 12. Seven*Stroke, 13. Eight*Stroke, 14. Pulse-Closed, 15. Pulse-Open, 16. Pulse-Neutral.







Preparation and training are carried out according to Holographic Schemes, with reference to one’s own date of birth and one’s code according to the New Style and Old Style. Holographic schemes are included in the Matrix of the Human World, the Matrix of the Insect World, the Matrix of the Plant World, the Matrix of Breathing, the Matrix of Medical and Health Systems, the Matrix of Breathing, and the Matrix of Power.

All Knowledge of Certain Directions and Systems are Encoded in the Matrices.

According to the “Bon-Po” Methodology, Knowledge is given through the Transfer and Encoding of the “Quintessence” of the Basics, and when carried out, Decoding occurs and each person creates their Own Style according to S.K.Ch.-Own Cosmic Frequency, i.e. a person is not tied to blind execution of forms, he is absolutely free and performs movements as his own nature allows him. *Particular attention was paid to the implementation of the “Energy-Strength-Power” complex “STRENGTH IN STRENGTH” and was carried out according to the Five Energy Rings, according to the Main Vector Directions - The principle is the Development of Natural Movements. - This is the “Matrix of Strength in Strength”, i.e. it creates the Basic Fundamental of All Movements in the Force. After completing the “STRENGTH IN STRENGTH” complex, it is the Main Core of Strength in Martial Art, and only then “Holographic Schemes” and “Matrixes” are performed.

The pinnacle of “Kung Fu” is the “DIM MAK” section, which in turn consists of two areas:

1. Striking Holographic Line Patterns X- Y- Z, i.e. in the Absolute Sphere, as a result of which the Flow of Energy is disrupted, which leads to serious consequences. These are Vector Impacts according to the scheme 1 of 8, 1 of 12, 1 of 16, 1 of 24, 1 of 36, 1 of 48.

2. Strikes at the points of Life and Death. Here it is necessary to know the location of Energy in the human body according to the 4th. cycles: MORNING-DAY-EVENING-NIGHT, as well as the presence of Energy in the human body, according to the Lunar Calendar and Solar Calendar. Indeed, in every Lunar Day and Solar Day, Energy is concentrated in a certain place, you need to know at what time of day Activation or Attenuation occurs Activities5. Great Organs according to the Pentagram of Creation and the Pentagram of Destruction, the Direct Pentagram and the Reverse Pentagram. It is also very important to know at what time to use the Five Fundamental Energies: Earth, Sun, Moon, Space, Sky (Planets, Stars, Constellations, Galaxies). It is important to know the influence of the Five Elements: Water-Fire-Earth-Air-Ether, the connection with the Primary Elements. “DIM MAK” means “Thought-Death”, “Art of Death”, or “Art of Delayed Death”.

Very strong systems that are necessary for the Development of Autonomous Strength of the Arms, Legs, Hands, Fingers - These are the “IRON HAMMER”, “DIAMOND FINGER”, “STEEL HOOK”.


It includes two types:

1.Physical Relaxation:

a) According to the Star,

b) Central,

c) Peripheral,

d) Falling,

f) Athletic.

2. Mental Relaxation.

In these two types of Relaxation, Simple Equivalent Two-Stroke Breathing is used. Before Kung Fu classes, after meditation, be sure to do 3-5 minutes. Mental Relaxation - this leads to Increased Strength and Liberation of Consciousness from Extraneous Thoughts. After classes, Physical and Mental Relaxation is performed for 3 minutes. Each.

It is also very important according to the Bon-Po Method “During the training process, perform the “Instant Surge of Strength” 7-9 times. The time for one execution is 3-7 seconds. – This gives Instant Readiness for Battle.


“SPEED DEVELOPMENT” This section includes several basic systems for developing the speed of strikes of arms and legs and also the speed of body movement.






a) Tying a Knot;

b) Untying the Knot;

c) Linear Movement;

d) Circular Movement;

e) Chopping Movement;

f) Ejection Movement;

g) Linear-Broken Movement.

It is very important to use the designated Special Breathing Types:

1. Vertical 6-Ball Breathing;

2. Horizontal 6-Ball breathing;

3. Circular Breathing;

4. Three-Coal Breathing;

5. Square Breathing;

6. Penta-Coal Breathing;

7. Intake-Exhaust Breathing;

8. Intake Breathing;

9. Squeezing Breathing;

10. Ball Breathing;

11. Pulse Breathing;

12. Free Breathing.

Also, these types of breathing, after developing speed with reasonable automatism (i.e., meaningfully), at the level of Reflex-Instinct, are used in a Real Fight.

Speed-Shock Breathing techniques are divided into two types: 1. They are used in Real Combat even after the First Lesson. 2. Apply after several sessions.

Below is a description of several styles, they are intended for a person to quickly learn very well the techniques of Martial Arts, the preparation time is from 7 to 12 months. If desired, a person can study several styles at once; there is an Accelerated Preparation Methodology.

Here are some styles in MARTIAL ART "BON-PO"»:

1. « Quick Hand Style“- this style is characterized by very fast movement with lightning-fast strikes in a straight line, as well as with a modified trajectory of movement and development of the speed of the “3rd Hand” strike. This is a very effective style in a duel, as the technique is simple and easy to master. For people who want to acquire very high speed, it is necessary to master the “Accumulative Breathing System”.

2. Style "Athletic Kung Fu" "- designed for the development of Huge Crushing, Impact and Lifting Force. This style is based on the complex breathing of “Static, Dynamic and Persistent Qi-Gong”, characterized by destructive blows that crush protective blocks. For these first two Styles, the “Year System” is intended to help develop Speed ​​and Strength.

3. « Universal style of Bear-Gorilla-Bigfoot"- very effective in combat, easy to teach and master, it is based on simple and natural movements, with the help of the “Three Breaths: Early Heaven-Late Heaven-Middle Heaven” and the special Six Forces Power Qi-Gong, develops the Strength of the Joint System, Power and Speed.

4. « Style of QI-Gong/Kung Fu"- This is the most difficult type of Martial Arts. Includes 12 Kung Fu Breaths and 6 Qi Gong Breaths and All Power Vectors - it develops almost “Absolute Human Strength, Lung Breathing Power and the Joint System. This style contains the Most Destructive Blows and the Most Powerful Forces of Qi-Gong. This style is the most difficult to learn.

5. « Eight-Armed Boxing"Reminds the technique of "Thai Boxing" (Muay Thai). This is a Unified Universal System, which is very tough and includes in its Arsenal Strikes: Elbows, Forearms, Heads, Knees, Fingers, Fists, Open Palms, Shins, Foot, Toes, Heels. This type of Art perfectly strengthens the Muscles, Bones, Tendons, and Joints. By direction it is divided into: 1) External. 2) External-Internal using 6. Basic Breaths and 10. Additional Breaths. In addition to strengthening Health, this type of Martial Arts develops Physical Strength and Fantastic Endurance. Includes 24 Basic Strikes with many combinations, dodges, feints, and feints. In this form, there are Painful, Choking Techniques leading to Rupture of Internal Organs, Fractures of Limbs and 16 “Super Dangerous” Throws leading to Very Severe Consequences, or Death.

6. « AI-IKI-JITSU-I"- This type is somewhat similar to Japanese Jiu-Jitsu, but is much more complex and includes: 1. Power Breathing, 2. System of Escapes and Dodges, 3. Impact System, 4. Throwing System, 5. Choke System, 6. System of Painful Techniques, 7. System of Fractures, 8. System of Severing Limbs, 9. System of “Super-Dangerous” Techniques leading to Fracture and Rupture of Joints and Spine, 10. Section of Special Leverage Techniques and Throw Throws. In this type of Martial Arts there is a System of 9 Breaths and a System of Development of Nodal Strength.

7. « ENDLESS KNOT STYLE“This view defies logical explanation at all; it has no beginning or end. All Five Limbs begin the movement, then the body turns on, the movements are almost unpredictable and your opponent simply cannot foresee what the next movement will be, here the blow is indistinguishable from a block and the movement resembles the chaotic movement of a sphere in an ellipse, in a circle, in infinity, instantly turning into everything geometric shapes.


Consists of a UNITED TRIPLE MATRIX: “Super-Super-Anti Kung Fu/Ig-So/I” after acquiring the necessary “Energy Potential”. Since certain “physical capabilities” are required to master the “matrix”, which enhances “Kung Fu”, “Ig-So”, “I”. In this case, the blow becomes so strong that no defense can withstand it. The blow, like a multi-ton ram, penetrates any defense. The “SALAMANDER” complex in its “energy” and “physical” level surpasses and complements these types of martial arts, bringing them to “ultra* perfection.”



***There are “Special Methods of Dietology and Energy Systems for Long-Term Preservation of Energy, Strength and Endurance of a Person.” This is used for preparation"Superman" and "Anti-man".

*** In fact, there are Countless Many Styles, just as a person who performs “Holographic Schemes”, “Matrixes”, “Digital Codes” creates his own styles. Which are unique to him.


“Oh, this is a womanish-Orthodox upbringing! Have you now decided to turn the male readers into rags? My wife and daughter will be raped, my son will be driven into slavery, and what am I supposed to do - fast, pray and forgive everyone - on the advice of the venerable Maria Gorodova ? How does the Bible say about forgiveness - up to seventy times seventy times? A total of 490 times? That is, always? Yeah, I went into overdrive: God, of course, created everyone different, but only Colonel Colt made everyone equal. Don’t you know: there is people who understand only power..." Clint-Eastwood-can't-miss

Both Peresvet and Chelubey fell in battle, but Peresvet did not fall out of the saddle, and this was counted as a victory. Photo: Viktor Vasnetsov "Duel of Peresvet with Chelubey." 1914

You know, dear fan of American westerns and personally the actor Clint Eastwood, you know, yes, there are such people. And there are many of them. You can say, darkness, darkness, “their name is legion.” But among the saints there are warriors. Let us remember Peresvet, who on September 21, 1380 entered into direct battle with Chelubey on the Kulikovo Field. Let us remember that he, like the other monk Oslyabya, was blessed by our great saint Sergius of Radonezh to join the army of Dmitry Donskoy. Moreover, according to legend, both Peresvet and Oslyabya were not just monks, that is, monks, but also schemamonks - monks who chose extreme alienation from the world and from worldly affairs for the sake of serving God. And the Monk Sergius of Radonezh blesses these schema-monks for battle - this is not a betrayal of the words of Christ “love your enemies, bless those who curse you, do good to those who hate you and pray for those who offend you and persecute you.” Not a renunciation of the principle of meekness - the virtue of monastics. Here is a situation defined by the words of the Savior: “Greater love has no one than this, that someone lay down his life for his friends.” The evil in the form of Mamai’s many-thousand-strong Golden Horde army was strong, it threatened the lives of more than one - thousands, it had to be stopped.

This fight meant a lot. Chelubey was not just a powerful big man, the strongest of those whom Mamai could put on the front line. Chelubey was a trained warrior. And here I mean not only combat readiness. This is what our contemporary Bishop Mitrofan (Badanin) tells us. There is a monk in the Trinity-Sergius Lavra who, in his youth, was interested in eastern spiritual traditions and martial arts. With the beginning of perestroika, he and his friends decided to go straight to Tibet and enter some Buddhist monastery. And since 1984, the monasteries of Tibet were already open, albeit with restrictions, but with special quotas it was already possible to get into them, and an avalanche of foreigners rushed there. As eyewitnesses say, such an invasion by adherents of eastern practices and simply curious people in the monasteries themselves was treated with extreme hostility. A monastery is a strict life with its own way of life, tourists and the uninitiated are only a hindrance. Therefore, our future monk and his friends were in for disappointment! They were so eager for this sublime teaching, for this brotherhood, spiritual deeds, mantras, prayers, they had come such a long way, made so much effort, and to them and to all visitors such, to put it mildly, was by no means exalted. The hostility continued until the Tibetans learned that they were facing Russians. Here everything changed - in an instant, miraculously. Hearing that the newcomers were Russians, the monks began to talk among themselves, became animated, and the word “Peresvet” was heard in the conversation.

It turned out that the name of a Russian monk who lived six centuries ago is written in a special holy book, where Tibetans record the most important spiritual events. The victory of Peresvet over Chelubey was listed there as such an outstanding phenomenon, falling out of the usual course of things.

Peresvet entered into battle not just with a warrior, but with demonic forces

And then, six hundred years later, it “accidentally” turned out that the enemy of our schemamonk Peresvet during the Battle of Kulikovo was not just an experienced warrior and hero. Chelubey was a Tibetan monk who was trained not only in the Tibetan martial arts system, but also mastered the ancient practice of martial magic - Bon-po. Moreover, Chelubey reached the heights of this dedication and acquired the status of “immortal”.

“The phrase “Bon-po,” explains Bishop Mitrofan, “can be translated as a “school of combat magical speech,” that is, the art of fighting in which the effectiveness of fighting techniques increases infinitely by attracting the power of powerful entities of the other world - demons - through magical spells ( demons). As a result, a person allows into himself the “power of the beast”, in other words, turns into a single being with a demon, a kind of symbiosis of man and demon, becoming possessed. The payment for such a service is the immortal soul of a person, which even after death will not be able to free itself from these terrible posthumous embraces of the forces of darkness. It was believed that such a warrior monk was practically invincible. The number of such Tibetan warriors chosen by the spirits was always extremely small, they were considered a special phenomenon in the spiritual practice of Tibet. That is why Chelubey was put up for single combat with Peresvet, in order to spiritually break the Russians even before the battle begins.”

And one more important point. The amazing battle has inspired artists more than once. The most famous, perhaps, paintings by Vasnetsov and Avilov are clearly not accurate. The fact is that on these canvases both warriors are depicted in armor, which distorts the deep essence of what was happening. Our contemporary, a brilliant artist who left the world so early, Pavel Ryzhenko saw the plot more precisely: Peresvet goes into battle without armor, in the vestments of a Russian monk of the great schema and with a spear in his hand. That is why he himself received a serious wound from Chelubey, but killed the “immortal”. As in the battle of the biblical David against the giant Goliath, our Peresvet went into battle not in armor and with perfect weapons, but protected by the name of God and in His name: “The Lord will not save with sword and spear! The strength is with you, but the Lord is with me!” The victory of Peresvet over Chelubey became not just an inspiring example for the entire army: a monk-schemnik, a monk who rejected the worries of the world, accepted the challenge of the power of darkness in the literal, literal sense of the word.

I foresee a question from fans of Colonel Colt, like the author of today’s letter: “But God didn’t protect him.” Yes, Peresvet gave his life “for his friends,” for his Motherland, for the glory of the Lord. But human life, and especially the life of saints, is not limited by the boundaries of this world. By the way, just like the battle between good and evil. They are carried out not only here...

To be continued.

When we stood in front of this picture, one of the abbots of the Trinity-Sergius Lavra told us the following story. There is a monk in the monastery who, in his youth, like many then, was fascinated by Eastern spiritual traditions and martial arts. When perestroika began, he and his friends decided to go to Tibet to enter some Buddhist monastery. Since 1984, when the monasteries of Tibet were opened for access, albeit with limited quotas, many foreigners began to come there. And it must be said frankly that the attitude towards foreigners in the monasteries was extremely bad: after all, this is Tibetan national spirituality. Our future monk and his friends were disappointed: they were so eager for this sublime teaching, for this brotherhood, spiritual exploits, mantras and prayers. This attitude continued until the Tibetans learned that they were facing Russians. They began to talk among themselves, and the word “Peresvet” was heard in the conversation. They began to find out, and it turned out that the name of this Russian monk was written in a special holy book, where their most important spiritual events were recorded. The victory of Peresvet is listed there as an event that fell out of the usual course of things. It turns out that Chelubey was not just an experienced warrior and hero - he was a Tibetan monk who was trained not only in the Tibetan martial arts system, but also mastered the ancient practice of martial magic - Bon-po. As a result, he reached the heights of this initiation and achieved the status of “immortal.” The phrase “Bon-po” can be translated as “school of combat magic speech,” that is, the art of fighting in which the effectiveness of fighting techniques increases infinitely by attracting the power of powerful entities of the other world - demons (demons) through magical spells. As a result, a person allows into himself the “power of the beast”, or, more simply put, turns into a single being with the demon, a kind of symbiosis of man and demon, becoming possessed. The payment for such a service is the immortal soul of a person, which even after death will not be able to free itself from these terrible posthumous embraces of the forces of darkness.
It was believed that such a warrior monk was practically invincible. The number of such Tibetan warriors chosen by spirits has always been extremely small; they were considered a special phenomenon in the spiritual practice of Tibet. That is why Chelubey was put up for single combat with Peresvet - in order to spiritually break the Russians even before the battle began.

In the famous painting by V. M. Vasnetsov, both warriors are depicted in armor, which distorts the deep meaning of what was happening. Pavel Ryzhenko wrote this story more accurately: Peresvet entered the battle without armor - in the vestments of a Russian monk of the Great Schema and with a spear in his hand. Therefore, he himself received a serious wound from Chelubey. But he killed the “immortal”. This caused complete confusion for the Tatar army: something happened before their eyes that, in principle, could not happen. The usual course of things was disrupted and the immutable laws of the pagan world were shaken.

And to this day, servants of the spirits of darkness, masters of martial arts, keep the memory that there are certain “Russians” who have their own God, whose power is irresistible. And this Russian God is higher than all their gods, and the warriors of this God are invincible.

Bishop Mitrofan (Badanin)

Commentary by artist Pavel Ryzhenko, author, on the painting:
“Peresvet defeated Chelubey. But why did he defeat the best fighter in all of Asia, who is still prayed to like a saint in Tibet? There are many answers to this question, but the most correct one, in my opinion, is this. He, Peresvet, schemamonk Alexander, revered alive by the Monk Sergius while still in the Lavra, rode to the Kulikovo field dead for everything except love. He loved, this giant baby. He was obedient to his Abba Sergius, who barely reached the shoulder of his child. He did not notice the difficulties of the month-long campaign - he waited. I waited for my moment and waited. I wish I could see this moment of triumph at least from afar! No, not the one shown in the picture, but the real one. Spiritual..."

When we stood in front of this picture, one of the abbots of the Trinity-Sergius Lavra told us the following story. There is a monk in the monastery who, in his youth, like many then, was fascinated by Eastern spiritual traditions and martial arts. When perestroika began, he and his friends decided to go to Tibet to enter some Buddhist monastery. Since 1984, when the monasteries of Tibet were opened for access, albeit with limited quotas, many foreigners began to come there. And it must be said frankly that the attitude towards foreigners in the monasteries was extremely bad: after all, this is Tibetan national spirituality. Our future monk and his friends were disappointed: they were so eager for this sublime teaching, for this brotherhood, spiritual exploits, mantras and prayers. This attitude continued until the Tibetans learned that they were facing Russians. They began to talk among themselves, and the word “Peresvet” was heard in the conversation. They began to find out, and it turned out that the name of this Russian monk was written in a special holy book, where their most important spiritual events were recorded. The victory of Peresvet is listed there as an event that fell out of the usual course of things. It turns out that Chelubey was not just an experienced warrior and hero - he was a Tibetan monk who was trained not only in the Tibetan martial arts system, but also mastered the ancient practice of Bon-po combat magic. As a result, he reached the heights of this initiation and achieved the status of “immortal.” The phrase “Bon-po” can be translated as “school of combat magic speech,” that is, the art of fighting in which the effectiveness of fighting techniques increases infinitely by attracting the power of powerful entities of the other world - demons (demons) through magical spells. As a result, a person allows into himself the “power of the beast”, or, more simply put, turns into a single being with the demon, a kind of symbiosis of man and demon, becoming possessed. The payment for such a service is the immortal soul of a person, which even after death will not be able to free itself from these terrible posthumous embraces of the forces of darkness.

It was believed that such a warrior monk was practically invincible. The number of such Tibetan warriors chosen by spirits has always been extremely small; they were considered a special phenomenon in the spiritual practice of Tibet. That is why Chelubey was put up for single combat with Peresvet - in order to spiritually break the Russians even before the battle began.

In the famous painting by V. M. Vasnetsov, both warriors are depicted in armor, which distorts the deep meaning of what was happening. Pavel Ryzhenko wrote this story more accurately: Peresvet went into battle without armor - in the vestments of a Russian monk of the great schema and with a spear in his hand. Therefore, he himself received a serious wound from Chelubey. But he killed the “immortal”. This caused complete confusion for the Tatar army: something happened before their eyes that, in principle, could not happen. The usual course of things was disrupted and the immutable laws of the pagan world were shaken.

And to this day, servants of the spirits of darkness, masters of martial arts, keep the memory that there are certain “Russians” who have their own God, whose power is irresistible. And this Russian God is higher than all their gods, and the warriors of this God are invincible.

Bishop Mitrofan (Badanin)

The Tibetan Bon religion, which has existed for almost 20 millennia, is rightfully considered one of the most ancient and mysterious beliefs on our planet.

The Bon religion arose during a period when, as written in the first book of the Mahabharata by Adiparve, the legendary nagas lived on earth - demigods with a snake body and several human heads. Nagas are described both in ancient Chinese treatises and in the only surviving Bon manuscript, dated to the 6th century AD. (in the middle of the last century it was translated into German), as well as in numerous legends of the peoples living in the southwestern part of Tibet...

The people who were under the rule of the Nagas longed to be freed from their rule. And this happened - man gained independence 18 thousand years ago, when the Teacher, Tonpa Shenrab, descended from the sky to the foot of Mount Meru. He taught the local peoples to worship the White Sky God, the Black Earth Goddess, the Red Tiger and the Raging Dragon, and also discovered the secrets of how to control the powerful nagas, numerous spirits and the natural forces of nature. The first graphic symbol of the Bon religion was the swastika, twisted in the direction opposite to the clockwise movement (anti-solstice), which personified man’s eternal struggle with the elements and the other world.

By the time the “yellow faith” - Buddhism - came to Asia, the Bon religion became widespread in India, Persia, Southern Siberia, Central

Asia and China. However, the need to create centralized monarchical states led to the fact that Asian rulers began persecuting followers of the traditional faith, intensively propagating Buddhism. In the 7th century BC. under the Tibetan ruler Driguma Tsenpo, Bon monasteries were closed, many manuscripts of the “heretical” religion were destroyed, and its adherents were expelled from Tibet. Until the 11th century AD. It was forbidden to practice Bon under penalty of death. However, this ancient teaching managed to survive, and in 1017, after the discovery of esoteric texts carefully preserved for centuries, the Bon religion again appeared to the world in an updated and systematized form. Tradition attributes the merit in reviving the “faith of the ancestors” to Shenchen Luga.

Teachers and traditions

Shenchen Luga, a descendant of Kongtsa Wangden, one of the sons of Tonpa Shenrab, lived at the turn of the 10th-11th centuries. This great Tertoi (a person who finds precious texts and teachings) is considered a reformer of the Bon religion, who managed to reconcile the supporters of his faith and the followers of Buddhism. Shenchen Luga divided bon into two directions: exoteric, the meaning of which was understandable to wide sections of the people, and esoteric - secret rituals and doctrines, carefully preserved for many millennia and known only to dedicated lamas.

Externally, exoteric bon has much in common with traditional Buddhism. Thus, the life stories of the founder of Bon Tonpa Shenrab are in many ways similar to the story of the founder of Buddhism, Buddha Shakyamuni, set out in Lalitavistara. Just like Buddhism, Bon has a monastic system, similar to the “yellow faith” system, and preaches the doctrine of enlightenment and spiritual purity. And many modern exoteric rituals of the Bon religion are similar to Buddhist ones. However, the esoteric direction of Bon is a complex system based on ancient traditions, set out “in the language of the gods” and first written down by the sages of the Tazig state, which supposedly existed in the southwest of Tibet more than six thousand years ago.

In particular, the secret texts of Bon report that the teaching that existed before the coming of Teacher Shenrab was called “Bon of the Top of the Universe” and came from the depths of human history, originating more than 50 thousand years ago.

When the Teacher, that is, the emanation of the Highest Light, appeared on Earth, the Teaching began to be called “Bon Swastikas”.

True followers of the Bon religion believe that the world consists of three spheres of the universe: white - the heavenly region of the gods, red - the earthly region of people and blue - the lower region of water spirits. Through these spheres grows a mystical tree, through which the inhabitants of different worlds communicate with each other.

The heavenly and lower worlds of the Bonians are filled with many powerful entities that have a constant influence on the world of people.

The main ones among them are white spirits - lha, protectors of humanity. The earthly world is inhabited by fierce tsang - red men - the vengeful spirits of priests dissatisfied with their death. But the most ruthless enemies of people are evil black men - dood demons. It is to pacify these hostile forces that most of the secret rituals of the Bon religion are aimed.

Rulers in pursuit of the secrets of bon

Fragmentary, sometimes semi-mythical information about the unprecedented power of the Bon lamas, legends that the first of them are the rulers of the mysterious state of Agharti, securely hidden in the high mountain caves of the Himalayas, became the reason that many powerful people were looking for ways to establish close contacts with the priests of the Bon religion .

Thus, an ardent follower of Buddhism, the Indian king Ashoka from the Mauryan dynasty, who lived in the 3rd century BC, went to war against the neighboring kingdom of Kalinga, whose inhabitants professed Bon.

However, the conqueror suffered a crushing defeat. And the reason for this was the secret knowledge that the Bon lamas possessed. After this, Ashoka, as the chronicles tell, devoted the rest of his life to the study of the sacred knowledge of Bon, and shortly before his death he created the Society of Nine Unknowns, which supposedly exists today.

Chinese chronicles of the 15th century preserved a mention of how the ambassadors of the Emperor of the Celestial Empire in 1403 visited the Sangri Monastery, the center of philosophical research of the Bon religion, after which they brought a number of ancient and very valuable scrolls as a gift to their ruler.

Russia was also interested in the world's oldest religion. In 1902, on the personal instructions of Emperor Nicholas II, a secret reconnaissance expedition went to Tibet, the official purpose of which was to fight England for establishing influence in this Asian region. According to the memoirs of one of the participants in the campaign, Dambo Ulyanov, recorded for the purpose of conspiracy in the Kalmyk language, Russian intelligence officers made several unsuccessful attempts in Lhasa to make contact with the Bon lamas. However, soon after this, two members of the expedition died suddenly from an unknown illness. The efforts of the Soviet special services undertaken in the 20-30s of the last century turned out to be equally unsuccessful.

It was not possible to establish relations with the highest clerics of the Bon religion, after which the USSR lost its influence in this region for many decades.

In the same 30s, under the auspices of the Ahnenerbe secret society, a German expedition was sent to Tibet. Hitler's envoys were luckier than Stalin's.

Until 1943, close relations were maintained between Berlin and Lhasa, during which members of the Ahnenerbe were able to learn the secrets of a number of magical practices of the oldest religion in the world.

Amazing rituals

In the 50s of the twentieth century, a film from 1938 was discovered in one of the Masonic lodges of Western Europe, on which a German cameraman captured the magical rituals of Bon lamas in the Tibetan city of Jarling, summoning evil spirits, hovering above the surface of the earth and reviving dead fellow tribesmen. According to experts, the video found was not a fake. This film to some extent opened up the complex and mysterious world of the Bon religion for Europeans.

Modern researchers are inclined to believe that the shamanic practices of the indigenous peoples of Siberia, Kamchatka, North and South America are rooted in the ancient Bon religion. Moreover, both rituals and the revival of dead people, which became widespread in ancient times, have their origins in the original Tibetan beliefs.

Travelers who visited Tibet in the 20th century claim that followers of the Bon religion, like thousands of years ago, build specially shaped stone stupas there in certain places, light sacred fires, perform magical dances over the corpses of fellow countrymen, while casting spells in ancient and ancient an obsolete language. Their exact meaning is known only to dedicated lamas, who continue their centuries-old work in quiet monastery cells.


Among the ruined palaces of the great city, in squares overgrown with grass, sheep wandered, and a yellow-faced shepherd sang a sad song about a blessed, protected country like a steppe mirage, where the earth is blue and the sky is golden.

The nomads asked their leaders: “Where else should we go?” The leaders told them: “We have brought you to the promised land, settle and live peacefully.” But many of the nomadic tribes did not listen and went further west, to the country of the Feathered Serpent, but there they were exterminated by the ruler Ptitligua. Some of the nomads penetrated to the equator, and there they were destroyed by blacks, herds of elephants and swamp fevers.

The Uchkurs, the leaders of the yellow-faces, chose the wisest of the military leaders and installed him as the ruler of the conquered country. His name was Tubal. He ordered walls to be repaired, gardens to be cleared, fields to be plowed and destroyed houses to be rebuilt. He issued many wise and simple laws. He called to him the sages and initiates who had fled to the caves and said to them: “My eyes and ears are open to wisdom.” He made them advisors, allowed them to open temples, and sent messengers everywhere with the news that he wanted peace.

This was the beginning of the third, highest, wave of Atlantean civilization. The dreamy, fermenting, like hops, blood of Asian nomads, star worshipers, descendants of the possessed Su Hutam Lu, poured into the blood of numerous tribes - black, red, olive and white.

The nomads quickly dissolved among other tribes. All that remains of yurts, herds, and wild will are songs and legends. A new tribe of strong-built, black-haired, yellow-swarthy people appeared. The Uchkurs, descendants of horsemen and military leaders, were the aristocracy of the city. They called themselves Atlanda, which meant “people from the steppes.” From this name, subsequently, a common name appeared for the entire country - Atlantis, whereas before that time it was called by various names of incarnations of the sun.

The Atlands loved science, art and luxury. They decorated the city with new walls and heptagonal towers, lined the twenty-one ledges of the giant pyramid with gold, built aqueducts, and for the first time in architecture began to use a column. In Atland there was a spirit of construction and a spirit of great anxiety.

They sought to satisfy their anxiety in conquests. The fallen countries and cities were again conquered. In the north they fought with the Cyclopes, the wild descendants of the Zemze tribe who survived the mixing. The great conqueror, Rama, reached India and destroyed black rule in long wars. He united the infant tribes of the Aryans, who belonged to the seventh of the seven nations of the race, into the kingdom of Ra. So, once again, the borders of Atlantis expanded to unprecedented sizes and strengthened - from the country of the Feathered Serpent to the Asian shores of the Pacific Ocean, from where, once upon a time, yellow-faced giants threw stones at ships.

The anxious soul of the Atlands sought an outcome in Knowledge. The ancient books of Zemze and the wise books of the sons of Aam were read again. A circle has closed and a new one has begun. The half-decayed “seven sleeper papyri” were found in the caves. With this discovery, Knowledge begins to develop rapidly. What the sons of Aam did not have - an unconscious, creative force, what the sons of the Zemze tribe did not have - a clear and sharp mind - flowed in abundance in the anxious and passionate blood of the Atland tribe.

The basis of the new knowledge was this:

"The most powerful of the world's forces lies dormant in man - the matter of pure reason. Just as an arrow, stretched with a bowstring, directed by the right hand, hits the target - so the matter of the dormant mind can be tensed with the bowstring of the will, directed by the hand of knowledge. The power of aspiring knowledge limitless."

The science of knowledge was divided into two parts: - preparatory - development of the body, will and mind, and main - knowledge of nature, the world and formulas through which the matter of aspiring knowledge masters nature.

The complete mastery of Knowledge, the flourishing of a culture unprecedented on earth and hitherto unreplicated, lasted a century, between 450 and 350 years before the Flood, that is, until the destruction of Atlantis.

There was universal peace on earth. The forces of the earth, brought to life by Knowledge, served people abundantly and luxuriously. Gardens and fields yielded huge harvests, herds multiplied, and work was easy. The people remembered old customs and holidays, and no one stopped them from living, loving, giving birth, and having fun. In legends this age is called golden.

At that time, a sphinx was placed on the eastern border of the earth, depicting the four elements in one body - a symbol of the mystery of the sleeping mind. The seven wonders of the world were built: the labyrinth, the colossus in the Mediterranean, the pillars to the west of Gibraltar, the tower of the astrologers on Poseidones, the seated statue of Tubal and the city of Lemurs on the Pacific island.

The light of Knowledge penetrated the black tribes, until that time crowded into tropical swamps. The blacks quickly adopted civilization and began building giant cities in central Africa.

The grain of wisdom of Zemza gave full and lush flowering. But now, the wisest of those initiated into Knowledge began to understand that in all the growth of civilization lies original sin. Further development of Knowledge must lead to destruction: humanity will strike itself, like a snake stinging itself in the tail.

The original evil was that existence, the life of the earth and creatures, was perceived as something coming out of the human mind. Exploring the world, man only knew himself. Man was an essence, the world was the fruit of his mind, his will, his dreams, or delirium. Being is only the consciousness of man, the Being, the Self.

Such an understanding of existence should have led to the fact that each person would argue that he alone is the only, existing, true Self, everything else - the world, people - is only his idea. What followed was inevitable: the struggle for the true Self, for the only personality, the extermination of humanity, as if it had rebelled against the man of his own dream, - contempt and disgust for existence, as for an evil ghost.

This was the initial evil of Zemze's wisdom.

Knowledge is split. Some did not see the possibility of removing the seed of evil and said that evil is the only force that creates existence. They called themselves Blacks, since Knowledge came from Blacks.

Others, who recognized that evil lies not in nature itself, but in the deviation of Reason from naturalness, began to look for counteraction to evil. They said: “A sunbeam falls on the earth, dies and is resurrected into the fruit of the earth: - this is the fundamental law of life. The same is the movement of the world Mind: - descent, sacrificial death and resurrection into the flesh. The fundamental sin - the loneliness of Reason - can be destroyed by the Fall. Reason must fall into the flesh and pass through the living gates of death. This gate is the floor. The fall of Reason is accomplished by the power of Eros.

Those who claimed this way called themselves White because they wore a linen tiara - a sign of Eros. They created a spring holiday - the mystery of the Fall, which was played out in the luxurious gardens of the ancient temple of the sun. The virgin youth represented Reason, the woman - the gates of mortal flesh, the serpent - Eros. People came from distant countries to watch these spectacles.

The split between the two paths of Knowledge was great. The fight began. At that time, an amazing discovery was made - the ability to instantly release the vital force dormant in plant seeds was found. This force, explosive, fiery-cold matter, freeing itself, rushed into space. The blacks used it for fighting, for weapons of war. They built huge flying ships that were terrifying. Wild tribes began to worship these winged dragons.

The whites realized that the death of the world was close, and began to prepare for it. They selected among the ordinary people the purest, strongest and meekest of hearts and began to lead them to the north and east. They gave them high, mountain pastures, where the settlers could live in a primitive and contemplative manner.

White's fears were confirmed. The Golden Age was degenerating, satiety was setting in in the cities of Atlantis. Nothing restrained a more saturated fantasy, a thirst for perversion, the madness of a devastated mind. The power that the man had mastered turned against him. The inevitability of death made people gloomy, ferocious, and merciless.

And now the last days have come. They began with a great disaster: the central region of the city of the Hundred Golden Gates was shaken by an earthquake, a lot of land sank to the bottom of the ocean, sea waves separated the country of the Feathered Serpent forever.

The Blacks accused the Whites of using the power of spells to unchain the spirits of earth and fire. The people were indignant. The blacks staged a night beating in the city - more than half of the residents wearing the linen tiara died, the rest fled outside of Atlantis, many went to India.

Power in the city of the Hundred Golden Gates was seized by the richest citizens of the black order, called Magatsitl, which means “merciless.” They said: “We will destroy humanity, because it is a bad dream of reason.” In order to fully enjoy the spectacle of death, they declared holidays and games throughout the land, opened state treasuries and shops, brought white girls from the north and gave them to the people, opened the doors of temples to everyone thirsty for unnatural pleasures, filled fountains with wine and roasted them in the squares. meat. Madness has taken hold of the people. It was during the autumn grape harvest days.

At night, in the squares illuminated by fires, among the people, frenzied by wine, dancing, food, and women, Magatsitli appeared. They wore high helmets, armored belts, and no shields. With their right hand they threw bronze balls, which burst into cold, destructive flames; with their left hand they plunged the sword into the drunken and insane.
The orgy was interrupted by a terrible earthquake. The statue of Tubal collapsed, the walls cracked, the columns of the aqueduct fell, flames burst out of deep cracks, and the sky was covered in ash.

In the morning, the bloody, dim disk of the sun illuminated the ruins, burning gardens, crowds of crazy people, exhausted by excesses, and heaps of corpses. The Magacitals rushed towards the egg-shaped flying machines and began to leave the earth. They flew into starry space, to the homeland of abstract reason. Several hundred devices flew away. A fourth, even stronger, shock of the earth was heard. An ocean wave rose from the north from the ashen darkness and spread across the earth, destroying all living things.

A storm began, lightning fell into the ground and into homes. A downpour poured down, and fragments of volcanic stones flew.

Behind the stronghold of the walls of the great city, from the top of the stepped, overlaid with gold, the pyramids of Magazitla continued to fly through the ocean of falling water, from smoke and ash into starry space. Three shocks in a row split the land of Atlantis. The city of the Golden Gate was plunged into boiling waves.