Submitting electronic reporting for free - myth or reality. Tax reporting Submit reporting to the tax office

Providing the necessary reporting within the deadlines established by law is the responsibility of any business entity, be it a legal entity, an individual entrepreneur or an individual. According to the current Russian legislation, the listed entities are required to submit reports in a certain order to various authorities: the Federal Tax Service, the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, Rosstat, other ministries and departments, depending on the type of their activities. The lion's share of submitted reports in our country falls on the share of various companies and individual entrepreneurs; individuals for the most part submit only documents to the Federal Tax Service of the Russian Federation, and then not all and not every tax period, but only in certain situations (several sources of income, large transactions have been carried out purchase and sale, etc.). In this article we will only touch on the topic of various ways to submit tax reports by legal entities and individual entrepreneurs.

Submitting reports to the tax office

According to Article 80 of the current Tax Code of the Russian Federation, tax and accounting reports can be submitted by the taxpayer to the tax authority in person or through an authorized representative, sent by mail in a letter with a mandatory list of attachments, or transmitted via telecommunication channels. In addition, paragraph three of this article states that if the average number of employees of an organization for the previous calendar year exceeds 100 people, then such an organization provides the reporting forms established for it in electronic form (obviously, to simplify the work with this reporting for the tax authorities) . The establishment of just such a barrier (number of 100 people) allows us to say that organizations using the simplified taxation system have the right to use all three options provided for by the Tax Code of the Russian Federation. So, let's look at each of the listed methods in detail.

Personal reporting to tax authorities

This method is traditional and the very first for the Russian tax system. The taxpayer must appear at the tax authority with reports and personally provide all the necessary documents to an employee of the Federal Tax Service of Russia. According to the latest amendments to the Tax Code, reporting can be provided on paper (can be filled out either by hand or by machine) or on electronic media (magnetic storage media containing files with reporting generated in special tax software). Unfortunately, submitting reports on electronic media requires confirmation on paper upon personal appearance at the tax authority.

An individual entrepreneur, as well as the general director or chief accountant of an LLC or joint stock company, can personally submit reports. It is also possible for third parties to submit reports directly to the tax authority on the basis of a power of attorney issued in their name. Such a power of attorney can be issued by an individual entrepreneur to submit reports for himself, or by the general director of a legal entity to submit reports to a company, both for an employee of the company and for any other citizens.

An undoubted advantage of submitting reports in person is that often Federal Tax Service employees immediately find inaccuracies and errors in filling out documents, which allows, without wasting time informing the taxpayer about this through other channels, to correct minor errors on the spot, or to redo the reporting in a short time and retake. You can also sort out all other problems and misunderstandings in your relationship with the tax authorities on the spot (often, the taxpayer only learns about them when he comes to submit his reports). Well, in addition, you will be one hundred percent sure that your reports were submitted exactly on the day when you submitted the documents to the “window”, which means you can avoid headaches by proving that you sent the papers on time, on time. The disadvantages include the loss of time in queues (in territorial inspections, as a rule, only 1-2 windows are allocated for working with legal entities and individual entrepreneurs), as well as the possibility of technical errors when filling out the declaration, in particular on paper (you can simply mix up the numbers TIN or make an arithmetic error).

Sending tax reports by mail

This method is, of course, a little more progressive than the previous one, but it has been used in Russia for exactly the same number of years, that is, since the adoption of the new Tax Code. Mail, thus, helps relieve some of the burden on overcrowded territorial tax authorities.

According to the above-mentioned Article 80 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, a postal item with tax reporting must be a letter with an inventory of the contents. If tax reporting is sent by any other postal item, it may not be considered by tax authorities due to a violation of the current procedure for submitting documents. An inventory is a special form that lists the contents of an envelope. One copy of the inventory is included in the envelope itself; you will receive a postal document in your hands, which will indicate what, when and where you sent it. It is imperative that such a document bear a postmark with the date of dispatch, since according to paragraph 4 of Article 80 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, the date of sending the letter with an inventory of the attachment is considered the date of filing the reports with the tax authority. Therefore, this receipt must be kept, especially if the reports are submitted in the last hours before the deadline established by law, because It is possible that the next date will be stamped on the envelope due to the peculiarities of sorting letters at the post office.

You also have the right to independently choose the postal operator for sending reports; it does not have to be Russian Post. However, it is not entirely rational to use expensive courier delivery from companies such as DHL, since the date of submission of reports is considered the date of DEPARTURE, and not the date of delivery to the tax office. But, if the delivery is carried out by a non-state operator, then it is very advisable to take a copy of the license to carry out such activities from him in order to avoid misunderstandings.

The positive aspects of submitting documents to the tax office by mail include convenience (no need to stand in lines at the tax office), efficiency (especially if in one city), accessibility (tariffs for postal items of the Federal State Unitary Enterprise "Russian Post" are very affordable). Negatives include all the disadvantages of our mail service - possible loss or damage to a letter, long delivery times (which may lead to administrative or even criminal proceedings, since the Federal Tax Service will not know whether you provided reports or not), discrepancy between the date of departure and receipts and on the envelope (a reason for the tax office to fine the taxpayer if the date on the stamp on the envelope is later than the established filing deadline).

Submission of reports via telecommunication channels - reporting in electronic form

This method is the youngest and most progressive, it is developing rapidly and more and more taxpayers are choosing it for filing reports. It can be divided into two large components: submission of reports via the Internet, as well as submission in specialized centers that transmit information directly to the tax office via secure communication channels. The Federal Tax Service of Russia does not directly accept reporting either via the Internet or in specialized centers. This is done by special telecommunications companies that have an agreement with the Federal Tax Service of the Russian Federation, according to which they can accept reports from taxpayers and electronically transmit them through secure channels to the tax office.

Such companies have the right to enter into an agreement with taxpayers, under which they provide the taxpayer with the opportunity to provide them with reporting via communication channels on a paid or free basis, and they undertake to transfer it to the Federal Tax Service of the Russian Federation. The taxpayer also issues a power of attorney in the name of the company to submit its reports to the tax authorities. As a rule, if we are talking about submitting reports on electronic media at the office of a telecommunications company, then such a service is provided free of charge without concluding any agreement, but with the drawing up of a power of attorney. If it is possible to send electronic documents via the Internet, then such a service must be paid; as a rule, a certain amount of the annual subscription fee is established (currently, approximately 1000-1500 rubles, depending on the company). In addition, according to the agreement, the taxpayer is often given the opportunity to submit reports to the Pension Fund, Social Insurance Fund and statistical authorities in the same way. There are now many companies providing such a range of services on the market; one of the clear leaders is the Tensor group of companies, which has offices in many regions of Russia.

How to generate reports for submission via telecommunication channels? The websites of specialized operator companies have special software that is constantly updated in accordance with changes in reporting forms, deadlines, etc. This software, as a rule, is integrated with many popular accounting and bookkeeping programs, including such manufacturers as 1C. Using this software, you can prepare reports manually, download data from different sources, print ready-made forms, monitor reporting deadlines, send ready-made documents to the operator via the Internet (if you have such an agreement), or save them on electronic media for subsequent visit to the operator’s office and delivery. The information that the operator receives both via the Internet and in person in the office is sent in encrypted form to the territorial Office of the Federal Tax Service of Russia. Thus, the difference between free (as a rule) delivery at the office of a telecommunications company and filing reports via the Internet is only in convenience and saving time, for which, however, you need to pay an annual subscription fee; technically, these two methods do not differ in any way.

Recently, in connection with statements by President Medvedev, there has often been talk of introducing an e-government system. In particular, the Government Services Portal of the Russian Federation is already actively working, a complex registration procedure has been opened, and residents of some regions (in particular, Moscow) have access to some services provided via the Internet (for example, obtaining a foreign passport). The portal provides a function for submitting reports to the Federal Tax Service, but, unfortunately, at the moment the service is not provided online, it simply provides instructions on the steps that must be taken to submit it correctly. In the future, with the development of this Portal, there may be no need for intermediary companies, and taxpayers will be able to directly submit their documents to the tax service.

Undoubtedly, the Internet is the most promising channel of communication between citizens and government agencies, including regarding the submission of tax documentation. No queues, maximum convenience and comfort, the possibility of delivery from home or office, minimizing the percentage of errors when drawing up documents, instant delivery of information - all these are the indisputable advantages of the Internet in comparison with other methods. Of course, we can say that there is a certain danger that information transmitted via the Internet may fall into the hands of attackers and can cause significant damage, but modern measures for encrypting and encoding information, technologies for protecting against server hacking make it possible to minimize this likelihood. We can already say that submitting documentation via the Internet is a technology of the present; hundreds of thousands of people are already using it today, but in the future the popularity of this data transmission channel will only increase.

Reporting via the Internet is a reasonable necessity for any business today. This article will discuss the main steps for connecting to the electronic reporting system and the nuances of sending electronic reporting to the tax office.

To submit tax reports via the Internet, telecommunication channels (TCC) are intended, which can be operated by specialized operators (SO).

Requirements for organizations that can be TCS operators are established by the Federal Tax Service of Russia (order dated 03/04/14 No. ММВ-7-6/76@), their list is published on the websites of regional departments of the Federal Tax Service of Russia.

An important condition for electronic submission of reports is the presence of an enhanced qualified electronic signature (ES) of a person who has the right to sign reports. If the taxpayer has one, then he can send a report to the tax office via the Internet for free (only for individual entrepreneurs and self-employed people).

The electronic signature is generated and certified by specialized certification centers.

For information on how to sign reports when sending via the Internet, see the material “Strengthened qualified electronic signature - what is it?” .

To switch to electronic reporting you must:

  • decide on a CO (it is better to choose a CO that has the right to provide signature verification services);
  • enter into an agreement with the CO;
  • install the program;
  • issue and receive an electronic key certificate.

When filling out an application to connect to the reporting system via the Internet, carefully indicate all the details of the organization, because Based on the parameters you specified, files will be generated for sending electronic reporting to the tax office.

If there are separate divisions, real estate, land plots located outside the location of the organization, tax reporting via the Internet is submitted to the tax office at the location of the property and divisions of the organization.

IMPORTANT! Indicate in your application the codes of all tax offices to which you will send tax returns.

The largest taxpayers send all tax returns and other reports to the MIFTS for the largest taxpayers.

Individual entrepreneurs, enterprises on the simplified tax system and UTII, in addition to TKS, can use various online services and the website of the Federal Tax Service of Russia to send tax reports via the Internet, if they are not VAT payers. For now, the VAT declaration with all the necessary attachments can only be sent via TKS.

Each TKS operator offers a tool with which you can fill out (or download from an accounting program) tax returns. After entering (or uploading) all the data into the electronic reporting program, the declaration file is interpreted for sending reports via the Internet. Next, the file must be certified with an enhanced qualified electronic signature, and only then are tax reports sent via the Internet.

NOTE! If tax returns are not submitted within the deadline determined by the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, the tax office may suspend operations on the organization’s bank accounts (clauses 1, 3, Article 76 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation). In order not to find yourself in such a situation, you need to clearly understand what stages are involved reporting via the Internet and in what case it is considered submitted.

For what other reasons can a current account be blocked and what to do in this case, read in the section“Tax account blocking” ,article “Art. 76 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation: questions and answers".

How to send zero reporting to an LLC via the Internet: is there any difference from regular reports?

Even if a taxpayer (for example, an LLC) has generated zero reports, they must also be submitted to the regulatory authorities. The procedure for submitting such documents electronically is no different from the procedure for submitting data-rich reports.

The process of exchanging reporting files and technological documents between the operator, the tax authority and the reporting organization was approved by order of the Federal Tax Service and the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated July 31, 2014 No. ММВ-7-6/398@.

The process of submitting electronic reporting to the tax office consists of the following stages:

  1. The taxpayer sends the CO a declaration generated in accordance with the format approved by the Federal Tax Service and signed with an electronic signature (ES);
  2. The CO sends the report to the Federal Tax Service and records the date of sending. Within 2 hours from the moment the declaration is sent, the reporting organization receives confirmation of the date of sending the document.
  3. Within 4 hours after receiving the reports, the Federal Tax Service server carries out an initial check of the declaration file. At this stage, the technical parameters of the sent file are checked, such as: compliance of the file with the approved format, uniqueness of the file name, and others.
  4. If the file has passed the initial check, the Federal Tax Service server generates a notification of receipt of the electronic document. If the verification fails, the sender of the declaration will receive an error message. In this case, you need to correct the errors and submit the declaration again.
  5. Within the next 4 hours after sending the taxpayer a notice of receipt of an electronic document, the tax authority server conducts a final control, i.e. verifies the presence and correctness of the required details of the tax return file.
  6. At the end of the final control and in the absence of violations, the reporting is registered. No later than the day following the day of sending, the taxpayer receives a receipt of acceptance of the tax return. If there are violations, the sender of the report will receive a notification of refusal to accept the tax return. Having received such a notification, you must correct the errors and submit the declaration again.
  7. After processing the tax return, the Federal Tax Service generates a notice of entry or a notice of clarification of reporting data.

IMPORTANT! After receiving a receipt for acceptance of the tax return, the reporting is considered submitted. The date indicated on the confirmation of mailing date will be considered the date of submission regardless of the time frame for processing and review of the return.

However, please note: if you receive error messages at the initial control stage or notifications of refusal to accept a tax return at the final control stage, you will not be able to provide confirmation of the date of mailing as evidence of timely submission of reports.

Read how to connect electronic reporting for LLC


Most companies do not have the legislative right to choose the form of submitting tax returns to the tax office. For example, electronic reporting is for the vast majority of taxpayers the only option for submitting a VAT return to the tax authority. To avoid fines, it is important to clearly understand the process of submitting reports under the TKS and, based on this understanding, not to delay sending declarations to the tax office until the last day of the deadline for submitting reports established by the Tax Code of the Russian Federation.

According to the law, all business entities are required to timely submit reports that comply with the requirements of the tax regime within which they operate. The company "Outsourcing Solutions" (ex. "Consult Expert") provides assistance in the preparation and submission of tax reporting in Moscow, Tver and St. Petersburg to enterprises of any legal form and business area.

What can we help you prepare and submit?

  • declarations under the simplified tax system, UTII;
  • reporting under OSNO (income tax, VAT);
  • personal income tax reporting;
  • information on taxes on property of organizations, transport and land;
  • data on industry taxes (Unified Agricultural Tax, excise taxes, mining taxes, etc.);
  • calculations for advance payments;
  • accounting statements, including zero ones.

Our specialists will provide qualified services for preparing financial statements for submission to the tax authorities. We can prepare documents both in paper and electronic form.

Cost of services for preparation and submission of financial statements

Tariff "Sleeping" There are situations when, for various reasons, a company finds itself in “sleep” mode - no activity is carried out, but no one cancels the submission of tax returns and financial statements. For such companies, we offer a “sleeping” tariff - preparation and electronic submission of zero reporting to the Federal Tax Service, Pension Fund, Social Insurance Fund.
Tariff "Chief accountant" This tariff is perfect for you if you already have an accountant or manager who handles all the primary documentation, but his knowledge is not enough to prepare a tax return, calculate taxes, and prepare financial statements. In such a situation, you can use our services during the reporting period.
Tariff "Statistics" Preparation of monthly, quarterly and annual statistical reporting in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation. The cost of the service depends on the types of activities the company is engaged in, as well as on the number of employees. Depending on this, a company can be classified as a large, medium, small or micro enterprise; each group has its own set of reports.

Find out the cost of reporting for your company Please note that the cost of services for each client is calculated individually.
To calculate the exact cost, we send the client a questionnaire, on the basis of which we can issue the most reliable commercial offer.

Tariffs can be combined and complement each other.

Scheme of working with us

2.We send a commercial offer

3.We answer all questions, hold a meeting or communicate in any convenient way

4. We conclude a service agreement

5.You meet your accountant

6. We connect you to the Client’s personal account

7. We connect your company to electronic reporting

8.You provide us with documents for previous reporting periods

9.Together we agree on a convenient schedule and method of document flow

10.We work together successfully and fruitfully

How to prepare and submit tax reports quickly and without errors?

Drawing up, filling out and registering an organization’s document is a task that requires a thorough knowledge of the regulatory framework and extensive practical experience. For this it is important:

  • understand all the nuances of the current tax regime;
  • fill out reports carefully and correctly;
  • do not miss the deadline for submitting documents;
  • monitor changes in legislation on an ongoing basis;
  • Do not forget that the absence of actual activity does not exempt you from reporting.

They don't joke with fiscal authorities: every mistake means unnecessary problems with inspectors, fines and administrative sanctions. If you need full preparation and accounting services for filing tax reports in Moscow, you need advice on filling out individual declarations, you need help submitting documents to the Federal Tax Service - the company "Outsourcing Solutions" (ex. "Consult Expert") will resolve these issues. For 10 years now, we have been providing professional support to organizations and entrepreneurs in cooperation with tax authorities and social funds.

The Outsourcing Solutions company provides its services to organizations in Moscow, Tver and St. Petersburg. With our help, all reports will be submitted without errors and on time! Feel free to entrust this task to our professionals.

Tax reporting

includes a set of documents reflecting information on the calculation and payment of taxes by individuals, individual entrepreneurs and organizations.

Tax reporting includes the tax return and the tax calculation of the advance payment.

Tax return

This is an official statement of the taxpayer, which contains information about the objects of taxation, about income received and expenses incurred, about sources of income, about the tax base, tax benefits, about the amount of tax payable and about other data that serves as the basis for calculating tax. (Article 80 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation).

Tax calculation of advance payment

This is an official statement of the taxpayer, which contains information about the objects of taxation, about income received and expenses incurred, about sources of income, about the tax base, tax benefits, about the amount of the advance payment payable and about other data that serves as the basis for calculating the advance payment. (Article 80 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation).

Calculation of personal income tax amounts calculated and withheld by the tax agent (Form 6-NDFL)

This is a document containing generalized information by the tax agent on all individuals who received income from the tax agent (a separate division of the tax agent), on the amounts of accrued and paid income, tax deductions provided, on calculated and withheld tax amounts, as well as other data , serving as the basis for calculating tax.

Financial statements

This is information about the property and financial position of the organization and the final results of its economic activities in a certain period.

The reporting is submitted to the tax authority at the place of registration of the taxpayer (fee payer, tax agent). The procedure for taxpayers to submit tax reports to the tax authorities is regulated by Article 80 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation.

Presentation methods

There are two options for presenting tax and accounting reports:

  • On paper;
  • In electronic form.

Paper presentation

The tax return (calculation) can be submitted in the prescribed form on paper.

You can submit reports to the Federal Tax Service in person or through an authorized representative.
A tax return can be submitted either personally by the head of the organization (entrepreneur) or an accountant, or by an authorized representative of the organization (entrepreneur).
The date of submission of tax returns and financial statements by a legal or authorized representative of an organization is considered to be the date of their actual submission to the tax authority on paper.

In accordance with the requirements, the maximum waiting time in line should not exceed 15 minutes! If the queue time exceeded 15 minutes, please let us know.

  • if the average number of employees for the previous calendar year exceeds 100 people;
  • if an organization with more than 100 employees has been created (including reorganized);
  • if such an obligation is provided for in relation to a specific tax. From 01/01/2014, this rule will apply to value added tax.

Information on the average number of employees for the previous calendar year is submitted by the organization (individual entrepreneur who hired employees during the specified period) to the tax authority no later than January 20 of the current year, and in the case of creation (reorganization) of the organization - no later than the 20th day of the month following for the month in which the organization was created (reorganized).

We receive an electronic signature

A qualified electronic signature can be obtained from a certification center accredited by the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Media of the Russian Federation. The list of certification centers is available on the official website of the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications of the Russian Federation in the section “Accreditation of certification centers”. At the same time, for correct authorization in the service, it is recommended to use a qualified certificate of an electronic signature verification key, issued in accordance with the requirements of Order of the Federal Tax Service of Russia dated 04/08/2013 No. ММВ-7-4/142@ “On approval of the Procedure for using qualified certificates of electronic signature verification keys in information systems of the Federal Tax Service of Russia.

When reporting under the TCS, it must be transmitted using an enhanced qualified electronic signature (Article 80 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation).

The concept of an enhanced qualified electronic signature was introduced by Federal Law dated April 6, 2011 No. 63-FZ “On Electronic Signatures” (Article 5 of the Law).

A document in electronic form, signed with an electronic signature, acquires legal status, i.e. has the same legal force as a paper document with a handwritten signature and seal.

A document signed with an electronic digital signature during the validity period of the verification key certificate issued in accordance with the Federal Law of January 10, 2002 No. 1-FZ “On electronic digital signature”, but no later than December 31, 2013, is equivalent to an electronic document that is signed with an enhanced qualified electronic signature.

We purchase software

compatible with the software installed in your tax office, and install it on a computer with Internet access. The necessary software may be provided by your telecom operator.

When transmitting a tax return (calculation) via telecommunication channels, the day of its submission is considered the date of its dispatch.

How long will it take to submit tax reports to the Federal Tax Service?

When submitting a tax return (calculation) in person, documents are accepted immediately at the time of its submission. In this case, the maximum time for receiving one tax return at the tax office is ten minutes.

I don’t have time to go to the tax office, can my spouse file a tax return for me?

A tax return can be submitted to the Federal Tax Service either personally or through an authorized representative. A prerequisite for this is that the taxpayer’s representative has a notarized power of attorney. That is, only with a notarized power of attorney can a spouse represent the spouse’s interests in relations with the tax authorities and, in particular, submit a tax return for her.

How is the confidentiality of information transmitted via telecommunications channels ensured?

The protection and confidentiality of information transmitted via TCS is ensured by means of cryptographic information protection and the electronic digital signature used when submitting tax reports. This is a set of hardware and software that ensures information protection in accordance with approved standards and certified in accordance with current legislation. Their use helps maintain the confidentiality of correspondence and protect reporting files from unauthorized corrections.

Is it possible to submit reports via telecommunication channels on weekends?

When reporting via telecommunication channels, the time frame for its submission expands. The taxpayer has the opportunity to submit reports under the TKS at any time of the day, including weekends.


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In accordance with federal tax legislation, individual entrepreneurs and legal entities must submit a financial report on the results of commercial activities for the reporting period on paper or digitally. In the first case, the documents are submitted personally by the manager (IP), his representative, or accountant. The second option involves remote sending of electronic reports to the Federal Tax Service via telecommunication channels.

Products in the following areas:

Who is required to submit only an electronic declaration?

In order to simplify the interaction of business representatives with tax authorities, the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, the Social Insurance Fund, and Rosstat, Russia is undergoing a gradual and general transition to EDI. In 2019, as in 2018, for VAT payers and organizations with more than 100 employees, regardless of which tax regime is chosen, digital reporting is required. In addition, reports on personal income taxes must be submitted by companies that employed 25 or more employees during the reporting period.

What does tax reporting include?

Reports to the tax office include several documents. They display information on calculations and payment of taxes by legal entities and individuals, individual entrepreneurs.

The documentation contains:


application from the payer, which indicates the objects of taxation, the amount and source of income, the amount of expenses, the calculated amount of deductions, benefits and other data necessary for calculating taxes

advance payment calculation

a document with information about the object of taxation, income received and its source, expenses incurred, benefits, the amount of the advance payment

calculation of income taxes

individuals - reports with information on the amounts of income, deductions, deductions made by the agent

accounting reports

submission of financial statements to the Federal Tax Service for individual entrepreneurs and legal entities for the purpose of objective monitoring of the state of affairs of the company, analysis of the results of commercial activities for a specific period, control by government agencies.

How reports are transmitted over telecommunication channels

Submission of tax and accounting reports in electronic form is possible only with an enhanced qualified signature. When submitting a report, the payer chooses one of two methods - through the Federal Tax Service website or the EDF operator. At the moment, the service for submitting reports on the IFTS portal is part of a pilot nationwide project and operates in test mode with limited functionality. In this regard, users may experience some difficulties in terms of software and hardware compatibility and understanding the logic of interaction with the system.

Reporting through an EDF operator and the advantages of this method

The services of an EDF operator using specialized software are more reliable and simpler. Individual entrepreneurs and legal entities generate a report to the Federal Tax Service Inspectorate and then, through the mediation of EDI, send it through a program installed on a computer. Some of the best examples of such software are the software products of domestic developers “1C Reporting” and “Astral Report”. The manager himself or the accounting department of the enterprise will be able to submit a report to the tax office via the Internet:

  • directly from the office or home, even on a weekend at any time of the day;
  • without duplicating reporting documents on paper;
  • with a minimum number of technical errors - the correct filling of form fields is guaranteed by means of output control;
  • in the format current on the day of delivery - the programs have built-in update services;
  • with a guarantee that accounting and tax reporting are delivered electronically - within 24 hours the sender receives confirmation of the fulfillment of his obligations;
  • without waiting for reconciliation reports;
  • with protection from unauthorized views and changes in reporting documents.

How to implement digital declaration through an EDF operator

To be able to send electronic reporting to the tax office, you must first select an EDF operator and enter into an agreement with it. This organization ensures the exchange of confidential or open data on tax and accounting through telecommunications channels. There are more than 120 operators in Moscow and throughout the country that operate with a license in accordance with legal requirements and have the necessary technologies.
After choosing an EDF operator, you will need to obtain a digital signature, which serves as a replacement for a handwritten signature, seal on ordinary paper documents and has the same legal force. The signature is issued by certification centers, the list of which is approved by the Ministry of Communications and Mass Communications. In order for tax reporting to be correctly signed and sent to the Federal Tax Service, you will need a qualified digital signature verification certificate for identification in the services. Finally, all that remains is to select the program with which all reports will be filled out and submitted to the Federal Tax Service.

Security when transmitting confidential information via the Internet is ensured by means of cryptographic protection and enhanced qualified digital signature. These tools guarantee the confidentiality of correspondence and the impossibility of unauthorized corrections to sent reports.

The time and date of sending is recorded by the EDF operator. After submitting the documents, the payer will receive a notification that the report has been accepted. The program will save this data, which will then influence the favorable resolution of controversial situations.

The cost of sending electronic reports depends on the form of business organization, the number of reports submitted and the volume of government agencies where the reports are submitted. Each taxpayer chooses an individual tariff, depending on his own preferences.

Electronic reporting software

The Kaluga Astral company offers software products “Astral Report” and “1C Reporting”, which allow you to maintain accounting records and send reports to the Federal Tax Service in digital form. Using the functionality of the software, the payer has the ability to quickly interact not only with the tax service, but also with such government bodies as the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, the Social Insurance Fund, Rosstat, and Rosalkogolregulirovanie. Correspondence with these structures is available. To work, you will need to issue a key with an enhanced qualified digital signature registered in the name of the manager. The programs have a simple interface, are equipped with tools for checking errors and typos, and are designed for use in all regions of the Russian Federation.
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