Research project "purity of Russian speech". Social project "we are for the purity of the Russian language" I am for the purity of the Russian language message

A RIA Novosti correspondent met with philological virgins, who are most concerned about Russian grammar and punctuation, asked why they were better than “grammar Nazis” and even completed their task.

Grammar Nazis and spelling police

Polina Ivanova, a 3rd year student at the Faculty of Philology of Moscow State University and one of the creators of the Secret Spelling Police, is difficult to talk to. While we are talking in a cafe, she turns her head, finds two typos in the ad at once and takes a photograph of it (this is an ad about the ban on “photo and video shooting”). “I’ll send it to the administration. Coffee shops and restaurants quickly correct mistakes,” says Polina.

Correction, not just collection of errors, is the main goal of spelling cops. In this they see their difference from the “grammar Nazis”. This is a trend in social networks, to which many communities include themselves, where users post photographs and scans with errors. Comments addressed to the authors of errors, however, are far from the norms of language etiquette. It feels like people are asserting themselves more.

On the page of one of the “Grammar-Nazi” communities, their mission is formulated as follows: “The Grammar-Nazi (national linguist, linguofascist, literate oprichnik) is an aggressive literate person with innate literacy and a heightened sense of beauty. He gets irritated when someone makes grammatical or spelling mistake, and instantly rushes to the attack, waving dictionaries and links to"

International Mother Language DayInternational Mother Language Day was proclaimed by the General Conference of UNESCO in November 1999 and has been celebrated annually on 21 February since 2000 to promote linguistic and cultural diversity and multilingualism.

The Grammar Nazis, however, are actively fighting for the “purity of the language” outside communities. Here is one of the typical dialogues - a grammar Nazi copied it and published it in the community, receiving the warm approval of his friends. One girl shares her impressions of the changes in the design of VKontakte: “I like it. It’s all done for everyone who is on VKontakte, they just need to take the best approach to it.” The young man cannot resist: “Girl, please leave the Internet. So that I, like other literate people, do not cry blood looking at such messages.” The girl reacts with obscenities. By the way, also with errors.

The Grammar Nazis have already become the butt of many jokes. For example, the site of made-up funny news Smixer recently reported that “Grammar Nazis beat up a Russian nationalist in Moscow for violating the rules of spelling and punctuation in the phrase “Russia is for Russians.”

The authors of errors do not like to correct them

“We do not set out to make fun of illiterate people,” says Polina Ivanova from the Secret Spelling Police. “In addition, we only correct mistakes made in the public space. In private correspondence, a person, roughly speaking, has the right to be illiterate.”

Members of the Secret Spelling Police also post reports on their small spelling victories to their VKontakte community.

However, not all authors of errors respond to “policemen.” “The Moscow government reacts promptly,” says Polina. Crime police noticed banners on the streets with calls to complain to a special website if “the elevator is not working properly.” The mayor's office redesigned the banners and thanked the activists.

The Moscow City Hall reacts quite quickly to complaints from “police officers”

© Website of the "Secret Spelling Police"

Manufacturers of all kinds of products that make mistakes in packaging react quickly. They promise to reissue the packaging and often actually do so.

But a beauty salon from Samara refused to correct the “current” in its gift certificate, answering that “the beauty of the entire offer will suffer.” Although much more often the authors of errors simply ignore the letters from the “policemen”.

"How do you sign your appeals? Is that how you write them - Secret Spelling Police?" - asks a RIA Novosti correspondent. “We usually explain that we are a community of caring volunteers,” Polina replies.

Language got lost

The “policemen” movement, whose community already includes more than 2 thousand people from the CIS countries, appeared in the fall of 2013. It was created by several students of philological and historical faculties, and one of the founders of the “police” was a schoolboy.

“We were walking along Poklonnaya Hill and noticed a mistake on the monument: “To missing soldiers without graves.” At first we giggled, then we thought about how to fix it. Correcting it manually would ruin the monument. We wrote to the mayor’s office, and then it turned out that it was not entirely clear who was behind what the monument answers and to whom it “belongs,” says Polina.

The philologists did not calm down until they got an answer: an assistant to one of the State Duma deputies, who was approached by the “secret police,” assured the guys that there was no mistake, and “obscurity” is an adverb. “With references to dictionaries, we proved that, despite the stability of the expression, “missing” is not an adverb, but a noun with a preposition,” recalls Polina. The Department of Cultural Heritage of the Moscow City Hall delighted the “policemen” by announcing that replacing the sign “is included in the work plan for 2015.”

The problem with monuments in general, says Polina Ivanova, is that sometimes it seems that they don’t have literary editors, and altering bronze tablets is expensive. There is a monument in St. Petersburg where the inscription “Military doctors who died in wars” is written without a comma. And last year, the blogosphere laughed at the restored Romanov stele in the Alexander Garden - the word “memory” was written with yate instead of b.

It is even harder for sculptors to make an inscription if it is not in Russian. At VDNKh, the “police” discovered a globe with constellations labeled in Latin. The constellations Hare and Wolf are signed the same way, "lupus". Although lupus is a wolf, and a hare is lepus.

There is also a more complex example: the monument to the holy Equal-to-the-Apostles First Teachers Cyril and Methodius in Moscow. The inscriptions are made in Church Slavonic, but it is not very clear to what era this version of its spelling belongs. For example, says Ivanova, the inscriptions contain the letters “yus big” and “yus small”, which were actually in the most ancient version of the orthography of the Church Slavonic language, the same one that Cyril and Methodius developed. But then it turns out that the letters b and b are used incorrectly - for example, according to the norms of that time there should be “equal” and “pirvo”, but on the monument “equal” and “pervo”. “Most of all, this version of Church Slavonic is similar to the one that was in the 15th-16th centuries,” says Polina. Why it was chosen for the monument to the saints who lived in the 9th century is unknown.

With a marker - to protect the tongue

Searching for bugs in the urban environment has turned into an exciting hunt, in which more and more new volunteers are constantly joining. On a community forum, schoolgirl Dasha Panteleeva asks: “Can I become a member of the secret police? I am 13 years old, studying in the 7th grade. I confirm my status as an excellent student. But there is a problem: I live in a microscopic town. Do we need such a police force?”

“There are mistakes in every city,” her older comrades encourage her. “We want all members of our community to write not to our headquarters, but to look for the owners of the “erroneous” advertisements and signs themselves,” says Polina.

© Website of the "Secret Spelling Police"

Sometimes the "secret police" even have to conflict with the authors of errors. Employees of one of the embassies, on the fence of which the guys were correcting a mistake in an official announcement, threatened to call the police. And the mayor’s office of the city of Vladimir sent a notice that independently correcting errors on memorial plaques and posters is an administrative offense.

First task

Finally, Polina gives the RIA Novosti correspondent stickers and a task: in the underground passage of the city near Moscow where the journalist lives, an error was made in the advertisement. The address of the sports bar is "Lermontovo Street". I can correct this mistake myself, using a marker: the sign hangs low.

I find the second error myself. A clothing store in the very center of the city is decorated with an ornate slogan that is missing a comma: “The diversity inherent in the world.” Here you can’t correct the error yourself; you have to go to the store. The administrator looks at the guest somehow strangely and, calling the owner, promises to correct the mistake, honestly warning that this will not happen too quickly.

Yes, next time I’ll probably find a better email address and write a letter. With the mysterious signature "Secret Spelling Police".



Nomination:“To be able to help, to know in order to protect...”

Direction: prevention of the use of profanity, jargon and excessive teenage slang in speech

Topic: “We are for the purity of the Russian language”

3rd class,



Pantas Nina Vasilievna, primary school teacher,

ZATO Vidyaevo




1. 1 Reasons for using profanity, jargon, and teenage slang in speech.................................................... ........................................................ ........................................................ .....21. 2 Brief summary of the project.................................................... ........................................................ .2



2.1. Objective of the project…............................................... ........................................................ ...............2 - 3

2.2. Objectives of the project…………………………………………………………………………………......... .2 - 3


3.1. Relevance................................................. ........................................................ ....................3

3.2. Legal legality of actions during

project………………………………………………………………………………………….............. .4

3.3. Stages of project implementation………………………………………………………………......4

3.4. Forms of work on the project……………………………………….……......4 - 5

3.5. Scientific and methodological work.................................................................. ............................................. 5

3.6. Logistics………………………………………………………......5 - 6

3.7. Control, inspection and analytical work …………………........................6

3.8. Interaction with parents, with each other, with Murmansk organizations

area……………………………………………………………………...... ........................6

3.9. Project Implementation Plan........................................................ .....................................6 - 8


Chapter 1V . RESULTS

4.1. Expected result…………………………………………………………………………………8

4.2. Prospects for the development of the project………………………………………………………................................8

4.3. Assessing the success of the project……………………………………………………………...8 - 9

Useful resources: ………….....................................................................................................9




1.1. Reasons for using profanity, jargon, and teenage slang in speech:

a) to achieve a certain social status in a group based on the acceptance of its social and moral values; b) for fun and pleasure; c) to demonstrate the sharpness of your mind; d) in order to avoid the everyday banality of using words in a literary language, the desire for greater expressiveness of speech;e) to attract attention to one’s own person;f) to perform a secret function; social community;g) to create your own speech mask.

1.2. Project abstract

Our project “We are for the purity of the Russian language!” is aimed at updating the problem of the existence of profanity, jargon and excessive teenage slang in the speech of elementary school students and the attitude of modern society to this “younger” reality.

In our project, we want to provide an opportunity for our peers to think about and discuss the problem of the existence in the Russian language of words that are not included in traditional dictionaries, which are not recommended to be used in public speech, including when communicating at school and in public places.

We are confident that our verbal promiscuity plays an important role in our formation, in our intellectual development, and in our health. Today schoolchildren, youth, adult men and women do not swear, but speak. Mat is spread by the media and cinema. Jargon and slang impoverish our speech.

With our project we want to attract the attention of everyone, and above all schoolchildren, to the problem of that part of the vocabulary that until some time was considered indecent, and a publicly spoken phrase cost a person the loss of authority and was punishable by a fine or punishment in the form of detention for 15 days.

Project directed studying the possibilities of the rich literary Russian language, for the prevention and prevention of “pollution” of our speech, for intolerance towards such words. He covers important aspects of working on our speech, historical roots and includes forms of work that are interesting and accessible to students. His originality the fact that children themselves can directly see the mistakes of others, analyze them, and look for solutions to prevent these mistakes. The teacher has developed technologies to prevent “pollution” of the Russian language. Activities during the project occur in a non-edifying manner. Each project participant feels his importance in this work and understands that the success of others depends on his success. For this reason, each project participant performs everything conscientiously and consciously. The project is viable and has prospects for development.

The project is designed for 1 year



2.1. Objective of the project:

2.2.Project objectives:

formation of a positive speech culture among students.

a) draw attention to the problem of profanity and purity of the Russian language;

b) develop a respectful attitude towards others;

c) determine the role of words borrowed from other languages;

d) introduce students to archaisms and neologisms;

e) instill in students the desire for beauty and correctness of Russian speech;

f) increase the level of communication culture among the younger generation.


3.1. Relevance

The ability to express one’s thoughts clearly and clearly, to speak competently, logically, figuratively, the ability to capture the attention of listeners is a unique characteristic of a cultured person who evokes the sympathy of others and is able to adapt in society. We all know how important a culture of speech behavior is for a good future for a growing person. Of course, the formation of competent speech depends on many factors: family, culture of upbringing, environment and, of course, education, the desire of the individual to improve himself.

Recently, there has been a sharp decline in general speech culture. Problems of language have long gone beyond the scope of philology and are aligned with other general spiritual problems of society; speech becomes not only a means of communication, but also a powerful energy charge that has a hidden impact on the human psyche and the entire world around us.

Tongue-tiedness, negligence, and inaccuracy in the selection of words to express thoughts are amazing; we use words without even thinking about the appropriateness of their use. Jargon, colloquial elements and other non-literary means poured into the pages of periodicals, mass literature, and into the speech of educated people: piece, stolnik, lemon, green, bucks, wash etc. The words have become commonly used even in official speech: party, hanging out, showdown, mayhem and many others. An equally striking feature of today’s linguistic development can be considered the clogging of speech with borrowings. Borrowings have become not just buzzwords in the speech of schoolchildren: show (spectacle), display (screen), hit (hit), but necessary... What can we say about the “contact” beloved by many students, which gives the opportunity for free communication online? Yes, this is interesting, however, if abbreviated words, convenient for quick communication, are used in oral or even written speech, at least it causes bewilderment among listeners. And how can we understand the words “me”, “cha”, “lyu”, often used by children? Are there not enough clear, pure words in our language that are understandable to every person and do not require replacement? It hurts that an invisible, at first glance, hobby, abbreviation of words, careless use of them leads to lack of culture, impoverishment of vocabulary, belittlement of personal dignity...

And the use of profanity in the speech of schoolchildren, even primary school children!

That is why the problem of preserving the purity, lexical richness of the Russian language, and the possibility of using its artistic means for the development of the culture of society becomes urgent. Possession of speech etiquette contributes to the acquisition of authority, generates trust and respect. Knowing the rules of speech etiquette and observing them allows a person to feel confident and at ease, not feel embarrassed due to incorrect actions, and avoid ridicule from others.

And the most important role in this is given to the school...

3.2. Legal validity of proposals and actions during the project

Before starting work on the project, the parents of the students are presented with brief information about the project and their consent is obtained for the cooperation of children, for children to work with their parents on the Internet, for the publication of texts and other work done collectively or by the child individually, as well as photographs of children in a collective handwritten book "We are for the purity of the Russian language."

3.3. Project implementation stages




WithSeptember - October

November - April


preparing the base for execution


all the main work to bring the project to life: collecting and preparing material, class hours, class events, open lesson “We are for the purity of the Russian language”, familiarization with dictionaries, participation in “Dictionary Day”, studying the historical roots of profanity, borrowed words, neologisms, archaisms, jargon, youth slang, studying the culture of other peoples (Sami culture), going on excursions, participating in competitions (even international ones), getting acquainted with the works of Russian writers and poets, helping to feel the beauty of the Russian language, close contact with the IBO ZATO Viyadevo with the goal of instilling a love of books, enriching the speech of schoolchildren, etc...

release and presentation of the book, generalization of experience, printing of developments on the Internet, “Vestnik Vidyaevo”, trip to the festival of Slavic culture and writing in Murmansk.

3.4. Forms of work on the project

Our project has become a part of children's lives, because it is interesting and viable. The project involves the following complementary forms of work:

passive forms of work

active forms of work

work on the purity of the Russian language, its enrichment in lessons, in the course of academic disciplines: Russian language, literary reading and others;

essay competition “We are for the purity of the Russian language”;

class hours, conversations;

participation in various poetry competitions (classroom, school-wide)

use of Internet space;

cool watch;

meeting interesting people;

independent collection of material;

release and presentation of the book “We are for the purity of the Russian language”;

reading fiction.

We study the culture of other peoples (Sami culture) - a trip to the village of Sam-Syit; With

comparing two cultures;

printing developments on the Internet;


trip to the festival of Slavic literature and culture in Murmansk;

publication of an article in Vestnik Vidyaevo;

cooperation with municipal and cultural institution of ZATO Vidyaevo;

participation in Dictionary Day;

participation in the XX International Children's Handwritten Book Competition;

cool events aimed at expanding the reader's horizons, enriching the Russian language and intolerance to the “clogging” of the language;

activities within the circle “I am a reader” and “I am a researcher”.

3.5. Scientific and methodological work


conversations between teachers and parents about the need to enrich and purify the Russian language for schoolchildren;

providing methodological assistance to parents in instilling a love of reading in children and expanding their reading horizons;

creating and updating a page in the methodological corner.

3.6. Logistics support

Logistics support involves updating the page in the methodological corner, allocating funds for the creation of a handwritten book, funds for a trip to the festival of Slavic writing and culture, prizes for the winners of various games and competitions. All funds are allocated by parents.



Price (average)



Tools for handwritten books

500, 0

500, 0

Tools for the page in the methodological corner

200, 0

200, 0

Funds for a trip to Murmansk

300, 0

6 300, 0

Funds for a trip to the village of Sam-Syit

1000, 0

21 000


1050, 0


29 050, 0

3.7. Control, inspection and analytical work

This work is to analyze the causes and conditions, the contamination of the Russian language, the poverty of students’ speech, tracking changes in students’ speech during the work on the project, this is the work of selecting the found material and designing the pages of the book. All project participants are involved in this work, with a clear delineation of the tasks of each participant.

3.8. Interaction with parents, with each other, organizations of the Murmansk region

Interaction with each other and parents implies joint participation in ongoing activities.

Interaction with other organizations (MEC DOD “Lapland”, MBO ZATO Vidyaevo, etc.) are joint events: participation in competitions of these organizations, visiting exhibitions on this topic, etc. (Involvement in cooperation with these organizations as these organizations announce events on the specified topic).

3.10. Project Implementation Plan




September October

November - April


Preparing the base for the project:

The main work to bring the project to life:

1. Printing developments on the Internet (as they are completed).

2. Participation in reading competitions (as they are held).

3. Visiting exhibitions related to the culture of the Russian language"

4. Every week we listen to audio recordings of Russian writers performed by masters of words, and read the proposed works.

5. We work (regularly) on creating handwritten books:

"We are for the purity of the Russian language"

"My strong little people"

6. Cooperation with IBO ZATO Vidyaevo, MOC DOD "Lapland"

1. Generalization of experience.

2. Release and presentation of the book “We are for the purity of the Russian language”

During the preparatory periodWe observe the speech of our peers, test our classmates on the topic “Your attitude towards profanity, slang words. What do you think about your speech and the speech of your classmates and friends!

1. Trip to the village of Sam - Syyt

14 September 2016

1. Choosing a topic,

coordination with parents, distribution of responsibilities.

1. Essay competition "We are for the purity of the Russian language"

2. Participation in the school-wide reading competition “This is my homeland”

3. History of profanity, jargon, youth slang.

1. Trip to Murmansk for the holiday of Slavic culture and writing

2. Publication of an article in "Vestnik Vidyaevo" "Russian language is our wealth"

1. Solving legal issues. 2. Solving financing issues.

1. Open event during the primary school week "Visiting the Sami"

1. Solving cooperation issues.


Class hours (one class hour per hour, starting from November 2016):

1. "The power of words"

2. "You and your speech"

3. “They are greeted by their clothes, they are seen off by their minds”

4. "To learn to speak beautifully..."

5. "A book is your best friend."

6. "Poets and writers of our time"

7. "Great Russian writers and poets"

Creating a page in a cool teaching corner.

We study archaisms.

intellectual and educational game “We are for the purity of the Russian language”;

Meeting with interesting people (LITO "Flashes")

We study neologisms.

We study borrowed words.

Cool event "Madam, please allow me"

Holiday "Like the Old Time"

Educational game “Own game. Russian language and literature."

1. Game "Verbal battles"

1. Summing up “What our speech has become”

1. Participation in XX international children's handwritten book competition


ChapterV . RESULTS

5.1. Expected Result

1. The implementation of the program will make the speech of schoolchildren more beautiful and rich, and will begin to develop intolerance to the “pollution” of Russian speech

2. Children’s reading activity will begin to increase and their interest in books will increase.

3. Children will have the opportunity to communicate more easily in any society, without using “newfangled words” in their speech.

4. Students will have the opportunity to learn the culture of the indigenous people of the Kola North and will begin to respect any world culture.

5.2. Project development prospects

Children will be able to present the handwritten book “We are for the purity of the Russian language” to other school students, participate in competitions with it, attract like-minded people into their ranks, begin to appreciate their language, and enrich their speech.

5.3. Project success assessment

The project is aimed at achieving practical results. This is evidenced by the effectiveness of actions to implement the project. The main positive value is put at the head of the project - identifying the problem to adults and willingly including adults in the implementation of the project, creating motivation for children and adults that meets the needs of children. During the implementation of the project, other positive values ​​were used, described in the chapters of the project and wisely selected taking into account the age characteristics of primary school students.

The project or its individual technologies (some technologies were developed by the project leader) can be successfully used by other groups of students.

The project is original for its practical solutions: family participation, collective creativity, use of Internet materials, etc.

The project is viable because it is relevant. It was built taking into account the real capabilities and resources of the municipal budgetary educational institution secondary school ZATO Vidyaevo.

Useful resources:

1. - Stories by M. Prishvin for children

2. - Poetry of S. Yesenin for children

3. - quotes from great writers about the Russian language

4. - Workshop for parents of children of primary preschool age "Teach children to speak correctly"

5. of obsolete words

6. - Lexical (explanatory) dictionary of neologisms

7. - Dictionary of teenage slang

8. - Where did swear words come from in the Russian language?



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Slide captions:

For the purity of the Russian language!

Rings More Beautiful Catalog Cakes Blinds Contract Quarter Facilitate How Many Providing Means Sorrel Pamper Carpenter Place emphasis on the following words:

Ringing Beautiful and more Catalog Cakes Blinds and Contract Quarter Facilitate How many Providing Means Sorrel Pamper Joiner Check yourself

The brake is stupid; Cool - good; To have a blast - to have fun; Ancestors - parents; Imagine - imagine; To run into - to pester; If it’s not a market, don’t say it; Don't drive - don't deceive; In the sense - how to understand; Relax - relax. A failed exam is a tail; Head - dome; TV - telly; Homework - homework; Leave - fade away; Over the hill - abroad; Wheelbarrow - car; I trudge - I admire; Box - TV. Here are some of them: “The use of slang vocabulary,” writes linguist L. I. Skvortsov, “clogs and coarsens spoken language.”

– Don’t say bad words yourself. – Don’t copy others. – Don’t talk like everyone else, don’t try to be like someone else, maintain your originality and remember: “It is not what goes into the mouth that defiles it, but what comes out of the mouth.”

On the topic: methodological developments, presentations and notes

Extracurricular activity in the Russian language "Travel to the countries of foreign words" Extracurricular activity in the Russian language "Travel to the countries of foreign words" Extracurricular activity in the Russian language "Travel to the country of foreign words"

The purpose of this event is to show in an entertaining way the different levels of functioning of the Russian language: as one of the world languages, as the language of the peoples inhabiting Russia, as a state...

Social project "Youth for the purity of the Russian language"

A project of an information and educational campaign, the purpose of which is to attract the attention of the public, especially young people, to the problem of the existence of profanity in our language. The project...

Extracurricular event "For the purity of the Russian language." 5 grades

This presentation can be used in grades 5-6. Contains entertaining material that instills a caring attitude towards the Russian language. Contains poems about the Russian language, composed by...

Take care of the purity of your language,
like a shrine!
Russian language is so rich
and flexible that we have nothing
take from those who are poorer than us.

I.S. Turgenev

There is a language
confession of the people
one can hear in it
his nature, his soul
and native life...

P. Vyazemsky

Language is like a living being. He lives. Developing.

But he might die. And all this depends only on us. It depends on how carefully we treat it. Although many believe that language is developing in the right direction even without human intervention, and this is progress, not regression. But it happens the other way around...

And how often do we pronounce words without thinking about their meaning? We often copy what we have ever heard on TV or radio, and use foreign words that have Russian analogues.

Why do I increasingly hear “hotel” instead of “hotel” and “bar” instead of “snack bar”? People rarely began to say exactly what they really thought about (even though we have freedom of speech). Yes, and in fact, we say one thing, think about another, but mean a third... There are a huge number of examples of this.

Each of us, whether he wants it or not, enters into a dialogue, but often due to a lack of vocabulary, repetition of the same words and sentences, and the use of many unnecessary words, the opponent becomes uninteresting to us. In the end, we lose the thread of the conversation and have difficulty remembering where our dialogue began and what we discussed. Science has proven that when pronouncing words, each sound uses certain parts of the brain, influencing the conscious and subconscious. All this does not depend on the person himself and on what meaning he puts into what is said. Therefore, when we use words correctly, we evoke positive reactions in ourselves and others.

A clear proof of this is the frequent use of spells and prayers by our ancestors. Today, those who are trying to repeat the same rituals claim that conspiracies supposedly “do not work.” I dare to suggest that we simply pronounce them incorrectly or do not have the original meaning.

It turns out that not only a person’s internal, mental health, but also physical health depends on the literacy of our speech. That is, in order to preserve and improve the health of people, it is necessary to realize, feel and use words in their original meaning.

Today they take on a completely different meaning, sometimes even the opposite. All this leads to the fact that the speech of modern people is clogged.

Dangerous meaning of the return particle "xia"

Recently, I discovered with interest the meaning of the reflexive particle “sya”, which is now written together with verbs. It originally meant “myself.” (It is no coincidence that in the Church Slavonic language the reflexive particles “me” and “thea” have been preserved, meaning “me” and “you”.) Now think about the monstrosity of the words “try” (torture oneself), “seek” (finish oneself off) etc. Pay attention to your speech, and you will find many more similar examples.

"Not" and "Neither"

The rules for using words containing negative particles “not” and “neither” have recently become so free that it is often possible to understand what he wanted to say only by the intonation of the speaker. We often ignore the real meaning. Is this right?!

Today people often allow themselves such liberties.

Let's look at a few simple examples.

Pronouns with particles

The pronoun “who” has many particles: anyone, anyone, someone, etc. In modern speech they usually have the same meaning. Then the question arises: why did our ancestors need them in such quantities? So, it's not all that simple. In my opinion, the explanation is that their meaning is still different, but it is either lost by us or greatly changed.


Have you ever thought about the meaning of the particle “someday” (that is, do not exist in the future). I think she should be handled more carefully. Use the pronouns “what” and “who” only when something or someone is unworthy of continued existence.

“Nothing” from “nothingness”?!

The history of the pronouns “nothing” and “nobody” is interesting. These words have the same root as the words “nothingness”, “insignificant”, etc. In ancient sources they have the meaning of the enemy of the human race, etc. Even in the “Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language” by S.I. Ozhegov and N.Yu. Shvedova, one of the meanings of the word nobody is “this is about an insignificant person who does not have any merits,” and nothing is “about someone who (that) does not represent anything special, does not matter to anyone. Same as nonentity." Now remember our frequent words: “no one will help”, “no one understands me”, etc. Yes, it would be strange if the enemy of the human race took the side of people. This is absurd... The monstrosity of the phrase written in the burial places of fallen Russian soldiers is revealed: “No one is forgotten, nothing is forgotten.” Why such difficulties? Why not write it simpler: “Eternal memory to the heroes” or, for example, “Your feat is not forgotten.” Why this ambiguity? Or, for example, think about a person’s exclamation: “Wow!” At the moment of admiration, people wish for themselves “nothing,” although they do not think of losing what they have. All this is heavily reflected on their subconscious and conscious level.

And the answer to a banal question: “How are you doing?” “Nothing,” we say out of habit. Thus, rejecting himself as a person, denying his activity, he recognizes himself as unworthy of existence.

“Simplification of the language, reduction of the number of letters is a natural process, many philologists believe, people simply stop using individual “extra” letters.” Although it is usually kept silent about the fact that these are violent reforms coming from the authorities, and not from the people and the common man.

Of were.

The Glagolitic alphabet originally had 49 image letters. Under Peter the Great, the alphabet was cut down to 37 letters (the imagery was removed, only sounds remained). In 1917, the Minister of “Enlightenment” Lunacharskythe alphabet was shortened by another 4 letters, to 33(Lunacharsky was a supporter of translating the Russian language intoLatin alphabet. IN The People's Commissariat of Education of the RSFSR formed a commission to develop the issue of LatinizationRussian alphabet. From the minutes of the meeting of this commission datedJanuary 141930:

They decided to start Latinization with the languages ​​of national minorities.), despite the resistance of large sections of the population. After two or three generations, they finally came to terms with the norms. And the new, “truncated” alphabet became established in people’s writing and speech. Already in our time, after leaving the post of President of Russia B.N. Yeltsin, “language reformers” tried to propose a law on a gradual transition from the modern 33-letter alphabet to the 24-letter Latin alphabet, supposedly to get closer to Western European culture. It’s good that due to the intervention of Russian literature lovers, this did not happen. Innovations could lead to the death of the Russian language as such, and without the native language, I believe, you and I would not exist.

Even now, pay attention to how they are cunningly trying to deprive us of such letters as Ё, Ъ. In printing and the media, Ё is replaced by E, and Ъ by an apostrophe. Thus, preparing the ground for their abolition at the first opportunity, as if due to uselessness. With this simplification

our reading is only becoming more complicated, people’s misunderstanding of the text is growing. And how can you explain to a child why the same letter is read differently if there are no visual differences?

Initially, the language was natural, its words had a multi-layered character. It generated many images and associations in the human mind, and now the language has been replaced by an artificial one, in which there is no longer verbosity or imagery...

The gap between image and word is an artificial mutation that destroys speech and the whole world.

Today, a person learns nine out of ten new words from the media.

Media language is the voice of an announcer reading out a specific text written by a publicist, corrected by an editor and confirmed by the Board of Directors. As a result, it turns out that the text and words of the announcer carry the meaning that those who control the media put into it, and we ourselves, without noticing it, begin to speak this language, without thinking about common sense.

There is rarely a day when the word “killer” is not heard from the television screen. Even while working on this essay, the computer program finds an error and issues a certificate: “... Anglicism refers to recent borrowings; For the most part, such words do not fit organically into the Russian text...” My imagination draws a cold-blooded killer. But we have a Russian analogue of this word - “hired killer”. When a Russian person hears it, different images arise in his mind, all sorts of associations are drawn, and when the word “killer” is pronounced, he sees only a specifically created image. Replacing Russian words with foreign ones leads to loss of imagery of thinking, the ability to fantasize and imagine.

Comparison with musical culture

Today the screen is filled with so-called “pop music”. After listening to modern popular songs, I realized that they don’t teach anything good. The motive is primitive, the melody is based on three chords, and all the songs are only about carnal love, money, a better life, frequent propaganda of same-sex love, alcohol, etc. But the moral is the same: live for today, don’t think about the future. Isn’t the line of the song “Sects” by the group “Svobodnye” indicative: “Drink vodka, for sure, that’s the truth...”. Or a line from the composition of the group “Leningrad”, in which we see that the lyrical hero: “... I don’t feel sorry for anyone, no one: neither you, nor myself, nor him...”. The now famous group “Band'eros” makes a rather indecent proposal: “Well, where are you, lady, console your uncle...”. I personally don’t want to think about how exactly these “ladies” should console their “uncle.” The compositions of these groups are among the ten most popular and beloved by modern youth. Unfortunately, there are a lot of such examples, and the ones presented are some of the most harmless...

Language is one thing

The point is that initially our speech was something single and was not divided into separate words. Therefore, the meaning of the same text could be different and depended on which roots the readers identified. This led to the emergence of many shades of meaning, which, as our language degraded, began to shrink and be forgotten. In speech, individual, most common roots began to stand out, which made up modern vocabulary.

Doesn't matter…

The media is zombifying us?! Believe it or not?

Today there is a point of view that we are simply being zombified. This does not require complex devices: our televisions are enough for this... Certain phrases and words found in media texts have a psychological effect on consciousness. It turns out that you and I are simply being programmed. Believe it or not? Everyone's personal business...

What to do?

It is very difficult to prevent all this. It's even harder to stop it. But it’s time to fight what’s happening. It is stupid to rely on journalists, cultural figures, announcers and anyone else; there is no need to shift responsibility onto the shoulders of others. Responsibility for our language, first of all, lies with ourselves. And you need to start with yourself. It is enough to agree with your family or friends to correct each other during communication. Relearning will go faster in this fun game.

After all, this is our language!!! Without the Russian word there will be no Russian people, Russian culture will be forgotten, and without it the past will not be remembered, and without the past there is and will not be a FUTURE!!!


ChGPC – 2

Boretskaya Tatyana Viktorovna 2014

Lesson-event in Russian language

Topic: "Purity of speech. Let's speak beautifully."

Lesson type: lesson of generalization and systematization of knowledge

Lesson type: combined

Lesson objectives:

    defining the problems of the modern Russian language and ways to solve them

    consolidation of knowledge about various language norms

    development of a system of value relations towards the native language, a responsible attitude towards one’s own word, respect for the interlocutor

    nurturing a love for the Russian language and a caring attitude towards it

Lesson equipment:

using computer technology (portrait of Akhmatova, musical accompaniment); task cards

Progress of the event

Lesson Plan

1. Organizational point:

Checking the availability and readiness of students,

Announcing the topic and purpose of the lesson, recording the epigraph: “Our language has earned the right to be treated with care, to be cared for by the whole people.”B. Vasiliev

2. Stage of updating knowledge:

It is no secret that the reorganization of economic and social life in our country is a general change that does not (as would be desirable) have a beneficial effect on everyone. I am concerned about the wave of changes that is emasculating the culture of Russian speech and polluting the ecology of the Russian word.

It would seem that in conditions of profound changes, it is not the language that serves to unite the nation that needs to be rebuilt, but our attitude towards it. Double, triple respect for our kind, bright words, which are inextricably linked with action and help the cause. It doesn’t occur to anyone that it is necessary to simplify and emasculate chemistry, physics, mathematics or botany. But thoughts on rationalization and reform of the mighty Russian language in our time become a symbol of decisive, radical renewal.

Those who support simplification of the Russian language do not think about what they are doing. Most likely, they proceed from immediate needs and do not think that it is impossible to make the language easier without damaging it. Upsetting the vibrant Russian language, they do not want to think, and perhaps they do not know, that language is the history of our people, culture itself, the process and result of its accumulation and renewal.

3. Stage of setting goals, formulating the topic of the lesson

Today we hear more and more often that the tongue is sick.

Let's try to identify tongue diseases.

(There is a discussion in groups and presentations by their representatives)

As a result of the discussion, the following notes appear on the board:


Scarcity, monotony of vocabulary,

In colloquial speech, foul language, swearing,

Very often the speech of journalists, announcers, that is, those who were previously taken as a model, leaves much to be desired,

Sometimes unjustified use of foreign words.

Conclusion: Speech becomes clogged and coarsened.

In your opinion, what are the causes of these diseases? (group discussion)

The absence of prohibitions or at least criticism from many adults when using profanity gives confidence in the correctness of word use;

The poverty of teenagers' vocabulary is also explained by the fact that students are often passive in lessons and that the leading role belongs to the teacher;

In the age of computerization, there is no interest in classical literature and art;

- What features should correct speech have?

Correct speech , i.e. compliance with literary and linguistic norms accepted in a certain era. “The incorrect use of words leads to errors in the field of thought and then in the practice of life.” (D.I. Pisarev)

Speech Accuracy , i.e. correspondence to the thoughts of the speaker or writer. “Precision of words is not only a requirement of healthy taste, but, above all, a requirement of meaning.” (K. Fedin)

Logicality of speech , i.e. compliance with the laws of logic. Sloppy language is caused by unclear thinking. “What you imagine unclearly, you will express unclearly; inaccuracy and confusion of expressions only indicate confusion of thoughts.” (N.G. Chernyshevsky)

Clarity of speech , those. accessibility to the understanding of the listener or reader. “Speak in such a way that you cannot be misunderstood,” wrote the Roman teacher of eloquence Quintilian back in ancient times.

Simplicity of speech , those. artlessness, naturalness, lack of pretentiousness, “beautifulness” of style. “Underneath the pomposity and unnaturalness of the phrase lies the emptiness of the content.” (L.N. Tolstoy)

Vivacity of speech , those. absence of templates, expressiveness, imagery, emotionality. “Language must be alive.” (A.N. Tolstoy)

Euphony , those. compliance with the requirements of a pleasant sound for the ear, selection of words taking into account their sound side. “In general, you should avoid ugly, discordant words. I don’t like words with a lot of hissing and whistling sounds, I avoid them.” (A.P. Chekhov)

And how wonderful our Russian words are! If you listen to them for a long time and repeat only one word separately, you will already see and hear everything that is contained in it. It seems to be short, but try to listen... Here, for example, the wordtrickle. If you repeat it often, often and out loud, you will immediately hear: a stream babbling between the pebbles! Or another word -heat. If you start to drag it out for a long time, then this heat will ring like those flies that you only hear in the midday rye season. I said the word -V south, and this winter, forest howl began to howl in my ears:v-v-v-i-yu... Oh, what a good word -apples. Full-toothed, cheerful, frosty-crispy...

On the eve of the Transfiguration... hot-ruddy, clear-sighted, autumn-colored, crimson, golden-sparkling, amber, gray, white, green, with red girdles, freckled, with a pink tint, golden-transparent (sometimes the grains show through), large, like a power in hand of the Lord Almighty...(Vasily Akimovich Nikiforov-Volgin)

So, we saw, once again we were convinced how beautiful our “great, powerful, truthful and free Russian language is!”

Nikiforov-Volgin called the Russian language “God’s beauty”, “a magical and joyful miracle” - Konstantin Paustovsky. And now on television screens, which have replaced literature, in just one advertisement you can hear up to 70 borrowed words in an evening! Listen to the speeches of radio and television announcers, the speeches of politicians and you will hear: marketing and monitoring, establishment and publicity, accessories and investments, distributors and dumping, dealers and killers, inauguration and discrediting, etc.

Is the use of borrowed words always justified? Good wordunique, but it replaced a huge number of good, beautiful and more expressive Russian words:

4. Practical work. Consolidating knowledge about various language norms.

Completing assignments on the Russian language and speech culture.



Teams travel to various stations in accordance with their route sheet (APPENDIX 1). At the stations they perform various tasks in the Russian language. The route sheet indicates the time spent on completing tasks and the score the team receives:Great,Fine,satisfactorily. In addition, the team receives petals of different colors, corresponding to a particular rating: red - excellent, blue - good, green - satisfactory.

At the end of the game, the teams make a flower from the petals and attach it to the stand.

Number of teams – 3. The route is determined by drawing lots. There are 2 judges at stations. The task completion time is 5-10 minutes. After the time is up, the team leaves the station.

Station 1 “Drum”

Place emphasis on words.

At the same time, dowry, means, plum, nap, provision, will call, spoiled, immediately, strengthening, phenomenon, catalogue, more beautiful, expert, petition.


At the same timee but, comeA noe, wede dstva, drainO howl, dozingO ta providee reading, callingAnd t, spoiledO bathroom, tO right now, controlO hair dryerO men, rolledO g, redAnd vee, expe rt, strokeA sacrament.

Station 2 "Mudrovo"

Read Chinese proverbs. Select Russian proverbs that correspond to their meaning.

He won’t notice a camel on his head, but he will see a needle on another.

In a quiet place evil lurks.

When there are many masons, the house turns out to be crooked.

A vegetable seller eats tops.

There are so many people that you can’t get through with a yoke.

The tongue brings trouble.

Calling fire on your neighbor will burn you yourself (Chinese).


He sees a straw in someone else's eye, but does not notice a log in his own. Still waters run deep. Too many cooks spoil the broth. The shoemaker is always without boots. There are so many people that there is no room for an apple to fall. My tongue is my enemy. Don't dig a hole for someone else - you yourself will fall into it.

Station 3 "Nenashevo"

Replace with a Russian word.

Pedestal –

Grotto –

Press -

Artist –

Original –

Negative –

Competent –


Pedestal - elevation

Grotto - cave

Press - pressure

Artist - actor

Original - different

Negative - negative

Competent - knowledgeable

Discussion –

Atheist –

Triumph -

Chief –

Athlete –

Bankruptcy –

Route –

Discussion - dispute

Atheist - non-believer

Triumph - victory

Chief – chief, commander

Athlete - athlete

Bankruptcy – defeat

Route - road

Station 4 "Sklonilovo"

Decline combinations of numerals with nouns:

7845 residents, one and a half minutes, both employees.

I. Seven thousand eight hundred forty-five inhabitants

R. Seven thousand eight hundred forty-five inhabitants

D. Seven thousand eight hundred and forty-five residents

B. Seven thousand eight hundred and forty-five inhabitants

T. Seven thousand eight hundred and forty-five inhabitants

P. Seven thousand eight hundred and forty-five inhabitants

I. One and a half minutes

R. One and a half minutes

D. One and a half minutes

B. One and a half minutes

T. One and a half minutes

P. One and a half minutes

I. Both employees

R. Both employees

D. Both employees

B. Both employees

T. By both employees

Station 5 "Lishkovo"

Find the extra word.

Tulle, newsletter,bunch, piano

Coffee, cocoa, puree, popsicle

Tulle, newsletter,bunch, piano (all masculine nouns exceptbunch).

Coffee, cocoa, puree, popsicle (all neuter nouns, exceptcoffee).

Station 6 “Small rhizomes”

Among the words offered to you, one is superfluous. Which?


Water pipes

watering hole


Station 7 "Twins"

Choose synonyms for the words







Wrong (distorted, incorrect, erroneous, inaccurate, false, false).

Interesting(entertaining, exciting, exciting)

Trifle (trifle, trifle, nonsense, nonsense)

Hot (sultry, burning, hot, scorching)

Delight (admiration, jubilation, fun, joy)

Station 8 "Tolmachevo"

Write the words whose meanings are given below

Task 1.You can hit it, or you can climb into it. You can stand in front of it, but you cannot sit. What is this:a) gong;b) eyes;In the underground;d) glasses;d) face

Problem 2. You can take this on, but you can’t touch it. It can be brought to this and it can be reduced from this, but it cannot be built up to it. What is this: a) business;b) stairs;c) railings;d) victory;d) mind?

Problem 3. It can be cleaned, but it cannot be cleaned. It can be adjusted, but it cannot be fixed. You can powder it, but you can't blush it. What is this:a) bones;b) brains;c) pipe;d) mind;d) cheeks?

Problem 4. This can be opened, but cannot be closed. You can hold and store it in this, but you cannot wear it. What is this:a) box;b) suitcase;c) house;d) secret;d) castle?

Task 5. It can be sick, but it can be wet and empty. You can lay it on this, or you can put it on it. What is this:a) liver;b) bed;instead of;d) table;d) view?


Task 1.

Answer: b) eyes. Set expressions: hit in the eyes (light hits the eyes); get into your eyes; stand before your eyes. Impossible (or at least atypical and strange): sitting in front of your eyes. For the remaining words, we note the following: you can beat the gong, but you cannot climb; In the subway, on the contrary, you can climb, but you cannot hit. Finally, for each of the four words (gong, metro, face, glasses) the compatibility with the verbs stand and sit does not differ: either both expressions are possible or impossible, but there is no such opposition as for the eyes.

Task 2.

Answer: d) mind. There are stable expressions: come to your senses; bring to mind; drive you crazy. There are NO expressions to touch the mind and raise to the mind. For the rest of the words, we note the following: you cannot take away from the case, railings and victories, but the stairs can be touched, and you can build onto the stairs.

Task 3.

Answer: b) brains. Set expressions: clear your brains, straighten your brains and powder your brains. Impossible: to cleanse the brains, fix the brains and rouge the brains. For the remaining words, we note the following: bones, trumpet and mind cannot be powdered, but cheeks can not only be powdered, but also rosy (and certainly cannot be cleaned and set).

Task 4.

Answer: d) secret. Set expressions: reveal a secret, keep a secret, keep a secret. Impossible: close the secret. For the remaining words, note the following: house, box, suitcase and lock can be closed. Thus, the choice of five words is obvious. However, it is interesting to note that in Russian there are words similar in this regard to secret. Thus, the word secret has a compatibility similar to secret.

Task 5.

Answer: instead of. Set expressions: sore spot; wet place; empty place; lay someone down on the spot; put someone or something in its place. For the remaining words, we note the following: the bed and table are not sick, and the appearance and liver are wet and empty.

Station 9 "Korotkovo"

Replace with one word, depict:

beat the bucks-

Overeat henbane-

After the rain on Thursday-

shot sparrow -

Lather your neck, head -

At the ends of the earth-

Work carelessly-

I put water in my mouth

Lead by the nose

Give your head to be cut off

Tooth does not touch tooth

Hunch your back- work

My soul has sunk into my heels-

Down in the mouth


beat the bucks- mess aroundOvereat henbane- get mad (applies to people who do stupid thingsAfter the rain on Thursday - never

shot sparrow - experienced

Lather your neck, head - strongly scold

At the ends of the earth - somewhere very far away

Work carelessly - work poorly, lazily

I put water in my mouth – is silent and does not want to answer

Lead by the nose - deceive

Give your head to be cut off - promise.

Tooth does not touch tooth - they say if someone is frozen from extreme cold or from trembling, excitement, fear.

Hunch your back - work.

My soul has sunk into my heels - a man who is afraid, afraid

Down in the mouth - sad, sad

Station 10 "Prepinalkino"

Determine the reading options for the phrases:

1) That night the cold stove was lit.

2) A lonely eagle lands on a cliff.

Station 11 "Big edits"

Lexical norms

In which sentence instead of the word PRESENTED
need to use PROVIDED?

1) Works PRESENTED by the artist at the exhibition,
were not appreciated.

2) Comrades of the young lieutenant PRESENTED to
order, were incredibly happy for their friend.

3) The members of the commission expressed gratitude for the REPRESENTATION
The inspection materials are at their disposal.

4) The range of products PRESENTED on our
site is unusually wide.

Morphological norms

Give an example of an error in the formation of a word.

1) a pair of nylon stockings

2) take this road

3) set fire to brushwood

4) until two thousand and ten

Syntactic norms

Provide a grammatically correct continuation of the sentence.

Closing my eyes

1) my body suddenly stopped feeling tired, and I
fell asleep instantly.

2) try to remember the most exciting moments of your life
our lives.

3) it seemed to me that the whole world had dissolved in velvet

4) there was no other choice but to pretend

Syntactic norms (in phrases, in simple and complex sentences)

Indicate the sentence with a grammatical error (in violation of the syntactic norm).

1) Those who still
recently criticized his position.

2) From the first of June, trains will run according to summer
his schedule.

3) The story “Matryonin Dvor” reflects the main
scenes of life in a Russian village in the mid-20th century.

4) Pushkin became one of the participants in the new poetic
society opposing Shishkov's ideas.

Station 12 “Tvorilovo” (“Rhymes”)

The lines of famous poetic works are “translated” into prose. Try to recognize them.

For example: “Cold and bright. A wonderful part of the day.” - Frost and sun! A wonderful day.

Bad weather covers the earth with darkness, raising snow in a column. Either she screams like an animal, or she roars like a child.(The storm covers the sky with darkness, spinning snow whirlwinds...) I am behind a fence, in a damp and dark room. A young bird raised in a cage, my sad friend, eats raw meat.(I’m sitting behind bars in a damp dungeon. // A young eagle raised in captivity, // my sad comrade, flapping his wing, // pecking at bloody food under the window.) Airy clouds, immortal travelers! You are rushing through a blue field, lining up one after another, like me, driven out from your beloved north in a southerly direction.(Heavenly clouds, eternal wanderers! // Through the azure steppe, in a chain of pearls // you rush, as if I were exiles, // from the dear north to the south...)

Station 13 "Duty letter"

Compose a short text in which all words begin with the same letter. (For example:Vitya climbed into the bath. Vera took the fork from the vase. Here's a bucket of water.)

The letter K is on duty.

The letter P is on duty.

Station 14 "Skorogorovkino".

Say a tongue twister.

Two puppies are nipping cheek to cheek at a brush in the corner.

The queen's gentlemen sailed to her on a caravel.

By the pond in the grass in the darkness, crayfish rustle in a noisy fight.

“Tell me about your purchases.
What about purchases?

About shopping, about shopping, about your shopping!

5. Reflection.

How to maintain the purity of speech while you study? There are no reliable recipes. But the techniques adopted and approved by you will help preserve the purity of the Russian language:

Don't say bad words yourself.

Don't copy others.

Don’t talk like everyone else, don’t try to be like someone else, maintain your originality and remember:“It is not what goes into the mouth that defiles it, but what comes out of the mouth.”

Write down the sentence:

My speech is my mirror, my dignity! Real control is control from within.

- How do you understand this expression?

Student answers.

We have no power over the speech of others, but we are masters of our own words.

Let them always say about you: “These are cultured people who have a culture of feelings, a culture of communication, who know how to speak and write correctly, beautifully and expressively!”

I.A. Bunin

“The tombs, mummies and bones are silent,”
Only the word is given life:
From ancient darkness, at the world graveyard.
Only Letters sound!
And we have no other property!
Know how to take care
At least to the best of my ability, in days of anger and suffering
Our gift is priceless speech.”

6. Homework:

Essay-miniature“For the purity of Russian speech”!




"Az, beeches, lead"



"In the world of words"





"Az, beeches, lead"



"In the world of words"


